“evil creature !”

Among the distant voids, there was a prestige of severe roar.


The giant beast turns a huge head, it has opened the mind, and it is very clear. It is now responsible for guarding this large pit and Lei Dao in the large pit.

Anyone who wants to get close to a large pit must pass it. It will swallow anyone who is trying to get close.

Even the one who doesn’t seem to be irritating at the moment is the same.

Giant beast’s huge head, violently rising into the sky, the terrifying giant claw is like a torn void, moved toward the distant silhouette of the sly.

Void, Half Saint Moonlight face somewhat ugly.

He led many of the Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce’s martial artist, but before he reached the large pit, he felt that the large pit seemed to have a strong vitality.

There is even a touch of golden colored radiance.

According to the information provided by the Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce martial artist, there is a golden colored tree in the large pit, and there is also the golden fruit, suspected Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

Now there is a lot of vitality in the large pit, and a hint of golden light, and even a golden silhouette of a faint appears in the void on the large pit.

Don’t tell me is someone entering into the large pit?

Half Saint Moonlight has no choice but to prove anything. He must arrive at the big pit with him, and Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine can’t be lost.

However, he just arrived, and he was pegged by the giant beast.

I have to say that the body of the giant beast is indeed huge, the strength is very strong and powerful, even if it is the Half Saint Moonlight, it is a bit shocking at one time. He has never encountered such a huge monster.

Half Saint Moonlight shouted, then gathered the power of the whole body, and the sly fist slammed into the head of the giant beast.


A dull sound, giant beast’s huge head was slightly stopped, but that’s all that’s all. The giant beast is about to become close to the Sacred Beast, and its body is so powerful that it is incredible.

It’s by strength, not to mention trifling Half Saint, even if there are ten eight Peak Half Saints, I can’t think of this giant beast.

Therefore, when the head of the giant beast hits, the Half Saint Moonlight can hardly control the figure, and it is directly hit by the fly. It falls heavily on the ground, or it has unloaded a lot of power, which is safe and stable.

But the giant beast raised his thighs again, and 狠狠 moved towards Half Saint Moonlight.

Even if it is Half Saint Moonlight, the face is green at this moment. After being trampled by such a big guy, he still doesn’t dying without a corpse?

Terrifying, really terrifying too.

I only heard about the Dao Body 9th layer martial artist of the Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce, which was swallowed by a monster. Half Saint Moonlight doesn’t think so, and thinks that those Dao Body 9th layer martial artists are too big and too weak.

Half Saint Moonlight What monsters are not seen? As long as he shot, it must be able to defeat or even kill the monster.

However, after seeing this monster with his own eyes, Half Saint Moonlight has no longer despised in his heart, and even he has to go all out. Because he was a little careless, he would even die in the mouth of the giant beast.

“Good one evil creature!”

The Half Saint Moonlight originally came with the overflowing the heaven imposing manner, and even a large ticket of the Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce martial artist was behind him, wanting to watch him as the Half Saint.

But when the result arrived here, it was given an “initial show of strenght” by this giant beast, which made Half Saint Moonlight even dumbfounded, without regained composure.

“hong long”.

Giant beast stepped on, and Half Saint Moonlight was in danger of avoiding it. He really didn’t dare to confront the giant beast. The giant beast can’t die, but if he is stepped on by the giant beast, Half Saint Moonlight is not even sure if his Sacred Energy can completely block the power of the giant beast.

However, Half Saint Moonlight is the Half Saint. The strongest is not the strength of the body, but Sacred Energy!

The most essential difference between Half Saint and Dao Body 9th layer martial artist is Sacred Energy.

Half Saint Moonlight didn’t dare to be too big. When he thought about it, he immediately showed Sacred Energy.


Half Saint Moonlight stood in the void, and there was a round of meniscus on top of his head. This round of meniscus looks brighter, but it exudes a touch of white rays of light.

If you look closely, you can see that these white rays of light are woven into a huge net in the void.

The giant net is densely packed, and it seems to be covered with the entire sky, and the giant beast is shrouded in it.


Half Saint Moonlight shouted in a low voice ,suddenly, the huge net slammed down and covered the giant beast.

“chi la”.

The big net seems to be corrosive, or rather, extremely sharp. The big net fell, the giant beast that has no tenacious body, seems to be like tofu, with no difficulty was cut by the big net.

Suddenly, the whole giant beast has become bloody.


The giant beast struggles fiercely, its body is not only huge, its defense is strong, and its resilience is amazing.

After all, it is infinitely close to Sacred Beast, even if it faces Sacred Energy, it has a certain resistance.

Giant beast struggled, his body was broken, and it was quickly recovering. However, the white net was firmly tied to the giant beast and was constantly “cutting” the giant beast.

This is the Sacred Energy of Half Saint Moonlight!

In the face of Sacred Energy, even the incomparable giant beast is not an opponent.

