It was the beginning of the club activities. The members of the fifth karate club were basically there, and there was a lot of voice in the department. Some of them were doing muscle training on the equipment, and some were practicing moves under the guidance of the seniors. .

Suddenly, the closed door of the department was pushed open with a "bang". Everyone inside looked towards the door, and saw that Sen Luo carried the plaque and led people in, and a "bang" hit the floor of the department. on.

Faced with so many eyes, Sun Luo said straightforwardly: "This department has been requisitioned by us from today. If you don't want to get hurt, please hurry up and get rid of things."

The people in the fifth karate club were taken aback when they heard what Sun Luo said, and then all the members burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Did you hear that, they want to grab our department."

"I'm laughing so hard, don't you guys know? We are one of the largest clubs in the school."

"That is, even if you want a department, you have to pick your opponent."

Everyone laughed for a while, and a student who looked like a head stopped the ridicule and walked through the crowd to Sen Luo.

Taking a look at the plaque in Sun Luo's hand, the person said: "This classmate, I am the Deputy Minister Ino Kari Yano here. It is not something I can control what you want to create a new club, but you have to look out. This is the site of our fifth karate club. I want to ask you, where do you want to hang this plaque in your hand?"

Hearing the vice minister’s words, some unscrupulous teenagers in the club roared: "That’s right, are you girls who are wearing such cool clothes to give us benefits? Take the lead. I advise you to keep the girls while we are not angry. Roll the paper quickly, we will let them go back when we are finished with the sister papers you brought."

After speaking, everyone burst into laughter again.

Hearing what others said, Sen Luo and others frowned.

Sen Luo beckoned behind him: "Julie!"

Hearing the instructions, Julie took out another plaque from behind and slammed it at Yannan Inokari, and Yannan Inokari hurriedly reached out to pick it up. As soon as the plaque started, an unexpected force was uploaded from the plaque. He stepped back several steps before reluctantly stopping.

Yano Inokari finally stabilized his figure and took a closer look. The plaque in his hand was written with the words of the fifth karate club. It was the signboard they hung at the door of the ministry.

He was about to yell at him, but Julie suddenly rushed to him, flew up, flicked the jade leg, and kicked the plaque to pieces, then adjusted his body shape and faced the piglet behind the plaque in the air. Men are just one move and two consecutive kicks.

Inokari was slammed in the chest, and he flew backwards, knocking over a large group of members behind him.

Senro looked at the rolling Ino Kari on the ground, and said with a smile: "Senior, look at this, don't you have a place to hang my plaque?"

Yan Nan Inokari didn't hit him at all, clutching his chest and screamed: "Quick, you guys go together! Don't keep your hands, kill those guys for me!"

When the voice fell, the members of the Fifth Karate Club clamored and rushed towards Sen Luo and the others. Although the momentum was extraordinary, Sen Luo and the others would not take it seriously.

Sen Luo waved his hands: "You go and play with them, don't kill anyone."

Hearing Sun Luo's words, the others smiled and greeted them. The first to bear the brunt of Julie was a short stature and kicked over a few surrounding members, clearing a space for herself, and then she did not go. The members on the ground who hugged their legs and wailed, got up and turned around and raised their legs, and took off on one leg. A whirlwind leg struck the faces of the members who had punched them.

Those hapless guys flew out in a whirlpool, and the other people next to them were afraid for a while.

Julie stepped on the head of a member on the ground and teased them: "What's wrong, what's wrong, didn't you just say that you want to be cool with my old lady? Why are you soft before I warm up?"

While talking, Julie twisted her foot, kicked the member aside, and rushed towards the other members.

Compared with Julie’s gorgeous kicking skills, Angel on the side is much simpler and rude. She didn’t use any moves at all. Every straight punch and every kick will blow up N opponents, making others discouraged. .

Because Sun Luo had taken care not to cause death, Robert did not use firearms this time, but used the CQC that Chen Guoming taught her to solve the opponent in a low-key and sure manner. Most of the people who met her were broken necks and broken bones. Time wailed.

On the other hand, although they are not as brutal as the three mid-level talents, others also have excellent performance.

"What? This department is too weak, but it has a large number of people. There is no one at the top level."

"Brother, stop complaining. We have just broken through the junior talents. Some of them are good, so let's just do it."

