See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 465, Square, Liangshan Bo

Senlo nod to agree: "Since the same thing is the meaningful person, then I will say it with you."

Immediately, Senlo said: "[Irrigation Huang Fish] Looking at the full-legged 108 dishes can also be calculated into the head of the head of the big dish, this dish is difficult to have three, one is the whole fish, the second is the soup mixed, three It is bombing. "

"The whole fish is out of bone, you need to know this fish's texture, first take a small mouth in the mouth of the fish, then take a small mouth in the intracell, then use the kitchen knife from the mouth of the fish mouth, along the fish The main bone will be involved in all the fibers of the fish bone. The whole fish bone is pulled out from the fish mouth. In the process of cutting, the smaller the space to fleate the knife, the more it is easier. Broken, the big yellow croaker is very rare and expensive, as long as it breaks a small eye, this whole fish is abolished, so the requirements for the tools of the cuisine are very high. "

"In addition, after you go out, you should take a good sorghum wine immediately. I will fill in the fish mouth. At the same time, I will see if there is a vulnerability. If the fish body is intact, I will rub with a few wipes. Salt's green onion is reinserted from the mouth, putting the whole fish that has no bones, and hangs in the cool place. It is naturally air dried in the evening.

"You can enter the production phase after the setting is completed. This stage should be prepared in advance. In the fish, you can use a variety of materials, and then seal the fish mouth to burn. During the frying process It is very important to grasp the oil temperature, the oil temperature is too high, and the yellow fish will be collapsed in the process of fried, and the soup inside will leak out. This will also lead to the failure of this cuisine, so it is generally a hand. Holding a fish, one hand is constantly poured on the fish with oil temperature, until the fish is crispy. "

Looking at the meaninglessness of Senlo, Tei Yanyu, and the meaning of the words of Siro just now and the words, this is really not knowing how the practice can be made, this for the chef's technical requirements have been High arrival, the general chef can't succeed.

Suddenly, a heavy oppression is born: "This is the product of the cultural heritage of the Tianchao and the product that is born in the disadvantage. It is really terrible! People who do other places are probably the poor life. I can't think of it. Such some ideas and creative. "

Looking at the serious taste of the expression, Senlo encouraged: "Every place has their unique diet culture, and the food is too small. If you want to go farther on the road, you have to go out. The inherent circle, integrate yourself into a sponge, constantly absorb more new knowledge and new technologies, and make up the remedies and constantly improve yourself. Ok, I have to go to the cooking, teenagers, and try to study it. "

After saying, Senlo patted the shoulders of Jiyang, and greeted the guests and walked back to the kitchen.

After Senlo left, the waiters once again, the other cuisine was changed to the guests, until at this time, all people reacted that there were many delicious cuisine waiting for them, could not help but have the following other cuisine expectations. Get up.

But when people have the table, I saw the half of the semi-pot collapse in the autumn rain in the autumn rain, half sea cucumber, half a hydrangea, and half of the oily prawns, reverse ghosts It's a black, unwilling to call it.

"Hey, waiter, have you made a mistake, why is anyone else's whole cuisine and I am only half of the autumn rain?"

Seeing his reaction, [darkness] people laughed and did not speak, the waiter said something is a bit constant: "I am sorry, because the number of tables is fixed, we are also preparing the cuisine according to human heads, this time this time The table temporarily added two guests, so the chef of Senluo can only make this policy. "

The ghosts have looked at all and Mei Yu, and asked: "Why is it my and autumn rain, Apac is still another old horse?"

"Even if you ask ... this is what the chef decided by Senluo, we don't know why."

Because of the reaches of the reunion, the waiter, the waiter, the waiter, the woman is almost scared by him, seeing this situation, [Boxing] is a smile and ridicule: "Oh oh oh I didn't expect the famous [ ] reverse ghosts, and the momentum of the people will force ordinary people. It seems that Liang Shanbo is also falling. "

The ghosts are ready to take a table: "What is your guy says!"

Yue Temple Autumn Rain was busy taking a reverse ghosts: "The ghosts don't make trouble, people don't charge you, what else? And there are still many things, just half, 108 dishes are also enough to let you eat it. "

After listening to the autumn rain of the temple, the reverse ghosts were unwilling to quiet, but his eyes were very eye-catching, and there was a part of the food that was moving.

After I felt the late sight of the ghosts, I made a chilly. The instinct's reach out of the left arm blocked his tray, and then glanced over, I found that there was no problem, I immediately made a breath. .

At this time, Mei Yu, who is next to him, asked: "Part and Sang, you are really strange, why do you have to block meals?"

And a smile: "Ah Haha, don't you often have such a bridge in this way? Master suddenly shocked the disciple's meals for the training disciples."

Mei Yu shizes: ", I have a lot of people, we will not do such a good thing."

There is a good expression: "It is also said that the masters are all right people."

However, when he moved his arms, the ghosts were revealed, and a pair of chopsticks quickly stretched into a part of the part, accurately clamped only half of the abalone in his disc.

"Ah! I have specially left the abalone who wants to taste!"

In the case of the inverse ghost, in the side of the abalone plug in the entrance, I said: "Eating is also a ripple! If you are not willing to grab it back!"

After finishing, the ghosts are rejuvenated again to the parties.

But this time, while he is doing, several other people in Liang Shanbo also moved at the same time. In an instant, countless chopsticks gathered on a part and a bowl.

"Ah, Xiao Jin, it is really interesting ideas, satisfying your requirements, olders come."

"Apa Apa! Why have you been finished, Apac is helping you!"

"... one ... you don't hurry ... I have to have ... Oh."

"Hey, you have too much, um, I will also ginseng."

In the next moment, under the strikes of people, they were all fusion, and only one person licking the empty disk.

And a grievances look at the beauty of the ticket to him

"O (tωt) o Mei Yuzang ..."

The beautiful feathers who are smashed by the light-speed face is reached. "How can everyone like this, it is too pitiful!"

In the case of a few positions, the local crystal is also seen to the most hands-on the reverse ghosts: "Defense, how can you do this, don't you have a dignity of a special A-level person?"

The reverse ghosts said that they didn't care. "There is a practice in life, which is the spirit of cultivating [resident battlefront], I hope he can adapt to this weak meat food soon. Again, talk to you. Compared with the disciples training [dark], our approach is a lot of gentle? "

After listening to the explanation of the crown of the ghosts, the country has just helplessly swayed.

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