
On the sea boat, the Lu Family young man heartbeat has accelerated, his gaze at the sea beast, and the silhouette of the venerable stalwart under the sea beast, the attitude is very respectful.


Lei Dao stood with his hands on his head and three giant flowers on his head, hiding the sky and covering the earth. It was like a god, even if it was just a little imposing manner, it made the people on the ship feel scared.

That’s Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, which condenses the expert of Dao Body!

The entire Lu Family, without the Expert of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, shows how noble the status of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown is. Unexpectedly, they are only in the shallow sea area, they can actually meet the Expert of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown.

The young man felt the pressure on Lei Dao’s eyes. But he still dared to ask: “Senior, this 600 years Sea Beast, but the Senior is killing?”

Looking at the young man’s cautious appearance, Lei Dao expressionless, nodded, indifferently said: “Yes, this sea beast has just been killed by me, why, you want sea beast corpse?”

Young man madly joyfully said: “Yes, we are Lu Family younger generation on Sea Spiral Island, our store is currently lacking a strong sea beast. When it comes to Shop Protecting Treasure, please ask Senior to open a price.”

“Off price?”

Lei Dao seems to be sinking if he is thoughtful.

a good while , Lei Dao looked up: “I went deep sea cultivation and saw two powerful sea beast battles. After being sucked into the whirlpool, I came here unexpectedly. You said this is Sea Spiral Island? Is it just an island?”

The young man on the sea boat was lightly dumbfounded and looked at Lei Dao carefully. On Sea Spiral Island, there was no impression of Lei Dao. You know, Sea Spiral Island is big, but every three Flowers Gathers on Crown’s expert is not a nameless generation, Lu Family knows.

What’s more, Lu Family recently looked for the Expert of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown in madness, hoping to oversee Lu Family, help Lu Family to tide over the difficulties, and naturally understand Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert.

But there is no Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert like Lei Dao.

“Senior, are you not a martial artist of Sea Spiral Island?”

Lei Dao declined to comment, no answer.

But Lei Dao’s silence is the best answer.

The young man immediately became active and even excited.

what is this?

When I went out, I met a Senior of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, and even easily killed the powerful six-year-old sea beast, not even the usual Three Flowers Gathers on Crown.

This don’t tell me is an adventure?

Thinking of this, the young man is so excited.

His gaze at Lei Dao immediately said: “Senior, my name is Lu Hua, this is my younger sister Lu Jing, we are the Sea Spiral Island Lu family. I used to have a Dao. Body has two years of expert, inheritance has been around for a thousand years. If you want to sell this sea beast, please come back to Lu Family with us, and my Lu Family will definitely give Senior a satisfactory price.”

“Oh? Satisfied price, what can you come up with?”

Lei Dao indifferently said, it seems that I am not at all tempted. But in fact, he knows that his purpose has been reached.

Apparently, his identity was an “accidental” arrival at Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert in Sea Spiral Island.

Lu Hua’s words are full of meanings that can be drawn, and Lei Dao can’t know?

Lu Hua saw Lei Dao, somewhat hesitating in her heart. He is only the son of Lu Family Patriarch, can’t be the master of father, and can’t do the Lord of Lu Family.

But he knows how difficult Lu Family is now, and is being unwavering suppressed by Liu Family, and even can’t support it anymore.

When Father went to Loose Practitioner Qi Ye oversee, he was opened by Loose Practitioner Qi Ye.

Lu Hua really wants to share the worry for the family and want to share the worry for father!

Think of it here, Lu Family clench one’s teeth and said : “Senior, you are Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, Dao Body 1st layer. To go further, you must have Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, as long as Senior agree to go to Lu Family, even I am willing to be my Lu Family’s Foreign Elder, my Lu Family will go all out, come up with one, no, come up with two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine to Senior!”

Lei Dao startled in one’s heart, followed by ecstasy.

Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, his dream of Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, actually met?

And not one, but two!

Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine!

Lei Dao is very excited, but he can’t immediately express his position. After all, he is now “expert Senior” and has to maintain the expert style.

“Youngster, you are very sincere. Anyway, I also went to Sea Spiral Island, so go to Lu Family and have a look.”

After Lei Dao finished, he waved directly.


The huge sea beast corpse fell directly onto the deck of the Lu Family.

“This sea beast corpse will be handed over to your Lu Family for safekeeping.”

“Senior feel at ease, my Lu Family will definitely not disappoint Senior!”

Lu Hua is very excited.

Now that the family is in crisis, the Liu Family is so aggressive that Lu Family is struggling. Looking at Father’s daily face and crumpled brow, Lu Hua couldn’t bear it.

Now, Lu Hua has an “experience”, and in the with the Sea of ​​Death can meet an expert of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, not even the Expert of Sea Spiral Island.

Now I am more willing to follow him to Lu Family.

This means what , Lu Hua is very clear.

This means that Lu Family is very likely to win the challenge of a Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, no longer whispering to Loose Practitioner Qi Ye, and even by Loose Practitioner Qi Ye.

This is simply saving the entire Lu Family!

