Liu Family Patriarch wants to say something, but his face is flushed, but nothing can be said. This is because Lei Dao’s Power of Spirit Sense repression, even if it is difficult to talk to Three Flowers Gathers on Crown Expert, let alone trifling Great Grandmaster?

Soon, Lu Quan’s people with Lu Family came.

“Old Ancestor !”

Lu Quan shouted to Lei Dao, and the Lu Family behind him also called Lei Dao the Old Ancestor.

However, Lei Dao’s face is ugly.

“Change, must change!”

Lei Dao flew down from the air and fell to Lu Quan.

“Old Ancestor, what? Please, please, Old Ancestor.”

Lu Quan is also a puzzled face. He just felt Liu Family and didn’t know why Lei Dao was “angry.”

“Change title!”

Lei Dao is very upset, solemnly said: “What do people who listen to Liu Family shout? Old Monster Lei ?don’t tell me this Lei Is it really like a big evil?”


Lu Quan doesn’t know what to say.

“title” is only given by the outside world. Lei Dao has a 180 multi-Dao Life Wheel behind the Lu Family. Isn’t that alive “Old Monster”?

Even if it is Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, it is said to be able to live 200 years old.

But it’s good to be able to live 150 years old.

Lei Dao, but genuine, is “live” 200 years old’s “Old Monster”, so the title has gradually spread around.

Lu Quan asked very carefully : “Old Ancestor, what kind of title do you want?”

Lu Quan is not worried about the title question.

Just a title that’s all, the scope has not yet expanded, Lu Family can still “reverse” with some methods, of course, the premise is what kind of title Lei Dao wants.

Lei Dao stood up and said almost without thinking: “This Lei used to be called Blade God. The title this Lei feels very good. Although this Lei is no longer a blade, the title will be fine.”

“blade…Blade God!”

Lu Quan stared wide-eyed, looking at Lei Dao like serene, indifferent expression, Lu Quan only smiled and whispered: “Old Ancestor, this title is too… too high-profile. Anyone with the word ‘God’ Title , that refers to the expert of the legendary condensing Divine Body, they are True God. Your title is really…”

Lu Quan did not continue to say.

The title really spreads out, that’s probably a ridiculous and generous, and the entire Lu Family will become a laughing stock.

Even, maybe some people who are not good at fighting will come to Lei Dao.

It is really this “Blade God” title is too honorable, where is the Dao Body expert? Even Sacred Body Expert doesn’t dare to call it “Blade God.”

“Oh, Blade God can’t?”

Lei Dao thought about it and thought that the title “Blade God” really had some high-profile, and that’s why it’s awkward. Just drop it down.

“Then, Blade King, Conch King King, I think it is good.”

“Blade King ……”

Lu Quan is another bitter smile.

Lei Dao’s title, a title that is more powerful than ever, even if it is now Lei Dao’s “difficult”, it is also awesome.

A Dao Body 3rd layer, is it a title like “Blade King”?

What’s more, Lei Dao didn’t use blade at all.

“Old Ancestor, is this too high-profile? Or, are you low-key?”

Lei Dao saw Lu Quan like this, knowing that even the title of “Blade King” was not played, so he shaked one’s head, and said : “that’s all , that’s all , Old Monster Lei on Old Monster Lei.”

Lei Dao is too lazy to toss again.

After all, it is not Grand Willow Kingdom, and Lei Dao is not the famous Martial Dao Legend.

“Lu Quan, Liu Residence has been suppressed by me, and now they are all moving. How to deal with Liu Family, you decide, but I have to find something. Realm Breaking Secret Technique and Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, this is the most important thing. of.”

Lei Dao indifferently said.

“Old Ancestor feel at ease, I understand.”

As a result, Lei Dao kept the suppression of Power of Spirit Sense and flew back to the void. The Life Wheel behind his head was circled again and again, just like a dazzling little sun, and he could see it far apart.

This also makes people around the city hurry away from Liu Residence and dare not approach.

Lu Hua whispered to Lu Quan: “Father, why does Old Ancestor stand in the air? It’s better to sit down and save effort.”

Lu Quan squinted at Lu Hua, shaked one’s head, and said : “You don’t care about Old Ancestor, maybe Old Ancestor is shaking other Dao Body experts, otherwise, who knows if they will break into Liu? Family, take some of the Liu Family’s treasure?”

“Well, it makes sense! I am going to search for Liu Family’s Realm Breaking Secret Technique and Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.”

Lu Hua is heavily nodded.

Later, he took people to search for the entire Liu Family.

At the moment, not far from Liu Family, there are two old men in Chinese robes, watching the direction of Liu Family. To be precise, it is Lei Dao watching over the Liu Family.

“Northern Bei Chen, Old Ancestor Liu, who is with you, is dead now. Why, you are not going to compete with the Old Monster Lei?”

The old man, known as “Northern Bei Chen”, responded coldly: “Old Ancestor Long, you don’t have to say these chilly words, Old Ancestor Liu was robbed, this is his life. Not to mention, before your Long Family Is it also good to make a Liu Family? Hehe, you and I are optimistic about Old Ancestor Liu breakthrough to Dao Body 3rd layer. After all, it is a different one from the Spirit Sense Sanctification way.”

