“This book personal letter…”

For a long time, Lei Dao closed the personal letter.

His mood has not been calm for a long time. It is really too much content in the Great Ancestor personal letter. Even with the status of Lei Dao, it can’t be calm.

Personal letter should be recorded by Grand Willow Kingdom, the Great Ancestor, and it should be sorted out, especially in the secret warehouse, left to the posterity of Great Ancestor.

The personal letter records that Great Ancestor has set the stage, even after removing the Emperor position, Cloud Travelling Divine Land Kingdom has a very important thing.

After the Grand Willow Kingdom Great Ancestor set the world for decades, the Emperor was unloaded and ready to travel to Divine Land Kingdom, hoping to embark on the Peak of Martial Dao.

After all, the Great Ancestor at the time did not condensing Flower of Origin Qi, only condensing and producing Flower of Essence Strength, still exploring the Peak of Martial Dao.

In Divine Land Kingdom, Grand Willow Kingdom Great Ancestor accidentally met a man who claimed to be “Yi Clan” and was seriously injured and rescued by Great Ancestor.

Later, Great Ancestor learned a heaven startling secret from the mouth of Yi Clansman.

It turns out that the full name of Yi Clansman is actually called Divine Yi Clan. They claim to be God’s legacy in this continent. They used to rule the entire continent a long time ago.

Only later did not know what the reason for the decline, the number of people has changed very little, and even split into Divine Clan and Yi Clan.

Yi Clansman remembers that Great Ancestor saved his life and told many things about Yi Clan. Of course, most of them belong to Yi Clan’s so-called “glorious” deeds.

Among them, the most important thing for Great Ancestor is Yi Clan’s lifespan.

Yi Clansman can basically live more than 80 years old without dying from accidents! A few of them can even live above 120 years old.

You know, that’s the average person in Yi Clan.

And Grand Willow Kingdom ordinary people?

Basically, it is good to live 50 years old. To live to 60 years old is longevity. However, the average person of Yi Clan can live to be over a hundred years old, and the younger one is also 80 years old.

If it is some awakened innate talent, or a martial artist, Yi Clansman, even live to 150 years old or above.

This shocked the then Grand Willow Kingdom Great Ancestor.

You know, even if it is the Grandmaster, it is good to actually live to be over 100 years old. It is not everyone who is practicing Qi Art. It is Life Nurturing Art and can prolong life.

Some of Qi Art’s life prolonging effects are also trivial and ordinary, and cannot be incremental longevity.

There are even some Great Grandmasters who are alive, and there is no such high number of years as Yi Clansman.

Great Ancestor was shocked. I wanted to slap on the side and ask Yi Clansman for more information, but later, Yi Clansman seemed to be chased by a mysterious influence, including the Great Grandmaster expert.

Even the Great Ancestor can only protect himself, and the Yi Clansman disappears.

Later, I returned to the Great Ancestor of the Grand Willow Kingdom, launched all the influences in the Grand Willow Kingdom, went to find information about Divine Yi Clan, and finally put it together, it became this personal letter.

Unfortunately, in the end, Great Ancestor couldn’t find the Yi Clansman. He just got some ambiguous information. It seems that the mysterious Yi Clansman appeared in Fire Luo Kingdom, and then there is no information anymore.

However, Great Ancestor’s message to Divine Yi Clan is not entirely unproductive. Instead, it did collect some information about Divine Yi Clan. Although it is not too detailed, it is basically collected, and probably knows about Divine Yi Clan.

I don’t know if I don’t collect it. After the collection, even Great Ancestor was shocked, and my heart was shocked.

Lei Dao first time I was shocked to see the information about Divine Yi Clan in this personal letter.

According to the collected data, Divine Yi Clan’s history is very old, even ancient to the continent’s Antiquity.

At that time, Divine Yi Clan had already appeared.

They seem to have ruled the entire continent, and Divine Yi Clan at that time was almost True God!

Because they not only live long, they live long, but they also have a magical power that can create a illusion, control people’s thoughts, and even move objects out of thin air.

This ability is called Power of Spirit Sense by Divine Yi Clan!

Even the original Martial Dao was actually passed down by Divine Yi Clan.

The so-called Three Flowers Gathers on Crown requires Flower of Essence Strength, Flower of Origin Qi and Flower of Spirit Sense. The most mysterious of these is the Flower of Spirit Sense, which must be only the clansman of Divine Yi Clan awakened Spirit Sense innate talent.

Ordinary people simply can’t wake up Spirit Sense innate talent, that is, even the Great Grandmaster, Martial Dao Legend, as long as there is no Spirit Sense innate talent, not Divine Yi Clan, and condense Flower of Spirit Sense.

However, Divine Yi Clan later did not know why it was overthrown, and then in countless years, it split into two factions, Divine Clan and Yi Clan.

Divine Clan advocates the world, relying on the powerful martial strength to regain the dominance of Divine Yi Clan and become the true master of this continent Supreme!

Yi Clan believes that the glory of Divine Yi Clan is over, and then continue to high-profile, I am afraid that Divine Yi Clan will be destroyed. Therefore, Yi Clan advocates a hidden world, a low-key life, and the Divine Yi Clan’s inheritance will slowly go down.

The disputes between the two factions for countless years have finally disappeared, and few people can see it again.

The person who knows Divine Yi Clan is just a very few.

Great Ancestor was also the one who accidentally met Yi Clan, so this began to pay attention to Divine Yi Clan, and specifically collected the Divine Yi Clan information.

