In void, Lei Dao’s three thousandd zhang Sacred Body, plus a thousand of zhang’s Divine Blood Clone, each and everyone’s glare like a tiger watching his prey staring at the center of the Sacred Body.

That is the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces.

Under the attack of Lei Dao’s three Sacred Body and Divine Blood Clone, the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor of Jiugong has long been submerged in the terrifying attack of Lei Dao.

Leo Dao’s three Sacred Body eyes widened as the smoke cleared.

He saw a huge silhouette of the middle faint.

“Really, the Sacred Body 4th layer is not so good…”

Lei Dao has tried his best, and he is doing his best, but the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor in Jiugong is only a Sacred Body, but it is still intact. This feeling is really frustrating.

Sacred Body 4th layer , when really invincible ?

“No, no, this is a Sacred Body…”

After a while, the smoke was completely exhausted. At this time, the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces has clearly appeared in front of everyone.

Where is this still a Sacred Body?

Although there is still thousand zhang, the Sacred Body is already riddled with holes. The surface of the Sacred Body is densely packed with cracks, just like the fragile glass, it seems to be broken when touched.

More importantly, this Sacred Body has been continuously broken and turned into powder.


Finally, the Sacred Body collapsed completely, and Thousand zhang’s Sacred Body couldn’t be supported anymore. It collapsed instantly and turned into powder.

Seeing this scene, Lei Dao stunned.

Shang Yang Yunchuan is also swuned.

Paramount is a business Yang Hou, and even some of the Shangyang City are stunned.

Isn’t this invincible Sacred Body 4th layer Jiugong Old Ancestor?

How is the four-strength Sacred Body so fragile?

Actually collapsed.

“Is it really the Old Ancestor? Why is the Sacred Body so fragile?”

Shang Yang Yunchuan has some unbelievable eyes.

The Old Ancestor outstanding fame, even if he has heard it, is an invincible expert with his own Old Ancestor. The Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces has just arrived, and even Shang Yang Yunchuan is desperate.

His holy seal, in front of the Old Ancestor, is of no use at all.

But now, a Sacred Body in the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces has collapsed.

“It’s not that the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor is fragile, but…Sacred Venerable Lei is too strong!”

The last Shang Yang Hou took a deep breath, slowly started talking.

As a former Shang Yang Hou, he deeply knows the terrifying of the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces. Even if it is Principality of Shang Yang, Jiugong Old Ancestor is not afraid. Even if you take your own Old Ancestor, you may not be able to seize the 9th House Old Ancestor.

But now, the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces has collapsed.

It was wiped out by Lei Dao.

Think about Lei Dao, the three big Sacred Body plus a clone, hiding the sky and covering the earth. How terrifying? It’s just that you feel palpitation at first glance.

That kind of power can easily kill any Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable. Now it’s all outbreaks, bursting together, how much terrifying is the power?

Perhaps, even the Angkor Old Ancestor did not react, only passive “strongly resist” Lei Dao’s attack, the result became what it is now.

A Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces was completely shattered by Sacred Venerable Lei and even completely wiped out.

The old Ancestor muster large forces, carrying the terrifying power, lost a Sacred Body in an instant. What a irony?

“Lei Dao !!!”

Jiugong Old Ancestor was furious.

He never thought about it, he would lose a Sacred Body.

Even with his four-time-enhanced Sacred Body, even if he stood there and let the Shang Yang Yunchuan and the rest attack, he couldn’t help his Sacred Body.

This is the power of the Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable.

But now, with carelessness, he actually took the road and was wiped out by Lei Dao with a Sacred Body, which almost maddened the Old Ancestor. Even if he is a Sacred Body 4th layer, once a Sacred Body is worn out, it is also hurtful and powerful.


Suddenly, with the scream of the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces, three terrifying Sacred Bodys of the same thousand zhang emerged in the void, each and everyone’s like Demon God in the depths of the void, roaring wildly. The terrifying impering manner is like a surging torrent, moved toward Lei Dao engulfing.

“Lei Dao, dare to ruin Old Ancestor’s Sacred Body, who can’t save you today!”

The three Sacred Body openings at the same time, and it seems that even the void is distorted.

Lei Dao blinked.

He suddenly felt that this sentence was familiar.

It seems that… It seems that deep in memory, many people have said this sentence, just those who say this sentence? In the end, it seems to be cool.

And, the most important thing is to let Lei Dao understand through this fight. Sacred Body 4th layer, in fact, also merely this that’s all, he has the ability to fight.

Therefore, Lei Dao is also excited, loudly said: “It is really boring, Jiugong Old Ancestor, can you change a sentence? This Lei has heard this sentence many times, and people who say this sentence are cool. Old Ancestor, maybe you are the next cool person.”

“Family! Trifling Sacred Body 3rd layer also dare to speak.”

“Yes? This Lei trifling Sacred Body 3rd layer, but it can wipe out one of your Sacred Body. tsk tsk, before this Lei is careful, I feel that the Sacred Body 4th layer doesn’t know how powerful. But now it seems, Sacred Body 4th layer seems to be also merely this. Is the Sacred Body 4th layer too weak, or are you too weak? If you are too weak, it is really the face of Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable!”

