Fan Ma Yong said his own masterpiece: "See it? This is my style, do you understand? The old man, the so-called battle is the liberation of strength, relax can not vent your strength. What is your dissection, what is done, or Leave you yourself. "

Seeing the big pit on the ground, Guo Haihuang rarely drowned a sight, then I immediately collapsed all the despise, Zhengqi: "It is a man recognized by the world as the strongest creature, just brought by the boxing Tension, I have not had experience in nearly a hundred years old, I am scared by you. However, what do you refer? "

Fan Ma Yong Lang revealed the arrogance of a face: "Of course, all people outside of me."

"Hey, except all of your human beings, is not small."

"Oh, I just stated a fact that you will try our best to drilled, the so-called extreme, oysters, secrets, secrets, even weight, endurance, etc. If the struggle is more than the substance, that above These are impurities for me. Just even the current conversations are also extra! "

The voice falls, Fan Ma Yong Lang has a flash suddenly shortens the distance between the two, and came to Guo Haihuang, followed by a promotion of Guo Hai to reach half Kong.

Guo Hao once again used the dollars to resolve his attack, but he didn't wait for Guo Hao to land. Fan Ma Yong Lang took him in the air, but also a heavy boxing hammer in Guo Haihuang. On the face, he hit him to the wall of the backfield.

Guo Haihuang "" hit the wall, because the cause of the impact, the launch of the power is not complete, "wow" in the "Wow" in Guo Hai, which is mixed with two wax yellow the teeth of.

Fan Ma Yong Si Lang saw the victory, rushing to Guo Hai, but Guo Haijun suddenly flying, using Fan Ma Yong Shu Feng's power, because the inertia could not break, Fan Ma Yong Lang is like a hit The feet of Guo Hai's feet are generally, the whole person is stripped after the faster speed, and the feet plows in the ground except for two deep gully.

I looked at the hand of the depression that was killed because of the block. Fan Ma Yongli once again looked at Guo Haihuang stood there. "This is enough, I didn't expect you to use it. Countelling, is it not enough for my strength? In this case, then I will continue to increase the strength until you have the power of your old head. "

After that, Fan Ma Yong Lang also didn't care about the injury on the arm, and rushed to Guo Hao.

Fan Ma Wong Lang, who has been in the face of heavy battles, and Guo Hao are as always pulled with arms.

"It's amazing, I have retained my old man to teeth to teeth in 140 years old, come, come, the strong, let the old man see, what else ..."

Haven't finished it, Fan Ma Yong has already come to face, and it is a powerful blow, and Guo Hai is playing in the air.

At this time, the voice of Guo Haihuang also broke into the ears of Fan Ma Yonglang: "Listen, [Skill] is the basic component of human struggle, which is the boundary of human and animal and beasts. Everything is Impurity! Don't give me your nose, you will live! "

Next, Guo Haihuang kicked the chin of Fan Ma Yong Lang, turned him over the ground.

There is no chance to pursue Guo Haihuang, Fan Ma Yong Lang quickly got up, but strangely showed his back to Guo Hao.

For the warning, Guo Haihuang did not have a rapid action. I saw Fan Ma Yong Lang's arms stretched. The hands of his hands were scratched. With his movement, he gradually broke his clothes, revealing him like him. Hungry ghost face is the same back.

Fan Malang, who is watching the game, clearly, this is the sign of Fan Ma Yonglang wants to end this game.

Seeing this scene, Guo Hai immediately understood that Fan Ma Yong Lang's people have passed: "The muscles of your back make up the same shape like a ghost, I have heard your legend, I have already wanted to see it. It's this, the back muscle composition is very different from ordinary people, and the development of the back muscles can be a key element that can play a strong strike, this is the origin of your monster, that is, say You are people who are born to fight. There is such a body, pride is inevitable, but your arrogant attitude of being inexpected, the old man can not be ignored. "

Fan Ma Yong Lang's head is Yang: "Hey, how is it, as a lion of the king of the beast, will it treat other animals equal? ​​That is just a prey, and the relationship between me and other people is also the same. "

Hearing here, Guo Hai smiled: "Hahahaha, then come, the lion is against the battle, the last contest."

Guo Haiju called a jumper, rushed to Fan Ma Yong Lang, next moment, with the fist with the attack-hit divertion, on the door of Fan Ma Yonglang, put his head .

However, Fan Ma Yong Lang hardly supported the ground, directly swaying the punch, hit the abdomen of Guo Hao.

Guo Hai fell out of the old, once again hit the wall of the venue, adding a humanoid pit for the wall.

After landing, Guo Hai Huangliang walked over, recalling that he has been in 200 years since birth, 50,000 passengers, in those days, his day, the martial arts of the night, more than anyone else Long, you have to be addicted to anyone, so accumulated experience and technology make Guo Haihuang firmly on his confidence in Fan Ma Yong Lang.

Thinking, Guo Hao once rushed again, because there was a help of Senlo in advance, Guo Hao's attack strong, and Fan Ma Yong Lang did not have a way and the original, relying only on his own flesh to resist Guo Hao's attack. .

So he waved the double boxing to welcome Guo Hao, and did a group with him.

Two people come to me, don't retreat, with the fight, the blood is almost spread all over the venue, and everyone who is present is worried.

I don't know how many rounds, Guo Haizhi saw a flaw, making it a boxing of a boxing bombard with Fan Ma Yonglang, because from the beginning of the game, Guo Hai's attack is basically concentrated. At the head of Fan Ma Yonglang, accumulated harm let this punch have made the classic brain shock effect, Fan Ma Yong Si Lang suddenly felt a sky around the sky, and it feels like to floating to the distance.

On the occasion of Guo Hai, the heart is relaxed, Fan Ma Yong Si Lang opened his arms, and the only one awareness was used to manipulate two big hands, and a double peak pepper shot on both sides of Guo Hao's head.

This shot, Guo Hao's ear of Renal suddenly took two blood lines, and also took away Guo Hai's awareness.

After doing all this, Fan Ma Yong Lang two eyes turned over the ground.

Looking at the Fan Ma Yong Lang and Guo Haihuang who stands with standing gestures, the audience is silent, and the results of the respiration waiting for the referee.

But after a test, the referee gave a very painful news. Guo Haihuang pupil is magnified, and the heartbeat is nothing, it is obviously the limit.

On the other hand, Fan Ma Yong Lang only lost awareness.

Because both parties can't continue to fight, the referee gave a flat judgment.

However, everyone understands that one is on the ring, one is just fainted, and the best is very bad.

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