Half Saint Moonlight looks cold and looks down at the giant beast. He dignified Half Saint, almost failed to seize this giant beast, it was a shame, and lost his face.

“acknowledge allegiance, or Die!”

Half Saint Moonlight also thought about conquering the giant beast. After all, the giant beast that can grow to this point is not easy.

“hong long”.

However, the giant beast’s response to Half Saint Moonlight is still a fierce struggle, and there seems to be no intention of any allegiance. Moreover, the head of the giant beast is still looking forward to the large pit behind the moving towards, and there is a hint of “expectation” in the eyes.

A giant beast, can you still have expectations?

What can giant beast expect?

Half Saint Moonlight Eyes light squint, he has noticed that the golden pit’s rays of light flash in the large pit, and even the rich vitality is emitted.

But now, it seems that there is no strong vitality, but there is a golden rays of light.

Just, is the faint golden colored radiance, is the fruit of golden?

“No, then… is that a silhouette?”

Half Saint Moonlight Eyes are tight.

“Half Saint sir, fast, fast into the big pit to kill the thief. Someone broke the line of defense of our Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce, forcibly entered the large pit and captured Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine!”

Suddenly, the martial artist of the Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce shouted.

The Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce was previously repelled by Lei Dao, and the Half Saint Moonlight came very quickly, not meeting those people.

Therefore, Half Saint Moonlight does not know that someone has entered into the large pit.

Now suddenly heard someone take a step forward and enter the large pit, Half Saint Moonlight complexion greatly changed.

Inside the large pit there is Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, absolutely not to be lost!


Almost the first time, Half Saint Moonlight stepped into the large pit, and in the blink of an eye it was not far from the golden colored radiance.

Half Saint Moonlight didn’t move any further.

His eyes stared at the golden colored radiance in front of him with amazement.

In this golden colored radiance, there is a vaguely sitting person, so it is in the void.

The person in golden light seems to have no life, but I can’t feel the martial artist aura of the lively dragon and animated tiger. Even with any Qi and Blood, any aura disappears.

Only a strong vitality is left.

Those rich aura, aura that is emitted from the golden fruit juice.

“Who is Your Majesty?”

Half Saint Moonlight is very cautious, solemnly said.

However, there is no response from the opposite silhouette, but the golden of the body seems to be getting more and more full, and the body is faintly undergoing an unknown metamorphosis.

At this time, Half Saint Moonlight jumped in the heart and seemed to think of something.

“You…you took Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine?”

Half Saint Moonlight’s eyes wide open and unwavering stare at the silhouette.

He is very clear, what it means to take Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

Even the Dao Body 9th layer martial artist doesn’t actually need to take Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine at all. There is only one possibility to take Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

That is Sanctification!

The silhouette of the golden light in front of me is actually trying Sanctification?

Half Saint Moonlight didn’t see the martial artist Sanctification, so he didn’t know if the mysterious man was successful or failed.

However, the mysterious man in golden light does not have Sacred Body Expert so terrifying might suppression, Half Saint Moonlight judges that the big probability is a failure.

In this case, there is nothing to hesitate about Half Saint Moonlight.

In front of this mysterious man, I want to take Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine Sanctification, which is to compete with Moon Shadow Chamber of Commerce for Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, which is not tolerated by Half Saint Moonlight.

Therefore, Half Saint Moonlight is released.


Half Saint Moonlight directly displayed Sacred Energy, a round of meniscus flashing, then the white rays of light is like a path of sharp blade tip, the silhouette of the moving towards golden light group cuts away.

Even the giant beast can be cut to the point of dying, let alone a martial artist who doesn’t know the life and death?

Regardless of the identity of the mysterious man in the golden light, the Sacred Energy of Half Saint Moonlight comes out, and the other party has only the dead end.


However, when Half of Moonlight’s Sacred Energy cuts the silhouette in the golden light, the other person’s body is covered with golden colored radiance, which is as hard as gold casting.

Even if Sacred Energy cuts on his body, he can’t even leave a trace of it.

At the same time, a strange heartbeat sounded from the mysterious silhouette.

“dong dong dong 咚咚”.

With the strange heartbeat sounding, even if the Half Saint Moonlight seems to be affected, his heart can’t help but the heartbeat sounds slowly with the strange heartbeat.

In front of this body, the body of golden colored radiance is shining, but as the heartbeat sounds, there seems to be any strength in the body.

Half Saint Moonlight faintly feels that there is a terrifying power, a great life is slowly recovering, changing, and there is a trace of Dao Body’s familiar aura.

But at this moment, the aura of this Dao Body is disappearing rapidly. Instead, it is a magnificent aura above the Dao Body, even surpassing the great life of all the common life!

“don’t tell me ……”

Half Saint Moonlight seems to have guessed something, his eyes are fierce, and the unwavering stares at the silhouette in golden light, his face revealing a hard-to-confident look.

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