In the words of Lei Dao, the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces was all green.

His dignified Sacred Body 4th layer Old Ancestor, the Nine Palaces principality is a unique Supreme existence, even more respectful than the status of Jiugong Hou. When did you get a speech attack like Lei Dao?

However, the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces has nothing to say and cannot refute.

One of his Sacred Body was indeed defeated by Lei Dao and even completely wiped out.

Lei Dao is also full of enthusiasm. Just now, he probably already figured out that the Sacred Body 4th layer is very strong, far from being comparable to the Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable.

But his three Ultimate Sacred Body can handle it!


Under the Old Ancestor extremely angry, the work was done directly.

Three thousand zhang’s Sacred Body, snoring, directly moved towards Lei Dao. And every Sacred Body has exhibited Sacred Law.

Sacred Law, at least small accomplishment!

There is even a Sacred Body, which is a great accomplishment Sacred Law!

Strong, really strong!

It is much stronger than the first Sacred Body. The first Sacred Body, the Old Ancestor, is indeed a big idea. He thought that under the Sacred Body 4th layer, he would stand there, and no one could get him.

But who knows that there is such an odd number of Lei Dao. With the strength of the trifling Sacred Body 3rd layer, he was able to defeat his Sacred Body and even wipe out his Sacred Body.

This is incredible!

Although the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces is very angry, in fact, the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces is very cautious. I have already planted it on Lei Dao, and of course he will not be underestimated.

Although angry, but deep inside, he treated Lei Dao as the same rank and treated it equally.

Therefore, this time, three Sacred Body were dispatched, and even the Sacred Law was directly displayed.

With the four-strength Sacred Body, the Sacred Law is displayed, and the power is indeed extraordinary.

Even Lei Dao felt the power of terrifying to come across, and it was indeed more threatening than the first Sacred Body.

But will Lei Dao be afraid?

“bring it on!”

Lei Dao is also excited, he has not encountered a close opponent for a long time, whether it is facing the Sacred Body 2nd layer or the Sacred Body 3rd layer Sacred Venerable.

Whether Lei Dao is Sacred Body 2nd layer or Sacred Body 3rd layer, it seems to be the same. The opponent he faced, Lei Dao, was directly crushed, and no one could resist Lei Dao.

Now, the old Ancestor, the nine-square house, has finally brought some pressure on Lei Dao.

“Absolutely cold!”

Lei Dao directly mobilized the Blue Ice Sacred Body to welcome it.

There is also the Annihilation Sacred Body, which also ran up with the Sacred Law. The two sides collided and Lei Dao’s Sacred Body was slightly shocked. Obviously not as before, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood generally defeats each other’s Sacred Body.

Even Lei Dao’s two Sacred Body are under tremendous pressure.

However, that’s it.

Lei Dao has the upper hand!

This is incredible, Sacred Body 3rd layer and Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable great war, this time the Old Ancestor is not a bit scornful, even very cautious.

But it still occupies the disadvantage!

Lei Dao of Sacred Body 3rd layer, both Sacred Body are unwavering suppressing Jiugong Old Ancestor.

However, the last storm Sacred Body, without practicing Sacred Law, can only use the power of the Ultimate Sacred Body itself and the third Sacred Body great war of the Old Ancestor. It seems more passive, but Lei Dao also has a Divine Blood Clone.


Divine Blood Clone exhibited the Divine Eye Domain.

Scarlet radiance spreads rapidly, wrapping the storm Sacred Body and the third Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor in the blink of an eye. Lei Dao didn’t cover all the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor in Jiugong. Lei Dao wanted to harness the power of the Divine Eye Domain.

He wants to ban the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor!

Divine Eye Domain is completely out, just a Sacred Body is banned, and Lei Dao still has some confidence, or some enthusiasm.


With Lei Dao Divine Blood Clone shouted in a low voice.

Suddenly, the scarlet divine eye domain shrinks rapidly, and the smaller the domain, the stronger the power that Lei Dao can use.


With Lei Dao’s low voice, the scarlet domain quickly began to ban the third Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor, although it was just a Sacred Body, but it was still a huge burden for Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone.

After all, this time is to be banned!

Divine Eye Domain’s imprisonment is equivalent to slowing down.

When the speed slows down to a certain extent, it is motionless and no different from imprisonment.

The power of the Divine Eye Domain, the crazy effect on the third Sacred Body in the Old Ancestor, the Suddenly, the third Sacred Body complexion changed by the Old Ancestor, seems to be aware of what started and struggling.

At this time, the storm Sacred Body also noticed the opportunity, immediately rushed up, desperately, madly attacking the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces.

At this moment, the third Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor of Jiugong has been completely banned, as if it were a live target, and it is motionless, allowing the attack of the storm Sacred Body.

Therefore, this Sacred Body quickly collapses and wears out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few moments, it has been wiped out by almost 90%.

“Do not……”

The Old Ancestor of the Nine Palaces made a roar, but it could not stop the storm Sacred Body.

“pu chi”.

When the storm Sacred Body was last resort, it slammed into the third above the Sacred Body of the Old Ancestor. Suddenly, the Sacred Body of 90% or more has been wiped out, and it is completely annihilated.

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