No one thought of it, only two breaths of time, Yin and Yang Twin Demon died! Dragon Mountain Sword Venerable is dead!

These are not the nameless generation, but the outstanding fame Dao Body 5th layer Expert!

Even in the Dao Body 5th layer, it is not a weak one, but an expert of the gene. But now, there is no time to breathe in front of Lei Dao.

“Wave Breaking !”

However, after killing Yin and Yang Twin Demon and Dragon Mountain Sword Venerable in a row, Lei Dao did not plan to stop, but continued to work!

He said that within the hundred zhang, kill without mercy!

Until now, these people are still within the scope of his defined hundred zhang. Since there is still a heart for the Cave Mansion of Reverend Fei Tuo, Lei Dao will naturally not let go.

So, the next moment, Lei Dao this palm did not stop, and turned to Ba Brothers.

“Join hands, take a shot together, otherwise you have to Die!”

Ba Brothers reacted very quickly, and they roared, almost all of the power broke out in the first place. However, Lei Dao is very fast, and “Mountain Splitting” is “Wave Breaking”, which is completely seamless, without any stagnation.

However, the words of Ba Brothers still played a role.

Lei Dao took a look at “Wave Breaking” and pointed out that Young Master Yuan and Sacred Child Fang behind Lei Dao also reacted. Even if Young Master Yuan didn’t want to, he had to shoot at this time.

“hong long long”.

Young Master Yuan and Sacred Child Fang both shot.

The two shots were extraordinary, and they all went all out. Three Flowers Fusing into One broke out and was the strongest hit for Sacred Child. Even Tie Wuji next to Ba Brothers has shot.

Tie Wuji was previously defeated by Sacred Child Fang, but he was not seriously injured. This time has been restored.

However, his heart is in fear.

Lei Dao two breaths of time kills Yin and Yang Twin Demon and Dragon Mountain Sword Venerable. There is almost no resistance. How can he not fear?

However, the financial situation is moving, not to mention the key Thousand Years Spirit Medicine? This is related to his limitations and whether he can go any further!

Therefore, at the moment when Ba Brothers roared, Tie Wuji also started. He was second only to Ba Brothers from Lei Dao. Therefore, when Lei Dao’s “Wave Breaking” came to Ba Brothers, Tie Wuji’s attack also arrived. Lei Dao’s body.


The roar of Ba Brothers did not actually prevent Lei Dao from dividing. However, it also attracted the hands of Tie Wuji, Young Master Yuan and Sacred Child Fang.

But they did not relax at all, and almost did not hesitate, and immediately burned Essence and Qi.

Ba Brothers can’t go to gamble. They already know that Lei Dao’s fleshly body is extremely powerful. If it is determined to kill them, even if they fight hard, Young Master Yuan, Sacred Child Fang and Tie Wuji’s all out strike, they must kill. They, that Ba Brothers can be miserable.

They don’t want to step in the footsteps of Yin and Yang Twin Demon and Dragon Mountain Sword Venerable!

Therefore, Ba Brothers without the slightest hesitation, directly burned Essence and Qi, ahead of Lei Dao’s “Wave Breaking” palm, raging ignition of Essence and Qi has become the power of terrifying, so that Ba Brothers’ impering manner skyrocketed.

However, for this scene, Lei Dao’s eyes did not change at all. It seems that it is still such a slap in the face.

This palm, more powerful than “Mountain Splitting”, Invincible Method four, this is the battle of the Battle Method, a move is stronger than a move. What’s more, this palm also incorporates Lei Dao’s “Invincible Concept”, and after Lei Dao activates Divine Blood, every inch of the body’s flesh and blood is comparable to divine weapon.

This palm is even more powerful than the previous killing of Dragon Mountain Sword Venerable, and more powerful than killing Yin and Yang Twin Demon!

Just, there are differences.

Lei Dao has to take a hit from the three Dao Body 5th layer Experts if he is determined to kill Ba Brothers. He has to withstand the terrifying of the three Dao Body 5th layer Experts.

It also includes Sacred Land’s Sacred Child, such as Young Master Yuan and Sacred Child Fang!

Only, the next moment, Lei Dao closed his eyes slightly, and even if he didn’t care, he did not hesitate to continue his hand.

“hong long”.

Lei Dao slammed into the Ba Brothers who burned Essence and Qi. The power of majestic was madly in the body of Ba Brothers. Even if they burned Essence and Qi, this moment seems to be faintly unstoppable.

They just saw Lei Dao killing Yin and Yang Twin Demon and Dragon Mountain Sword Venerable. The three Dao Body 5th layer Experts didn’t even block Lei Dao. Although it was shocking, but after all, I did not know how to experience it. Ba Brothers still had a hint of luck. It was Yin and Yang Twin Demon and the rest was too big.

But now, when feeling the majestic in Lei Dao this palm, like the power of the sea, Ba Brothers was shocked.

Can’t stop it, can’t stop it, where is the power of Dao Body 4th layer expert? If Lei Dao is indeed a Dao Body 4th layer martial artist, they will even wonder if this is a Dao Body 6th layer expert.

However, the next moment, the strength of Lei Dao’s hand was slightly stagnation, which was the stagnation, which gave Ba Brothers a chance to breathe. They then madly retreated.

“bang bang bang”.

