“Dao Body 4th layer !”

Lei Dao’s mind is moving, body water flows, a canal is formed. Start, change, in fact, every time you lift a realm, it is equivalent to a metamorphosis.

After all, every time you raise it, it is breaking the shackles of the body. Every little progress is a metamorphosis.

Dao Body 4th layer, Lei Dao’s body began to swell again. Although the expansion is not a lot, it does have a qualitative change, a change from the inside to the outside.

His body became more tenacious, and the stratum corneum on the surface of the body, like a layer of armor, is even harder, and even the general Treasure of Spirit Sense can’t be cut.

Lei Dao used a shadowless flying needle and almost exhausted his full force, moving towards a thorn on his arm.

“chi la”.

It’s just that there’s a trace that’s all, not even broken.

You know, Lei Dao’s shadowless flying needle is a very high grade, equivalent to 4-grade or even 5th-grade Treasure of Spirit Sense, cutting the defense of the general Dao Body 4th layer martial artist, that is simply with no Difficulty.

Just because of its small size, the damage caused to the martial artist is too small, so there is no practical utility of how big, at best it can only play a supporting role.

However, at this moment, Lei Dao went all out to use Power of Spirit Sense, manipulating the flying needle, and even his skin could not be broken, which shows how tenacious the skin of Lei Dao is at this moment, how powerful his defense is.

Second time Dao Body Perfection, which gives Lei Dao a variety of growth, is hard to imagine.

Even under the Battle Form at the Dao Body 3rd layer, Lei Dao will be able to interact with the Dao Body 4th layer, now it is the second Dao Body Perfection and breakthrough to the Dao Body 4th layer.

How strong is Lei Dao today, even Lei Dao himself is not clear.

With Lei Dao’s breakthrough, he cracked a crack in his forehead, and there seemed to be something growing out, but he didn’t know what the reason was, like “stuck”, and he couldn’t grow anyway.

“En? This is…”

Suddenly, Lei Dao raised his right hand.

He stared at his right hand carefully and seemed to be no different from the previous one.


If you have a layer of scales, it doesn’t count, or if you expand it, it doesn’t matter if it looks like the nail has become a sharp claw. It doesn’t really matter.

Well, Lei Dao is concerned with a deeper “meaning”.

What is the meaning of a right hand?

The fact is that there is indeed a meaning!


Lei Dao thought about it. The next moment, in his Spirit Sense induction, an invisible hand appeared fiercely. In this invisible hand, Lei Dao felt a terrifying feeling.

Yes, even Lei Dao feels terrifying, it seems that this is not his strength.

Or, it is not his power now.

Lei Dao thought, and the invisible hand grabbed a table directly in front of him.


The table was smashed, not being smashed into pieces, but completely smashed, just like glutinous powder, turned into sand and filled the ground.

This power is simply strange and terrifying to the extreme point!

“hu ……”

Maybe it’s a moment, maybe it’s been a long time. Lei Dao feels deep in the body, seems to be empty, not power consumption, strength Lei Dao, and deep in the body, seems to be empty, as if he continues, he will start to “crash” from the inside.

He will remove the invisible hand, which will feel a little better.

“don’t tell me is the hand just now?”

Lei Dao is a little embarrassed.

The invisible hand, not yet called the third hand, is indeed weird and powerful, but I don’t know how to have a big big effect in the battle.

But that strange power is indeed incredible.

However, once it is applied, it takes a lot of effort. It seems that it is not power, not Essence, Qi and Spirit, and it has nothing to do with Essence, Qi and Spirit, but with deep power in the depths of the body.

Before Lei Dao thought of it, he seemed to be “out of the box” and he saw the each and everyone crystal with the body. Those crystals, Lei Dao rushed into the crystal and then ignited the white spot.

“don’t tell me , the third hand is the change in the white spot activation in the crystal?”

Lei Dao has a heart.

He faintly felt that this is no longer a simple Martial Dao, but an instinct of the body.

Yes, the third hand is an instinct of the body! No need for tempering, it is natural, as long as it can be activated and displayed, formidable power may be very terrifying.


Lei Dao muttered in a low voice.

Suddenly flashed in his mind, he seemed to think of something.

The current Lei Dao is not just a person who has just arrived in this continent and knows nothing about Martial Dao. Lei Dao has read a lot about cultivation on Sea Spiral Island, especially in Chen Family.

Therefore, for Martial Dao, Lei Dao has a very clear understanding.

Hundred years to seek the Dao ,thousand years Sanctification ,ten thousand years to transform divinity !

This is the Martial Dao Path for all martial artists!

Currently Lei Dao is in the process of “seeking the Dao”, so he continues to consolidate Dao Body and condense Dao Body to pinnacle.

After seeking the Dao is Sanctification!

What is sacred

Extraordinary and refined are sacred !

Regardless of the recognition, Dao Body martial artist, although already on the way to see the Dao, but “Dao” has not been able to get it, in general, it still belongs to people, belonging to “family.” Just walking on the road that’s all.

Only the Sacred Body is extraordinary and refined, completely rid of the shackles of the common life, and even the level of life will get an essential improvement.

