“Okay, Sacred Venerable Lei, but there is a command, this Young Master is nothing!”

Ninth Young Master was overjoyed. He was not afraid of the harsh conditions that Lei Dao proposed. He was afraid that Lei Dao would not mention anything, and he was afraid that Lei Dao would also be incompetence.

But now, at least Lei Dao is willing to help Ninth Young Master, that’s enough.

As for the success, Ninth Young Master is actually not sure, can he successfully see the heaven’s will, but he must go back and can’t easily concede.

“I need Sacred Law, the more the better.”

Lei Dao said first.

This is his first request.

“Sacred Law…”

Ninth Young Master clench one’s teeth and said : “1st-grade Guest Official quota , you can go to Marquis’ Residence Sacred Law to choose one Sacred Law, but only one. And you can’t be private, so even if I have one Sacred Law But can’t give Sacred Venerable Lei, otherwise it will be a disaster, and will be pursued by Shang Yang Marquis’ Residence!”

Lei Dao nodded also understands this requirement of Shang Yang Marquis’ Residence.

The reason is simple. 1st-grade Guest Official, Marquis’ Residence will naturally pay attention and natural resources. Even Sacred Law can give, but it can’t be taught casually. Otherwise, it will be flooded. Where will it attract Sacred Venerable of Sacred Body 3rd layer?

“In addition to Sacred Law, two three Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine are needed.”


When I heard Lei Dao’s second request, whether it was Bearded Saint or Ninth Young Master, it was a dull face.

Especially Ninth Young Master, he is ready to pay all the price, as long as he has, he will give it, because this is his only hope.

But three Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, or two.

So big’s Principality of Shang Yang is definitely there, but it is not now accessible to Ninth Young Master.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, two three Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, there is no question. But I have become a Principality of Shang Yang inherited talents, and even have to take charge of the entire principality. Otherwise, I can’t even get it now. Not only can’t I get it out, even the Great Young Master can’t get it. The Great Young Master was advanced to the Sacred Body 3rd layer, and the three Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine consumed was applied to the principality and must be taken. Supervise the breakthrough for yourself.”

For this, Ninth Young Master is quite helpless and he has no way to meet Lei Dao’s requirements. What’s even more embarrassing is that Lei Dao only made two requests, and neither of these requirements, Ninth Young Master, is satisfied.

It just meets the requirements of Lei Dao one Sacred Law, which is the benefit of the 1st-grade Guest Official identity itself’s all.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, do you have any requirements?”

The voice of Ninth Young Master was small, and Lei Dao made two requests unsatisfied, and Ninth Young Master was also embarrassed.

“There are requirements… forget it, wait until Ninth Young Master becomes the principality heir.”

Lei Dao shake one’s head, he probably knows that Ninth Young Master has nothing to satisfy him now. It is not that Ninth Young Master has not tried his best, but what Lei Dao needs now, Ninth Young Master can’t satisfy it.

Unless Ninth Young Master inherits Principality of Shang Yang.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, how are you going to help me fight for the principality of the principal?”

Ninth Young Master is still very embarrassed, although he said that he wants to fight, but he has no way to fight specifically. To strength, no strength, to influence no influence.

Even the time is gone, how can we fight?

Hope is too embarrassing.

Lei Dao faintly smiled said: “It’s very simple. In terms of strength, you can’t improve in a short time, but in terms of influence, you can crush Great Young Master.”

“Influence crushes Great Young Master?”

Ninth Young Master laughed bitterly, and said : “simply impossible , Great Young Master has three Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable , and 1st-grade Guest Official of Shang Yang Shan Hai , that is the four Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable . Influence is the strongest among the nine Great Young Masters. I want to expand the influence in a short time, comparable with even the Great Young Master, and it is simply “possible.”

“Expanding influence? No, it’s not necessary at all. With this Lei, what else do Sacred Venerable do? There is this Lei one person!”

At this moment, Lei Dao’s voice is very low, but it reveals endless domineering and awe-inspiring.

“Sacred Venerable Lei One person? You mean, you want to be an enemy four?”

Ninth Young Master can’t believe it.

Even if Lei Dao was very strong before, even with the gray robe old man, it was actually evenly matched. And gray robe old man, there is no Sacred Law at all.

And the three Sacred Venerables of the Great Young Master, they all have the Sacred Law.

The degree of mastery is not clear, but mastering Sacred Law and not mastering Sacred Law are two kinds, just as different as sky and earth.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, Great Young Master’s Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable is not easy, they all master Sacred Law, so…”

Ninth Young Master is reminding Lei Dao.

It’s not easy to deal with the three Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerables under Great Young Master.

“So this Lei must first learn one Sacred Law and master Sacred Law as soon as possible. Well, try to shorten the time. One day, this Lei will be able to master Sacred Law, and then go directly to the Great Young Master. The Great Young Master will be taken down. The guest official is all crushed, Ninth Young Master, you are the strongest candidate for Principality of Shang Yang!”

“One day learning Sacred Law…”

Ninth Young Master silently came down.

If Lei Dao did not perform well before, he would even think that Lei Dao is a liar.

One day learning Sacred Law, this possible?

And Lei Dao also looks like a serene.

“Why, Sacred Law is hard?”

Lei Dao is somewhat astonished.