While talking, Li Yin used Bajiquan's elbows and short topping to overturn the rushing members one after another. His younger brother Li Yang had hands like a mantis and stabs the members all over. The meridians, the members who were stabbed by him became numb and lost consciousness.

Beside, facing the opponents who came up under the siege, Elena performed Capoeira's basic action: Jin Ge, she saw her standing back and forth in a bow step with her feet shoulder-width apart, alternating with a certain rhythm. Position, the whole person swayed like a hip-hop, sometimes turning sideways, sometimes leaning back, dexterously avoiding the attacking fists and feet.

"R Ben's boys are really enthusiastic, but although they are not as good as Julie and the others, Master Sunro is still watching. I have to show my capable side, so I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, Elena stepped forward and turned around, then bent down to support the ground with both hands. Her long and fit legs stretched straight and swept upwards, drew a big circle, and swept away the besieged members. A forward somersault jumped to the other crew members, continuing to perform her kicking skills like a stormy wave.

After solving an opponent, Elena took the time to look at Eliza, who was aside, and said concerned: "Miss Eliza, can you handle it? Do you need help?"

I saw that Alisha turned a little sideways, and dexterously avoided a front fist thrust from a member of the staff, and then grabbed his arm and used the force of his punch to push, half of the tragic bones. Then he stabbed it out from the shoulder of that member.

Throwing away the screaming member, Alisha quickly turned around and kicked, accurately hit the knee of a member who wanted to sneak attack behind, and trampled his entire leg into a shape.

"Don't underestimate me. Although I am the weakest among you, I am Sun Luo's No. 1 disciple, and I am more than enough to deal with these stinky fish and shrimps!"


With the crowd smashing the ground, it didn't take long before the ground was full of severely wounded members, and the wailing was endless.

Some of the remaining members huddled in the corner, shivering, and complained: "How can it be repaired, why is Minister Tsukuba not here at this time."

Knowingly said: "Minister Tsukuba has received the task of [Twilight of the Gods] and went out to hunt the strong."

"Why, Mr. Tsukuba, come back soon!"


Just when Sen Luo and the others were playing in the gym, Fenglin Temple Miwa finished the club activities of the gymnastics club and was preparing to go home. When passing by a path where few people walked, her scream caught her attention.

When she followed the reputation, she saw Tsukuba, the head of the fifth karate club, stomping on the head of a bad boy with his feet.

It turned out that this bad boy clamored in the class how powerful he learned [Noisy Judo] as soon as he entered the school. As a result, he was targeted by the bad group [Shen Twilight]. Their cadre: Nanjo Ki Sara sent Tsukuba Go and test his strength.

So Tsukuba found the bad boy with a picture given by Nanjo Ki Sara.After two or three rounds, the bad boy was beaten to the ground by Tsukuba, hiding his face and begging for mercy.

Tsukuba, who was looking forward to fighting the strong, looked forward to another one for nothing. Annoyed, he didn't care about three or seven and twenty-one, but he just punched and kicked the bad boy on the ground.

While beating, he cursed: "Why are each one so weak? This year's first grade is too weak, what kind of spicy chicken [Noisy Judo], it really disappoints me, you guy TM is such a spicy chicken Ah! It's really hot."

As he vented his anger, Miyu walked out from the side and stopped his behavior.

"The victory has been divided, don't stop it!"

As soon as Tsukuba saw that the person was a little girl, he stopped what he was doing. Miwa didn't care about his reaction, and hurriedly stepped forward and helped the bad boy from the ground.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Tsukuba was very annoyed, and stretched a hand to Miwa's shoulder.

"Hey hey hey, girl, who makes you do it yourself..."

Before he finished speaking, the hand he had just touched Mei Yu was bounced back with a strange force, and it was suddenly drawn on his face.

Miwa warned in a cold voice: "If you are unreasonable anymore, I will try to teach you a lesson."

Tsukuba shook his bounced hand and became interested in Miwa: "You seem to know some interesting moves. I can't ignore the strong, even girls."

After speaking, Tsukuba raised his fists and jumped with his feet on his feet, ready to fight.

Reluctantly, Miwa had to stand up and look at Tsukuba in front of him. The two confronted each other, not caring about the bad boy who had escaped in the chaos.

When the two were about to start their hands, there was a familiar cry from a short distance from Miyu.

"Stop it!"

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