Oliba walked out of the prison with Mary and Xiaotaugiman shocked, all the way, all the prison sews have died in their down, and Olibai waved as a leader who came to inspect, only Xiaotian Chimen felt that he felt his body behind him.

After a while, a few people came to the helicopter on the prison, and the Hell Michael Halls had prepared a helicopter waiting there.

"Mr. Olib, according to your requirements, helicopters and subsequent aircraft I have been prepared for you, this helicopter will send you to the airport."

Olibai encourages children to use their own big hands to smash his head: "Michael, do good, let you do things are really worrying."

Said, Olib took Mary to sit on the helicopter. Octa Chi Mei was originally wanted to follow, but he didn't intend to turn his head afterwards, and then suddenly pointed at the wall of the prison. Get up: "Mr. Oliba, what is it!"

In the direction of his fingers, a huge portrait on the wall of the prison. In the portrait, Olib took Maria with its broad mind, Maria also looked at Olib, it looked two people. Deta-love.

"Ah, I was discovered by you, that is, I forced a few prisoners who have used a false banknote to help me painten, how, the painter is still not bad, but according to my request, they will make my hair more dense. some."

After that, Olibu was also toned to Xiaodae Milito blinking.

In this regard, Xiaodaekmin can only report to hilarious: "Ha ... haha, there is still a huge portrait of prisoners on the walls of prison ... It is too shocked."

Later, the helicopter sent 3 people to the Phoenix Airport International Airport in Arizona, where they were a Boeing 747-8 luxury private passenger plane.

The renovation of the entire airplane is very tall, just a villa that flies in the high altitude. It is more necessary to book, restaurant, meeting room, room, entertainment room, bedroom, etc.

There is only 3 people in the big plane, compared to the hostels who are in the living room. .

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane landed in Taxi Airport in Tokyo, it was already the next afternoon.

Xiaodian Chimen arranged in advance, the reception personnel have been waiting at the exit of the airport.

3 people were out of the airport, and the reception staff immediately gave Oliba and Maria to put the car on the car. Subsequently, the car put three people galloped in the direction of the police station.

Oliba and Maria sat in the back row, it was still a spacious car, and there were many narrows in front of the two people.

When traveling on a viaduct, Oliba saw the dense lady through the window and the crowd constantly flocked to a light, like a general building group.

So he asked: "Mr. Xiaoda, isn't we going now? Is this not the direction of the destination I want to go?"

"Of course, you will go to the police room. Today, the next book is to meet the relevant personnel of the police, and then send you to the hotel."

At this time, the Maria sat around Olib was dissatisfied: "What do you say! Don't you catch up with the dinner of Senlo? Now give me the direction of the direction, send us to the Queen's Cartoise College! "

Xiaodae Militan is serious: "This is related to the safety of the people of Tokyo and so many people, it is not going to slow, so you will be difficult!"

Maria a shooting seat: "What do you say! I have a dear, but I will help you, but you don't take yourself too much!"

Xiaodae Militan closed, but did not stop there, a deputy, now I have already got on the bus, can I will nate.

The angry Maria's face angry looks to Oliba on the side: "Dear! This is not the same as before we have said!"

Seeing Maria's look, Olibi hurriedly traveled: "Well, dear, everything has me, I will solve."

Then Oliba turned to Xiaotian Chimen: "Mr. Xiaoda, I don't know if I can give me some private space with my dear Maria?"

Xiaodaek Militan suddenly tight: "What do you want to do!"

"Do you think I have to listen to you? Do you know why I am called the world's most free man? That's because there is no action in this world to limit my action!"

The voice is falling, Olib is slamming a punch against the door with the moment of Thunder.


Just listening to a loud sound, the door seems to be flying from the inside of the arm, and the whole out of the body, "" hit the car and flew out.

A car who followed in the back of the car hit the palette of the viaduct.

The dramatic airflow poured into the car at once, and did not wait for Xiaoda Chi Men to react, Olib has already picked up the Maria next to him.

"Mr. Xiaodae, we will first complete your own purpose, as for guys in FBI, if you really want to see me, let them come to the Queen's Cartine College to meal together, I have a table of 20 people. In fact, there are still a lot of empty, then, let's see, worship ... "

After that, in Outukigan and the driver surprised, Oliba hugged the Maria's figure flashed out of the galloped car, then he slammed on the fence of the viaduct, flying and jumping High bridge.

"Yeah! You guys! Give your old lady!"

When the drops, in Mary's mood, the Oliba took Mary, one hand grabbed the street lamp under the bridge, and a professional album player also looked with a single-hand loop. The impact of the drops was large, and then the hand was leaped and stably landed.

On the viaduct, Xiaodae Milo in the car reacted from the shocked.

"Parking! Parking!"

"Hey ... Hey!"

At this time, the driver has been frightened. After receiving the instruction, he reacted it, and stepped on a foot brakes, a tail of the car, leaned the car to the roadside.

After the car stopped, the two came to see the situation, but the two were looking for a long time in the edge of the viaduct, nor did the gods of Oliba and Maria.

"Minister ... looks like ... they have ran away ..."

Xiaodae Militan is gloomy, as ink: "This also uses you! You can't see it! Let them contact the police station, let them pick us up, to inform other representatives, let them go directly to the Queen's Cartoise College."

Xiaodae Mili contacts the police after the police, the wrecker arrived at the scene, followed by a police car, Xiaotian Chimin launched a police car, and the direction of rotation toward the royal cherry.

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