See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 502 Guo Hai's Countermeasures

At the end of the game, the Lie Haiwang finally understood the meaning of the words before Senlo. After they experienced, the Lie Haiwang found out when the Haiwang's level has slipped to an incredible trough.

Seeing the channel of the channel, the Lie Haiwang is a little bit: "Senluo, you are right, the quality of the sea is really a scary level."

Senli shrugged: "You know, although it is a bit wrong by my foreigners, but this is not good, there is still a game in the first round, and the local entrants will also Will n't more than 3 people, you understand the strength of Mr. Yong Lang, if Guo Haihuang is 50 years old, dealing with Mr. Wong Lang is more than enough, but now Guo Haihuang, it is really not necessarily the opponent of Yong. If this time The title of the sea flows to the foreign countries, you have to lose our face ... "

At this moment, a staff member came to them, holding a gift against them: "The King of the Lie Hai, Wu Haiwang, Guo Haihuang have please, please come with me."

The two glanced at it, and Senlo saw doubts from the eyes of Lie Haiwang, so he said: "Don't think too much, I don't know, I want Guo Haihuang realized that I have just said. What kind of countermeasure should he consider? "

On the one side, Senli followed the footsteps of the staff.

Lie Hai Wang's heart thoughts on Senlo's guess, followed two people to a room in the venue.

Pushing in, the Lie Haiwang found that the original called is not only yourself, the next game, Fan Hawang and Maoha King are still standing on the wall of the room. In the middle of the room, in addition to the Guo Haihuang, who is sitting in a wheelchair, the three old men in the martial arts are also in column.

Seeing the King of the Sea came in, Guo Hai said that he said: "You haven't come yet, let you take a break, it is sorry, there is a little, you are also, trouble, you have a special run. I am. "

Sen Luo smiled nodded, and the Lie Hai Wang immediately waved: "Where, I have not much consumption, please don't put it on my heart."

"Is this? That's right, you talk about your feelings."

Guo Hai's question made the Hihai Wang.

"Ha? What do you mean?"

"I asked you, what do you feel through the game you have just been?"

The Lie Hai Wang immediately glanced at the old man of the three martial arts, as a truth: "Since you ask, then I said, I feel very disappointed."

Guo Haihuang took the thigh: "Sure enough, do you feel? Good people are also the title of the Haiwang, there is only such a power, the first round is now not eliminated, there are only two people. This championship is really ridiculous. Everyone I am listening, I can't let foreigners get the title of the sea, absolutely can't. "

The voice falls, Guo Haihuang hands "" drums two, as the sound sounded, and there were two men and a woman in the door.

Senlo turned to two people, the man wearing a sleeveless Tang suit, staying with two mustache, a long hair was tied after the brain, and a bird cage was fixed on the top of the head. There is no call.

And the woman is a big red practice dress that can be seen everywhere, covering the explosion of it is difficult to cover up, a long hair shawl, long before and his own wife, Malian, the daughter, Malian, is actually there. Sixty-seven points, just a bit of a bit of mature championships.

Guo Hai said: "These two are the Mrs. Mass and Black Tiger White League, the Mrs. Wang, the Mrs. Hua and Black Tiger Baolongmen, who is the most important horses, who are in the face, pick up the helper, pick up Down, I want to be Silver, Xiao Lie and I have me, plus these two groups of coalitions, and launched 5V5 challenges to those foreigners. "

When I heard this, I originally leaned on the wall and the Maohai king instantly did not calm down.

Maohai Wang rushed in Guo Hai, "Please wait, I have not played the game, and I have to choose the joint military member, shouldn't you choose between us? Why is the teenager meeting? Is it inside? "

Maohai king reached a finger, and the words were quite dissatisfied.

On the side of the martial arts, the three old men in the martial arts are also whispered.

"That is to say, not just the foreign little ghost, and why do you want to send a woman to play, this is an unprecedented thing in the competition."

"Yes, even if Guo Haihuang, you are the Thai martial arts world, the permissions are great, but such a chaotic thing is that our martial arts should not be recognized."

For a few people's question, Guo Haihuang did not be angry. He slowly stood up from the wheelchair, and said to the three old man: "3 of the martial arts, you are also a martial art. , Please reach out of the most commonly used hand. "

The three old men were unclear, and they were linked to each other, and then extended their right hand.

"Hey, although it has been old, but your hand is still full of muscles, it seems that these years have been well maintained, and they are rushing to the little girl."

Guo Hai is nodded in a seemingly satisfied, and then the hand of the three people is set together.

When I said it later, I saw Guo Haihuang, I didn't know where I took a bamboo stick, and I took the hand, I actually put it out of the palm of the three people.

I haven't waited for the three old ages, Guo Haihuang immediately followed the hand knife, the hand shadow, the three old men were spiked, and the hand left the body forever left their body, blood sprayed. Out, reddish the floor of the room.

Looking at the three people who hugged the arm, Guo Haihuang cold channel: "The Yuan of this situation is your martial arts, but you can't help but know, you can't scream in front of me, this is punishment, good Careful to the ring. "

Said, Guo Hai did not retreate the three people on the ground, and I went to the Maohai king, when I walked, I still said: "There is you, you still have a face, or you have a good job, I And why did it come out, and then, the Wu's family in this boy is a family of Wujia, Wujia, still has frequent people in the two sides. To say that he is our people here, but also The master of this teenager is also the character of the Tianchao, and once told him to help me. "

Looking at the getting closer, Guo Haihuang, Maohai Wang Head can't help but sweat: "He .. Teacher ... Master?"

Senlo hugs this gift: "My master is called the horse, but it is a martial artist called [boxing ghosts]!"

Listening to the name of the horse moon, those who are originally unconscious are shameful.

Take this opportunity, Guo Hai is reached out of a river, hitting the Maohai King's brain, instant, Maohai king twice, fainting on the ground.

"Okay, there are less people in this noise."

As I said, Guo Hai looked at the Fan Haiwang: "How, Fan Haiwang wants to try?"

Fan Haiwang went to the head, picking up the Maohai King on the ground, said that he should take him to the medical room treatment, he hurriedly left the room.

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