
There was a roar inside the Ray Dao Body.

The Life Pearl, located near his heart, was instantly detonated.

“ka-cha ka-cha”.

Lei Dao’s body re-expanded, but this time it did not swell to ten meters, but expanded, compressed, re-expanded, and recompressed.

In short, Lei Dao’s flesh and blood seems to be compressed into a discus by repeated forces, and the density is so large that it is hard to imagine.

Although it is still four meters high, but the power is tyrannical, I don’t know how many times.

At the same time, Lei Dao’s forehead, faint seemed to “smash” an eye, but was frozen by flesh and blood, as if something bound the eye, how could it not grow.


Lei Dao face upwards, screaming, then stretched out five fingers, straight into the brow of the forehead, and constantly stirring inside, faint seems to hold one eye.

Then suddenly yan.

“chi la”.

Splash of blood, a bloody eye, no pupil, dusky, was directly “snapped” by Lei Dao, tightly attached to the eyebrows.

It looks like a gray stone forcibly embedded in the flesh and blood, very ugly and embarrassing.

The scarlet’s rays of light emanate from the “third” eye on the forehead.

In Lei Dao’s “sense” at the moment, the world in front of him seems to have been cut into pieces and pieces, each of which has a subtle node.

Between the node and the node, it seems that there is a dusky line connected.

Lei Dao is also the first time to “see” this situation.

Of course, it is necessary to “see” the “third” eye at the forehead, in order to sense the scene in front of you.

But what is the role?

Even Lei Dao himself is not very clear.

Originally, Lei Dao just wanted to detonate Life Pearl, and then the power was ten or even dozens of times, which blew Elder Fierce Yang.

Only now, this has happened.

This is completely “divine blood” s ability.

Divine Blood, Lei Dao has never understood, and even the Good Luck Chamber of Commerce doesn’t know much. Just know that Divine Blood seems to be related to Ancient God and can make it stronger.

But how Divine Blood is developed, Divine Blood has unique capabilities, and so on, and Lei Dao is not clear.

Perhaps some of the ancient existence of Sacred Land can be known.

At this moment, Lei Dao’s eyebrows grew a “third” eye, and the strange scarlet radiance made the “world” in front of Lei Dao completely changed.

Suddenly, Lei Dao blessed the soul.

I don’t even need him to have comprehend, just like instinct. He controls the third eye in the eyebrow and covers the scarlet radiance to the whole body.

Immediately, Lei Dao stepped into a “node” in front of him.


Lei Dao The whole person was awkward, and he seemed to be in front of Elder Fierce Yang in the blink of an eye. Even he can clearly see the dignified color in Elder Fierce Yang’s eyes.

Just now, how is Elder Fierce Yang staying on the spot, not moving? Even if Lei Dao has arrived in front of Elder Fierce Yang.

No, it is not dumbfounded and motionless.

Lei Dao saw Elder Fierce Yang’s eyes pupils all lightly shrinking, as if they saw something terrifying.

However, Lei Dao didn’t hesitate to think about it, and directly fist slammed into Elder Fierce Yang.


A muffled sound.

Just like the sound of a mirror being cracked, the “world” in front of Lei Dao disappeared instantly, and he didn’t know when he had stood in front of Elder Fierce Yang.

Even more bizarre is that Elder Fierce Yang’s chest seemed to wait for a long time, and it collapsed, and even a crisp bone sound came.

Just now, Lei Dao fist was printed on the chest bones of Elder Fierce Yang.

“Damn! What is this method?”

Elder Fierce Yang seems to be terrified, but only the chest collapses that’s all, Elder Fierce Yang can recover in a flash. Moreover, under the horror, he also directly moved to Lei Dao.

The speed is very fast and the strength is very strong. Dao Body 7th layer Expert’s all out strike, even the current Lei Dao has to be treated with caution. Although he has previously “tested” the limits of Elder Fierce Yang.

As long as the Battle Form is maintained, Elder Fierce Yang’s method can’t help Lei Dao.

Defense, this is the strongest point of Lei Dao!

However, no matter how defensive it is, it can’t be passive. It can’t be erupted by Elder Fierce Yang. If so, Lei Dao will die even if it is strong defense.

Elder Fierce Yang is very close to Lei Dao. After this fist, Lei Dao immediately wants to hide.

However, he was blessed to the soul, and the scarlet radiance in the eyebrows flashed again. Then, Lei Dao found out that Elder Fierce Yang had stopped.

“Stop? Is this imprisoned? Or is time still?”

Lei Dao saw this scene again. In an instant, there were countless thoughts in his mind.

“No, not Elder Fierce Yang is imprisoned, not time is still, but speed! My speed is too fast…”

Lei Dao has widened his eyes.

He saw the horrified expression of Elder Fierce Yang, at this moment, Elder Fierce Yang slammed into Lei Dao’s this fist, in the eyes of Lei Dao, it was slower than the snail.

This is naturally not the slowdown of Elder Fierce Yang, but the speed of Lei Dao is too fast, even reaching a certain tipping point, and soon the mind can’t react.

To prove that Lei Dao went from top to bottom, in Elder Fierce Yang’s head, chest, abdomen, back, etc., all hit the fist.

Then, Lei Dao quickly retreated to a safe distance.


Like the mirror, Lei Dao’s “world” is broken again, or he returns to normal state.


Really, Elder Fierce Yang has a big mouth, full of look of astonishment, and can’t believe his eyes.

What did he see?

