“Demon Palace Headquarters ?”

Lei Dao has a good spirit.

In fact, Lei Dao is ready to leave Yi Clan and wants to return to the Grand Willow Kingdom. Use the information of the Grand Willow Kingdom to investigate the address of the Demon Palace Headquarters and find Shen Luo to completely resolve the hidden danger before leaving.

But in fact, Lei Dao is also very clear.

Shen Luo has been running Demon Palace for a long time. In the past few years, there has been no information at all, which shows that Demon Palace is hidden. To find the address of the Demon Palace Headquarters by the information of the Grand Willow Kingdom, the perhaps will be difficult.

Even Lei Dao was in a headache. Didn’t he grab a few Demon Palace members to ask about the Demon Palace Headquarters address, and I didn’t expect Sword God to know the address of Demon Palace Headquarters.

“Sword God, how did you know about Demon Palace Headquarters?”

Lei Dao curiously asked. As far as he knows, Sword God doesn’t have any particularly large influences. The intelligence system is not very good. How do you know the headquarters of Demon Palace?

Sword God took a deep breath, solemnly said: “A decade ago, Shen Luo once found an old man and wanted an old man to join Demon Palace. At that time, Shen Luo didn’t know my relationship with Yi Clan. The old man promised, Even entering the Demon Palace Headquarters. Later, the old man left the Demon Palace, and Shen Luo was furious, killing the old man all the way. Fortunately, Shen Luo was far from being as powerful as it is now, and the old man tried his best to escape.”

“After Shen Luo seemed to realize the opportunity of the Power of Spirit Sense Perfection, there was no more pursuit of the old man, and the old man was able to live to the present.”

“It turned out to be.”

Lei Dao nodded.

I have to say that Sword God is really bold.

Of course, Sword God ten years ago is already the top Great Grandmaster with Flower of Essence Strength and Flower of Origin Qi. It is Martial Dao Realm’s as heavy as Mt Tai, as brilliant as the Big Dipper, and even thinks that no one in the world can win him.

Entering Demon Palace, I also want to take the opportunity to eradicate Demon Palace and eradicate Divine Clan, so that I can “work” in front of Qing Luan.

Unfortunately, Sword God met Shen Luo.

Perhaps even Sword God didn’t know that Shen Luo was so powerful that he almost died. It was also from that time that Sword God knew about Demon Palace’s ambitions.

“A decade has passed, will Demon Palace Headquarters be relocated?”

Lei Dao has this doubt.

But Sword God has shake one’s head and said vowedly: “impossible!Blade God hasn’t been to Demon Palace Headquarters. I don’t know what kind of place there is. It’s Divine Clan’s nest, even Divine Clan has spent hundreds of years. Time has created a huge underground palace, even if there is a huge thousand army, I can’t think of Demon Palace Headquarters. Therefore, in such a place, Demon Palace simply refuses to give up.”

Lei Dao nodded, Sword God said it makes sense.

Demon Palace carries a word of “magic” and the concept is not for the sake of all countries.

If really knows the headquarters of Demon Palace, then Demon Palace will surely face a steady stream of military killings, even if Shen Luo is strong, it will be exhausted.

And, even if Shen Luo is strong, what about ordinary Divine Clan clansman?

If they lose the protection of the Demon Palace Headquarters, they will soon be slaughtered. Therefore, the Demon Palace Headquarters is the home of Divine Clan and will not be abandoned.

“Okay, then thank you for your trouble Sword God and take a trip with this Lei.”

Lei Dao stood up fiercely, said in the great spirit.

He didn’t want to delay the time. He took the Battle Method and it took a whole month. Lei Dao didn’t want to spend more time.

Otherwise, there will be long night dreams, and no one knows what kind of changes will happen.

“haha, old man can’t ask for it. The old man also wants to see the Demon Palace’s destruction, and wants to see the Three Flowers Gathers on Crown’s Martial Dao Supreme expert. What is the divine might?”

Sword God is a martial artist after all, and it is also invincible Great Grandmaster, Martial Dao Legend!

He also wants to see the real Three Flowers Gathers on Crown!

Before the battle between Lei Dao and Shen Luo, he felt a little bit unfinished. After all, both Lei Dao and Shen Luo are actually recently broken through, and the power of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown can’t be fully grasped, let alone exerted all the power.

Although it is also very shocking, Sword God feels a little worse, it is not the power of strongest Martial Dao!

And now, a month has passed.

Whether it is Lei Dao or Shen Luo, it is estimated that the power of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown is almost the same. Especially Lei Dao, even the most suitable for his Battle Method.

Even condense Fist Intent!

This is the strongest Lei Dao!

Therefore, even if Sword God has not lived many youngsters, he still wants to see the peak of the front, otherwise he will regret his life.

“I will go too, there is me, no one can hurt you!”

Qing Luan said to Sword God.

The two men have been together for a while, and they have completely let go of the slightest must, and the old man is worthy of his wish.

“Do you both go?”

“Not bad.”

Qing Luan and Sword God’s attitude are very firm.

In the end, Lei Dao is still nodded.

