“This line of merits Perfection, it’s time to leave!”

Lei Dao comes out of prison.

Behind him, there are already a few more people who are rescued from prison.

This time, Lei Dao saved many people.

The most interesting harvest is Divine Predictor Yi Xiang.

Yi Xiang looks very young and is a good Young Master. But in fact, Divine Predictor Yi Xiang has been in his forties, but he has a good job in the face, and he has achieved the Human Body Limit early, which can delay aging, so it looks like only in his twenties.

And Yi Xiang is indeed a smart person, very acquainted.

He clearly saw that Lei Dao’s lifespan was not right, but he didn’t ask the question, and even did not mention it, which made Lei Dao very satisfied.

However, Lei Dao’s mentality is very clear.

Yi Xiang did not “forget” the eccentricity of Lei Dao. On the contrary, Yi Xiang was afraid of very curious Lei Dao’s lifespan question.

But this thing, Lei Dao can’t tell anyone.

Only Lei Dao knew for himself what the eccentricity of his body was.

That is, he used the special ability and consumed lifespan martial artist to cause some changes in lifespan.

Originally, Lei Dao can have a hundred-year-old lifespan, which is considered an old birthday star.

But with the special ability martial artist, it is too lifespan.

So far, Lei Dao martial artist has consumed lifespan for fifty-four years. Today, Lei Dao is only missing 30 years of lifespan, but it has become a “short-lived ghost.”

It’s only a little better than that when Lei Dao didn’t cure the tuberculosis.

Lei Dao is also a choice but to suffer in silence. I can’t say it, I can only bear it silently.

Fortunately, this time Lei Dao’s harvest is indeed not small, and smoothly got the second half of Life Nurturing Art.

At that time, Lei Dao returned to Lei Family Castle and worked hard to become a true Grandmaster. The lifespan was greatly increased, and it was possible to make up for the lifespan of the previous stack martial arts.

Lei Dao left Heavenly Prison directly with everyone.

Great General was amazed and saw that there was no one in Heavenly Prison, and there was no doubt in his heart.

Lei Dao, I am afraid that Really makes the Imperial Family jealous, otherwise, it will never let Lei Dao be so “unscrupulous”.

“Oneself, countering the entire Imperial Family…”

Great General muttered.

He used to lead the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Where can I believe that anyone can counter the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses?

Even the Imperial Family, the so-called Grandmaster Old Ancestor, the Great General is a bit stunned.

But since he led the Crus Profound Heaven School and saw the Imperial Family Grandmaster Old Ancestor Old He, he almost destroyed the entire Profound Heaven School by himself. The Great General knew that when the martial art was trained to a certain extent. After that, it can really be worth the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

No, even more terrifying than magnificent army with thousands of men and horses!

It was also from that time that Great General began collecting tempering inner organs’ martial art, wanted to become a Human Body Limit expert, and even wanted to be a Grandmaster!

Unfortunately, Great General failed to become a Grandmaster and failed to become an invincible. But he saw that Lei Dao became the invincible expert of comparable with Grandmaster.

Lei Dao alone, can make the entire Imperial Family afraid to act blindly without thinking.

This is deterrent power!

Even Great General has a crazy thought of it.

The “dream” that he did not complete at the beginning may be realized in Lei Dao.

In particular, Lei Dao has also been assisted by Divine Predictor Yi Xiang, and it is even more powerful. And Lei Dao itself is the invincible expert of comparable to Grandmaster.

Perhaps, there is hope that the Great cause’s “great cause” will be completed.

“Maybe, I can persuade Lei Dao in the future. This is a great cause. I am afraid I can do it, but Lei Dao is not necessarily…”

Great General Silent gaze at Lei Dao’s silhouette, the heart is hot.

He only wants to complete the “great cause”. As for whether he is the “protagonist”, Great General doesn’t care at all.

What’s more, after a failure, Great General recognized himself.

Perhaps he is not completing the “great cause” at all.

Only Lei Dao, hopefully complete the “great cause”.

For a time, the Great General has rekindled the blazing flame in the depths of his heart. It is a flame called ambition.

This time, he is willing to assist Lei Dao!

Lei Dao didn’t know that there was so much thought in Great General’s mind that he had already led everyone to sway and left Grand Willow City.

At the city gate, Lei Dao looked back at Grand Willow City, and his eyes flashed a bright glow.

Don’t look at him this time seems to occupy a convenient, calmly retreat, and even return home full of rewards. But he knows that the Imperial Family will never sit still, or leave him alone.

Imperial Family, must be brewing a variety of strategies, methods, want to completely solve him, and even solve the entire Lei Family Castle.

The Imperial Family Grandmaster did not remove the day, and Lei Family Castle did not lift the crisis one day.

However, Lei Dao is also very clear, and the Imperial Family will definitely not have too many moves in a short period of time.

But once Old Ancestor Wu returns, it will be different.

“Old Ancestor Wu, then see who is faster. See if you are coming back, or am I getting a real Grandmaster faster?”

Lei Dao muttered.

His mouth was gradually raised with a mysterious smile.

For himself, Lei Dao is confident.

To become a Grandmaster, he can’t use it for a year or even months.

