“Alliance Lord Lei !”

“Really is the Alliance Lord back, the rumor is not wrong, the Alliance Lord is back!”

“Hahaha, we have hope now, there is the Alliance Lord, we have the backbone.”

“Alliance Lord is finally back…”

Walking into the hall from the door, when the silhouette of Lei Dao appeared, the 10th layer Old Ancestors of 9 Great Chamber of Commerce, each and everyone were very excited.

They are expensive for 9th layer Old Ancestor, and they were also status to be revere in the Origin Prefecture Chamber of Commerce Alliance. Even the Origins Chamber of Commerce Alliance is in full swing and their status has naturally risen.

It’s just that it all ended abruptly a few months ago.

The Sacred Venerable of Primal Beginning Sacred Land suddenly shot and destroyed Good Luck City. The Origin Prefecture Chamber of Commerce Alliance was also suppressed by Primal Beginning Sacred Land and fell apart in an instant. Even they can only be sent to the fence, and in the Exquisite Sacred Land, they are suffering at the heart.

Now, Lei Dao is finally back, they seem to have found the backbone of the heart, and everyone and everyone are very happy.

“Old Meng.”

Lei Dao looks at Meng Sanqian.

Meng Sanqian is also very excited, but his brow is slightly frowned: “Alliance Lord, you should not come back this time. The Sacred Venerable Boshan of Primal Beginning Sacred Land failed to kill you once, once you know that you are at Exquisite Sacred Land, perhaps Sacred Land can’t stop him. At that time, isn’t the Alliance Lord dangerous?”

When it comes to Sacred Venerable Boshan, the other 9th layer Old Ancestor has just changed his face, and his expression has become dignified.

Sacred Venerable !

Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s Sacred Venerable!

If you said that they just heard about the legend of Sacred Venerable, know Sacred Venerable aloof and remote, strongest. So now, they have seen Sacred Venerable with their own eyes.

In particular, it is also a “shameless” Sacred Venerable, with a big bully.

The awe-inspiring of Sacred Venerable has been deeply imprinted in their minds. In their view, Sacred Venerable is invincible!

There is such a huge threat from Sacred Venerable Boshan that, like a boulder, unwavering is in their hearts, making them worry all the time.

Even in Exquisite Sacred Land, it seems that they can’t feel safe.

Looking at the atmosphere of everyone, it was underestimated. Lei Dao lightly smiled said: “A Sacred Venerable that’s all , this Lei, since I dare to return to Origin Prefecture, there is a natural countermeasure. Even if Sacred Venerable Boshan does not come, this Seat Also go to Primal Beginning Sacred Land, completely crush Primal Beginning Sacred Land !”

Lei Dao’s words made everyone’s eyes wide open.

However, no one feels excited, but the expression of each and everyone is stiff and a strange look.

“Hey… Alliance Lord, are you not resting well?”

“The Alliance Lord may be a little tired,” said the “Alliance Lord.”

“Let the Alliance Lord go to rest first.”

Many 9th layer Old Ancestor do notn’t dare to accept Lei Dao.

Crush Primal Beginning Sacred Land ?

Even if they don’t even think about it.

Just a Sacred Venerable Boshan, who can compete?

“What, you don’t believe?”

Lei Dao stood shoulder-to-head and disdainfully looked at all living things, sweeping one after another on everyone.

But no matter what 9th layer Old Ancestor, Old Meng, Lin Yuqiu, etc., no one believes.

After all, this is simply too ridiculous.

Lei Dao has no extra nonsense, he is aok a deep breath, and Annihilation Sacred Body is instantly manifested.


Behind Lei Dao, a huge Demon God phantom of thousand zhang suddenly emerged. It was just a phantom. The Annihilation Sacred Body was not fully displayed. After all, the Annihilation Sacred Body was too powerful to be manifested.

But even so, Lei Dao’s Annihilation Sacred Body phantom of thousand zhang immediately made the body in the hall vibrated, and the eyes were full of difficult to look.


From the level of life on the suppression!

Let the ten 9th layer Old Ancestor seem to be able to stand up and worship.

Sacred Venerable !

This is the real Sacred Venerable!

This aura, they are familiar with it. They used to see Sacred Venerable Boshan far away and destroyed Good Luck City into a ruin.

That from the life level of the suppression, let them remember.

This feeling, familiar with it, is the aura that Sacred Venerable can have!

“Sacred Venerable, the Alliance Lord actually became Sacred Venerable, incredible, it’s incredible!”

“Sacred Venerable, the rumor of Exquisite Sacred Land is really, the Alliance Lord has become Sacred Venerable !Hahaha, my Origin Province Chamber of Commerce Alliance can be re-emerged, no, what is the Origin Prefecture Chamber of Commerce Alliance? The Alliance Lord sir is already Became Sacred Venerable, you can even build a Sacred Land, the sixth Sacred Land in Origin Prefecture!”

“Although I know that the Alliance Lord sir is the top outside of Sacred Land in Origin Prefecture and the first Half Saint in the millennium, the potential is amazing. But I don’t think so, the Alliance Lord sir is Sanctification so fast. Hahaha, this is a dream. What I didn’t dare to think about came true. Even if it was Ancestral Master Primal Beginning, perhaps was also merely this.”

10th layer Old Ancestor of 9 Great Chamber of Commerce, after seeing Lei Dao’s terrifying aura and thousand’s Annihilation Sacred Body phantom, no one doubts any more.

Sacred Venerable, this is the Sacred Venerable of the geneuine!

Seeing the fearful terrifying aura on the Lei Dao Annihilation Sacred Body, Meng Sanqian and Lin Yuqiu have the greatest vibration. When Lin Yuqiu saw Lei Dao, Lei Dao was only Dao Body 3rd layer that’s all.