Demon Palace Headquarters, as long as he held down Shen Luo, then Qing Luan and Sword God are still very safe. Even the Great Grandmaster can’t really help Qing Luan.

After all, Qing Luan is Yi Clan Patriarch, Spirit Sense Great Accomplishment, and it is also Grandmaster, and its strength is not weak. Just because Divine Clan Patriarch Shen Luo is too strong, in contrast, it seems that Qing Luan is nothing.

But Qing Luan is definitely an expert!

“When to set off?”

Asked Sword God.

“If you don’t want to be late, go now!”

Lei Dao’s hand, suddenly, the invisible Power of Spirit Sense directly supported Qing Luan and Sword God. Then, the three men all rose to the sky and quickly flew out of the valley.

In the sky, Lei Dao is extremely fast.

Taking the two people with Power of Spirit Sense is a bit of a labor, but it’s just that.

Lei Dao condense Power of Spirit Sense, although not endless, but Power of Spirit Sense is indeed a lot, even if it is now holding three people, but it is enough to adhere to a few hours of time.

At a few hours, the speed of flying with Lei Dao and the rest is probably a thousand miles away.

Condene Flower of Spirit Sense, and then, with Power of Spirit Sense, the fastest is the fastest, even the Maxima is far less than the speed of Spirit Sense flight.


Sword God is very envious.

He is the first time to experience the feeling of “flying.”

Even if he is a diignified Great Grandmaster, Martial Dao Legend, he didn’t wake up to Spirit Sense and couldn’t fly at all. At most, it is to step on the water and that’s all, relying on the movement technique to be flexible and short-lived, but that is not a real flight.

Only by awakened Power of Spirit Sense and at least reaching great accomplishment can you fly.

Of course, even the Spirit Sense Great Accomplishment, in fact, can only be a short flight, and want to bring people? That is simply impossible.

Only the Spirit Sense Perfection, condense Flower of Spirit Sense can fly for a few hours, and even fly with others.

This method is no less than the mythical legend God.

Fly through the sky and escape through the earth.

This is the method of God in mythology.

I dare not say it, but flying, at least Lei Dao can do it now.

“Sword God is the jungle below, and the Demon Palace Headquarters is at the underground of the jungle, where there is a huge underground palace.”

Sword God points to the next piece of jungle.

Lei Dao eyes slightly squint.

This piece of jungle is very large, and it is very rare, and there are no signs of artificial surroundings. I am afraid that no one will think of it, it will be the home of Demon Palace.

At least, people at Demon Palace have to eat and drink?

Built in such a sparsely populated mountain forest, how to solve the problem of eating and drinking?

“Sword God, are you sure you are here?”

Lei Dao asked again.

“Yes, it is here!”

Sword God replied with a certainty: “Blade God, you don’t want to see it here, it looks like a ridiculous jungle. The ground is a totally different world. What’s more, Demon Palace has been digging underground for hundreds of years, the underground palace is early They are already well-connected. They even dig more than one secret road to distant towns.”

Lei Dao was a little surprised.

There are actually secret passages leading to towns. How long is that?

Such a long secret road is definitely not completed overnight.

No wonder Sword God said that Divine Clan has been here for hundreds of years. If you want to dig out such a long passage, you have to build a huge underground palace. How long is it?

Divine Clan has spent a lot of effort here, naturally impossible to give up.

“Sword God, how do you get here?”

Lei Dao asked again.

Sword God hesitated for a moment, then shaked one’s head, and said: “old man was brought here from the secret road, and later forced to rush out, so I know this piece of jungle. Just, it was forced out by the old man. I am afraid that I have been sealed by Divine Clan. Now the old man doesn’t know how to get into the underground palace from here.”

Lei Dao looked at all around. It is indeed a jungle. There is no trace of artificialness at all. If you want to look slowly, you don’t know when to find it.

Even there is no entry at all.

The entrance is in a very distant town, and it is quite secretive. Even the original Sword God was only quietly brought into the underground palace. I don’t know where the entrance is.

“I don’t know the entrance? It doesn’t matter. Without an entrance, I will find an entrance!”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he was too lazy to find it anyway. Anyway, this time he came to find Shen Luo, completely “knotted”, and he did not think about sneak attack.

What’s more, when it comes to Shen Luo, Marthaial Dao Supreme Realm of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, how can it be sneaked? Even if it is Lei Dao, it is easy to approach Shen Luo.

In this case, what kind of politeness is there?


Lei Dao’s body aura soared, Essence and Qi were like pillars, and instantly burst into the sky, forming three giant flowers in the void.

The three giant flowers began to merge, and almost instantly merged into a flower, and this flower is Flower of Spirit Sense!

To find the underground palace of the Demon Palace, Power of Spirit Sense is definitely more suitable.

With the fusion of three giant flowers, Lei Dao felt the Power of Spirit Sense in his mind soared several times.

He is aok a deep breath, and countless Power of Spirit Sense seems to form a heavy hammer, and the mountain forest below the moving moves.

“hong long”.

Suddenly, the ground shakes, as if the Earth Dragon turned over, the entire mountain forest is shaking.

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