Therefore, there is the statement of extraordinary and refined are sacred.

And Sanctification means “manifesting Sacred Ability”. Sacred Body Expert has terrifying power in every move, but the most obvious difference between them and Dao Body expert is actually Sacred Energy.

Sacred Body Expert can unearth the most intrinsic ability in the body. Those abilities come from the instinct of the body and belong to the innate talent. Usually hidden in the depths of the body, only the achievement of the Sacred Body can be excavated.

This is Sacred Energy!

Every kind of innate talent Sacred Energy is extremely powerful, completely surpassing the imagination limit of the general martial artist. When Sacred Energy came out, no matter how powerful the Dao Body expert was, it didn’t help.

Because, that is facing the potential of the depths of the body, and the potential to tap into the power of pinnacle, manifeststed!

That kind of power is definitely not something that can be resisted or even understood.

Dao Body, on the road of extraordinary and refined, is still a commonplace!

Therefore, in the face of Sacred Body Expert’s Sacred Energy, there is no help, it is the power of no solution.

Because of this, Sacred Body Expert only aloof and remote, and even suppress an era!

And Lei Dao’s third hand gives Lei Dao a feeling of faintness.

It seems that his third hand is derived from life instinct and belongs to the potential power of the body. The glittering crystals he found may be the “source” in the depths of the body.

Lei Dao doesn’t know why he can unearth the power of “physical instinct.” Perhaps, that’s not Sacred Energy, after all, just a hand of illusory.

And Sacred Energy, which is manifested and has world-shaking terrifying power, is far from the illusory hand of Lei Dao.

But what if Lei Dao can continue to strengthen the hand of this illusory until it is completely condensed?

Lei Dao is not clear, but he has faintly felt that this illusory hand is very simple, maybe, just an accident. An accident that even Sacrond Child, or even Dao Body Perfection, could not encounter.

“Maybe, it’s related to Perfected Secret Technique.”

Lei Dao thought of this possibility.

After all, even those of Sacred Land’s Sacred Child have no Perfected Secret Technique. Even in this world, only Lei Dao has a Perfect Secret Technique.

The special and strange situations that appear in him can only be attributed to the Perfected Secret Technique.

The “third hand” that appeared on Lei Dao is really amazing. At least for the time being, there seems to be no harm. Instead, it can be another trump card of Lei Dao.

It’s just that there is no harm in long-term use, and Lei Dao is not clear now.

But Lei Dao faintly thinks that the third hand can be regarded as Sacred Energy’s “5%”.

Maybe, in the future, Lei Dao wants to make a Sacred Body, maybe he has to rely on this illusory third hand.

“This hand seems to be possessing myriad being shattering and exterminating characteristic, then it is called Hand of Annihilation.”

Lei Dao gave his third hand a name, which is also very relevant.

“Well, it’s time to go out!”

Lei Dao looked up and he seemed to know that the movement that had just happened was a bit big, and Miss Xueyan and the rest are now waiting outside.

So, Lei Dao got a little familiar with his strength, took the three flowers back with the body, and got up and left the room.


Lei Dao just opened the door and Miss Xueyan came to Lei Dao in one step.

“Brother Lei, you broke through?”

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, Miss Xueyan didn’t seem to believe it, and wanted Lei Dao to admit it.

Lei Dao knows nothing, but nodded, and said: “I have to thank Miss Xueyan for giving this spiritual medicine of this few thousand years to this Lei. Otherwise, this Lei will not be able to break through even if he works hard.”

Of course, Lei Dao just said that he broke through the realm and became the Dao Body 4th layer expert, but he didn’t say his second time Dao Body Perfection. As long as he does not say, no one knows his second time Dao Body Perfection.

It’s not that Lei Dao has to hide, but feels unnecessary.

If you really want to say it, perhaps Miss Xueyan and the rest will be hit hard and even lose confidence in Martial Dao. Lei Dao is a noble, upright, kind person who naturally does not want to attack others’ confidence for no reason.

Miss Xueyan took a deep breath and looked up and down Lei Dao.

a good while , Miss Xueyan laughed bitterly, and said : “No wonder you can Dao Body Perfection ,comparable with Sacred Child. A rogue cultivator can be Dao Body Perfection, which shows that your innate talent is high, unimaginable, rare in the world. Now that you have opportunity and get enough spirit medicine, you can naturally become a Dao Body 4th layer expert in a spurt of energy.”

“No, I don’t rely on innate talent.”

Lei Dao shake one’s head, his martial artist has never relied on innate talent.

“Brother Lei, I know, your martial arts never rely on innate talent, you rely on hard work! Needless to say, your efforts are obvious to everyone.”

Miss Xueyan said meaningfully, it seems to be very “understanding” Lei Dao.

“Well, Miss Xueyan knows me. This Lei’s efforts are obvious to everyone. As long as you work hard, you will definitely gain something.”

Lei Dao said it was serious.

Miss Xueyan curl one’s lip ,declined to comment.


Suddenly, Lei Dao looked up and looked at the sea beyond.

There, someone is coming!

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