Lei Dao was solid and smashed three attacks. Young Master Yuan, Sacred Child Fang and Tie Wuji, their power is so powerful that they are printed on Lei Dao’s body. After all, Lei Dao’s attack is unsustainable, and finally Ba Brothers escapes.

However, Ba Brothers has already received an integral heavy injury, escaping from the distance of Lei Dao hundred zhang, and is still crazy away from Lei Dao, away from the battlefield.

They are really scared.

A little bit worse, they are a little bit worse, they are really dead.

That kind of aura of death, they are no longer familiar.

However, they did not leave. Even if really died, they would like to see the ending of Lei Dao. The three Dao Body 5th layer Expert teamed up with a single shot, barely any hand, and it was printed on Lei Dao’s body. Can it still live?

Perhaps not dead or seriously injured!

Therefore, Ba Brothers still did not leave, they madly motivated the Flower of Origin Qi, the massive Origin Qi in the retreat, quickly recovered the injury with the body, eyes unwavering staring at the direction of the battlefield.

Lei Dao, who has been overwhelmed by the strength of the three terrifying, can’t see the figure.

“hmph, we three join hands together, even if the Dao Body 6th layer strongly resist will be blown up, even if your fleshly body is strong, you can’t help it!”

Sacred Child Fang ice-cold expression, with a hint of distortion and excitement on his face.

However, Young Master Yuan is not as confident.

He hesitated and said: “Senior Brother Fang, this Lei Dao activating the divine blood, and Dao Body Perfection, his fleshly body is so hard to imagine. Don’t forget the previous Yin and Yang Twin Demon, they show it Yin and Yang Seal also thought they could kill Lei Dao, but the result…”

Young Master Yuan actually has one more sentence, that is, Lei Dao does not seem to be solved so easily.

In the Chen Family, Young Master Yuan saw that Lei Dao seemed to have one secret technique, which was incredible and the strength increased several times in an instant.

But just now, Young Master Yuan didn’t seem to feel the aura of Lei Dao’s sudden skyrocketing. This shows that the secret technique broke out and Young Master Yuan has not yet been displayed.

But Senior Brother Fang doesn’t seem to believe it.

Thinking of this, Young Master Yuan’s figure can’t help but again a small step back.

“Weak, too weak.”

Suddenly, in the middle of the battlefield, there was a cold voice in the diffuse smoke.

Then, Senior Brother Fang and Tie Wuji’s eyes were slightly condensed.

In the smoke, a silhouette gradually came out.

This silhouette, it seems to have some difficult situation, all of them are bloody, but if you look carefully, you can find that it is just a surface flash and terrifying that’s all, in fact, the body is not subject to an integral heavy injury.

Even, let the other side add a fierce aura.

Lei Dao, he is not dead, still alive, the three Dao Body 5th layer all out strike, still can’t break his fleshly body!

“How is this? Divine Blood Martial Artist, when really invincible?”

Senior Brother Fang’s face is a bit whitish, he can’t imagine why Lei Dao has nothing at all? He is the martial artist of second time Dao Body Perfection and is also Dao Body 5th layer !

Even with Young Master Yuan and Tie Wuji, the three men joined forces and Lei Dao didn’t even resist. It was completely fleshly body strongly resist. In this way, they couldn’t help Lei Dao, even the integral heavy injury. Can’t do it?

Divine Blood Martial Artist, the name of invincible is not a hole!

“Since you don’t leave, leave it!”

Lei Dao looked at Sacred Child Fang, Tie Wuji and Young Master Yuan, who are still deep inside the hundred zhang. Lei Dao said that to do it, all into hishund zhang, kill without mercy!

However, his fleshly body defense is so powerful that it can be called “anomalous”, perhaps related to the Perfected Secret Technique, perhaps related to the basis he played before, or perhaps related to his activated Divine Blood.

But no matter what, Lei Dao’s defense is so strong that the three Dao Body 5th layer experts are all right, standing here, let them attack, Lei Dao will not have anything.

This in itself has stood in an invincible position!

However, although Lei Dao is under the Battle Form, the attack power is not very powerful compared to his defense, but he still has a Life Pearl that is not detonated.

Lei Dao looked at Young Master Yuan, Sacred Child Fang and Tie Wuji.

There is even a long-awaited Ba Brothers.

He knows that it is impossible to shock these people without killing people.

Moreover, within the hundred zhang within the kill without mercy, this is his rules, then naturally have to execute in the end!

Now, Lei Dao wants to kill!


Without hesitation, Lei Dao detonated Life Pearl. The next moment, the power of majestic was filled with Lei Dao whole body, top of his head Flower of Essence Strength, and it suddenly expanded several times.

The terrifying aura is simply hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the moving towards is engulfing in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Young Master Yuan seemed to know each other. His face changed fiercely. He said: “Senior Brother Fang, Lei Dao is not powerful. I will avoid one or two first.”

After all, regardless of whether Senior Brother Fang listened, anyway, Young Master Yuan was the first time to go backwards, madly withdrawing from the distance of three hundred zhang, and this stopped, and there was still a trace of fear on his face. .

After all, in Chen Family, Young Master Yuan learned about Lei Dao’s burst method, and he died a little bit. Even if it wasn’t for Lei Dao to stop, then he certainly died!

Therefore, Young Master Yuan saw that Aura suddenly appeared in Lei Dao, and immediately thought of a scene in Chen Family. His desire for survival was strong. He ignored the face of Sacred Land dignified Sacred Child and fled to safety. This is only relaxed.

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