See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 476 Freedom Oliba

At the end of the meeting, Burt Yalian contacted the Black Pentagon prison in Arizona. In order to show enough sincerity, Xiaodae Mili gave himself a plane ticket, and flew to Miki.

When Xiaodaugiman arrived at the Phoenix Airport International Airport in Arizona, the plane was immediately wearing a long trench coat, and the rice people with sunglasses called the name.

"You are Mr. Xiaoda Chimin? I am the prison long of Arizona Prison, Michael Halls, although we know that you can take a warm hotel at this time, you should take a warm hotel, comfortable to wash hot Bree, then drink a can of ice beer, but because of some reasons, please ask us to travel directly to the prison. "

Xiaodaeki nodded: "I am not going to go to see, don't have to pay more for me, let's go."

As I said, Xiaotian Chimen took the person who came to pick him up and prepared a car.

The car all the way, soon I drove in an unnecessary wilderness, on the highway that had no one person, only one car moved quickly.

In the car, Xiaodae, Kikami, louderly four endless wilderness, curiously asked: "I heard that your rice people have annoying work, but you are really diligent, so late, come out to pick me up."

Michael Holth smiled: "It's really nostalgia, I have had a teenager and you asked the same question. Mr. Xiaoda, maybe in your peace, it is difficult to understand, but this time Overtime work is all Mr. Olib's instructions, in Arizona prison, my prisoner can only be ranked second, MR's command is absolute. "

Xiaodaugin was surprised: "Mr. Olib actually knows that I am coming!"

Michael Halls's sunglasses ranked a reflection under the illumination of the street light: "Not just you want to come, even other things he also knows, there is no thing he doesn't know in this world."

Xiaodae Militan took a cold sweat on his forehead: "Is he really a prisoner?"

Michael Halls did not answer his front, but sold a close: "Don't worry, you will know there."

After about more than 2 hours, a huge building surrounded by a lacquer wall appeared in Xiaodaugomo's sight, which is the destination of his trip, with the "Black Pentagon], Arizona, Arizona, Arizona. Prison.

At the door, their car was stopped by the guard, one of the guards went to the car, Michael Halls took the head from the window: "It's me, the guest is coming, open the door, we are catching time."

However, that door guards did not open their doors immediately because he was a prisoner, but said very seriously: "Please pick up the sunglasses, I want to verify the identity."

"It's really nothing, you are too serious."

While complaining, Michael Halls, who is a prison, still picking sunglasses.

After verifying, the gates of the prison slowly opened, and Michael Halls had driven them.

Xiaodae Mili looked at the three-step jailers in three steps outside the window. He did not help but praised: "Here is to look at it from the look. It is like attracting the kind of prisoner. Even more prisons I have seen before. "

There is not far from the car, and it is a door to block their way, and there is also a prison call to ask questions to register their personal information.

Like this level, they have encountered 5 weeks, which makes Xiaotian Chimen can't help but be curious: "Can a man who is free to enter such a slight prison? What kind of monster is it?"

While thinking, Xiaotian Chimen was brought to a huge iron gate, and the two sides of the iron gate were a separate compartment, and a prisoner wearing a prisoner was held in every compartment.

Michael Halls first took out a ID card to brush it on the sensor of the iron gate, and took a key to open the door lock of the iron gate, and then made a gesture for Xiaotian Chimen: "Xiaotianche Mr., according to Mr. Oliba, you can only go alone from here, please. "

Into the interior of the iron gate, a completely different world appeared in front of Xiaotian Chimen, that is a long corridor, put a variety of precious artworks on both sides of the hallway, other decorations are also extremely high-end Atmosphere, and air conditioning will maintain room temperature at a constant comfortable temperature.

At the end of the corridor, it is a gorgeous wooden door, and Xiaodae Gilong came to the gate through the corridor, just wanted to knock on the door, the door was slowly opened.

I have passed the words that he is familiar with himself from the door: "Mr. Xiaodae? Please come in."

The sudden Japanese smashed Xiaota Ken Milu, and he calmed his heart, and the courage came in.

In the door, it is a luxury suit which is not lost in any five-star hotel in the world. The most in the room is in the room with a tall mighty figure, his body's muscles, the light is two thick. The arm is already going to catch up with normal adult women's waistline.

Just as Xiaotian, I was so angry, then the hill-like figure was elegant to his face, reach out his right hand holding his hand: "Hello, Mr. Xiaoda, I am the Oliba you are looking for."

The oppression and pain from the hand pulled the thoughts of Xiaodaugmin back to the reality.

"Oh ... Oh, Hello, Mr. Oliba, your ."

Loosing the hand holding Xiaodaugmin, Olib returned to the sofa in the room, while reaching out to Xiaodae Mili also sit down together, then opening: "Mr. Xiaoda, please let me go down, let you just down the plane Just here, actually waited tomorrow, but this person is an acute child, what is going to solve quickly. "

When I said, Olib suddenly thought of what I thought, got up to the freezer of the wall: "Right, the boat is really hard, do you want to drink some? I just have a good champagne in Ice, but you. Should I prefer beer? The Qingdao beer in the Tianchao is very good, and there is the goods. "

"Ample ...?"

Oliba's freedom in prison has once again refreshed the three views of Xiaoda Chimen, the prisoners in prison actually drunk all kinds of drinks from all over the world, this is what he did not think about before.

On the other hand, after the color has, Olib is a bottle of ice champagne.

I saw that he pulled out the champagne with his fingers, and took out two high cups, gave himself and Xiaotiange Missimo fell a cup.

"Come, Mr. Xiaoda, taste it, this is a good thing to privately customized by my Baatri, I can't see it on the market."

After that, Olib ignored the surprised Onthetin Minshen, and she took the champagne in the cup, then ignited a cigar, and smoked a bit.

"There is also a cigar ..."

This Okaigui has been unable to vomit.

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