But that’s it. Just like this, Divine Yi Clan seems to have disappeared completely since then, and there is no trace of it until the Great Ancestor is coming. There is no Divine Yi Clan’s half-information.

“Divine Yi Clan ……”

Lei Dao muttered.

This book, Great Ancestor personal letter, undoubtedly solved some mysteries for Lei Dao.

When Red Lotus Sect Supreme Elder mentioned it, after the Flower of Essence Strength and Flower of Origin Qi, there is no way to go ahead. Converging Flower of Spirit Sense is also a legend, even what innate talent is needed.

Now Lei Dao probably knows.

Flower of Spirit Sense is not a legend, it is very likely to exist.

The so-called innate talent should be the innate talent of Divine Yi Clan.

It seems that only Divine Yi Clan can awaken Spirit Sense innate talent to have Power of Spirit Sense, and even hope to condense Flower of Spirit Sense in the future, reaching Supreme Martial Dao realm of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown.

Of course, this is just Lei Dao’s speculation that’s all.

Even though Great Ancestor collected some information about Divine Yi Clan, there are very few, and I don’t know which of these materials are really and which are fake.

“Right, as mentioned in the personal letter, Great Ancestor eventually collected one of the cultivation techniques that Divine Yi Clan used to practice Power of Spirit Sense, which was placed in the secret warehouse.”

Lei Dao’s heart moved and he immediately took action and looked for martial art about Power of Spirit Sense exercises.

There is too much martial art in the secret warehouse.

For Divine Yi Clan, many things have been difficult to verify over time, and it seems that later members of the Imperial Family did not care much about Divine Yi Clan.

Therefore, even the one that Great Ancestor got, the martial art of Power of Spirit Sense did not know where to put it.

Lei Dao found a full time, and finally found a dusty ancient book in the corner of a row of bookshelves. It seems that for a long time no one has flipped.

The above is marked with the words “Spirit Sense Foundation Tempering Thirteen Forms”.

Lei Dao saw this ancient book, and if it was a treasure, it was extremely exciting.

There is a cultivation technique, which means that you can practice.

Once the practice is in the door, Lei Dao can practice no matter whether it can be practiced or not, and there is a special ability to help improve, and then the difficult cultivation technique can be completely practiced to great accomplishment.

“Maybe, the Flower of Spirit Sense is hopeful!”

Lei Dao is very excited.

Imperial Family secret warehouse really didn’t disappoint him. I thought it was illusory to condense Flower of Spirit Sense. I didn’t expect it to have hope now.

So, Lei Dao hurriedly opened the “Spirit Sense Foundation Tempering Thirteen Forms”, and the first page drew a lot of strange pictures, which seemed to be the pose of each and everyone.

“These poses are not difficult.”

Lei Dao looks at these poses, he can easily make it. After all, he is the Body of Indestructible Diamond. Which difficult action can’t be done?

However, Lei Dao is sometimes confused.

If this is so simple, why did the Grand Willow Kingdom Great Ancestor fail to develop Power of Spirit Sense?

Lei Dao looked at the back carefully, but his face gradually sank.

It turns out that this book “Spirit Sense Foundation Tempering Thirteen Forms” is indeed used for tempering Power of Spirit Sense, but the first thing to awakening Power of Spirit Sense is that Power of Spirit Sense must be sensed.

If you can’t sense Power of Spirit Sense, then this cultivation technique is useless.

Lei Dao finally understands that it is no wonder that Grand Willow Kingdom Great Ancestor has not been able to practice Power of Spirit Sense. Without awakening Power of Spirit Sense, it is impossible to tempering.

Even with this so-called cultivation technique, it does not help.

“Awakening innate talent…”

Lei Dao frowned.

According to Divine Yi Clan, it seems that this so-called Spirit Sense innate talent, really is unique to Divine Yi Clan, ordinary people simply do not.

“don’t tell me, there is no way to go ahead?”

Even Lei Dao has some doubts.

“No, there must be a way. As long as I can sense Power of Spirit Sense, even a little Power of Spirit Sense will be fine. Then, using the cultivation technique of tempering Power of Spirit Sense, you can quickly upgrade the cultivation technique to Great accomplishment. Flower of Spirit Sense, may not be able to condense! Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, and not exclusive to Divine Yi Clan!”

Lei Dao flashed a bright glow in his eyes, and his face showed a firm color.

In any case, he will not give up.

About Divine Yi Clan, about Power of Spirit Sense, and even about Flower of Spirit Sense, Lei Dao has carefully reviewed the Great Ancestor personal letter several times. Do not give up until the contents of the personal letter are completely remembered.

Lei Dao’s mind is sorting out the contents of the Great Ancestor personal letter, and he has to sort out his future path.

First, Lei Dao has to confirm that there is Divine Yi Clan in the world.

Then I found the Divine Yi Clan.

Only when you find Divine Yi Clan people can you figure out what the so-called innate talent, or Power of Spirit Sense, is all about?

“Well, this matter was handed over to Yi Xiang, who asked him to launch the intelligence system of the entire Grand Willow Kingdom and investigate the whereabouts of Divine Yi Clan!”

Lei Dao combed the ideas.

Now he oversees in the Imperial Palace, almost monopolizing power, naturally mobilizing the intelligence power of the entire Grand Willow Kingdom.

It is natural to investigate Divine Yi Clan people.

However, Lei Dao is also very clear. At the time, Grand Willow Kingdom Great Ancestor could not find Divine Yi Clan. He wanted to find it, but it was difficult.

Therefore, Lei Dao can only wait quietly.

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