See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 455, Liangshanpo, everyone and the drama

Going out of the basketball hall, Apa has traveled to the location of Senlo, see Apac, did not avoid it, just silently blocked Eliza behind him, entered the battle state, because in Apa Check such a top-level person, as long as he is heart, you can't run away.

Robert, Robert, quietly stretched the hand behind the breath after feeling the breath of Apac, opened the insurance on the gun.

But when I came to the near, Apac did not say what I did, but I greeted him kindly: "Teenagers, you are good, don't put it in such a terrible boom. Are you a disciple of the Agad Brothers? I am Apah. "

"Yes, Hello, Hello, Mr. Apac, I know you, you are the brother of Agad Master, Agad Master always hangs you in the mouth, but did not expect that the last pirate ship didn't even Join the living! "

Although this is said, Senli still did not relax vigilance, but see Apacha with his head and said: "That is not of course, people's life is only once, if they are dead, there is no ok, killing it is Bad children doing things, although Apa tea on the previous ring is also bad children, but now Apac is like a child, so I don't want to kill people again. "

Looking at a strong man with a height of two meters, it is like a child. It is usually said that he is really tone. Senlo has some difficult to accept. It has always listened to the Agad Master to say that his brother is not a lot. There is a heart of the son, it is the wonder of the martial arts. It was originally thought that the brothers were blown up to the business of the brothers, but today I saw the Master Agard Master, a unfull 30 is among the top A level. Level, it is not a simple thing, this IQ and psychological age are slightly lower.

Silver didn't help but frown, asked: "What is the so-called good child to do our school?"

Asked by Senlo, Apac's replied: "Qiu Yu said that we are coming to participate in a fun event called [], although Apac doesn't know what it is, but autumn rain says it is a Eating a good place to drink, Mei Yu is still going to perform a drama today ... "

Speaking of this, Apac suddenly became more shocked: "Not good! Apac is too long, the performance of Mefei started, Apac is going back to the US feathers, otherwise it will To be jealous of autumn rain. "

"Cut, don't you only come to a living!"

Just as Senlo thinks about the information revealed in Apac, a big hand is very fast to grab it.

Because there is no murder on Apac, Senlo's perception is slow, when he realizes, Apac's big hand has gathered in the iron clamp.

"Go to the drama together, Mei Yu rehearsed very hard this month, you also come to the US feathers!"

Senlo struggled to say: "I don't want to go, fast, I still have something in the afternoon, ah ah ~~~"

Haven't finished it, Apac has rushed out and set off a lot of dust, and Senluo was caught by him, like a kite, it hangs behind him.

Robert, they saw it immediately, but they were ruthlessly throwing them with Apac. Fortunately, I would like to watch the drama before Apac, so that they still don't want to find now.


"Apac, why do you take this person?"

In the field of performance, there was a picture of the first-ranking of the first row, and the Baibin side and one others were waiting at Apac. After a little messy, Silver, who couldn't help but feel a headache.

Apac is really saying: "This is the disciple of the Agard brother, I brings to the US feathers."

"(; ¯ ¯ ¯) So, do you ask if you ask people?"

Apac is todped with a bit: "Yes, more people come to the US feathers, and the beauty should be very happy."

The ghosts have been reversed: "But do you know why he is? This is not a disciple of people, if it is [Dark], the group is mistaken to think that we have to declare war to them?"

Apac is innocently looked at the ghosts. "Why? Why? Apac is just wants to invite this teenager to see the Mei Yu's drama, no bad things."

When I saw Apac, everyone was helpless, and the autumn rain of Yue Temple came to Senlo, and Senlo thought he had to do it, and the next consciousness wanted to pull away.

But I didn't find it. The Queen Temple autumn rain is easy to take on his shoulder, help him get a good clothes, then say sincerely: "Teenage, Apa Tea has a very rude thing for you, I am Here, I apologize to you, but please believe us, we are just in order to participate in the sacrifices, there is no malicious. Saver, you are now looking at the show, we will never stop you, you please "

Senli nodded: "I hope you are telling the truth."

Then Senlo first retired backwards. After kicking the safety distance, it was found that the live people did not have any action, so a flashed out of the door.

After coming, Senluo can contact Robert to tell them about the situation and location, let them rest assured, do not have more ways.

In a short while, Alissa came to the venue and Senlo Convergence in Senlo, and read it carefully. After determining that Senluo did nothing, several people all loosened.

"Senli, you are fine, you are fine."

"Senlo, did they do anything to you?"

Looking at the seven mouths of eight tongues comforting their own people, Senlodo is to appease their emotions, then think about how to say their own sister, should look at it, so I will invite people to everyone: "How, Come here, do you want to watch a drama together? "Romeo and Juliet", your girl should like this thing? "

Several people have accepted the invitation sent by Senlo, unrelated dramas, purely because it is the invitation of Senlo.

After buying a ticket, several people found a row of positions near the door, and the stage of the stage in the venue has begun.

I saw the valley of a medieval style costume, the Yutian Temple, Mei Yu, who was in the same sound on the stage.

"Ah! Who is you led to cross the difficult danger, come here, Luo Mi Ou!"

"It is love leads to see you, no matter how far you are from me, even if you are in the opposite side of the sea, I will definitely stepping on the journey for your treasure ..."

Looking at the terrace, the two people who were shame and twelve, and the two people who were playing each other, Al Lisa said: "Romeo on that station is the hidden man under Otudin? Why do he fist with a living? The person stirred together? "

Senlo shakes his head: "Saver, who knows, maybe it is convenient to mix after mixing with the disciples of the living! At that time, I was about to be customized and not involved in the action of his apprentice. I don't know if I have specific. "

Robert evaluation in the side: "No matter how his purpose, the hob is really good. At first glance, it is in the exercise of the god of the god, but in fact, according to the reaction of the audience, it will change the style of the acting skills. The disciples can have this observation and attention. "

Senlo shrugged: "Well, it can be just right, otherwise it will not become a disciple of the carrier month. This is like actually hate acting, and the martial arts move that is coming out of time It's all kind of people who are at all. "

Everyone is slightly surprised: "It turned out to be [Boxing God] The disciple of the horse moon, no wonder can be so talented."

Interpretation, the valley on the stage is three steps in the field, and turn around to the side of the US feather in counterclockwise.

Seeing this action, Senlo can't help but frow: "Gu Ben Xiaamu guys actually use it inadvertently [anti-three talent step], this flaw can escape the next day, the sky, the fist, the horse, the eyes of the horse. It's still not enough to come to him. However, the school is prevailing, I hope they will not doubt. "

As Senli wants that Ma Sword Star does see that Gu Ben Xia is actually a practitioner on the stage, but he will change it. It is the place where Wuli is prevalent. There is a student, there is no uncle, so there is no Deep thinking deeply.

After a while, the drama was in the end of the two people who died in the end of the two. When the curtain was falling, the audience broke out of the applause, and the feeling of feelings is more touched. As if a little girl watching Korean drama is full of tears.

The Queen Temple Autumn Rain will hand in the past: "Is it?"

Reverse ghosts to look at the ceiling, I want to stop tears, I still have the mouth: "Stupid, I am because the spotlights are shaking, never because I am touched."

Everyone looked forward to the ghosts: " _ What you lie is still as good as it is."

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