“Great Grandmaster !”

Lei Dao flashed a different color in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Old Ancestor Wu actually became the Great Grandmaster?

You know, Old Ancestor Wu is approaching the limit, and even Divine Predictor Yi Xiang flicks to the Sea of ​​Death, which is almost a place for nine deaths and still alive.

Old Ancestor Wu was able to come back alive and also scored a great breakthrough to the Great Grandmaster.

Even Lei Dao has to admire, this is really a miracle!

However, the face of Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder is ugly.

Great Grandmaster, that’s the Great Grandmaster!

Supreme Elder understands the meaning of this, she knows this means what.

With the strength of Old Ancestor Wu in the past, this time, Old Ancestor Wu made the Great Grandmaster, and I am afraid that the pattern of the entire Grand Willow Kingdom will be completely changed.

Especially the nine Great Sect!

The Imperial Family or Old Ancestor Wu will never allow the nine Great Sects to have a detached status as they are now.

“Yes, the old man in the Sea of ​​Death nine deaths and still alive, but ultimately the blessing, condensing and producing Flower of Essence Strength, made the Great Grandmaster !old man. Red Lotus Sect, just for the Red Lotus Heart Sutra But there are those who block, don’t blame the old man for not paying attention!”

Old Ancestor Wu stared at Supreme Elder indifferently, under the opposing manner of the body, making Supreme Elder feel struggling.

This is the Great Grandmaster. Under the Flower of Essence Strength, the ordinary Grandmaster has undergone terrifying suppression, and even one of the strengths is not even able to play.

Moreover, the Great Grandmaster condensing and producing Flower of Essence Strength is almost endless in strength, Essence Strength is strong, and the physical fitness has reached the limit that the human body can reach.

This is equivalent to the mythical legendary demon!

Old Ancestor Wu is now standing with his hands on the top of the huge Flower of Essence Strength hiding the sky and covering the earth, exuding the terrifying aura. Looking from afar, is it just like a demon?

“Right, and Lei Dao! Hand over Profound Heaven Ruler, old man to leave you a whole body!”

Old Ancestor Wu tone.

For Red Lotus Sect, Old Ancestor Wu is just thinking about pressing, and even using Red Lotus Sect to contain the other nine Great Sects to achieve the goal of the Imperial Family to suppress the nine Great Sect.

And what about Lei Dao?

Lei Dao has nothing to do with the influence behind him. Moreover, Lei Dao is still very young and a genius in genius.

Such a genius, even if the strength is stronger, Old Ancestor Wu will not stay.

Otherwise, sooner or later it will become a huge threat.

What’s more, Old Ancestor Wu also knows that Lei Dao is a very rare Body Refining Grandmaster! There is great hope in the future for condense Flower of Essence Strength, which will make Great Grandmaster.

For Lei Dao, the genius that threatens the Imperial Family, Old Ancestor Wu will never let go.

“How could this be? Old Ancestor Wu made the Great Grandmaster…”

Red Lotus Sect is too hurting Elder’s look and feel, it is too much hit.

Some time ago, Demon Palace invaded and Monk Ku Ya became a Demon Palace.

Supreme Elder thought he was not weaker than any rogue cultivator, but did not expect Monk Ku Ya to defeat her. Although Supreme Elder didn’t say anything, she was faintly hurt in her heart.

Now, Old Ancestor Wu has made the Great Grandmaster and has hit the Supreme Elder even more.

“Old Ancestor Wu !”

Suddenly, Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder clenched one’s teeth, shouted: “old woman knows that you want to follow the Grand Willow Kingdom Great Ancestor, and press on the nine Great Sect to stabilize your Imperial Family’s rivers and mountains. But you know My Red Lotus Sect Some time ago, I was almost killed by Demon Palace? Demon Palace wolf ambition, want to control my Red Lotus Sect, use Red Lotus Sect as a springboard, completely control Grand Willow Kingdom. Old Ancestor Wu, even if you made Great Grandmaster, face Demon Palace, perhaps is also a little bit worse. At this time, how do you still think about pressing the Great Sect and the internal consumption? Please let Old Wu let go of Elder Lei, and then Demon Palace will invade again, and Elder Lei will be guilty! ”

“As for Red Lotus Heart Sutra of my Red Lotus Sect, Old Ancestor Wu can see it, even if it is taken.”

Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder makes Lei Dao both surprised.

He did not expect that, at this time, Red Lotus Sect is still willing to protect him.

Perhaps Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder “values” Lei Dao, which also has some hints.

But at this time, faced with the threat of a diignified Great Grandmaster, Supreme Elder is still trying to save Lei Dao. With this in mind, Lei Dao is very fond of Red Lotus Sect.

“Demon Palace really has such strength?”

Instead, Old Ancestor Wu brows slightly frowned.

He had heard of Demon Palace, but at that time Demon Palace was active in Shenlu and Fire Luo Kingdom, and it seemed far away from Grand Willow Kingdom. Didn’t expect to have invaded the Grand Willow Kingdom now?

“absolutely true, don’t believe that Old Ancestor Wu can go back and launch the information system of the Imperial Family. Once you know, Demon Palace is our common enemy!”

Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder This is not a mistake.

In fact, since the invasion of Demon Palace, Red Lotus Sect has been paying close attention to Demon Palace, and naturally is also doing its best to investigate Demon Palace. Moreover, it really let Red Lotus Sect investigate some intelligence.

However, this information makes Supreme Elder feel chilly.

Demon Palace’s influence is far more terrifying than Supreme Elder’s imagination. If it weren’t for Divine Land Kingdom and Fire Luo Kingdom to contain the Demon Palace influence, the perhaps Demon Palace had long since invaded the Grand Willow Kingdom.

“Affair of the Demon Palace, old man will naturally go back to the investigation. Just Lei Dao, the old man must be removed! Kill me Divine Martial Guard Chief Command Envoy, robbed the Great General, these behaviors have been the same, Old man must not let go!”

Old Ancestor Wu is one revolution, still staring at Lei Dao with a murderous look.

Regardless of how great the Demon Palace is, Old Ancestor Wu will kill Lei Dao. He will not be told by Red Child Sect too long. Third Ancestor Wu has made up his mind to eliminate the roots and thoroughly remove the threat. !

“Supreme Elder, no need to say more.”

Lei Dao waved his hand and stopped Supreme Elder.

“When you say it, you still have to see who’s bigger?”

Lei Dao’s eyes are calm. In the face of Old Ancestor Wu’s Flower of Essence Strength’s suppression, Lei Dao does feel that the whole body seems heavy and difficult, but he is still walking forward firmly.

While walking, Lei Dao said in a low voice: “In the beginning, I just want to live! Old Ancestor Wu, you know? I just want to live, just want to cure the tuberculosis and survive!”

Slowly, Lei Dao pulled Profound Heaven Ruler from behind.

“Just later I found out that if you want to live, you have to have strong strength! I want to get one tempering inner organs’ martial art, but it is so difficult. To this end, I will not hesitate to rely on Great General and investigate the Profound Heaven with the influence of Great General. Writ fragment, even relying on Great General, was shocked by Ma Yuan.”

“I just want to live, but why do you always force me?”

At this time, Lei Dao gradually evolved an imposing manner.

“Ma Yuan forced me, so I was desperately martial artist and married Ma Yuan!”

“Imperial Family is also pushing me, so I went to the Imperial Palace and talked to the four Great Grandmasters. I played a game by the way. The facts prove that the fists are big and the reason is good!”

“Later I went to Red Lotus Sect, and Monk Ku Ya was pushing me again. I just wanted Monk Ku Ya to quit Red Lotus Sect that’s all, but he was desperate with me. Finally, I also married Monk Ku Ya!”