Seeing the expressions of Bearded Saint and Ninth Young Master, he also guessed their thoughts. Sacred Law should be difficult, not so easy to practice.

Really, Ninth Young Master nodded, and said: “The world just knows that Sacred Law is hard to find, but in fact, even if you get Sacred Law? In fact, Sacred Law is difficult to practice, that gray robe old man, no Did you get Sacred Law? And he got the time of Sacred Law, but it wasn’t too short, but he still couldn’t practice.”

Bearded Saint is also started talking: “Yes, Sacred Law is hard to practice. It takes years of practice to practice Sacred Law, and it depends on whether Sacred Law fits with your own Sacred Body. If it doesn’t fit, practice it. It will be very difficult. Even if it is a top genius, if you want to practice Sacred Law, it will take at least a few years. This is still a top genius. If it is a general Sacred Venerable, it takes hundreds of years to practice Sacred Law. But now.”

Whether it is Ninth Young Master or Bearded Saint, they have to express one.

That is, Sacred Law is really difficult to practice. Even if it is, how can it be genius, it will take several years to delve into it.

Moreover, it has to be in line with the Sacred Body.

After all, the vastness of the Sacred Body is so dazzling, how difficult is it to get a one-matched Sacred Law?

The reason why the influence like Principality of Shang Yang is so popular with so many Sacred Venerable is simple. Just Sacred Law makes those Sacred Venerable unable to refuse.

Moreover, there are many Sacred Laws of great influence. It’s easier to find a Sacred Law that fits you.

Otherwise, even if you work hard, how good the opportunity is, and occasionally get one Sacred Law, but not fit your own Sacred Body, then you can squander for no purpose.

Enter the Principality of Shang Yang and go to the Sacred Law Court. This is the real reason why many Sacred Venerables are willing to join Shang Yang Marquis’ Residence to become 1st-grade Guest Official.

Lei Dao is also nodded, and said: “It seems that Sacred Law is very difficult. Well, you have to be careful. One day may not be enough. Then add another day. In two days, Sacred Law will be practiced. Go to the Great Young Master.”

After that, Lei Dao is ready to go to the Sacred Law Court.

“Two days…”

Ninth Young Master’s mouth is slightly pumping, dare to say what they said just now?

No, maybe it’s not said, didn’t you see that Lei Dao has extended the day to two days? If you can’t practice Sacred Law in one day, double your time and practice Sacred Law in two days.

Sacred Venerable Lei really pays attention to Sacred Law!

Ninth Young Master, although somewhat helpless, did not continue to persuade.

Now he has to rely on Lei Dao to create a miracle and help him. Although Lei Dao said that it took some two days to practice Sacred Law, it is somewhat ridiculous, but at present it seems that there is only one way to do this.

Ninth Young Master Even if it is unbelievable, now he must also believe in Lei Dao!

“Bearded Saint, take Sacred Venerable Lei to Sacred Law, this Young Master is waiting for the good information of Sacred Venerable Lei!”

Ninth Young Master waved directly to Lei Dao’s 1st-grade Guest Official token. Although it has been rushed, with this token representing Lei Dao’s identity, you can go to the Sacred Law Pavilion and choose one Sacred Law.

So, Lei Dao followed Bearded Saint and walked towards Sacred Law.

Along the way, Bearded Saint’s face was a little bleak, and eventually he sighed: “I didn’t expect things to come to this point, or to bring in Sacred Venerable Lei, I am a little embarrassed.”

“Volume is established? No, this is a good thing, a good thing. Without the introduction of Bearded Saint, this Lei can easily enter the Sacred Law Court, pick one Sacred Law? Bearded Saint feel at ease, this Lei has promised Ninth Young Master, then I will do my best to help Ninth Young Master, this is a mutually beneficial thing. Ninth Young Master is in charge of Principality of Shang Yang, this Lei can also have greater benefits. Moreover, blending into this matter, After all, this Lei’s own choice has nothing to do with Bearded Saint.”

This is true on the fact that Bearded Saint does not need to blame.

If Lei Dao does not take the initiative, do not agree, who can force Lei Dao not?

Bearded Saint didn’t say anything more. It was already here, and it was no longer useful. I still hope that Lei Dao will work as a miracle as in Firmament Pagoda.

“The front is the Sacred Law Court!”

Suddenly, Bearded Saint stopped.

Lei Dao looked up, it was a building that didn’t look so grand, and even seemed ordinary, easy to be ignored.

At least from the outside, it doesn’t feel like the Sacred Law Pavilion, which is vital to Shang Yang Marquis’ Residence.

The importance of Sacred Law is beyond doubt, even in Shang Yang Marquis’ Residence.

But Bearded Saint is said in a low voice: “Sacred Venerable Lei, this Sacred Law Pavilion is not simple, it seems that there is nothing special on the surface, even few people. But in fact, near the Sacred Law Court, at least There are three Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable guarding the Sacred Law Court in secret.”

Lei Dao nodded, in fact, he has already sensed a few aura, and his Ultimate Sacred Body can not be wrong.

Sacred Law Court is not near the three Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable, but… five!

Lei Dao and Bearded Saint bid farewell, Sacred Law Court, Bearded Saint can not enter.

So, Lei Dao stepped straight into the Sacred Law.

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