“The ancestors are starting to be serious. Stop it!”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, the nerve was all the same.

He never thought he could be more than a real ancestor, even if his original ancestor Bloodline seemed to be strong, but it should be far worse than true ancestors.

He can kill the ordinary Saint incarnation thats all, while the ordinary Saint incarnation has the main battle incarnation, even Saint true body.

How can Lei Dao be a rival with Saint true body mention on equal terms at the same level?

Lei Dao is therefore only now expected to resist the repression of his ancestors by 30 per cent of his ancestors, Divine Body undying and indestructible.


next moment, a violently surge pressure suddenly strikes, and Lei Dao’s Divine Body looks like he was carrying the pressure of incomparable, and let his Divine Body collapse quickly.

It seems, however, far away from Lei Dao’s imagination of thoroughly annihilated.

Is that a misunderstanding?

I don’t think it’s a mistake!

It seems that the power of the original ancestors is the same.

“Should be able to resist for a while? But I’m sure it won’t take much time.”

Lei Dao knows his own disadvantages deeply, and he’s not a real ancestor, and he’s much better than his ancestors, and he’ll be crushed sooner or later by his ancestors.

So, think of a way, at least, not to let the ancestors repress his Divine Body.

“Looks like you can only do it!”

Lei Dao has made a determination.

Now, in such a situation, there is no other way.

In the face of the ancestors, how can we stop the way of their ancestral ancestors if they don’t fight?

“The way to the ancestors!”

next moment, Lei Dao’s head is on the brink of a road, a path of ancestors! It’s like faint has a giant man with respect to both Heaven and Earth yelling.


This is Bloodline’s way to our ancestors!

It’s also a way to ask Daoist, less than anything else, that Daoist is not going to use the way of his ancestral origin, because once the path of origin is used, it means a spell.

Even if there was some damage to the path of origin, that asked Daoist to do what he wanted to do.

But Lei Dao is different.

His Bloodline’s original ancestral path, with no need for any consciousness, really no harm, at least a little more integration of Bloodline thats all, no harm.

So right now Lei Dao just came out of the way of his ancestors.


With the advent of the path of origin, the forces of Lei Dao’s ancestral Divine Body have increased considerably, and the characteristics of undying and indestructible have become even clearer and stronger.

As a result of the pressure exerted by the ancestral ancestral family, the original Divine Body remains unchanged, and this is the attack on the original ancestral.

“The way of the ancestors?”

The original grandfather frowned, and he found a cruel fact, so he couldn’t get Lei Dao. It was all his power, and he almost did his best, so he couldn’t do Lei Dao.

Not even repressed.

Just taking advantage of the wind, and now you can suppression Lei Dao, but what’s the point?

Lei Dao had undying and indectible characteristics, and that was the advantage, even for several years of war, of trying to destroy Lei Dao’s Divine Body, and of repressing Lei Dao, not to mention simply impossible.


Suddenly, the ancestors flew behind a distance, and he stood up, staring at Lei Dao in cold sight.

And Lei Dao, in the body’s territorial boundaries, has come back to the forefront, and there is a way of origin, like a giant, flying on the top of Lei Dao, which seems to be filled with endless mysteries and awe-inspiring.

“Lei Dao, a district asks Daoist, the Seat is not in the eye. I didn’t think that Seat could take you.”

Everything just proves that Lei Dao might actually have the power of his ancestors, far stronger than the rumors! Even, as powerful as Lei Dao asked Daoist, it was a scandal, it wasn’t even possible to think about it.

But it happened, and it happened in front of him.

“The original ancestors, why don’t you stop fighting this Lei, and it doesn’t mean anything, why don’t you open the array, let the Lei go, the Lei can cancel this thing, and you’re still the ancestors of the city!”

Lei Dao said solemnly.

Although he was “barely” resistant to balancing his ancestors, making him feel that his ancestors are not as strong as they seem, he seems to be able to block his ancestors.

But he doesn’t have a small ancestral, but he just wants to get out of here first, and a true ancestral life without any meaning.

There was a smile in the corner of the original ancestral mouth: “Why can’t Nay not you? Lei Dao, you’re just a lord, a question of Daoist, you don’t even know the real power of your ancestors. And also fine, let you see the true strength of your ancestors today.”

Let’s just say, the original ancestors opened their hands, and within the body of his ancestors, there seems to be some power to recover.


next moment, there was a horror on top of the original ancestral corpse to the streets of the extreme Point, like a round of light circles, flash and shine, surrounded by the original ancestors.

“This is…”

Lei Dao’s eyes are staring, and I don’t know why he felt the threat, and it’s a very serious threat, and it seems that this round is very dangerous.


The original ancestors opened their eyes and looked like blade, staring straight at Lei Dao.

