Imposing manner, powerful imposing manner!

At this moment, the imposing manner emanating from Elder Long, even if Half Saint is faintly unbearable, seems to be suffocating. The Elder and Half Saint of Grand Simplicity Sacred Land, with great impact, hurried back.

“Exit mountain peak!”

Grand Simplicity Sacred Land Leader shouted.

Suddenly, many Elders and Half Saints flew out of the mountain peak several hundred zhang, which was set in the void, and some of the geze at the mountain peak was Elder Long.

“This is Long Jingtian Elder? Rebuking the Heaven and Earth three hundred years ago, playing in the Origins invincible hand, even the Peak Half Saint, which is hailed as the most promising Sacred Body, is incredible, even now, It is so powerful that it is not as strong as it was three hundred years ago.”

“Before the old man also used the Elder Long and Lei Dao great war for the Leader. It seems to be a bit too much. Now there is Elder Long and what else does the other Half Saint do?”

“This is the real Peak Half Saint, the real invincible person!”

Many Elder are very impressed.

Long Jingtian!

Three hundred years ago, Grand Simplicity Sacred Land was the first Sacred Child. It was also the Invincible Path. It even went quite smoothly. It was played in the Invincible hand of Origin Prefecture. How powerful is this? What a surprise?

Even if it has been defeated, it will be a shortfall. In the three hundred years of silence, even now the big limit is coming, but once it broke out, the strength is still scary.

This and the rest can’t make the Sacred Body, which is hard to see Sanctification.

Many Elder have vowed to think that Long Jingtian is willing to take it, and that is nothing, Lei Dao will be defeated! Just, I don’t know why, looking at the distant peak of Elder Long in the mountain peak, in the silhouette of the imposing manner storm center, there is a hint of faintness in Leader’s heart.

Is it possible that , Lei Dao can beat Elder Long ?

No, this possibility is minimal and almost impossible.

Just, is it true?

The Leader looks the same, but his eyes are unwavering and staring at the two silhouettes in the mountain peak.

“Hahahaha, Lei Dao, old man is a failure person, but what about it? Who can be the opponent of the old man except the one?”

At this moment, Long Jingtian wantonly show off laughs, as if back to three hundred years ago, the first Sacred Child who rebuking the Heaven and Earth!

Even Long Jingtian has Invincible Belief!

Yes, Invincible Belief!

A failed martial artist, a deadly martial artist, has been suffering for three hundred years, even if he is disheartened, but still has Invincible Belief, which shows how powerful Long Jingtian is.

Perhaps in the eyes of Long Jingtian, in addition to that person, he is invincible!

Or, he doesn’t think that in Southern Prefecture, which of the Gulf Saints is his opponent. In Origin Prefecture, he is truly invincible!

Therefore, at this moment, Long Jingtian, no one can associate him with a struggling on the at death’s door, the deadly dying man, but feels that Long Jingtian is very stylish, Invincible Belief is very powerful, and even hopes Sacred Body !

Just, it’s all illusory that’s all!

“Elder Long, do you think you are still Invincible Belief? No, since you lost, your Invincible Belief has broken, you no longer have Invincible Belief. You now show the belief that not Invincible Belief, but Self-deception belief. This Lei is a junior, but does not mind let Elder Long take a look, what is Invincible Belief? Who is the real invincible?”

As Lei Dao’s voice fell, suddenly, Lei Dao also broke out of the imposing manner.


Invincible Belief, this is the real Invincible Belief!

Invincible Belief on Lei Dao, like the sun, shines in all directions. Although it seems far from Elder Long’s Invincible Belief, it is a violently surge, but it reveals a hegemonic belief in the invincible world!

This is the real Invincible Belief!

Two Invincible Belief, a fierce contact.

“chi chi 嗤”.

In an instant, it seems that the invincible Elder Long’s Invincible Belief, just like the ice encounters Fierce Yang, is actually a touch, the violently surge of Invincible Belief, like the tide, instantly collapsed.

“How can it be?”

“This… How is Elder Long’s imposing manner going to be a disadvantage?”

“Five Sacred Energy!”

The Sacred Land Elders, who are far from the mountain peak, have their eyes wide open at this moment, as if they can’t believe what they saw. In their minds, Invincible’s Elder Long is now retreating.

Although there is no direct action, the confrontation of their imposing manner can be felt.

Faith cannot be seen, and no one else can sense it. But the resignation of faith will also drive the weakness of the imposing manner. At this moment, with the collapse of Elder Long’s beliefs, his extremely terrifying impering manner is also rapidly disintegrating.

Therefore, the impression of outsiders at this moment is that Elder Long is losing ground!

“Impossible !old man is the first Sacred Child in Origin Prefecture, and it is not as good as your belief to hit the Invincible hand in Origin Prefecture?”

Elder Long gnashing one’s teeth, eyes unwavering staring at Lei Dao.

He himself sensed very clear, his Invincible Belief really lost, and it was indeed a retreat, there was no resistance at all.

That feeling is really powerless, just like the Half Saint he met outside of Origin Prefecture, he has no resistance. However, a trifling junior in Origin Prefecture, not even a discipline of Sacred Land, how can it be equal to the sentence on the terms?

