See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 470, Senlov, VS, Fosk (on)

Looking at the sudden appearance, Stahi is in the heart of the heart: "So fast, this person came out, I didn't see it at all!"

So, Supike asked: "Who is coming!"

The people did not pay attention to Skick, but he was sighed in his hand, sighed, faintly said: "Ji Tige Hall Sister, when you are stronger, when can you change it, in an explanation task? When I have warned, when I met the opponent's opponent, I should notify the cadres in the first time. I don't want to be very dry. I have to come in time. You may pay it here with these classes. "

As I said, I came out of my pocket and put it into Fu Leja's mouth, and I recruited two students to help Fuff Jaya.

Seeing the face of the people, the false apologies of Fusher's face: "Sorry, Senluo will, I really don't think that the strength between us is so big, just a hit, I have to have my life. "

"This is the insurmountable gap between the Daren and the disciples, and this guy is not a general person."

Yes, the coming people are being Senluo.

Before the Faviya's team was found after the tourists who fled, they came back, and when Staike slammed the fans to the dining car, they hid in the dining cart counter, and they directly contacted Senlo.

I was still preparing for today's dinner in the hotel. After receiving the help of the staff of the dining car, Senlo immediately put down the work in his hand and looking at the situation, and it was in a hurry. So I saved it.

Senlo picked up a wooden stick in Fali Yaya, returning to Skick: "Hey, big pieces, I recognize you, you are Skik, I am in Mr. Oliba when I am in M. I heard your name in the mouth, which seems to be a particularly dangerous figure in the circle. This time, the people under my hand will take care of you, but I dare to be so arrogant on my site, the courage is not small. "

Stoney grinned: "It is a pleasure, I am here to see the north, anything else is not related to me. Who is this kid?"

"My name is Wu Senli, and I've been a leader of the executive department here, and everyone you smash."

Listening to Senlo, like the previous, Staick extended his right hand to Senlo: "Your eyes ... I have an impression, it is said to have a horrible killer family in the East, there is no one. Exercising, is it you? First time, according to your customs, I think I want to hold a hand, I hope you can make me feel some things they can't feel. "

Senli, immediately reached out the right hand: "Amount, I didn't expect you to talk about the rules ..."

Haven't finished it, Stoney suddenly took the right hand, induced the Senli line, and the lower body lifted the legs and flew up and slammed into the past.

But this time his sneak attack did not get the same effect as the fantasy blade.

Only listening to Senluo: "I believe in you! Do you think that I can't see it!"

In an instant, Senlo's body is light and easy to flash off, and the hipster of the hips, and knock on the tibia of his calf.


Dramatic pain makes Stifick not to breathe, seeing a hit, Stoney immediately happened to jump after leaving the leg, and pulled the distance from Senlo.

Look at the active injured calf, trying to alleviate the painful Skick, Senlo put the wooden stick on the shoulder, grinned: "Honestly, your sneak attack is quite ordinary, it is quite obvious, but although the tibia is time Under the weight of the body, it is more robust, it can be smashed, you have just now, your tibia does not break, indicating that your body strength is still good, but just this way, you can say yourself If you are defeated, you will not be, obviously you are a frog in the bottom of the well. "

"Hehe, I have never experienced that kind of education, so I don't understand the so-called rules. I just used it, I hurt, you seem to be strong than they, I finally feel It's a feeling of fighting. "

After saying, Skik's foot is on the ground, the huge body leaned over the past, on the way, Sterik put together the roadside stall stove on a stove, fooled, burned, hot pan, fierce Take the head of Senlo.

Looking at the sturdy Skik, Senlo did not panic, but turned his head to see the Fuff Yaya, who was supported: "Jiu Tigels learned, the stick is called the ancestors of the hundred soldiers, the tuning, such as a long gun , Cut the knife, plus the length of your shorthe, it can be a sword in hand, and you can do it. It is a very ideal weapon. You have just touched it, you didn't master it. Essentials, I will give you a demonstration, you have to look at it seriously. "

The voice is falling, and the words of Senluo, the stick is in the hands of a long gun, point in the gods of Stoney's wrist, instant, Skik only felt that the arm was once, and then lost the control of the arm. The pan "" fell on the ground, and the fried noodles in the pot were sprinkled.

Then, Senlo is going back, and a stick is on the chin of Stoney, Suddenly, Stalker feels a sky, and the whole person does not consciously shake it to retreat.

However, Senlo did not give him an opportunity to restore the sense of sensory, and it was directly scanned and smashed on his knees.

Si Kemi felt that the body lost his support, kneeling in front of Senlo.

"Jiu Tige Hall Sister, I remember that I don't want to hurt when I face physical strengths than your opponent. I must pick the weak joints, because no matter how powerful people, how to exercise the body like steel, The joint is a place that can never be exercised. There are more than three hundred bones on people, and hundreds of joints, so it can be said to be full of flaws. "

Immediately, Senlo flew up, with the exact same posture as just now, on his face, kicking the huge body of Skick.

Looking at the Skik on the ground, Fu Raoya was shocked, and he said: "Hey, thank you for your guidance, Senluo will!"

After a while, Sifick climbed his head and climbed from the ground: "Yeah, you are really amazing, but this is more and more interesting, I can also worry about it. I have a lot of fun, I just just came to see the strongest creatures, I didn't expect to have such a big surprise waiting for me. "

On the other hand, Siki gram was separated from the feet, and the ten fingers slowly gathered their double punches.

"Do you think I am just a person who will sneak attack? Tell you, that is just that I have made the opponent in order to kill the opponent, my hands are destroyed by the goddess! I am playing out of my unchanging hand and foot. No breathing is playing, you will try it if you can hide! "

After saying, Staike deeply took a breath, the momentum, as if to take a vacuum around, with his movements, his chest gradually drums, and the whole half is doubled.

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