“Brother, this Senior is unknown, if…”

Younger sister Lu Jing also some hesitating, reminding Lu Hua.

Lu Hua immediately snorted and screamed: “Xiao Jing, Wan can’t talk about Senior at the back. Senior agreed to go to our Lu Family, that is the honor of our Lu Family. As for the identity of Senior, Senior wants to say that Naturally, I don’t want to say that it’s the Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert that made Dao Body, which is enough for my Lu Family!”

Lu Jing secretly looked at Lei Dao, and then thoughtfully nodded.

Lei Dao was in the cabin, in fact, the conversation of Lu Jing siblings, he heard it without a word.

Some important information was revealed from it.

For example, “Dao Body”, this seems to be a name for Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert. Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert is a so called Dao Body?

Even, Lei Dao should be Dao Body 1st layer?

Of course, Lei Dao can’t ask directly. He is now the image of “Senior expert”, and naturally he has to maintain his image. When he asks, isn’t he revealing it?

However, listening to Lu Hua, the weight of his “Three Flowers Gathers on Crown” expert seems to be not too light, or even high. As long as he is willing to become Lu Family’s Foreign Elder, Lu Family will not care about his identity and origin.

This is not easy for a family of inheritance millennium.

After all, if people with unknown origins are mixed into the family, they are very likely to affect the family and even have a great impact.

“Interesting, it seems that Lu Family needs my expert oversee of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown. Well, I can even talk about better conditions. But Sea Spiral Island doesn’t even have Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert. The family can come up with two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. It seems that Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is very precious at Sea Spiral Island, but it is not without it.”

Lei Dao is extremely hot in his heart.

With Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, that means he can formulate Longevity Medicine. It’s not impossible to break the lifespan limit, surpass Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, prolong life, and long life free and unfettered.

Although Lei Dao would like to know about Sea Spiral Island and would like to know about Martial Dao realm on Sea Spiral Island, he knows that when it is not asking, everything has been Lu Family, and it is not too late to ask after the two parties have settled. .

So Lei Dao closed his eyes and waited quietly.


Lu Family, reception hall.

Lu Family Patriarch Lu Quan, a smile at the moment, said to an old man in a white robe in the living room: “Loose Practitioner Qi Ye, your elderly also knows about my Lu Family. Three Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, It’s too expensive, my Lu Family can’t get it.”

Loose Practitioner Qi Ye expressionless , indifferently said : “Patriarch Lu is joking, three Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine that’s all. Lu Family inheritance Millennium, deep knowledge, wealthy family, there will be no three Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine? Even if not, With the wealth of Lu Family, it’s not difficult to buy three Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine?”

“Loose Practitioner Qi Ye, I have already inquired a while ago, there will be an auction to be held in the auction. There will be two Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, my Lu Family will be able to help you with these two spirits. ,how is it?”

“Two? Patriarch Lu Don’t fool the old man. You Lu Family can have a Profound Iron Ore, and the three Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine can’t get it? It seems that your Lu Family is not sincere.”

Lu Family Patriarch’s face turned out to be ugly, even with inner anger.

Profiting from somebody’s misfortune, this Loose Practitioner Qi Ye is profiting from somebody’s misfortune !

Two Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, that is already the limit of Lu Family, almost hollowed out the Lu Family’s family, even enough to say that three strains of spicy medicine? That is simply impossible!

As for Profound Iron Ore, that’s the foundation of Lu Family!

Lu Family relies on Profound Iron Ore to maintain the family of so big. After all, clansman martial artist also needs a lot of wealth, a lot of natural resources to consume, without Profound Iron Ore, Lu Family will no longer exist.

This is the foundation of digging Lu Family!

But now the situation is better than people, Lu Quan went to find some Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert nearby, but Liu Family is strong, and the other Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert are not willing to completely offend Liu Family.

Only Loose Practitioner Qi Ye is willing to become Lu Family’s Foreign Elder.

It’s just that the price tag is too big, and it’s hard to accept Lu Family.

“Loose Practitioner Qi Ye, my Lu Family’s Profound Iron Ore is a foundation, and there must be no mistakes. Two Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, plus some annual Hundred Years Spirit Medicine in Foreign Elder, how?”

“hehe, Patriarch Lu seems to be really sincere, please forgive old man is not with you!”

After all, Loose Practitioner Qi Ye is ready to get up and leave.

In fact, Loose Practitioner Qi Ye will definitely agree with Lu Quan.

The reason is simple. Now, the entire Sea Spiral Island, and which Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert are willing to help Lu Family?

After all, the Liu Family is not simple, not the ordinary Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert.

Loose Practitioner Qi Ye can promise Lu Family to become Lu Family Foreign Elder, which has already given Lu Family great help. Of course, Loose Practitioner Qi Ye is also thinking about the danger lurks within the riches and honour. After all, I can get three Two Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. Maybe he can take the Dao Body one step further? At that time, don’t worry about the Liu Family.

“Senior Qi Ye, please wait, I will not send my Lu Family!”

Suddenly, there was a familiar voice coming out of the door.

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