“Maybe, the old man’s beliefs do have some flaws, but the old Man’s five Sacred Energy have no flaws, Flame of Purgatory, burning!”

Elder Long is very gloomy and even full of killing intent. He can’t accept his own failure, even though he has failed once, but he can’t accept the failure of a trifling junior to give him!

Even if he is already dying, he does not allow such a failure!

The next moment, raging flame burning the sky!

Sacred Energy, terrifying Sacred Energy!

The flame, the terrifying flame of the burning half the sky, the rushing engulfing, seems to burn the entire mountain peak to ashes. Even if it’s far apart, many of Elder’s Elders in Sacred Land feel a burning sensation, as if they were facing the terrifying flame.

Sacred Energy also has a high or low level, and there are also strong or weak points.

Obviously, Elder Long’s flame Sacred Energy is the very powerful Sacred Energy. Otherwise, it was impossible to swipe the Origin Prefecture Five Great Sacred Land invincible.

Even three hundred years passed, Elder Long’s Sacred Energy formidable power did not weaken.

The violently surge of Sacred Energy, majestic moved towards Lei Dao engulfing. Elder Long is confident that he was able to beat many Half Saints with this kind of Sacred Energy, even though many of Sacred Energy in Peak Half Saint is not as good as him.

Faith can indeed be defeated. Even Long Nettian’s beliefs are flawed. He has been in seclusion for three hundred years, has never been successful, has been defeated, and broke Invincible Belief. His beliefs naturally have weaknesses.

It’s nothing to be defeated by Lei Dao with faith.

But Sacred Energy is different. This Sacred Energy is a true blade. Even after three hundred years, formidable power is still terrifying. This Flame of Purgatory, Power is indeed amazing, at least, the strongest Sacred Energy that Lei Dao has ever encountered.

It was not a fluke that Long Jingtian was able to sweep across the entire Origin Prefecture, but it did have such terrifying strength.

Seeing the flame of the violently surge, Long Jingtian’s eyes became deeper. He seems to have returned to three hundred years ago. At that time, he was so arrogant that he could sweep everything and defeat everything. Even he also comprehend to the Path of Sanctification and found the opportunity of Sanctification.

And keep going.

However, the force of Sanctification he wants to go is Path of Invincible!

Once it fails, it will never be lost!

Three hundred years have passed, and there may already be many people who don’t know his name, but now he still shocks some of Sacred Land’s one.

It seems that he is still omnipotent, unstoppable, be invincible, vertical and horizontal invincible Long Jingtian!

However, in the face of Sacred Energy, which hid the sky and covering the earth, Lei Dao did not seem to have any movements. Only when Sacred Energy was about to come down, he snorted.


A more terrifying imposing manner skyrocketed, at the same time, Lei Dao’s body swelled sharply, turning into a terrifying monster near four meters high, and even a strange scarlet eye on the forehead.

That is Divine Eye!


The next moment, Lei Dao detonated Divine Eye, and Scarlet radiance covered Lei Giant’s whole body, his silhouette flashing away and disappearing from everyone’s eyes.

“hong long”.

The Flame of Purgatory was covered and the place where Lei Dao stood was burned to ashes.

However, Long Jingtian’s face did not have any smiles.

Because Lei Dao’s aura is still there!

“Elder Long’s Sacred Energy is really strong, but what about it? Five Sacred Energy, Elder Long is going the wrong way. The more Sacred Energy, the more it actually stands, and Elder Long is not confident of upgrading a Sacred Energy. To pinnacle. Can’t upgrade to pinnacle, talk about Sanctification? Finally, how to condense Sacred Body? So, from the beginning Elder Long’s road went wrong, your failure, not because it was defeated, defeated Invincible Belief, and At the beginning, your path is wrong!”

“Even if you are totally condense Invincible Belief, what about? You don’t have the courage to promote a Sacred Energy to pinnacle, even if you have Invincible Belief, you still can’t Sanctification. From the beginning, you can’t take Sanctification!”

In the words of Lei Dao, the sentence is tied.

And still deeply penetrated into the depths of Long Jingtian, tied to his pain.

He was wrong and he was wrong from the beginning.

What was the temperament of Long Jingtian?

He succeeded in walking the Invincible Path, even spending Essence Strength, awakened four Sacred Energy.

But what about it?

He eventually lost.

However, no one has ever told him that his suffering has gone wrong since the beginning.

Or, someone told him, just, where did he listen?

“Wrong? Hahahaha, it’s ridiculous. You trifling junior, only one kind of Sacred Energy, or even the Half Saint of the outside of Sacred Land, can you know that the old man is going wrong?”

“Yes, this Lei said that you have gone wrong, then you must go wrong! Five Sacred Energy, in the eyes of this Lei, but clay chickens and pottery dogs. Optimistic, this Lei can also break you without Sacred Energy Several Sacred Energy !”

The next moment, Lei Dao silhouette swayed, and it seemed to disappear into Elder Long’s line of sight, even if it was a Spirit Sense sensor, it could not sense the trajectory of Lei Dao.

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