“Now, Old Ancestor Wu, you are also pushing me! Hahaha, I, Lei Dao can support both heaven and earth, relying on hard work to achieve today’s achievements, but why are you always pushing me?”


As Lei Dao’s voice gets higher and higher, the tone is getting more and more exciting, and the imposing manner of Lei Dao is getting stronger and stronger.

The next moment, a terrifying Essence and Qi skyrocketed, faint, as if there is a giant flower, across the head of Lei Dao, even the Old Ancestor Wu’s Flower of Essence Strength, it seems that it can not be suppressed.

“this is……”

Old Ancestor Wu’s eyes widened and his face was shocked.

Not only Old Ancestor Wu, but also Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder, and even Yi Xiang and the rest, who heard the news, also saw this scene, and the heart was shocked to the point where it could not be added.

“Flower of Origin Qi! This is the Flower of Origin Qi! Elder Lei actually made the Great Grandmaster…”

Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder seems to have seen a ghost, she can not believe her eyes.

But in the sky, the giant flower at the top of Lei Dao, hiding the sky and covering the earth, seems to be able to suppress everything in the imposing manner. Even if it is older than Old Ancestor Wu’s Flower of Essence Strength.

Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder Although there is no has seen Flower of Origin Qi, the introduction of Flower of Origin Qi is well understood.

Therefore, she recognized it at a glance, that is Flower of Origin Qi!

Lei Dao put Profound Heaven Ruler on his shoulder, and his face was so solemn.

Even with Monk Ku Ya great war, even playing True Fire, Burning Essence and Qi, Lei Dao is not so serious.

Because, he is facing a Great Grandmaster!

An invincible Martial Dao Legend!

Great Grandmaster, already known as Martial Dao Legend, stands at the Peak of Martial Dao and overlooks some!

Lei Dao stopped and stopped in front of the old Ancestor Wu ten zhang.

Top of his head Flower of Origin Qi has thousand zhang, condensed as essence, exudes endless power.

With the Flower of Essence Strength of Old Ancestor Wu, there is no end to the wind.

Even Lei Dao is set against Demon God.

Great Grandmaster, two Great Grandmasters, now facing each other!

“You have Flower of Essence Strength, I also have Flower of Origin Qi! I say Great Grandmaster invincible, Old Ancestor Wu, I want to see if the Great Grandmaster is really invincible?”

Lei Dao glared at Profound Heaven Ruler, and his eyes unwavering locked Old Ancestor Wu.

At this moment, the Lei Dao fighting intent is high, and the impering manner on the body is a violently surge, as if it was like the Demon God, and pushed all the enemies!

Old Ancestor Wu is also extremely dignified. He unwavering his eyes on the Flower of Origin Qi at the top of Lei Dao. His eyes are complicated.

“Flower of Origin Qi! I didn’t expect it, Lei Dao, you are better than I expected. Originally, the old man thought that you would spend ten years, condense Flower of Essence Strength, to achieve Great Grandmaster. Unexpectedly, you have another way. The condense Flower of Origin Qi has made the Great Grandmaster. However, the Great Grandmaster of the Flower of Essence Strength has been the most powerful strength since ancient times. What about the condensing Flower of Origin Qi? Today, the old man must marry you!”

Old Ancestor Wu’s body is also killing intent. At this moment, no one can dispel his determination to kill Lei Dao.

Old Ancestor Wu is clear, maybe this is his only chance to kill Lei Dao, and Lee Dao has not yet condense Flower of Essence Strength, and the fighting strength has not reached its peak.

Otherwise, once the Lei Dao condense Flower of Essence Strength, Old Ancestor Wu has no chance.

Even if Lei Dao condenses the Flower of Essence Strength, Old Ancestor Wu will probably die!

At this moment, the two are no longer as simple as the ordinary battle between the Great Grandmasters.

This is a cruel great war that is divided into hands and hands!

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