It has been a long time since Lei Dao has not felt this urgency.

Now, this situation has reappeared.

This kind of aggressive feeling, I don’t know why, Lei Dao feels… very carefree!

He has not been forced to this point for a long time.

There are three Sacred Body 2nd layer Sacred Venerables, and six terrifying Sacred Body are attacking Firmament Pagoda in madness, swearing to completely break Firmament Pagoda.

Once broken, under the power of Six Armed Sacred Body terrifying, where will the life of Lei Dao and the rest be managed? I am afraid that anyone who gets Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine will be directly blasted by this Six Armed Sacred Body.

Sacred Body 1st layer’s Sacred Venerable, in the past aloof and remote, can dominating a region, and even open a school to establish Sacred Land. However, in the eyes of the Sacred Body 2nd layer Sacred Venerable, it is still possible to take it and kill it.

This is the gap in strength!

Even if it was the Sacred Body, it became Sacred Venerable, and this situation has not changed.

When the strength gap is too large, when someone can kill you, then don’t expect any respect, don’t expect anything fair, don’t expect justice.

These things have no meaning.

Strength is the only criterion for measurement!

Lei Dao There are countless dangers in this life, and there are countless life and death crisis, but what about it? He is still a Sacred Venerable for aloof and remote!

The crisis is not the stumbling block of Lei Dao.

Instead, the crisis has always been a catalyst for Lei Dao.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, they are aggressive, and now I don’t have any way. It’s better to return to Firmament Pagoda first layer, maybe to escape the birth.”

Bearded Saint laughed bitterly, and said.

He has always been generous and generous, not afraid of it, even working with Lei Dao, encircle and kill Sacred Body 2nd layer’s Sacred Venerable Floating Sea. But now facing the Sacred Venerable of three Sacred Body 2nd layers, even Bearded Saint has no idea.


There is only one such idea.

As for the opportunity?

If they stop at the 12th-layer, they might be able to escape. But if they want to enter 13th-layer and get 20,000 years spirit medicine, then they will surely die!

The three Sacred Body 2nd layer Sacred Venerable, come to Firmament Pagoda is not to see the scenery, the most important purpose of perhaps is 20,000 years spirit medicine, even Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine will not let go.

“I really don’t want to escape! To escape a life, even the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine we got must be placed in the 12th-layer. Otherwise, once I leave the Firmament Pagoda, I will be discovered by three Sacred Body 2nd layer Sacred Venerable. The decision is not good.”

Sacred Venerable Taihao is also very clear. The current situation, the three Sacred Body 2nd layer’s Sacred Venerable come from such a muster large forces, will you let them get Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine?

I really want to leave Firmament Pagoda with Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, the only end!

But I really want to give up Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine and give up the 13 years spirit medicine of 20,000th-layer. It’s really unwilling to think about it. However, the opportunity can also be spelled together, but in the face of three Sacred Body 2nd layer Sacred Venerable, how to fight?

Really want to do it, it is undoubtedly to die!

“Two, credible to have this Lei?”

Suddenly, Lei Dao started talking.

“En? Sacred Venerable Lei has a way to escape?”

Bearded Saint eyes shine.

“Escape? Why do you want to escape? If you believe this Lei, then this Lei will fight together! If 13th-layer really has 20,000 years spirit medicine, as long as there are more than two, this Lei will have a short break to Sacred Body 2nd layer. However, two people are required to protect this Lei and delay the time.”

Lei Dao said directly.

“Shutdown to Sacred Body 2nd layer in a short time? This… How is this possible?”

“Yes, in fact, both Sacred Venerable Taihao and I can achieve the critical point of the Sacred Body 2nd layer, but even so, it takes time to condense an Ordinary Sacred Body and slowly merge. Even if it is faster, it needs It takes years to break through. Firmament Pagoda up to cup of tea time will be broken, Sacred Venerable Lei can condense second High-rank Supreme Body Advanced Sacred Body 2nd layer ? unless…”

Bearded Saint seemed to think of something and jerked his head up.

“Unless…Sacred Venerable Lei directly awakened High-rank Sacred Energy !”

The voice fell, whether it was Sacred Venerable Taihao or Bearded Sacred Venerable, stared wide-eyed, unwavering staring at Lei Dao, it seems that I could not believe it.

Direct Awakening High-rank Sacred Energy?

That is almost impossible!

However, it is theoretically possible, although the probability is minimal. But if Lei Dao says that he can condense the High-rank Supreme Body in a short period of time, the advanced Sacred Body 2nd layer seems to have only one possibility.

Lei Dao has a heart but a decision to comment, just indifferently said: “Can two Sacred Venerable be willing to fight?”

Sacred Venerable Taihao and Bearded Saint mutual took a glance, both can see the shocking color in the other’s eyes. Lei Dao didn’t have a positive answer, but in their opinion, it was a pretty close.

No someone will make a joke in this situation.

Just, is it really going to fight?

Once it fails, it may be a catastrophe. It is directly blasted by 3 Sacred Body 2nd layer Sacred Venerable, Six Armed Sacred Body, annihilated.

Just, if they don’t fight, are they really willing?

Suffer untold hardship has passed, and finally came to the last step.

If they lose this opportunity, can they still get 20,000 years spirit medicine so easily?

That is simply impossible!

“If we can get a 20,000-year spiral medicine, you can fight it!”

In the end, Bearded Saint gnashing one’s teeth , resolutely and decisively said.