Meng Sanqian See Lei Dao? But the Dao Body 4th layer or 5th layer, even the Dao Body 9th layer are still out of reach, let alone aloof and remote, only in the legendary strongest Supreme Sacred Venerable?

Lei Dao’s achievements can no longer be described as geniuses.

They have been unable to describe the shock that has been felt at the moment.

“If it weren’t for me to see it, I would definitely feel crazy. Sacred Venerable, don’t tell me is that easy?”

Meng Sanqian muttered.

He has always been the Dao Body 7th layer, and even the Dao Body 9th layer is hard to reach, let alone Sacred Venerable? This is a great realm he can’t imagine.

Lin Yuqiu is more convinced and oral, completely silent in his heart.

At first he succumbed to Lei Dao, and there were some unwillingness and even extravagance in his heart.

Now, all this unwillingness and extravagance are gone, disappearing without a trace. He only felt grateful, he was very glad that he was able to make the right choice. In this way, he can follow a Sacred Venerable!

“This Seat is now Sacred Venerable, and it will not take long before it will embark on Primal Beginning Sacred Land, killing Sacred Venerable Boshan, tracemple and exterminate Primal Origin Sacred Land. However, before this, this Seat would like to add a little more Winning, this Seat needs Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, the more the better, can you have a solution?”

Lei Dao solemnly asked.

Everyone else can’t believe it, but the people here are his confidants and can be trusted.

“Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine ?”

Everyone looks at each other in dismay, for Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, they are no strangers. In the original Spirit Origin Sacred Land, there was a Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, but it was not yet mature that’s all.

But that is the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, which was also destroyed under the palm of Sacred Venerable Boshan. Where did they go to find Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine?

Old Ancestor Chen is a bit embarrassed, but still respectfully said: “Alliance Lord sir, Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine has always been a challenge, and it takes luck. To get it, you need luck. However, if the Alliance Lord sir needs Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, Nor is it impossible.”

“Oh, what’s the solution?”

Lei Dao eyes shine.

Old Ancestor Chen organized the language and continued: “It’s hard for ordinary people to get Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. The reason is simple. Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is almost monopolized by Sacred Land. However, the Alliance Lord sir has You are Sacred Venerable. I believe that as long as the Alliance Lord sir is in demand, Exquisite Sacred Land will promise, even Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine! Just, maybe the Alliance Lord sir will have to make some promises.”

Lei Dao understands that Old Ancestor Chen means very simple, that is, “seeking medicine” from Exquisite Sacred Land.

He is Sacred Venerable and only has to make some promises. It’s easy to get Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

Of course, those commitments are certainly not simple.

Not Sacred Venerable, not even qualified to make some promises.

Lei Dao is measuring.

Originally, Lei Dao planned to go to Primal Beginning Sacred Land with his current strength.

However, Lei Dao is going to take revenge.

If only defeating Sacred Venerable Boshan, Lei Dao feels that his current strength is enough, and defeating Sacred Venerable Boshan is not a question.

But it can only be defeated. As for killing Sacred Venerable Boshan, it is too difficult.

Defeating and killing are two different things.

What’s more, Lei Dao also wants trample and exterminate Primal Origin Sacred Land, which is even harder.

However, Lei Dao’s “words” have already been released, and now “renege” is too late, Lei Dao has some regrets, should not be so high-profile.

It’s already too late to say anything, and Lei Dao’s high-profile moments are so cool that it’s hard to do now, and things are tricky.

Of course, Lei Dao has another option, which is the direct convenience 500 years of lifespan, which will raise the Annihilation Sacred Body to the High-rank Supreme Body.

In this case, Lei Dao’s divine might with High-rank Supreme Body can naturally kill Sacred Venerable Boshan, Trample and exterminate Primal Origin Sacred Land.

But for five hundred years of lifespan, is this price too big?

Moreover, Lei Dao has made up his mind that he will never be easily “tempted” by the special ability. If he consumes five hundred years of lifespan, it may be very cool. But after the consumption is over?

Lei Dao is only less than a hundred years of lifespan, dignified Saint, just Sanctification is facing a big limit, then it is finally forced into a road, it is too risky.

“Just paying some promise that’s all, if you can get a lot of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, it’s not a big deal.”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and the mind has already made up his mind.

He still blocked the “temptation” of the special ability. Consume 500 years of lifespan ? Impossible, this life is impossible.

Lei Dao would rather look for some Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, slowly blending the Sacred Body, slowly pushing it up, and not being “tempted” by the special ability, directly consuming five hundred years of lifespan.

So, Lei Dao, who made up his mind, went to the Cave Mansion in Hao Yue Saint and found Sacred Venerable Hao Yue.

“Sacred Venerable Hao Yue, this Lei has something to do, and please ask Sacred Venerable Hao Yue to agree.”

“Oh? What is Sacred Venerable Lei, even though it is open.”

Sacred Venerable Hao Yue is also curious, and what happens to Lei Dao when he returns?

Lei Dao took a deep breath, then clenched one’s teeth and said directly: “This Lei needs some Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine to condense Sacred Body and strengthen the strength to deal with Sacred Venerable Boshan. Therefore, I am looking for a drug from Sacred Venerable Hao Yue. It!”

“Oh? How many Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine does Sacred Venerable Lei need?”

Sacred Venerable Hao Yue eyes slightly squint, like a smile yet not a smile looking at Lei Dao.

Lei Dao looks alive and looks like there is a play.

Therefore, Lei Dao is also not polite, saying directly: “Thirty and fifty Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is the best. If it is not, take 20 plants.”

Sacred Venerable Hao Yue was still a smile, but after listening to Lei Dao’s lion’s mouth, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

When can Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine also use “tens of strains” as a unit?

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