See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 473, Senlo's treatment

The car is galloped, I don't know how many red lights have been smashed, and Senlo is sent to the Affiliated Hospital of Emperor University with the fastest speed.

Get off, Senluo saw that the hospital is waiting for his English.

"British doctor, you are too taking time, I am very busy in these days."

The British doctor has two hands and ten, and the face apologetically said: "Ah, sorry, it is just that this patient is relatively high, only my ability, it is necessary to cure it is no problem, but I don't reach the time of him. So I think, if I have a way, I will come to you, but you can rest assured that the medical expenses will not be less. "

Senlo hooks: "Well, the people who come to the box will come, let me see the patient, watch the world's legend [God's hand] is actually cut off, it is really There is ironic. "

As I said, the two walked into the hospital, in the door of the operating room, Senlo saw the stupid alone waiting for it.

Seeing Senlo, the stupid alone was surprised to be young, but did not pretend to be the mainstay because he was young and despised with him, because the Senlona iconic eyes have exposed his identity.

"I didn't expect it to govern my hand, it was a famous Wu family."

Sen Luo smiled nodded: "Nothing is so strange, our Wu family's kung fu can kill can live, so the business content is very broad, I met, Mr. Yu, my name is Wu Senlu, is entrusted by the Polase doctors, come Take over, can you let me see if I am broken and wound? "

I nodded in the stupid, I took out the ice bag installed with broken hands: "Hey, here."

Senlo saw the next hand: "Oh, after the refrigeration, the stupid is very appropriate."

Then, Senluo, I pulled the foolish broken arm, looked at the wound, and I took the broken hand in the wound, and then said: "The pretty is the instant to tighten the muscles. After completing the hemostatic, Mr. Yun, your wound is not a sword cut? Is it a steel wire? "

I'm going to see it in a hurry: "Can you see it? It's just as you say, according to the hurt my guy said, it is a gravity with a ararratory fiber and titanium alloy. The most tip of the sintering in the state. "

Sori Ricui said: "Look at your wound, you know, your wound is too smooth, although the top-level people can really cut out the wound like you, but I don't think there will be top prisoners you said. Daren, the strength of the efforts must cause such a wound only with a thin and tough linear hidden. "

"However, I have an impression in that fiber. It is the material that Elisa has developed when he helps me do a wire cutter. It is indeed a magic of the era, but the diameter of 4 microns has a tension of more than 200 kilograms."

The stupid is swatches on the head: "Vegetables ...

"Yeah, I have been circulating the steel silk cutter of the ancient world, as long as it is used, whether it is used to scratch the fish, and the foot truncated material is effective, but later in order to return funds, Elisa has sold this material to the Midoma ax, Later, they have become a tits rope of astronauts, and they are used to weave a new generation of ultra-thin anti-sliders to come, but I remember that there is also a price of about 1 meter 5W y or so, I have been to the black market. The fiber in the hand should be there. "

Listening to Senlo, I didn't know where to spit out, and finally I had to sigh. "Yeah, now this world is going to mix, it is really not easy, I have already arrived. The martial artists must be forced to understand the scientific point. "

In this regard, Senlo is only a smile: "Haha, the martial art is not super power, more scientific exercise methods can also improve strength, this is also a era, okay, let's take treatment first."

After that, the British doctor took Senlo to the operating room, changed the operation of the operation, and the stupid she was ignorant on the operating table. "Mr. Yan, in order to avoid affecting your senses and recovery speed I won't use any anesthetic drugs in this treatment, so the treatment process will be very painful, please pat. But it is better, it is not difficult to do, let's start from the bones. "

The stupid alone glanced over the head, and said with a hoarse voice: "That's all the best, Mr. Wu Sen Luo."

Senlo picked up the Surgical tools prepared by the British doctors and sutures, first played holes on the bones of the broken hand and the broken arm, then put the needle strand through the two bones together, fixed The bone head is completely stitched with the foolish hand and the arm in the order of blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and skin.

Looking at the residual shadow of Senlo's hands, it is even surprised to forget the pain.

I don't know how long, I wiped the sweat of the forehead, and the tools of Senlo put down the hand, nodded, "" Zhizi, so that the suture is over, the stupid, trouble, you sit up "

"Oh ... oh!"

The stupid is So Sen's instructions sitting from the operating table, just want to hold the shoulder by Senlo: "Sit up, the treatment is not over."

On the other hand, Senlo took out the silver needle for acupuncture, a thorns into the left hand, left arm and the left half of the left half, not afraid, the left half of the foolish Plus the silver needle.

With the slow-moving silver needles on the acupoints, the left hand of the stupid alone gradually still recovered, and when Senlo pulled the silver needle, it was already slightly with his consciousness. Controls the palm of the hand.

The ignorant looks on the left hand that has been treated. It excitedly called: "It's so powerful! It's too powerful !!!! I feel clearly ... I can clearly feel the blood of the blood, itchy. , I want to go out now! "

In the face of excitement, he seized his left hand, then he didn't leave him with gypsum and bandage.

"Now go out to play people, it is early, but after 3 days, you can live a normal life without obstacles. If you want to explode the dog head of the death row, just wait a week."

The stupid is unique to laugh: "Haha, it is really a surprise continuous today. I didn't expect that the cure time was shortened to one-third. Mr. Senlo is really powerful."

"This is nothing, the killer is good, the martial artist is also, I want to better destroy the opponent's body. It is necessary to fully understand the structure of the human body. The structure of the human body is, if you do these things, you will be smooth. By the way, pay attention to nutrition, more protein and calcium, which is good for your injury. "

The stupid alone, respectful to Sen Luo: "This time, I am so thank you, Mr. Senlo, I will hit your account as soon as possible, I still have something to handle in my heart. First heaven. "

Said, foolishly left the operating room, when he came out of the hospital, the Eastern sky has flooked a fish belly, and Senli, the school employee who came to pick him back to school.

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