See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 540 to [Dead Island]

Late night, after Senluo received a notice, a group packed up the baggage to the roof of the hotel.

At this time, it is still snowing, not how long, a large armed helicopter falls from the sky, parked on the roof of the hotel.

When the cabin opened, a black shadow leaped from inside, like a flaming knight, and he didn't hesitate to kick it to the forefront of everyone.

Robert and Julie, who stands around Senlo, will be hit, but Senli first stopped their actions.

Next moment, I fly kick, and Senlo extended a hand, as if the dust is like, and the person's attack is unresolved.

"Hey, Ye Xiang, I haven't seen you for so long, are you coming so much?"

That figure took a beautiful arc with a beautiful arc in the air, and then stably fell on the ground, showing his true face, is a friend of this village, the friend of Senli Ye Xiang.

Ye Xiang event took the ankle of the Senlo sweep, and some unhappy said: "Sliced, you still have the same monster, sometimes I doubt that you are human."

Senlo is also not angry, laughing: "Well, I should still be a human beings, but you are so many years, I haven't seen many, I've been broken through the people."

"Hey, why is it obviously a word of praise, but I feel that you are ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have to throw it. In short, according to the command of the hometown, we have to listen to you during this meeting. Please take care, my friend. "

After saying, Ye Xiang gave Senlo a big hug, seeing this scene, Robert et al. After Senluce, finally put alert.

Senlo smiled and said with others: "This is a friend who is a child, is also my karate teacher, the world's first empty hand Daren [people, the gods] The disciple of this village, Ye Xiang, everyone must live harmony Oh."

Ye Xiang smiled and said: "You are good, my name is Ye Xiang, EMMM, all the women are very beautiful, but I can't see the trail of wings in your body, you don't belong to the sky, so you are not me. I like the type, in short, please take care. "

I looked at Elisa et al. On the forehead, and Black lines were covered with black lines.

"(-Ω-;) Your guy is not divided with it as before, so many years have not changed."

Then Sorlo took the shoulders of Ye Xiang to the helicopter before the other people were sent to helicopters: "It is not something that stands and talks, goes, first said."

After everyone got on the plane, I found two people in the most inside of the cabin, one is blonde, the body exploded beautiful sister paper, and one is the same blonde, a short hair, and a burly and strong boys.

Seeing the girl, Angel's Angel after Senlu said: "Lechel, have you come?"

The girl named Reedhe was heard after hearing the voice: "An Qier, meet again! I miss you."

Immediately, she also looked at the Senlo: "Hey ~ You are the Wu Senlo, which is often hanging on the mouth? It seems to be a good man."

Sen Luo smiled nodded: "I am Wu Sen Luo, your big name, I am also like Lei Gong, Di Jue's disciple List Reni, and disciple of Rio Ruffman, Ia Sited Ni, [Black Dark] The famous Geminita Casin Castor and Polan, the brother, the brother, can become a biting from the Jiuquan disciple, really powerful. "

When I heard the words of Senlo, the eyes of Lechel began to shine: "Really? Are we really famous? Too good, I don't have a variety of efforts to win in order to win the eye."

"Haha, it is really a disciple of Diage, even the character is also exactly the same as him. Di Jigg is said, you really caught the essence of wrestling, he is very optimistic."

Said, Senlo looked at the most inside of the cabin, from the beginning, Ia Si Dani: "You are Israci Stanney, specific matters want Ravman teachers have told you. Let's take care. "

The character of Israci Stanney is trivial, and after listening to Senlo, he just stood up and stunned, and then said with a mixture of English: "Yes, ME is Ethanstanley, you The big name I often hear it in Master, please advise. "

After finishing, Iri Stanny made back his position and silen again.

After all the people left, the helicopter took off again, carrying the dead island to Dofd, held the Dofd, along the way, with their joins, compared with the original dull three, the cabin is lively. a lot of.

In this way, after a day of flight, Senlo has across the equator from the big snow, and came to the event of the Southern Halp Slim. [Devo].

This dead island is the private territory of Fortner, the contest, is not too big, but the center of the island is situated in the medieval city-type building covering most islands.

Looking down from the helicopter, I saw the area surrounded by the high walls, the most in the middle is a building like an ancient Roman isna, and the four-week survival is still in the street, shop, and many from the outside. A very advanced hotel hotel.

At this point, the quotation here is in the summer, the sun is high, and everyone has unloaded the thick winter clothes and replaced a cool clothing.

The helicopter slowly stopped on the island's mushroom, helicopter, Senluo and others saw the two row of good maid, the sister, had been waiting there.

When they came down, the maids immediately took their baggage, and a maid led: "Excuse me, is that Mr. Wu Sen Luo?"

Senli standed a step forward and said: "I just, what's the matter?"

The maid said respectfully: "Your dust servant is here, though we know that you should now want to wash a hot bath to solve the problem of the journey, but Fortner is already waiting for it, you can ask me first. Do you have to see Futna? Of course, we have prepared your room with your peers in the island, waiting for other maids to take them before going to rest. "

Senlo felt that there was no impunity, so he nodded and said: "Ye Xiang, Elisa, you take people first to take a break, I will go see Fortner, handover some things."

Robel Tutu is on the front: "Senlo Young Ye, need me to go together?"

Senlo thought, then agreed to say: "It is good, you will go with me, if you involve the defense problem on the island, I can also listen to your opinion."

"Follow you, can help you are my honor."

Then, Senluo will divide the two ways, follow the maid to their respective destinations.

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