“No matter how optimistic about Old Ancestor Liu, he is already dead. We have handed over Old Ancestor Liu before, and now it has become useless. Northern Bei Chen, what do you think?”

Old Ancestor Long is still with a smile and doesn’t seem to care about Old Ancestor Liu’s life and death.

“What to do? What to do, it is natural to contact Lu Family. Speaking of this Lu Family Patriarch Lu Quan, it is also a courage to promote the Old Monster Lei from Lu Family hundreds of years ago. Therefore, this Old Monster Lei has become Lu Family’s Old Ancestor, which is really powerful!”

“hmph, confessing the ancestors, this Lu Quan has lost Lu Family’s face. Think about the genius of the Lu Family third generation when it was still there, what a prestige is it? What a grand occasion? But now? Actually? Raise the ancestors to maintain the prosperity of Lu Family.”

Old Ancestor Long seems to be disdainful of Lu Quan’s move.

“hehe, Old Ancestor Long, you have no Decline for Long Family, Dao Body expert for generations, and now you have the Old Ancestor oversee of your Dao Body 3rd layer. Naturally, you don’t know the bitterness of a Decline family. It wasn’t that Lu Quan let go, invited Lei Dao to become the Foreign Elder, and now Lu Family? It was long gone by the Liu Family!”

Northern Bei Chen is quite appreciative of Lu Quan.

He used to be a family younger generation, but the family declined. He didn’t know how much he had eaten along the way, and naturally knew the bitterness of Lu Quan.

“that’s all , regardless of whether Lu Quan is acquaintance or good, or Lei Dao is Lu Family Old Ancestor, these have nothing to do with us. Now Lu Family also has Dao Body 3rd layer Old Ancestor oversee, anyway, we have to go See this Old Monster Lei.”

“Yes, it’s a sight to see. The one-year-old Sea City and Spiral City battles are about to open. Any Dao Body 3rd layer is crucial.”

“Let’s go and see Old Monster Lei.”

After all, Northern Bei Chen and Old Ancestor Long were also directly moved towards the sky, directly moving away to Liu Family.

Lei Dao quietly closed her eyes over the Liu Family, with three giant flowers covering the entire Liu Residence, and a Life Wheel with a circle behind her head, emitting a light golden of the rays of light.

This is not the case for Lei Dao, but he is really “exploding” the expert of other influences.

Or those who are interested in Liu Family glare like a tiger watching his prey.

When Lei Dao first came to Liu Family, he noticed a lot of gaze, and only after he released the Life Wheel, exuding all the imposing manners, these dark sneak eyes disappeared.

However, there are also a few eyes that seem to keep watching Liu Family.


Suddenly, Lei Dao, who had closed his eyes and raised his eyes, opened his eyes fiercely.


The next moment, the imposing manner of Lei Dao broke out, and the three giant flowers seemed to merge into one at any time.

Dangerous, Lei Dao actually felt a faint danger.

His eyes were lightly squint, seeing two silhouettes of flying in the sky.

The two silhouettes fell to the distance of his ten zhang, and it stopped.

“Who are you?”

Lei Dao is secretly alert. Although the two men did not exude aura, Lei Dao could feel a hint of threat. Obviously, these two people are definitely not martial artists, not even Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, but most likely also Dao. The expert of the Body 3rd layer.

One of the old man’s faces showed a smile, started talking: “Old man Bei Chen, this is Old Ancestor Long.”

“Northern Bei Chen, Old Ancestor Long?”

Lei Dao seems to have heard these two names faintly. He is carefully thought, and it seems that Lu Quan mentioned the names of the two.

Soon, Lei Dao recalled the identity of the two.

Northern Bei Chen and Old Ancestor Long, both of which are Sea City’s Dao Body 2nd layer Expert, have great prestige and status in Sea City.

Lu Quan also went to seeks an audience over Old Ancestor Long, hoping to let Old Ancestor Long come out, Lu Family is willing to pay a lot of money, and Li Family reconciliation.

Unfortunately, Old Ancestor Long didn’t see Lu Quan. In that case, it actually meant that Old Ancestor Long supported the Liu Family.

“You two are coming together to give Liu Family a head start?”

Lei Dao eyes lightly squint, the body’s imposing manner has gradually spread out.

If it is really for Old Ancestor Liu, then Lei Dao has nothing to fear.

“In the first place?”

Northern Bei Chen shake one’s head ,said with a smile :”Old Ancestor Lei misunderstood, Old Ancestor Liu is dead, this is a battle between the two, neither of us will meddle. We both are here today, I want to inform Old Ancestor Lei, as Lu Family Old Ancestor, Dao Body 2nd layer Expert. The 100-year-old sea, Vying of the Spiral, Old Ancestor Lei are ready to go, and may represent our Sea City.”

“Sea, Vying of the Spiral ?this Lei has not heard of it.”

Lei Dao shake one’s head, how long did he come to Sea Spiral Island?

I have never heard of the sea, Vying of the Spiral, and even if I know that there is no good thing, he is too lazy to participate.

The two seem to have known Lei Dao’s reaction, so Northern Bei Chen said with a smile : “Old Ancestor Lei, Vying of the Sea Spiral, but there are great benefits!”


Lei Dao eyes shine.

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