“Yes, you can only drive Divine Blood out of the body. However, if it is feasible, Divine Blood can’t be wasted. After all, it’s the blood of Ancient God. It’s hard to activating the divine blood. If it continues to develop, it’s actually no better than Path of Sacred Body is inferior.”

Lei Dao has flashed many thoughts in his mind.

He very clear the difference between Sacred Body and Divine Blood. If he chooses, he will choose the path of Sacred Body with the slightest hesitation!

The reason is simple, even if Divine Blood is strong, and cultivation is easier, but there will be limits. The limit of Divine Blood, that is Apotheosis!

In any case, relying on Divine Blood is impossible Apotheosis.

The power of Divine Blood can only be the power of the bloodline.

If the bloodline is strong enough, it may surpass any Sacred Venerable in fighting strength, but it will always be more than the source of Divine Blood, which is the Primal Ancient God.

And the Path of Sacred Body?

It was a step by step, and Lei Dao relied on his own efforts and came out in a down-to-earth manner. The foundation was extremely solid. The upper limit of the future is unimaginable.

More importantly, Lei Dao’s Path of Sacred Body has no limits!

This is the most important.

However, Divine Blood is also very powerful, especially at Dao Body and Sacred Body Stage. If you just waste Divine Blood, it would be a shame.

Lei Dao has a whimsy.

He knows that one clone method is one of the secrets recorded in the Primal Beginning Sacred Land Hidden Book Pavilion. In fact, there is nothing at worst, and some special materials are needed, refined into a clone.

In fact, this is just a Sacred Body 1st layer Sacred Venerable, a lifetime that you can’t hope to achieve in the Sacred Body 2nd layer. If the material is strong enough, then the refined clone can even hope to compete against the Sacred Body 2nd layer!

Even, in theory, the stronger the material, the stronger the clone.

In the eyes of Sacred Venerable, this mystery is actually just a small technique.

Sacred Venerable, each and everyone above the Sacred Body 2nd layer will only spend a lot of time on the Sacred Body, so that you can be advanced, who cares about the clone secret that the Sacred Body 1st layer only pays attention to?

Lei Dao was also curious at first, so she looked at it specially, but he was not too concerned.

Refining clone?

That is impossible, he can advance Sacred Body 2nd layer, 3rd-layer is even stronger, naturally has many Sacred Body, no need to clone.

But now you have to use the Divine Blood with the body, but you can try it with this mystery.

What if Divine Blood is refined into a clone?

At that time, Divine Blood can exist alone, and even the potential of Divine Blood can be constantly stimulated. Even if Divine Blood becomes stronger, it can not affect the Annihilation Sacred Body. Instead, it can increase Lei Dao’s fighting strength. Why not? for?

This is one move, two gains !

However, the premise is that everything is going well.

Lei Dao had already made up his mind, so he immediately mobilized the force of the Annihilation Sacred Body and began to expel the Divine Blood within the body.

Divine Blood certainly refuses to leave the Annihilation Sacred Body, but to do something about the present Annihilation Sacred Body is too strong and strong, and under the Sacred Body, the Divine Blood within the body is constantly being expelled.


Finally, this group of Divine Blood was expelled from the Annihilation Sacred Body.

Divine Blood was expelled, but floated in the void, and did not disappear immediately. Instead, it radiated a rich life aura, and it continued to squirm, as if it had vitality.

“Really, Divine Blood still has a deep connection with me, but it is far from being as good as the Sacred Body. It seems that only by trying, can it be refined into a clone? Once it is cloned, naturally It can be like an arm.”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then began to refine the Divine Blood according to the clone secret in memory.

Don’t look at this Divine Blood, only the trifling group Divine Blood, but it contains terrifying energy.

The secret of the door, in fact, the most important thing is to be aware!

Cut a part of consciousness, then put it into the material, slowly refining the clone in a specific way, and also conserving clone.

As the clone grows, it is completely integrated with consciousness.

However, the clones described in the mystery are some rare materials, and now, Lei Dao wants to use this group of Divine Blood to refine, it is very different.

In this way, it is difficult to say what the role of how big is.


The next moment, Lei Dao cut off some of the consciousness and directly “snapped” it into the Divine Blood.

Suddenly, Divine Blood began to tremble fiercely, but after all Divine Blood was connected with Lei Dao, so although there was something wrong with it, Lei Dao smoothly crammed consciousness into Divine Blood.

Lei Dao’s consciousness entered Divine Blood and began to merge with Divine Blood.

At the same time, Lei Dao’s consciousness is also beginning to slowly refine Divine Blood into a clone.

The process was slow, and I saw the Divine Blood in the void, which began to expand rapidly and gradually became a human silhouette, and finally began to look like Lei Dao.

However, aura is very different.


Suddenly, Lei Dao’s face changed slightly.

His consciousness was violently shocked, and it seemed that there was an intermittent picture, or memory, that shocked Lei Dao’s consciousness.

Fortunately, Lei Dao’s consciousness is strong enough, so forcibly resisted.

Those memories and pictures are actually from Divine Blood.