Sacred Venerable Taihao is also nodded and apparently agrees with Bearded Saint.

“Okay, look at 13th-layer.”

Lei Dao didn’t hesitate, but now it’s time to race against time.


The three stepped into the Firmament Pagoda 13th-layer.

13th-layer, very spacious, Lei Dao three people After entering the 13th-layer, the first time with Power of Spirit Sense sweep, the entire 13th-layer is empty, only a piece of Medicine Garden.

Among the Medicine Garden, there are only five spirit medicines.

But after seeing these five spirit medicines, all three were short of breath and nervous.

20,000 years spirit medicine !

These five are all 20,000 years spirit medicine!

And, more importantly, these five 20,000 years spirit medicines are actually mature!

“The five 20,000 years spirit medicines are all mature. How did the last five years of the Spiritament Pagoda come out, and the five 20,000-year-old spirit medicines were not picked?”

Lei Dao is confused.

The last time was a millennium ago, maybe the five 20,000 years spirit medicines are not yet mature. As for the transplant? That simply impossible, these spirit medicines are actually very fragile, they will wither and will move with carelessness, and the survival rate is very low and low.

Perhaps, the last time those Sacred Venerable thought about the 20,000 years spirit medicine in the millennium, but for a variety of reasons, most of the perhaps did not come.

The millennium is enough to make many Saints come.

So this is instead convenient to Lei Dao.

“hong long long”.

Firmament Pagoda is shaking again.

Lei Dao no longer hesitated, immediately grabbed the five 20,000 years spirit medicine.

“Sacred Venerable Taihao, Bearded Sacred Venerable, you are one 20,000 years spirit medicine, three 20,000 years spirit medicine are owned by this Lei, can you plan to fight together?”

Lei Dao handed over a 20,000-year spiral medicine to the hands of Sacred Venerable Taihao and Bearded Saint.

The two people looked at the spirit medicine in their hands, and their hearts were extremely hot.

This is their ultimate goal this time, and now they have acquired 20,000 years spirit medicine. As long as they are able to advance the Sacred Body 2nd layer in time, it is exciting to think about it.

“Fight, this opportunity has arrived in the hands, even if it is dead, it is worth fighting!”

“Yes, this time we came to compete for opportunity. Can you be without danger? If you don’t fight, you can still have a chance to say it in the future. Sacred Venerable Lei, let’s talk, how long do you want us to support?” ”

Both eyes are gaze at Lei Dao.

Obviously, they all choose to fight together, or choose to believe in Lei Dao.

If Lei Dao doesn’t have the confidence of the advanced Sacred Body 2nd layer, then even if the opportunity is at hand, facing the certain situation, the two will not be completely fearless choices to fight.

After all, fighting and killing are completely two concepts.

Fight one, there is still a line of vitality!

What they are choosing now is the line of vitality!

“cup of tea time.”

“Okay, that anyway, we will choose to delay the cup of tea time.”

The two clenched one’s teeth, and their minds have already made up their minds.

“Okay, then thank you for your trouble!”

Lei Dao didn’t say anything, but found a place directly at 13th-layer and sat down.

Sacred Venerable Taihao negotiated with Bearded Saint and returned to the 12th-layer. In any case, the 12th-layer can’t be without someone’s guardian, and the two still have a little thought.

If it is a last resort, they can also give Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine to three Sacred Body 12nd layer Sacred Venerable at the 2th-layer, perhaps crossing the seas and concealing it from the Heavens.

Even if you can’t cross the seas, concealing it from the Heavens, you can delay a little time.

For Lei Dao, now is the race against time, they have to do everything possible to get time for Lei Dao.

At the moment, Firmament Pagoda 13th-layer, only Lei Dao.

Lei Dao Power of Spirit Sense swept away, and the situation outside was well known. Six thousandd zhang’s Sacred Body, which is besieging Firmament Pagoda, so big’s Firmament Pagoda, has been unable to support for a long time, and the situation is at stake.

“It’s been a long time since I didn’t have someone to force me. I really miss it…”

Lei Dao sighed, with a smile on his lips.

If Sacred Venerable Taihao and Bearded Saint are here, I am afraid I will be surprised.

What’s happening here?

This is a precarious situation, the three will be beaten by the outside Six Armed Sacred Body anytime, anywhere, body dies and Dao disappears. And what about Lei Dao? But still able to smile!

Lei Dao is indeed laughing, and even now he is very calm and does not seem to have a sense of urgency.

This feeling, really is too familiar, and too misses Lei Dao.

Unconsciously, Lei Dao even liked the feeling of being “forced”.

Is it because he has a tendency to abuse himself?

Lei Dao certainly has no self-abuse tendency, but when he is “forced” to the end of the mountain, Lei Dao has to use “special ability” as a last resort.

“don’t tell me I am deep in the thirst gaze at the special ability? No, no, how can I eager to use the special ability? I have always liked to be simple and rude, and consumed a lot of lifespan directly. Just now, the situation is urgent, When people are forced to do so, I can only use the special ability when it is a last resort.”

Lei Dao sighed.

He is really unwilling, and deep inside is also very reluctant to use the special ability, he really does not like the simple and rude upgrade of the Sacred Body.

However, there seems to be no other choice now.

Not that he is willing, he is forced by people.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitates, immediately concentrates, mobilizes the special ability, and looks at the various data of the body.

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