See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 573 and one counterattack

This world, one, because of the relationship between Senlo, is also [Boxing], the apprentice of the gods, the apprentice of the god of Zhai, who is fighting, so he doesn't know the secret skills of [static and moving one] .

Seeing Ye Xiang did not attack, one immediately reversed: "Wrong is you, unhappy martial arts is the evil way!"


Ye Xiangyu drunk, it is like a string of the arrow to rush to one.

[Static Boom 1] It is a one-in-law that is forcibly in the body. Then let them mix the urgence of the outbreak, although the burden caused by the body is large, but it can greatly enhance the various bodies of the user. Quality.

Ye Xiang and previously played a spiral standing, but this time, only the immature flow water is not enough to completely avoid the attack of Lexiang.

Although Lu Xiang successfully spread his own body, the strength of Ye Xiang is still partially in part, and it has caused a small harm to him.

I haven't waited for one turn, Ye Xiang is slap in the ground, and the moment of thunder is not covered by the back, this time, Ye Xiang's spiral is a perfect life. His five fingers will directly deduct a part-oriented back, one hand will come up, then fell on the ground.

Looking at the side of the sky and lie on the ground, Ye Xiang said some proudly: "How is your anthrape, this is the power of the secret [static and slamming one], the explosion of the gunpowder, need to compress and then Detonation, and [Static Boom] is a secret skill that will be burst into the inner air, under such an action, your semi-bucket of water is not my opponent at all. "

On the other hand, Ye Xiang reached out and grabbed his head and touched him slightly, and then slammed it again.

"Part and Sang!"

Mei Yu saw this scene anxious, hurriedly wanted to stop, but she didn't expect that when Ye Xiang grabbed a head, and a struggled one hand grabbed the arm And the other hand did not go to the head, but smashing his fist and smashed the face of Ye Xiang.

Ye Xiang moved, and the hand could not help but release one, and the whole person retired two steps.

On the occasion of the blood, Ye Xiang's face was revealed on the face: "Although I am very satisfactory, but I didn't expect that you will not be taken in such a state, directly to the counterattack, this time Struggling is not bad. "

After that, Ye Xiang has pounced on the ground.

How is it, the ground has not yet returned to the power and suddenly curled up the legs and then a rabbit lounger in the abdomen of Ye Xiang, and the Ye Xiang that fluttered will play back, and then the whole person will jump from the ground. .

Ye Xiang can not solve: "How can I be in such a simple anti-technology? Isn't it? He just didn't have a trace of water, but said that he had a greeting?"

Ye Xiang faced a slight lifting direction and one, and then, at this time, there is a one-end white, it seems to have lost awareness.

"Hey, although the rumors of the martial arts, even if you lose your consciousness, you can rely on physical instinctive conditions to continue to recruit people, but your hindgestion is obviously not the case, you originally the true attitude made those top-level people teach you The move is awkward, but now you have lost your consciousness, but it is the full power of your masters to move in your body's energy. "

As Ye Xiang said that now and one of Ye Xiang's attack and defense is all the basic techniques of various martial arts, but the movement is fierce, there is no average movement, even against Ye Xiang, a little bit Upper wind.

But the good view is not long, and it is playing a sense of consciousness and returning to his body.

Ye Xiang looked at the Qing Dynasty, and did not reveal the irritation of the slightest. Instead, it was like music in which: "The basic skills of Light will be able to play with me in the case of losing consciousness, you have accumulated it in the end. More exaggerated basic training, [Boxing] Adults have said that you are a huge basic skill, which seems to be true. But don't you find it, you just have the unintentional battle? We [darkness] Unintentional martial arts concept, you have just negated the concept, but you have been verified by yourself. "

And shake the head, negation to: "No, I can fight with you in the state of losing awareness, really a training for the Master, but this is to sacrifice all the so-called sacrifices to live. The evil of strength is different, I am a striking martial arts. "

Ye Xiang didn't smile: "Cut, you are double standard, it is really innocent, but no matter what, when you lose awareness, you really have changed, but you will have a consciousness now, how can I take me? kind?"

And a silence is again placed in the flowering air circle, once again, and Ye Xiang's confrontation.

"I really truthfully, and I said that my people said, but for our live punch, this innocent is really power. Through the battle of the unconventional, I have a niche. Deepest understanding, first, we must think on the position of the opponent, with the flow of opponents, and then the flow of opponents is two, and finally let the other party fall into our flow, Ye Xiang, now I have just There is also a different. "

During the speech, both the sound is full of confidence.

"Hey, you use your half-barrel of water to deal with me, I don't say, this is no longer used ..."

Didn't wait for Ye Xiang, and once this time the initiative rushed to Ye Xiang.

Although Ye Xiang was surprised by one, but he fooled up, a series of people in the gods, the people who were personally taught by the local crystal, let people look down on the heart, let people look at the hearts. Get up.

"Hahaha, saying what fight to stand in the enemy's position, thinking, stupid, 80% of you want to predict my actions based on the move before I used, but my martial arts is the world's first karate master [people The more the gods] This hometown is taught, and the different moving combinations have a variety of changes, and you can see it clearly! "

However, in this case, Ye Xiang found a different place, and although he was passively beaten as before, this time his eyes flaps, he always watched his glasses.

And one of the actions are also more flexible. In addition to the initial case, their own moves have been difficult to hurt him.

On the occasion of Ye Xiang shocked, he also grabbed the only one slice of flaws in Ye Xiang's move, bulky and cut into his hinterland.

"Look at your eyes, stand on your position, let me flow with your movement to the two, next, let you feel my flow!"

On the one side, I was very fast, and I hit the next to Ye Xiang 's under the end of Ye Xiang.

"Tianwang Totta!"

Then, one will end the elbow, a bunch of [under the elbow], the heavy smashing is in the connection of Ye Xiang neck and shoulders.

These two were confirmed, and Ye Xiang suddenly felt a slight meditation, and one immediately stepped forward, grabbed the hand arm of Ye Xiang, and fell him to take him out.

"Water Water Airship · Strongest Combo 3! Completed !!!"

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