However, the memories and pictures of Divine Blood are too vague and seem to come from ancient times. Bloodline memory inheritance is too long, even in the bloodline, but in fact, Lei Dao can not see those memory pictures.

“No, this is not the form of Divine Blood…”

What Lei Dao seems to feel, and then a vast force has skyrocketed from the bloodline.


Lei Dao’s clone, figure suddenly began to swell and expand rapidly, as if Lei Dao was in the normal form of the Dao Body stage, and suddenly expanded into a Battle Form.

Moreover, it seems that it is not over yet, and it is still inflated.

That is not the expansion of 1 zhang, 2 zhang, but ten zhang or more!

In a twinkling of an eye, Lei Dao’s clone has expanded to ten zhang high, and aura is also very fierce.

The Lei Dao clone at the moment is already completely different.

The swelled body makes Lei Dao covered with a sturdy stratum corneum, just like a layer of armor. The head is even more huge, and the shoulders are covered with spurs.

There are two huge sarcomas on the head that look extremely sharp.

And Lei Dao clone’s mouth is even more sharp teeth, seems to be able to bite everything.

On the forehead, there is even a scarlet’s eyes that seem to be closed.

At this moment, Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone, except for Life Pearl, is almost exactly the same as the Ultimate Form when Lei Dao was in the Dao Body 9th layer.

“This is Divine Blood Clone?”

Lei Dao very curious, he controlled the Divine Blood Clone and came to him.

Not the same as Annihilation Sacred Body and Blue Ice Sacred Body.

These two Sacred Body, almost Lei Dao himself, have almost no difference with Lei Dao’s arms, and there is no discomfort for Lei Dao.

But the Divine Blood Clone is different.

Although it is clone, clone is not exactly the same as the deity.

For example, if the deity is dead, then clone must die.

While clone is dead, the deity will not be affected too much.

Lei Dao looked at the Divine Blood Clone, just like the puppet he controlled, but there was a novelty.

Lei Dao looked at the Divine Blood Clone carefully, and then he moved to mobilize the power of Divine Blood Clone.


Divine Blood Clone went all out and slammed into Lei Dao’s Annihilation Sacred Body fist.

Subsequently, the force of terrifying was directly impacted on the Annihilation Sacred Body.

Then… there is no more.

Lei Dao Divine Blood Clone hits the Annihilation Sacred Body, just like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea. Lei Dao’s Annihilation Sacred Body is not even threatened.

Strength, too weak!

“The power of the Divine Blood Clone is almost equivalent to the Dao Body 9th layer. This power is too weak for me now…”

Lei Dao frowned.

He intended to refine the Divine Blood Clone and then improve his strength.

But now?

Worry and trouble Refining the Divine Blood Clone, the result is only the strength of the Dao Body 9th layer, which really makes Lei Dao disappointed.

But if you think about it, this is normal.

Divine Blood impossible Advance by leaps and bounds, can be comparable with Sacred Body, it is simply possible.

If it really works with Annihilation Sacred Body, will Divine Blood be unwavering suppressed in the Annihilation Sacred Body?

I am afraid that the Annihilation Sacred Body sky and the earth turning upside down have been stirred up.

“Divine Eye !”

However, the next moment Lei Dao thought, the Scarlet Divine Eye on the forehead of Divine Blood Clone seemed to open, and the scarlet radiance quickly formed a ray of light, shrouded the Divine Blood Clone.

At this moment, everything seems to be still. Like Lei Dao’s Dao Body 9th layer, Divine Eye’s ability is still very different.

However, Lei Dao is the Sacred Body and the Ultimate Sacred Body.

At this moment, it seems to have also sensed something.

The Annihilation Sacred Body and the Blue Ice Sacred Body are slightly invisible, and an invisible imposing manner is like a netting, densely covered in the Sacred Body all around, covering the Sacred Body’s range of thousand zhang.

In this invisible imposing manner, Divine Blood Clone just stepped in and seemed to fall into a quagmire at once. The biggest advantage of Divine Eye is that this amazing speed ability seems to have lost its effect in front of the Sacred Body.

“Divine Eye is not powerful enough to deal with Sacred Venerable.”

Lei Dao has understood the strength of the Divine Blood Clone at this moment, which is actually equivalent to the Dao Body 9th layer. If you add Divine Eye, there is a certain advantage to Half Saint.

Therefore, it can also be regarded as Half Saint.

However, the strength of Half Saint obviously cannot satisfy Lei Dao.

Lei Dao wants to make Divine Blood Clone enhance his strength.

What he needs is Divine Blood Clone to be comparable with Sacred Body, even second strengthening Ultimate Sacred Body!

Only in this way can Lei Dao’s strength be quickly improved.

With the potential of Divine Blood, it should be able to achieve comparable with Sacred Venerable, even stronger, there is no question with comparable Sacred Body 9th layer.

Therefore, the strength of the Lei Dao Divine Blood Clone is definitely not the limit.

Just how does Divine Blood Clone improve?

“Right, this Divine Blood Clone, can you use the special ability to improve your strength?”

Lei Dao had a heart in mind and had a thought of bold in her mind.

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