See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 567 Robert in action

Just when combat and Ye Xiang battle, on the roof of a high-rise hotel in the island, a suits, tall and burly Fengterner is receiving the camera arranged by the island through high-tech glasses. Threaded audio and video information.

"Jennifer's little girl is really not staying, really with the big part of the island, in this case, the uncle should make my soldiers seriously."

On the other hand, Fortner took out the intercom to allocated the channel of your own private guard.

At this point, in the castle basement in the island Central Fortner, several guards have formed a temporary headquarters.

During the busy, the voice of the waist came from Fortner's voice: "It's already arrived, the enemy is all on the island, according to the beginning of the beginning of the beginning, the operation code: Showtime, let these disgustors See us! "

After receiving the command, the commanders made actions immediately. As their one of them decided, more than a dozen American M1A2 tanks appeared in the streets in the island, and an Apache armed helicopter is also Take a flight from the forest in the island, greeted the air force of the assault force.

Seeing your deployment, Fortna turned his head to a medical facility on the island, where there was a players who were injured in this competition.

"This year's contestants are quite good. Just my child has already consumed it, I need to add fresh blood, let them also become my nourish raise girl. Hahaha, my new children, my father is coming. Oh ~ "

After saying, Fortner has disappeared on the roof.

On the island, although Jennifer is ,, installation of explosives in the island, it has opened the gate to block the zone, but this action is the lightning battle, the troops from the Island are in order to improve the speed. Most of them have only brought light weapons, although there are also heavy weapons, but few less.

Therefore, after landing of the landing island, the Union of the countries will be responsible for the crazy resistance of various regions on the island. The squad of Liangshan Bulu people naturally is unimpeded, but people have limited quantity It is impossible to take into account all the troops, the guards of the police players have greatly delayed their advancement speed, plus the black-ganggers who have to arrest four disadvantages, and the speed is not expected.

In the island's accommodation area, several Union brigions have just been suppressed in this area, here, they successfully capture a team of Fortner's guards and more than a dozen guitaries who have escaping them here.

The commanders pointed to these prisoners with a gun, and they were in the middle, escorting them to the designated location, and a person who appeared to be the captain is holding a walking point to the headquarters

"Report the headquarters, here is the A team, the residential area of ​​No. 1 has been suppressed, captured more than a dozen Fortner's private guards and gangs, our no casualties, next we will go to the recycling location, then continue Go to the next area. "

"Receive, please go to ..."

I haven't finished in the walkie-talkie, and everyone heard a gun in the "", from the woods next to the woods, the next moment, the walk in the hands of the team was exploded by a bullet coming. The captain of the captain held the palm of the walkie-talkie.


The captain screamed, and the soldiers under his hand immediately turned to turn around to point the gun behind the gunshot.

"Who is there, is it an enemy? I am not giving me it out! Otherwise, we will shoot!"

With the warning of the players, the players see a maid to carry the suitcase, and the maid with big round glasses came out from the woods.

"What! This is not Hollywood, it is not a maid to pick tea shop, but here is the battlefield, how can there be a maid to exist!"

Although the players were very horrified, the Baret sniper rifle that was smoked by the maid, and the silent telling said that this is the fierce of the palm of the captain just now.

That captain was obviously a person who had some people. After seeing Robert, he wounded his broken wound, and he called: "Don't live! That is an enemy, hurry to preparation, it is not possible to catch Righteousness! I have seen her wanted order, although I have changed a lot, but the guy is indeed Romeli Tower Chiesnell, is Florensia's Retriever! "

The voice just fell, everyone felt a strong murderous moment shrouded himself.

"Too much, now my name is Robert, is a maid from Menli Young Master, in order to punish you, I remembered that I was not fast, I would like to put it on the arms, Amen."

In the surprised eyes of the soldiers, the maid once handed Baret to bring the gun in his waist, and two words did not say, when the crowd took the trigger.


The gunshots raised, Robert directly shifted the captain of the speech into two cuts, blood in the blood, splashing the soldiers next to it.

Although the soldiers have some puzzle young masters in the Robert, why can Robert why can Barrtate shot without a slight action, but the fear brought forced to give up Such an idea, brushing to Robert shot.

Robert returned to Barret on the back, pulling a pistol from the waist, and the bullets raised in the rain.

In front of Robert's bulletproof box and bulletproof fiber, the shocks of light rifles could not be effectively killed.

Although the assault team members have a bulletproof helmet, Robert Every flipped jump, but always breaks through their fragile goggles, accurately send bullets into their eyebrows.

When the ball is finished, Robert is no injury, and the opposite commanders have been folded. When the opposite is turned on, Robert holds the trigger and built-in. The heavy machine gun immediately spit, and the mowed harvest has left the rest of the enemy.

At this time, the sky came from the sky, and the Robert head saw. Implementing is because of the sudden interruption, the enemy's headquarters seizes the situation, and I found a Apache armed helicopter flies toward her direction.

The helicopter in the sky obviously also saw the situation on the ground, the side hat opened, a soldier mana held a Gardin's machine gun out of it, aiming at Robert's direction is a fire.

In this regard, Robert flashed, using a very complex snake-shaped running position to run in the direction of the woods, and the soldiers who operate the guns will not lock Robert's position, one under the chaos, there is a lot of water. The captive was formed into a sieve.

After entering the woods, Robert takes behind Barrett, aiming at the armed helicopters in the sky, because the power of Paltit is not necessarily able to wear the armor of the armed helicopter, so Robert chooses to aim. people.

After a little aiming, Robert decisively slap the trigger, and the child bounced out, a gun exploded the head of the soldier who was worried.

Since Robert's attack is too suddenly, the bodies of the soldier have kept down the posture of the gun in the inertia, and the guns of the gun will be turned to the interior of the cabin.

In an instant, the machine cannon with the body of the body, the motor cabin sweeps a circle, the driver misbornes, and finally, the bullet penetrates the armored panel of the armed helicopter from the interior, and imparts the helicopter fuel tank.

In the "bang", the helicopter made a gorgeous fireworks explosion in the air.

In the woods, Robert confirmed that the enemy has no life, and then collapse the weapons to find the next goal.

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