Lei Dao was thinking, and he used to have a lot of names, such as Blade God, like Ray One Blade, and so on, they weren’t really appropriate.

The name of the ancestor, which is linked to his own “way of origin”, cannot be said to be useless, a good name, and, in fact, some benefits in the meditation of the ancestors.

It’s just that the original ancestral plate doesn’t make it clear, but it’s a hidden reference to that.

The name of Lei Dao, therefore, is not readily blind and must be cautious.

Lei Dao had a lot of ideas in his mind, and many images had emerged.


has two paths of origin, one of which is Bloodline’s ancestral path, one of the world’s ancestors, and what is his name?

dont tell me the original blood? Or Primogenitor World?

Lei Dao thought about it.

What is the most important thing for Lei Dao?


Lei Dao muttered.

There is no doubt that Lei Dao’s most needed now is lifespan and a lot of lifespan.

Since then, Lei Family Castle, Lei Dao was living for that reason, martial artist, and then slowly embarked on the cultivation path in order to increase lifespan.

So Lei Dao’s fundamentally still lifespan.

“I never die!”

“But my life has nothing to do with life, my cultivation begins with life protection, and since that’s the case…”

Lei Dao muttered, his eyes were getting brighter, and then seemed to have made a determination and had a general decision.

“From today on, I am the life of my ancestors!”

Lei Dao’s heart is very strong.

That’s his name, original life!

From today on, an ancient continent has come out of an ancient ancestor called the original life!

It’s a new ancestor!

“Sovereign life, good name!”

The name of each of the ancestral ancestors is linked to the original ancestral, but the name Lei Dao is still shocking to him. It seems like he can’t even read the original family plate.

“Do you need this Seat to come with you?”

Origin said with a smile.

He’s making up Lei Dao, actually, and he wants to see Lei Dao, how he can defeat his ancestral family, and “take” his ancestral city.

“No, many thanks for the good intentions of the original drive. But since it’s my city of life, I have to go seize myself!”

Lei Dao indifferently said, he had thought about the name of the city, and he thought it was appropriate to call the city, but now it seems, to call him his name.

Death City!

This is Lei Dao’s city!


belongs to Lei Dao!

This land, of course, will Lei Dao go seize himself, otherwise, the top of the life city asks Daoist, how can you believe it?

Even Lei Dao has to show a strong strength, otherwise the morale of life town monk will not feel safe for a long time, and the city will naturally decline.

Lei Dao doesn’t want to let life city decline, but instead, he wants to make life cities grow even more, so he has to make it feel safe for Ming to repair itinerant monk.

Only in this way can life cities grow up.


next moment, Lei Dao returned to Cave Mansion.

Looking at the silhouette of Lei Dao’s disappearance, the original drive, if you think, is muttered, “Is it true that Daoist or not? The original life, interesting, not the ancestors. Who dares to use the original name? Maybe it’s hundreds of centuries since First Time asked Daoist to use the original name.”

The original ancestral shake ones head, this is the thing that the ancestors themselves did, and he doesn’t think that the original sky will faint.

A question about Daoist, but hard to take his ancestors, okay?

Lei Dao returned to Cave Mansion, where he summoned Old Ancestor.

“Swallow, invite Lord Azure Lotus, Lord Demon Ox, and the Lord of the Flowers.”

“Yes, Master.”

Darling Old Ancestor doesn’t know why it’s getting scared of Lei Dao anymore.

Especially this time Lei Dao came back, which seems to be somewhat different, more awe-inspiring.


Eagle Old Ancestor left Cave Mansion and personally invited the three masters.

And the three lords were informed that Lei Dao was invited, and each and everyone had put their hands down to Cave Mansion in Lei Dao.

“Lord Ray, why are you calling us?”

Lord Demon Ox spearheaded the interrogation.


Lei Dao opened his eyes, with no insight, mysteries, and I wonder why three dignified lords, even Demon Ox, still asked Daoist, when it was in front of Lei Dao that there was a feeling of “small“.

It’s like… it’s like… face the ancestors!

Yeah, that’s what it feels like to face the feeling of the ancestors.


is clearly shared by the three masters, Lord Azure Lotus, Lord Demon Ox, and Lord mutually took a glance.

Lei Dao vision swept, looking at three, and now Lei Dao has fewer people to trust, and three of them are hardly able to get Lei Dao’s trust.

After all, Lei Dao alone may be able to suppress the entire city, but much more needs to be done to manage effectively. At least in some key places, many people are needed.

So Lei Dao’s been groaning for a long time, slowly said, “I might go to the city.”

“To the city?”

“Yeah, go to the city, I’ll stay in the city.”

“Good end. Why are you going to the city?”

Demon Ox and the rest are very curious.

Lei Dao’s been in town all the time. Okay, why are you suddenly going to the city?

Even “moving home” is such a big thing.

You know, Lei Dao doesn’t have a foundation in the city.

