Three days later, Lei Dao and Xueyan and the rest arrived at Thousand Isle City.

As a Chen Family direct younger generation, Xueyan naturally has a team.

Lei Dao didn’t have to see it before, but now he sees it, and Xueyan’s team is really bad, and the strongest is only Dao Body 3rd layer that’s all.

No wonder Lei Dao came from Sea Spiral Island to Good Luck City. When he “trusted” Xueyan, Xueyan was so excited and even took out a Four Thousand Years Precious Spirit Medicine.

It turns out that there is really no expert of Dao Body 3rd layer to rely on Xueyan.

After all, Xueyan was only the Dao Body 3rd layer that’s all. Even with the identity of Chen Family direct younger generation, can there be a big big attraction power for those above the Dao Body 3rd layer expert?

However, although there are not many experts, the number is enough, there are dozens of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown above expert. This is just a part of Xueyan’s team that’s all.

This trip to Thousand Isle City, Miss Xueyan attached great importance.

Bringing all of the elite’s team to the bottom, even Lei Dao brings it, which shows her emphasis on Thousand Isle City.

“The front is Thousand Isle City!”

Xueyan pointed to a huge island in front.

Thousand Isle City is actually a huge city built on an island.

The reason why it is called “Thousand Isle” is simple. Thousand Isle City all around radiates water, and there are hundreds of thousands of islands.

Some islands are large and can even live.

Some are ridiculous, empty and empty, and only some seabirds inhabit.

If you really want to count it carefully, there are more than a thousand islands in the perhaps.

And Thousand Isle City is so important that even the Good Luck Chamber of Commerce has to send direct younger generation oversee for the simple reason that Thousand Isle City has enough benefits.

It is also a city of trade!

Because there are many islands, there are countless specialties about some of the island’s specialties. Moreover, there are some natural spicy medicine growing places.

Some islands have a very good environment and are ideal for planting spiral medicine.

Therefore, there are several islands in the archipelago near Thousand Isle City that are planted with spiral medicine.

Of course, these spirit medicines may not last a long time, and at best they are centuries-old spirit medicine for decades.

Even hundreds of years of spiral medicine are rare.

But no matter how high the year is, it is the spirit medicine of the geneuine!

Spirit medicine At Martial Dao Realm, that is “hard currency”, no matter what you buy, as long as there is spirit medicine, then everything is fine. Therefore, the importance of Thousand Isle City is self-evident.

The Good Luck Chamber of Commerce also does not allow any other influence meddle Thousand Isle City, every time there is a good younger generation oversee of the Good Luck Chamber of Commerce.

Originally, Thousand Isle City was a Chen Family direct younger generation oversee, but Thousand Isle City’s spiral medicine production has barely increased and has been stable. At most, it adds a little bit of that’s all, which is exactly the most suspicious.

In the condition of Thousand Isle City, the spirit medicine will be more and more, how can it be so stable?

There must be a question in it!

However, the previous Chen Family direct younger generation did not investigate the reasons, this time was replaced by Miss Xueyan. Obviously, Patriarch transferred Xueyan to Thousand Isle City. In addition to making Xueyan alone, I actually wanted to see Xueyan’s method.

Without the method, it can’t be Patriarch, and you can’t control So Big’s Good Luck Chamber of Commerce!

Xueyan also knows the purpose of Patriarch, so for this trip to Thousand Isle City, she is very valued, even at the expense of bringing out the most elite team.

“Brother Lei, what do you think I should do? This Thousand Isle City, influence is actually very complicated, it looks like my Good Luck Chamber of Commerce is a big one, but some small influences, some powerful martial artists, are actually in In Thousand Isle City, the influence is deep-rooted. They want to make something tricky, others can’t find it.”

“The last Chen Family direct younger generation was planted here. It was impossible to investigate some of the tricks in Thousand Isle City, so the family was very dissatisfied and eventually I was replaced. I don’t want to step on the footsteps, should I Let’s slow down for a while, hand in the local influence here, and then step by step to find out the situation?”

Xueyan asked Lei Dao directly. She is now most trusted by Lei Dao and will naturally consult Lei Dao’s objects.

Lei Dao didn’t talk, and other Dao Body 3rd layer martial artists also echoed and said: “Yes, we haven’t figured out the situation of Thousand Isle City yet, so we should be careful.”

“The first direct younger generation of Chen Family is planted here. Obviously, Thousand Isle City can’t be underestimated. You can stabilize it first, then slowly scheme.”

“We have time, and naturally we can investigate the doubts of Thousand Isle City.”

These people all support to stabilize first, then slowly investigate.

After all, Thousand Isle City is so intricate, and there are countless kinds of influences. It’s not easy to investigate the tricks here.

However, Lei Dao has never had an opening.

His silence made Xueyan faintly aware of a trace, so solemnly said: “Does Brother Lei have a different opinion?”

Lei Dao looked up, his eyes lightly squint, standing with his hands on it, looking at the distant Thousand Isle City, indifferently said: “Why do you need such trouble? We are investigating in a big way, whoever dissatisfied, then get rid of it! Beat it until no one stops. This is the dignified kingdom, the light is right, we have the strength of invincible, how can we not investigate the eccentricity of Thousand Isle City?”

Lei Dao’s voice is not big, but it is very clear, and everyone can hear it.

Moreover, he stood up with his hands, and his body exudes endless domineering and self-confidence.


Xueyan still somewhat hesitating.

