“concede? How can Xuan Kongzi concede?”

“Impossible? Lei Dao doesn’t seem to even have Sacred Energy.”

“Xuan Kongzi is not the strongest in the first Sacred Child of Five Great Sacred Land, but it is by no means the weakest. Why didn’t he force Lei Dao to show Sacred Energy? Tell me, this is not really.”

“Lei Dao didn’t know what method was used and consumed all of Sacred Energy from Xuan Kongzi. It’s not easy for Sacred Energy to recover, and Lei Dao’s Sacred Energy has not yet been applied, so Xuan Kongzi naturally concede.”

No one thought that the battle between Lei Dao and Xuan Kongzi was actually the fastest and the first to end.

Xuan Kongzi’s Sacred Energy was consumed and could only be concede. It seems that the confrontation between Lei Dao and Xuan Kongzi is not intense, but in fact, some 9th layer Old Ancestors who understand Sacred Energy are shocked.

Lei Dao did not use Sacred Energy, this means what?

It means strength and can also consume Sacred Energy!

Or, simply the strength of the fleshly body can also compete with Sacred Energy.

This is simply an epoch-making meaning!

Therefore, there is no one to care about the other two groups of confrontation, and each Dao Body 9th layer Old Ancestor is staring at Lei Dao, carefully thinking about the battle between Lei Dao and Xuan Kongzi.

It seems that Lei Dao disappeared at once.

Then, the consumption of Xuan Kongzi’s Sacred Energy must be related to the sudden disappearance of Lei Dao.

What did Lei Dao do during the disappearance?

Some 9th layer Old Ancestor, gradually analyzed a little clue.

Xuan Kongzi’s Sacred Energy seems to be being used by powerful forces. Sacred Energy can take the initiative to protect, and Xuan Kongzi is undoubtedly a deadly threat, so Sacred Energy has always protected Xuan Kongzi, and then Sacred Energy was consumed during this time.

That must be that Lei Dao used a special method to make Xuan Kongzi react at a very fast speed, and only passively use Sacred Energy.

Therefore, Sacred Energy will be consumed.

high speed! Can make Half Saint react.

Strong power! Allows Half Saint’s Sacred Energy to be consumed.

For a time, many Old Ancestor felt the eyes shine and they were excited.

They seem to have found a way to counter Half Saint.

Just, to what extent is the speed so that dignified Half Saint can’t react?

And to what extent is the strength so powerful that Half Saint’s Sacred Energy can only be passively defended?

For example, Lei Dao’s Hand of Annihilation instantly rips off the opponent’s power and completely destroys the opponent.

Xuan Kongzi’s Sacred Energy is not bad, it must be the same.

However, Lei Dao showed fifty three fists in a flash, which is a miracle in itself, and no Dao Body 9th layer expert can do it. Unless, someone can be the same as Lei Dao, awakened Divine Blood, and Divine Eye.

But this possibility is minimal.

The number of Divine Blood Martial Artists is even rarer than the martial artist of Dao Body Perfection in Sacred Land.

Many 9th layer Old Ancestors, who thought they found a way to deal with Half Saint, everyone and everyone are excited. They imagined to be beautiful. If they could consume Half Saint’s Sacred Energy like Lei Dao, what about Half Saint?

Not like them, they are all Dao Body 9th layer, and naturally they can be in heavy heavy injury and even kill!

Although they are also very clear, it will be very difficult.

But this is at least one direction and a hope.

In contrast, the other two sets of confrontation, the significance of these Dao Body 9th layer martial artist is not great.

Lei Dao defeated Xuan Kongzi and left the ring. He looked toward the other two groups of confrontation.

Lei Dao is also the first time to see other Half Saint battles.

Both groups of battles used Sacred Energy.

I have to say that the battle between Half Saint is really quite exciting. Especially Sacred Energy, thousand transformations, ten-thousand changes, there are all kinds of incredible methods.

The most exciting and bloody battle is between Primal Beginning Sacred Land and Heavenly Origin Sacred Land Sacred Child.

There was a blood sea revenge between the two Sacred Lands. Once the two Sacred Child hit it, there was no room for relaxation. It was just like Mars hit Earth and started to desperately.

Not a compare note, not a fight, but a desperate!

Every effort is made to showcase Sacred Energy and ruin the entire ring. The power of Sacred Energy was brought to pinnacle by both of them, and there was no idea of ​​saving Sacred Energy.

Play a game, maybe they are over.

As for winning the championship?

Impossible, in their style of play, not dead will also be an intense heavy injury, and then will not consume the last trace of Sacred Energy, and other Sacred Child how to fight?

Therefore, this is the most exciting.

At all costs, the madness is hard.

Those Dao Body 9th layer martial artists are very enjoyable, but Lei Dao’s heart is also slightly sinking, and his heart is also faintly alert.

Very strong!

These Sacred Child are very powerful, especially after the display of Sacred Energy, the terrifying aura, even if there is an array, Lei Dao can feel a slight threat.

The power of Sacred Energy, even if the current Lei Dao detonates the Life Pearl, and the Divine Eye is used to escape, Lei Dao has no choice.

The Battle Form he is proud of, and the defense of Divine Blood, have no effect at all when facing Sacred Energy, and will be shredded in an instant.

There is no Sacred Energy, it is just two martial artists.

There is martial artist of Sacred Energy, that is Half Saint, for other martial artists, that is crushing!