Just in front of his eyes, Elder Fierce Yang of the Dignified Dao Body 7th layer, saw with his own eyes, Lei Dao, who was close at hand, suddenly disappeared. Disappeared from his eyes, and then appeared in the distance in the blink of an eye.

what is this?

The speed is so fast, is that still called speed?

Or, some kind of trick?

In short, Lei Dao’s speed has gone beyond the movement technique and even beyond the speed range, even the Elder Fierce Yang of the Dao Body 7th layer can’t capture.

Lei Dao didn’t talk, just staring at Elder Fierce Yang, and seemed to be looking forward to something.

“ka-cha ka-cha”.

Really, the next moment, Elder Fierce Yang body vibrated, then, his head, chest, abdomen, back, seems to have suffered numerous hits.

The terrifying noises are coming and going, and Elder Fierce Yang is screaming.

Dignified Dao Body 7th layer Expert, actually could not help but scream.

However, Elder Fierce Yang is Dao Body 7th layer Expert after all, and it is too difficult to kill a Dao Body 7th layer Expert. Even if Lei Dao leans on Divine Blood and leans on Dao Body Perfection three times, his defense is no worse than Dao Body 7th layer Expert.

But he wants to kill Dao Body 7th layer Expert, it’s too hard and too difficult.

His attack, even if it is detonated, Life Pearl is still not enough!

“Hahaha, junior, no matter what strange method you use, you can force the old man to this level, which is your limit. Under the Xoox Xth layer all are ants, both ants and old man?”

Elder Fierce Yang grabbed it with a big hand.

But instead of grabbing Lei Dao, he grabbed Xueyan.

Perhaps, Elder Fierce Yang also knows that Lei Dao is too strange, too fast and too fast, even he can’t capture the silhouette of Lei Dao, how to deal with Lei Dao?

Since it can’t deal with Lei Dao, Elder Fierce Yang, who is already angry with madness, can only use the people around Lei Dao to vent his anger. Xueyan is beside Lei Dao, isn’t it the target?

Lei Dao can hide, but what about Xueyan?

“really can’t kill me? ”

Lei Dao expression slightly concentrates.

In front of his eyes, there was another picture just now. Scarlet’s rays of light dyed the entire world into a special picture, and Lei Dao’s silhouette can be easily shuttled.

Everything around me seems to be still.

It’s not that the surroundings are still, but the speed of Lei Dao is too fast!


Lei Dao came to Elder Fierce Yang again, and at an absolute speed, Lei Dao was absolutely safe.

At this moment, Lei Dao of Life Pearl has been detonated. In fact, it has already been felt that the power of Life Pearl is rapidly being consumed. In particular, he opened the “eyes” at the eyebrows and entered an absolute speed domain. Life Pearl’s consumption is ten times and hundreds of times!

Either immediately find a way to kill Elder Fierce Yang, or Lei Dao immediately quits Ultimate Form.

Otherwise, once the Life Pearl is consumed, it will absorb the energy of Lei Dao madly. At that time, perhaps the body of Lei Dao will be sucked dry.

Originally, in the case of Lei Dao trying to detonate Life Pearl, his power surged and could directly cause fatal damage to Elder Fierce Yang. But I have already tried it. Although I can hurt Elder Fierce Yang, I want to fail heavy injury and even kill. Simply impossible.

Detonating Life Pearl, Lei Dao wants to use the Hand of Annihilation!

Hand of Annihilation, Lei Dao Although it has not been shown yet, it is certain that after Dao Body 5th layer, Lei Dao even saw the source, and the Hand of Annihilation must be more powerful.

Coupled with the detonation of Life Pearl, Lei Dao felt that it was not difficult to kill Dao Body 7th layer Expert.

However, now Lei Dao feels that it seems that the Hand of Annihilation is no longer needed.

The “third” eye in his eyebrows doesn’t seem to be just as simple as speed.


The next moment, Lei Dao started.

Under the cover of scarlet radiance, Lei Dao seems to be standing quietly in front of Elder Fierce Yang, and Elder Fierce Yang is like a puppet, motionless.

Lei Dao gathered all the power directly, only moving towards Elder Fierce Yang’s head.

“Mountain Splitting !”

“Wave Breaking !”

“Earth Rending!”

“Exploding Heaven !”

Lei Dao didn’t know how many punches he blew. He was too fast and too fast. Under the coverage of scarlet radiance, even if he had dozens of punches in a moment, there would be no question.

As long as, Lei Dao’s fist head can withstand!


Really, Lei Dao’s fist can’t stand it, and it bursts open.

Lei Dao’s face was slightly white, and the next moment, he immediately withdrew from the Ultimate Form, and everything around him seemed to be back to its original state.

Lei Dao unwavering stares at Elder Fierce Yang.

He just wants to see how much iron is Elder Fierce Yang’s head?

How capable?

Can resist him for dozens of punches and even Paramount?

Lei Dao Do not believe!


Lei Dao gently opened his mouth and spit out a word.

As if with his voice, Elder Fierce Yang looked condensed, and then his head seemed to have been hit by the countless fist, and it broke out in an instant.


The next moment, Elder Fierce Yang’s head bursts instantly, as if it were tyrannical, forcibly “grinding”, blood splashing, and the rich bloody qi is filled in the void.

Just dwarfed, standing in the void, disdaified fully at at the living things, dignified Dao Body 7th layer Expert, has now been blown off his head, headless corpse fell heavily on the ground.

Elder Fierce Yang, perished!

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