“If I say, I’m going to oversee the city, replacing the original ancestral, you believing or not?”


Demon Ox, Lord and the rest watch were slight, followed by shake ones head.

“Lord Ray, don’t be joking, you go to the city without foundation, you stay in the city without need, anything we can do.”

Lord Demon Ox thinks Lei Dao’s joking.

In fact, not only Lord Demon Ox, but also two other masters felt Lei Dao was joking.

Replace the original ancestral?

oversee City?

How could they believe that?

Ray Daoist Priest sighed and said, “Look, you don’t believe, okay, I don’t have to hide anymore, but I have a name, and you’ve never heard of it.”

“What’s the name?”

“My first life!”


At this point, Lord Demon Ox, Lord Azure Lotus and the rest are white, Lei Dao, when is it, Lei Dao?

“Lord Ray, if you have anything to say, don’t go around such a big circle.”

Lord Demon Ox felt that Lei Dao might say a major event, otherwise it wouldn’t be so “humor”, and all started to be “joking”.

“I said,” I’m the original ancestor. You don’t believe it. How can anyone else believe it? “It seems that this trip to the city is a long way to go. It must be a little louder.”

Lei Dao sighed, shake ones head.

He already guessed the reaction of three people.

How could Lei Dao believe it?

One day, for example, Lord Demon Ox suddenly told Lei Dao that he was the original ancestor, and Lei Dao only felt that Lord Demon Ox was crazy.

In the same vein, Lei Dao said that other people would just think Lei Dao was joking.

But Lei Dao really wasn’t kidding!

“thats all of you don’t believe, it seems like I want you to help me manage the city, and it seems to be a luxury.”

Lei Dao somewhat disappointing.

“Wait, Lord Ray, are you kidding me?”

At this point, Lord Demon Ox didn’t know why the nerves were dimmed up.

Seems like he actually has some letters.

And Lord Azure Lotus, who looks at Lord Demon Ox, Lei Dao is crazy, and Lord Demon Ox is crazy?

“It is true that Lord Demon Ox trusts me.”

Lei Dao smiled at nodded, he wasn’t kidding.

“Wait, I want to be quiet…”

Lord Demon Ox closed his eyes and kept moving.

Seeing Demon Ox as Lord, Lord Azure Lotus also frowned and felt unfathomable mystery.

One says he’s a ancestor, one that really believes.

what happened to the world?


Lord Demon Ox opened his eyes.

“Lord Ray, no, your life, your Majesty, when will you leave?”

“About three days later.”

“Well, I’ll go with the Lord of the Flowers, with your ancestors, your Majesty, to the city.”

“Very good, but that’s not a city soon, but a city of life!”

Look at the dialogue between Lord Demon Ox and Lei Dao, Lord Azure Lotus has some haircut, and it makes her unbelievable at the moment.

“Junior Brother, you… did you really make your ancestors?”

“It’s true!”

Lei Dao said it again.

next moment, Lei Dao did not hesitate at all, and 30 per cent of the original grandfather Divine Body’s aura exploded.



30 per cent of Lei Dao’s original ancestral Divine Body, in fact, has an original ancestral identity, and some of the original ancestral features are very clear. Even the original ancestors thought Lei Dao had the identity of his ancestors.

Thus, at this moment Lei Dao exploded the imposing way, majestic, almost unimpeded. Even the horror imposing a sense of suffocation on Demon Ox, Azure Lotus, the Lord of the Flower.

The three are the lords, and all have seen their ancestral ancestors, so that aura is no longer familiar with their ancestors.

And now they feel Lei Dao’s aura, and I can’t believe their eyes.

“Start your ancestor aura?”

“really is the aura of the original ancestors, Lord Ray, and really became the ancestors?”

“It’s not the Lord of Thunder, but your great ancestor, Your Majesty!”

“Lord Ray, the original life?”

Even before it seemed to have promised Lord Demon Ox of Lei Dao, not really believed Lei Dao to be the original ancestor, but only Lord Demon Ox felt that Lei Dao could create miracles on many occasions, and that this time he was supposed to do something, and he didn’t even think about it.

But now he finds out that Lei Dao said it was really.


It’s really a ancestor!

Only true ancestral ancestors can have aura.

And when Lei Dao exploded in the imposing way, there was a clear ancestral aura.

But at one point, the three gods are confused.

Is there such a good achievement in the ancestors?

Lei Dao has achieved his ancestors without silence, beyond their perceptions.

“Your Majesty, how did you achieve your ancestors?”

“The original ancestors?” Blathomable mystery, the original ancestors said I was the original ancestors, and then Master said I was the original ancestors, and since everyone said I was the original ancestors, I was the original ancestors. “

Lei Dao is telling the truth, but listening to three people’s ears is another feeling.

Lei Dao’s original ancestral achievements were recognized by several ancestors.

That’s not wrong. Lei Dao is the real ancestor!

This age, the second ancestor was born!

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