The gap is so big that it is hard to imagine.

It’s like Three Flowers Gathers on Crown, just like the Great Grandmaster, or the External Art Peak is the same as the regular martial artist. Completely rolled, all-round rolling.

Finally, the two Sacred Child both sides suffer, Sacred Energy was consumed, and even simply used the Battle Method. However, such a win or loss has no meaning, it is directly isolated by the array, and a boss have equal share is determined.

Both can participate in the next round, but both have chosen to abstain.

After all, their Sacred Energy is exhausted, and then participate in the next round, that is, “abuse”, completely meaningless.

After picking up the other party, the two actually knew that there was a next round of impossible. Both sides tried their best, but let others converge on the convenient.

The rest is a battle between Yi Wuji and Scarlet Saintess.

The two also used Sacred Energy, and Scarlet Energy of Scarlet Saintess was strong, but it was suppressed by Yi Wuji.

And Yi Wuji was not in a hurry, it was always a suppression, and waited until Scarlet Energy of Scarlet Saintess consumed almost the same, this stopped, Scarlet Saintess concede.

Five Sacred Child plus Lei Dao, a total of six people, ended up with only Lei Dao and Yi Wuji.

This is also the final battle.

“Alliance Lord Lei.”

At this time, Xuan Kongzi came to the side of Lei Dao.

“Alliance Lord Lei, you don’t look at Yi Wuji. It seems to consume a lot of Sacred Energy. It seems that you have an advantage. But in fact, Xuan Kongzi is already Half Saint 100 years ago, he has not been able to manipulates Sacred Ability. Therefore, A hundred years ago, he was trying to wake up the second Sacred Energy again, and he was very likely to succeed. He had two Sacred Energy, you absolutely can’t lower your guard.”

Xuan Kongzi specifically reminded Lei Dao.

“The two Sacred Energy ?martial artists can also have two Sacred Energy in front of the Sacred Energy manifest?”

Lei Dao is very surprised.

He always thought that before the Sacred Energy manifest, he could only awaken a Sacred Energy and then to the manifest. But now it doesn’t seem to be the same thing.

Lei Dao went to this step by himself and relied on his own efforts. This is understandable. After all, Lei Dao has no Master and no inheritance.

For the achievement of Sacred Body, Lei Dao is also a half-baked solution.

Xuan Kongzi seems to have a hint of Lei Dao, and Lei Dao is also impolite, asking Xuan Kongzi directly.

Xuan Kongzi was not surprised, so he explained in detail: “Our martial artist can actually try awaken Sacred Energy after achieving the Dao Body 7th layer. Of course, the general situation is Dao Body 9th layer ,can’t After the advance, I will try awaken Sacred Energy. After all, awaken Sacred Energy also consumes a lot of Essence Strength. Generally, the Dao Body 7th layer will only concentrate on breaking the fleshly body shackles and will not go to awaken Sacred Energy.”

“Alliance Lord Lei is definitely different, but most martial artists are like this, including Sacred Child. After awaken Sacred Energy, it became Half Saint, and you can study Sacred Energy step by step, and a little enhance Sacred Energy until the end. Manifesting Sacred Ability, achievement Sacred Body. This is the most convenient way.”

“But this is the way, many people can’t get through. Many Half Saints, even if they have enhanced Sacred Energy to a pinnacle, can’t advance, they can’t be manifest. Either wait for opportunity, then manifest for Sacred Body, or the limit is coming , completely turned into a loess. But how difficult is the opportunity? Can not be asked, not someone will really put Essence Strength on the imaginary opportunity, therefore, someone has another way to awaken the second Sacred Energy, even the third Sacred Energy.”

“This is a road that can’t get through. It can only go another way. It’s actually a big hit. But it’s a waste of time. Second, the two Sacred Energy are no more manifact than a Sacred Energy. Just, Both Sacred Energy’s fighting strength will definitely be stronger if they are properly awake and well matched.”

“Yi Wuji is awakened by two Sacred Energy, and it is still two very powerful Sacred Energy. There is a high or low strong or weak between Sacred Energy, and Yi Wuji’s Sacred Energy is very strong, and then wake up the second Sacred Energy. Mutual cooperation has already dominated our other Sacred Child. Therefore, Yi Wuji has the nickname of the first Half Saint in Five Great Sacred Land Sacred Child.”

Xuan Kongzi told Lei Dao all the information he knew about Yi Wuji.

The information is very detailed, and some even involve some hidden secrets.

After all, Yi Wuji has the second information of Sacred Energy, which must be hidden. Who knows the five outside of Sacred Land?

Xuan Kongzi informed Lei Dao that it was clearly releasing goodwill to Lei Dao.

Regardless of the purpose of Xuan Kongzi, but all the previous, together with the goodwill of the present, will undoubtedly make Lei Dao recognize.

“Many thanks Xuan Kongzi’s reminder, two Sacred Energy? This Lei is going to be there for a while! As Xuan Kongzi said, Sacred Energy also has high or low strong or weak points, this Lei’s Sacred Energy has never met. Have been to the enemy!”

Lei Dao’s tone also reveals unparalleled confidence.

What about the two Sacred Energy?

His Hand of Annihilation, a slap in the face, and two Sacred Energy, even three or four, Lei Dao is not afraid.

After Lei Dao finished, he immediately got up and flew over the ring.

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