See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 489, a color intervention

There are still many examples like I. Some people are in order to resist reform, and some people are proud of them, and they have not put the popular cultural recipes from Senli in their eyes, but the results are concerned, these People have tasted the bitter fruit that does not work according to regulations.

Of course, these are all things that Silo will not care, because the previous Rui Mountain branch is also tactical strategy, no one can find these leadership to eat, he will return the recipe to the instructor after recovery A campus life that is easily pleasant before.

It is a pity that the good scene is not long, because the Ruishan Zhizi also proposes to demolish the poor star, in order to let him withdraw this proposal, Xing Pin, the true meaning, the judges, the judges, the enemy, to Rui Mountain It is proposed to apply for food.

The results are self-evident, in the resilience of the fathers of the drug and the full star, the Rui Mountains, all ready to attack, and finally on the food 0- 3 The defeat has given a fortune.

After the end of the Ruishan Zhili, Senli was invited to the Ten Jie office by Siwei.

When I entered the door, I saw that Xiaolonglong had a hand-held neck of Ruishan Zhizhi, and it applied to him a similar career wrestling, and a group of people were clapping.

"Rui Mountain, you have used so many small means, but I also gave the sister three more than zero, I originally thought that your guy is just a good leash, the strength is still affirmative. , But now it seems that your strength is returned! It is not enough to give sistement to the sister! "

Xiaolin dragon, the more you say, with the strength of her arm gradually enhanced, Senli seems to see a white object slowly floated from Rui Mountain branch.

So Senlo attracted the attention of everyone at a timely manner: "Oh, you are here, I am sorry that I am late."

Seeing Senlo came in, the movement of Xiaolinlong dileriene, Ruishan Zhizi also quickly took the opportunity to break away her claw.

Looking at the Ruishan Zhiliang, who had coughing and coughed with the neck, Senlo put a pair of seniors's gesture, and he said, "Rui Mountain, although I am very appreciated with Elisa. Your business can, but you seem to have inverted it. It takes too much time in business, so that your strength will fall, the cuisine is like martial arts, if you don't enter the boat, you should spend more. In your own cuisine, after all, the iron is still hard, in front of the absolute power, any conspiracy trick is weak. "

Ruishan Zhizi also put his head: "Cut, this is not worry."

In this regard, Senluo also didn't say much. Just find a position and sat down, and looked at Si Yushi: "San, this time, I have something to come here?"

Si Yizhi was awkward by double work. He deeply sighed, said: "That, listen to me said Senluo, I have known it, I will already know, put forward the cheating strategy Rui Mountain Jun It has failed, and this is an opportunity, and a color Jun seems to be swallowed in advance, and now we [China Food Agency] is forced to accept the reservoir's food. "

"Σ ( ° д °;) Ni! I am happy salted fish ... No, the campus time! Just away from me? The guy in the village is good!"

However, Siwuxi said that Senlo finally found a color of the smile on his face.

Si Yu said weakly: "Okay, one color, now people are all, can you tell us about your proposal?"

One color is coming out of the corner, and takes out a stack of printed A4 paper, distributes into everyone's hands.

"Compared to me, I think everyone will look more convenient to it."

I took the paper, and I'm looked at the ten lines: "Hamham, [to disseminate the eclipse rules of the essays of the study]?" ... (= ω =;) This is a naming of China and II. Um ... This category application, [Central Food Agency] must be forced to accept ... The game is prohibited from any form of contact with the judges before the game. .. It turns out to limit people like Rui Mountain as a non-fair and fair right in such a variety of strips boxes to ensure the fairness of the game? "

One color is nodded: "It is true, because Ruishan Jun has a little played this time."

Senlo threw the rules instructions on the table: "But then come back, Ruishan Jun lost the game, you will take this race, it seems to be prepared, as if it is, it will win, you will win. What is it? "

One color Hui has opened his own blink, and he said seriously: "That is of course, create a man, he understands the man, he is understanding, the value of a cuisine can only pass his The cuisine is measured, so I believe that the degree of Ruishanjun is the degree of cheating. He must easily reverse the turn, since this, then the important thing is that after that, for everyone, the real battle is in Rui After the game lost the game, I could start it. And I have to do it for this war. "

Senli hammer hand: "It turns out, so all this is what you expect, it is planned."

"Yes, but also because of this, my tenjie has been deprived of the new chief. I have a long time I have long, I have long, I seem to have a new chief, I don't agree, I don't agree. [Central Food Office The people who think will continue to stay in Ten Jie's seat will be very troublesome, so they will completely solve the people in the past. "

As if it has already been expected to have such a result, there is no movement of a colorful tone.

On the side of Xiaolong Dragon couldn't help but feel said: "One color is, you are really a thought-minded guy, this time you have been put by you."

Sitting on her opposite her, there is a sideline, while smashing the doll while licking: "Just because a color of your guy is bored, the peach is forced to be low than yourself. A lot of fakes have diet, and the peach is very unhappy. Those guys are not the opponent of the peach, I feel that I have no problem directly to win. "

A colorful smile, sitting in Saito, sitting on the koi to take a picture of her head: "Peach, you give up this unrealistic idea, but I am against cheating from the beginning, now In this way, the fairness of the game has been guaranteed, and we can use strength to hunt them with strength. "

Everyone has agreed that although they did this, although they did this, they didn't hurt, because everyone in Block had absolute confidence to her strength.

In the end, Si Yu has always concluded: "Then I will take this resolution through this resolution, and I will try to prepare for the war." Hunting the Party] will officially start. "

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