Perhaps, when he returned to Grand Willow City, even Old Ancestor Wu did not return.

Or, Old Ancestor Wu is already dead in the Sea of ​​Death, and always impossible and come back…


Deep in the Imperial Palace, the four Great Grandmaster Old Ancestor and Emperor are in the yard, waiting for the latest information.

Soon, Dark Guard sent the intelligence of Heavenly Prison.

After hearing the detailed information sent by Dark Guard to Heavenly Prison, Emperor’s face changed dramatically and instantly angry.

Old Chan looks indifferently asked: “Emperor, what happened?”

Emperor can only resist the anger, respectfully said: “Old Chan, that Lei Dao is too unscrupulous. He not only collapsed prison, saved the Great General, and even took some of the prisoners in prison. Divine Predictor Yi Xiang, who was in prison, was also taken away by Lei Dao.”

“Divine Predictor Yi Xiang was taken away by Lei Dao? Damn, Old Wu believed in the flick of Divine Predictor and went to Sea of ​​Death to look for opportunity. Otherwise, I can wait for Lei Dao impudent?”

Old He gnashing teeth, the anger of the body overflowing the heaven, hate to break Lei Dao all the corpse, to retret the the heart.

Even Old He even hated Divine Predictor Yi Xiang.

If it weren’t for Divine Predictor, Wu Wu would go to Sea of ​​Death to look for opportunity, and Old Wu would leave the Imperial Palace, leaving Lei Dao unscrupulous in the Imperial Palace, leaving the Imperial Family and their four Great Grandmasters faceless.

And the Emperor and the Four Great Grandmaster are very clear, what this Divine Predictor means.

Even Old Ancestor Wu values ​​Divine Predictor, which shows the weight of Divine Predictor, not even under a Grandmaster!

Lei Dao If you have a Divine Predictor assistant, or even a Great General, then Lei Dao will be more powerful, and the influence will be expanded by countless times. At that time, it may actually pose a threat to the entire Grand Willow Kingdom.

The most nervous thing about Emperor is the right in his hand, or the chair under his ass!

If you said that Lei Dao’s martial strength just made him feel a little tricky, but not too nervous.

He believes that Four Old Ancestors can solve Lei Dao.

But now, Lei Dao actually took the Divine Predictor, which made Emperor feel nervous from the bottom of his heart.

Emperor is clear about the capabilities of Divine Predictor, otherwise it will not be held in prison’s eleventh prison cell.

If it weren’t for Divine Predictor that was valued by several Grandmasters, Emperor had already killed Divine Predictor.

Divine Predictor This kind of person is a huge threat to the rule of Emperor!

Lei Dao is assisted by Divine Predictor, not to mention that Lei Dao itself has a large-scale influence.

Even if Lei Dao has no influence, there is no one next. But with the help of Divine Predictor, Lei Dao can quickly build a huge influence, and in a few days, even the Imperial Family can rule the foundation of the Grand Willow Kingdom!

This is something that Emperor can’t tolerate!

“four Old Ancestors, what should I do now? Lei Dao took Divine Predictor, which is no longer a threat to Lei Dao, a martial artist. With the help of Divine Predictor, Lei Dao can even shake the foundation of Imperial Court!”

Emperor looks impatient.

Old Chan looked at Emperor, solemnly said: “Emperor doesn’t have to be impatient, Old Wu will be back soon. Once Old Wu comes back, then Lei Dao and even Lei Lei Family Castle will escape at calamity!”

“But if Old Wu didn’t come back?”

Emperor couldn’t help but say the biggest worry in his heart.

Old Wu What if I have an accident at Sea of ​​Death?


Old Chan’s tone is a bit harsh, even with a slap of reprimand.

“Old Ancestor Wu will definitely be back! Sea of ​​Death also wants to leave Old Ancestor Wu! However, if Old Ancestor Wu really has something wrong, then you have to prepare for any request from Lei Dao! Remember, it is really time. In addition to your throne, my Imperial Family must agree to any of Lei Dao’s requirements!”

Old Chan’s words are like a basin of cold water, poured on the head of Emperor.

At this moment, Emperor suddenly woke up.

A Grandmaster, and a terrifying expert that can suppress four Great Grandmasters, how many weights do you have?

Even more weight than his Emperor!

Emperor can die, Old Ancestor can also pick another Imperial Family member to become Emperor.

But if you don’t meet Lei Dao, I am afraid that the entire Imperial Family will be in danger of being destroyed.

After all, now the Four Great Grandmaster can’t help Lei Dao. If it’s been a few decades, is Lei Dao the real Grandmaster?

The potential is the most terrifying place for Lei Dao!

Lei Dao’s infinite potential has shocked the four Great Grandmaster Old Ancestor!

Emperor felt very shocked.

He seems to understand that one person is a country.

Originally thought that this is nonsense.

But now it seems that it is not absurd to be alone in one country, but something that is really possible.

Emperor can’t help but now he can only follow the decision of four Old Ancestors.

Wait quietly and wait until Old Ancestor Wu returns.

At that time, it is the death of Lei Dao!

Ps: The five more broke out, ask for a monthly ticket!

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