Lei Dao continued: “My martial artist, hard martial artist, what is the purpose? In addition to prolonging life, it is a powerful force, standing in the world! If you deal with a trifling Thousand Isle City, you still need Use strategy, ploty and machinations, then what about martial artist?”

“Martial Dao, that is nowhere to go, there is no retreat! Who is blocking the road, clearing it! This is the real Martial Dao, this is the style of my generation martial artist!”

Lei Dao’s voice was passionate, suddenly, even the martial artists of Three Flowers Gathers on Crown were agitated and felt heart-wrenching.

Indeed, they worked hard martial artist, don’t tell me to showcrafty plots and machinations to deal with others? Really want to be like this, they still practice what Wu, simply abandoned the Wu from the text.

Martial artist It should be dignified to be crushed, to break the law, no one can help.

Xueyan does have some heartbeat, but she feels that something is wrong.

what is this?

Rolling all the way?

All the way horizontally?

But is the native influence of Thousand Isle City and the martial artist of the intricate influences agreed?

“So, should we look for the strongest martial artist from Thousand Isle City to understand the situation?”

Xueyan had a trace of doubt on her face.

“Yes, as the most expert of Thousand Isle City, this Lei doesn’t believe he knows anything. Maybe, as long as he is willing to open, there is no secret in Thousand Isle City, why bother?”

Lei Dao doesn’t want to count, it’s too much trouble and too tired.

Calculate to calculate, where there is direct rolling, directly horizontally pushed comfort?

His martial artist, this is to force people, not to convince people.

What’s more, the situation in Thousand Isle City is so complicated that it takes a little bit of long-term consideration to get a picture of the situation in Thousand Isle City.

When can I completely control Thousand Isle City?

Can’t control Thousand Isle City, then Thousand Isle City is prosperous, producing a lot of fertility, and there is no relationship with Lei Dao. Only by completely controlling Thousand Isle City, Xueyan can be alone.

By then, the benefits you get will be hard to imagine.

Maybe, there are no questions in the Four Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

“Thousand Isle City’s strongest martial artist, that should be Reverend Myriad Transformation, a four-year-old Dao Body 4th layer Old Monster, a strong, incredible. Perhaps is not far from the Dao Body 5th layer. “”

Xueyan said dignifiedly.

In theory, Dao Body 4th layer expert can live five hundred, but in fact, it is Perfected Secret Technique, the best state. The general martial artist, Dao Body 4th layer can’t live five hundred years old, and it’s good to live a hundred years old.

This Reverend Myriad Transformation can live for four hundred years, and the perhaps are not far away. But to live for so long, it must not be simple, the strength terrifying to the extreme point, has always been the first expert of Thousand Isle City!

Even if every time, the Good younger generation of the Good Luck Chamber of Commerce came oversee, the first visit to the rest younger generation was the Reverend Myriad Transformation.

As long as Reverend Myriad Transformation nods, the entire Thousand Isle City is stable, showing how high the Reverend Myriad Transformation’s prestige in Thousand Isle City is.

“Well, then go to Reverend Myriad Transformation! Live for four hundred years, people are getting better, I believe he will understand.”

Lei Dao indifferently said, just a severe light flashed through his eyes.

“Okay, then go to Reverend Myriad Transformation!”

Miss Xueyan always feels that something is wrong, so it is a bit too straightforward to go directly to Reverend Myriad Transformation. However, she trusts Lei Dao, even if Lei Dao is doing something wrong, she also trusts.

Therefore, for Lei Dao’s suggestion, Miss Xueyan is absolutely supportive!

So, Miss Xueyan and Lei Dao, with dozens of hundreds of people behind them, majestic moving toward the front of Thousand Isle City.


Thousand Isle City, the manor of Reverend Myriad Transformation, has four aura sturdy middle-aged man sitting with Reverend Myriad Transformation and seems to be negotiating.

“Reverend, I heard that this Good Luck Chamber of Commerce will send a new direct younger generation oversee Thousand Isle City. I have already inquired, the Chen Family direct younger generation is called Chen Xueyan and has just become Dao Body 3rd layer expert. The Chen Family didn’t pay much attention to it. But I don’t know why it was sent to Thousand Isle City. Would you like to make some preparations to meet?”

Reverend Myriad Transformation opened his eyes. He looks very old. After all, he has lived forty years old. The Qi Art that he practiced has no effect on the face. Now it can only be the appearance of this senile.

A wrinkled skin, like the old bark, seems to have some terrifying.

“Of course I have to greet it. After all, it is the direct younger generation of Chen Family. She can’t stay for a few years, just like the previous one, she will leave soon. Trifling Dao Body 3rd layer direct younger generation, what are you afraid of?”

“Yes, yes, we are a little uneasy, afraid that the Good Luck Chamber of Commerce is aware of it, so come to Reverend. Since Reverend says so, we are feel at ease.”

Reverend Myriad Transformation slowly stood up, although it looks old, but Essence, Qi and Spirit is very good, he gaze at the sky, said with a sneer: “Are you afraid? Dignified Thousand Isle City Four Dao Body 4th layer expert, I was scared when I encountered such a thing? The Thousand Isle City thing is about some of us, she is a Dao Body 3rd layer martial artist, even if it is Chen Family, how about it? Thousand Isle City, forever It’s our day, she can’t turn it!”


All four are relaxed, although they are all dignified Dao Body 4th layer martial Artists, but in the face of the Good Luck Chamber of Commerce, there is still some heart. In particular, they have done something that they can’t see.

Once they are exposed, their leave is not good.

“禀Reverend, someone is coming, claiming to be Chen Family!”

At this moment, there was a servant rushing to report.

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