See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 506 is spiked by the fans and teeth

In the lounge, I looked at Oliba lying on the bench. Fan Ma Yonglang is playing on his body: "Oliba, your guy lost, this is not as your style. what."

Oliba sighed: "Hey, the last final is still very good, if the head is used to use it, the situation may not be the same, it seems that we are really too small to see the martial artists of the Tianchao, that kind of Can cause harm to me, speed is more faster than me, it is a foul, and you can be careful. "

Olib's encounters let other people clearly cognized, the previous sea king's strength and the current opponents are clouded, listening to Olib, except Fan Ma Yong Lang is still full of confidence Others have put away the idea of ​​the heart.

On the other hand, in the lounge of the Tianchao, Guo Haijie sat in a wheelchair but smiled and kept. "Happy and pleasant, it is so good, Xiao Hui, you are very big, there is Your Zhu Yu is in front of you, you must be a good song! Haha, I was still thinking about whether it is really not good, I have been played by me. Now it seems that I have a lot of it. "

On the side, Senlo is helping Hui people to deal with the injury. Although Hui Minmin has finally blocked, he unexpectedly win Oliba, but his injury is not light, in Olib's giant head Under the hammer, Huilly people's upper jaws, nose bones, and some cheeks bones have suffered a crushed fracture, and the entire places have been depressed, and in this case, they have not lost consciousness. Not easy.

I heard Guo Hao's calculations, Senlo one black line: "Guo Old, I didn't expect you to have this intention in the dark, and the strength of the strength is also the extent to which the strength is also the extent, not so easy to lose. And In my opinion, Mr. Oliba is already the second strong force in the opposite team. The next game will not be lost. "

Guo Haihuang smiled: "Oh, Silo kid, you don't understand, this can only explain that the title of the Haihuang is worth doing this."

At this time, the voice of the host is ringing: "The second game is about to start, please ask the two sides to prepare."

Guo Hao looked at everyone in the lounge: "Who will you go?"

Everyone looked at it, Mrs. Ma slowly stood: "I am going well, very fast, I will go back."

Guo Hai nodded and delivered the Mrs. Ma walked out of the lounge.

Just went to the exit, the Lie Haiwang saw the figure opposite the standing scene, so he said to the Madam of Ma: "Mrs. Ma, please wait, although you don't need to worry, but I think about your opponent, there is Don't tell you something. "

The Madman is wonderful: "What is going to say now?"

"Do you have heard the fighting championship held in the Summer Tokyo Downtown this summer?"

Mrs. Ma: "Something, is it Xiao Lie, what do you participate?"

"Well, I want to say, now the boy in the field, that is, your opponent fan-headed teeth, he is the champion of the championship, and he is the son of the strongest creature of the surface, Fan Ma Yonglang."

The Madman is interested in the eyes of Fan Ma's blades, and looks back to the Lie Hai Wang, rising his mouth, showing a smile: "Haha, Xia Lie, you are really unexpectedly care. , Andrews, that tournament is that you seem to be a master like a master, but in my opinion, even the champion is just a little ghost, Xiao Lie your strength is far away, etc. You got at this level, you will understand. "

Said, the Mass took a sho of the shoulders of the sea, and then he hit a lot of power that did not lose to the horse moon and Ma Jianxing. He left a slap in the martyrs of the cold sweat, not moved into it. Field.

At this time, the Fan Malang blade stood in the field, saw the Mrs. Ma played, when I felt the momentum of the shake, I immediately opened the hair, because the other party is a woman who has naturally produced and sweeping. And the instinct entered the highest warning state, so powerful momentum, because he only felt on his own old fan.

In the channel after the fanma blade, the same feelings of this momentum, Fan Ma Yong, does not feel wrinkled, self-speaking: "Oh, this is not ok, the blade is to lose."

On the field, the copper "Duang!" Was rings, indicating that the game has begun.

Fan Ma's blade is a ground, it is like a string of the arrow, and quickly rushed to Mrs. Ma.

After the mentality adjustment, Fan Ma's blade has no trembling.

"Let me try it with you, see how many gaps I have and old."

Said, Fan Ma blade is a punk, and it is aimed at the tip of the horse, but when his fist is close to the horse, the Madam suddenly shakes, disappeared in his before.

Then, a dozen Mrs. Mrs. appeared at the same time, stepped on the most basic mud step in the gossip palm under the foot, surrounded by him in a circle.

"It turns out that with the benefits of excellent physical fitness, the speed is impeccable, but it is no wonder that Xiao Lie will look at you, this age can have such strength. But you have to remember Some people have a day outside people, and they will have a first time, especially if you have a strong woman, this is extremely unwise. "

The words of the Madam came from all directions, and Fan Ma's blade was fundamentally different from the position of Mrs. Ma.

Just as he hesitated, a jade hand came from the front, and the printed Qinglong printed is over his face, and the feet of the whole person is blooming off, then the jade The hand is gently pressing down, and the fan-shaped blade is "plop" fell on the ground.

Suddenly, there are more people on the ground, and the fans of the fans are lying in the past.

Immediately, the Madam's figure was built, and it was really true, and the head did not return to the lounge.

Seeing such a spike, the audience was surprised to forget the sound, just looked at everything in front of him, until the host's victory declared, the audience had returned to God, then it was a cheer and cheering. .

When Fan Ma blade woke up, he was lying on the bench in the lounge.

He stood up and found that he was calm and looked at him.

Fanma blade this only realized: "It turns out ... I lost it."

Fan Ma Yongshi shook his head: "Don't care, just that woman is too strong."

After him, Silent Haiwang is also coming over, encouraging: "Black teeth, this time is far from you, you can have it, don't be discouraged, you are so strong, you are on you, I saw the bright future of the young generation of the martial arts industry. How do you want to work with me, your strength should be used for more people, so you will become more powerful. "

There is no response to this fanal blade, but it is only low in the lower head.

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