“The original ancestors are known as their ancestors, who can fight against Saint Francis, and even fight alone, and what do you think depends on? Saint has an ancient continental caveat and a ancestor, but the original cultivating is the source! The end of the path of origin is its own origin, the deeper it is and the stronger it is. After an era robbery, the origins of the ancestors will grow steadily, and despite the fact that the Seat was never experiencing a major robbery, the Seat was a new ancestral and had the same origins! Now, this Seat will kill you with his origins, Lei Dao, you should be proud!”

The original ancestors are proud to say.

“The origins?”

Lei Dao’s heart.

He never heard of any origins, even Master’s original ancestral space.

Now it seems that the origin of the original ancestors is the most truly powerful method of the original ancestors, which is equivalent to Saint Primordial Spirit’s delusional continent void, which can mobilize the forces of the absurd continent.

Sources, it’s the very essence of the ancestors!

The original ancestors have been integrated into their origins, suddenly, his strength has increased several times, even ten times, and the imposing manner has risen more dramatically. This moment Lei Dao felt the power of the real ancestors.

At the end of the path of origin, it’s the source!

Only by finding their origins can they truly become their ancestral fathers.

At this point, Lei Dao seems to understand something but has no role to play.

Because the original ancestors have been integrated into the huge palm of their own forces, and they have been shot by fiercely.

hong long.

As if the sky collapsed in general, with the great palm of the original ancestral, and also integrated into the forces of origin, that purely power suppression, allowed the original ancestral crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to tear up Lei Dao’s territorial boundaries instantly.

Even if his territorial boundaries exceeded 300 times, they could not be blocked at all.

Even if Lei Dao’s original ancestral Divine Body, undying and indestructible characteristics are rapidly extinguished under the majesty of the original ancestral forces, and even the undying and indestructible properties are held by suppression.

Of course, it will take a long time if Lei Dao’s Divine Body is to be completely extinguished. It’s just, once the territorial boundaries are broken and Lei Dao is repressed, then Lei Dao becomes the lamb to be slaughtered, and it doesn’t make any sense only to fight on whilst at death’s door for a while.

“After all, I’m just 30 percent of my ancestors Divine Body, not real ancestors. The roots of the original ancestors are a higher level of power, and the birth of my ancestor, Divine Body, has a strong suppression power that can’t be blocked and completely blocked. But even if I can’t stop it, I’ll do it!”

Lei Dao clenched ones teeth, determined in the heart.

Less than ever, he was so determined, just that it was time to do it. Otherwise, he would be repressed sooner or later under the original ancestral power suppression.

At this point, misgivings and anything else is absolutely unnecessary.

“The way to the ancestors!”

Lei Dao yelled down.


It’s strange that Lei Dao has clearly shown his way of origin, and when dont tell me that I can still strengthen the way to the ancestors?

Moreover, even if the path of origin is enhanced, it is dead end.

There will be no change in the outcome.

But next moment, the ancestors saw the scene that made him forget all his life.


With Lei Dao’s low yelling down, on his head, there was a way out of his ancestors. This path of ancestral origin seems to be broader, far-reaching, mysterious.


path of the ancestors is common, but the key is the second way of the ancestors!

Two originals, who’s seen?

For a while, even dignified’s ancestors, it’s a big mouth, a tremendous shock in the heart.

Neither an ancient continent nor a clear world has ever heard of anyone asking Daoist on two originals, which is impossible at all.

If it were not seen in person, even if it was a ancestral, Saint would not believe in the world, it would be possible for someone to embark on two paths of origin. And now, the ancestors saw it, just before him, two paths of ancestral origin.

“How did you do that?”

It’s unbelievable that the original ancestors can’t believe their eyes.

“Is it hard to walk into two original ancestors?”

“Very hard.”

“Even if it’s harder, it’s hard to become a ancestral? What’s the difference between the two paths of origin, and there’s no original ancestors?”

Lei Dao shake one’s head 。

Although the original ancestors were shocked, they had no hesitation, and his origins were still overwhelmed by unwavering.

However, as Lei Dao manifest came out of the second path of ancestral origin, his area in the body seemed to have inflamed a force, and the strength in the body’s area had risen rapidly.

Moreover, the first Bloodline of Lei Dao’s ancestral path seems to have a very delicate connection with the second World ancestral path, faint.

Although not integrated, the forces of both seem to have some connection.

And the most immediate consequence of this connection is the surge in Lei Dao’s power!


Lei Dao’s power is driving crazy berserk!

Whether in the body’s territorial boundaries or in the original ancestral Divine Body, power has risen dramatically, or even far exceeded Lei Dao’s expectations.

“Is this two paths of ancestral origin?”

Lei Dao can’t believe his eyes.

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