The glazed public has such an impudent smile.

He seems to have guessed the purpose of Shang Yang Yunchuan.

Shang Yang Yunchuan is ambitious!

I want to deal with the glaciers.

But a Baimeng wants to swallow the glass duchy and annex a duchy. In the eyes of the glass, it is nothing like a snake swallow!

Simply impossible.

When I first defeated the glazed gong, it was in Shangyang City, and it was in the influence range of Baihou League. Shangyang Yunchuan could continuously absorb myriad life Power of Belief.

But if you want to swallow the glass duchy, you must kill the glass.

How difficult is it to kill a Duke of Sacred Body 7th layer in the glass duchy?

Therefore, the glazed public wants to laugh, Shang Yang Yunchuan actually has this kind of thinking, it is some not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, this is the embodiment of ambition to expand to the extreme point.

Seeing the laughter of the glazed impudent, there was no change in the expression of Shang Yang Yunchuan. On the contrary, it was a good one, and there was nothing that could affect him.

“The glamorous public said that our thoughts are indeed somewhat whimsical. But even if it is a whimsical idea, we would like to give it a try. How can the glass stay in the two seasons of principality for a while? Wait for our Baixun’s Sacred. Venerable has captured the glass duchy, and the glass is not too late to leave.”

After all, Shang Yang Yunchuan waved his hand, and a huge Indian seal was instantly enveloped in the void. It was like a black cloud, covering the sky and covering the entire two seasons.

Even if it is a glazed public, it seems to feel a lot of pressure.

“It has become stronger again!”

Liu Ligong was amazed. He felt the pressure of terrifying above his head. Obviously, the Baiyue Seal of Shangyang Yunchuan became stronger again, and the strength was not one and a half points, at least 20-30%, and even more.

Don’t underestimate this 20-30%.

Since the change of the hundred seals, you can be comparable with Sacred Body 7th layer Sacred Venerable, and now based on the Sacred Body 7th layer, 20-30% is stronger, which is not a star and a half.

Moreover, this is equivalent to the “home” of Shang Yang Yunchuan.

Liu Guanggong didn’t even have to think about it, Shang Yang Yunchuan must have been mixing the two treasures of the two seasons with Baihou Printing. Therefore, in the two quarters of principality, Baihou Yin also absorbed a lot of Power. Of Belief, it is equivalent to Shang Yangcheng.

The situation of the glaciers is not so good.

Although Liu Gong also annexed more than a dozen principality, his holy treasure has also been greatly improved. But it is not within the scope of his own influence, unable to absorb myriad life Power of Belief.

In this way, it is not a good information for the glass.

Of course, Liu Ligong is not too worried.

This is very different from the last time he was in Shangyang City. Last time in Shangyang City, there was a distance from the glass duchy. But now, in all directions, there are two directions that belong to the scope of the influence of the glaciers.

As long as he can get out of trouble, he can immediately return to his influence range.

Yes, there is, relying on the holy treasure, even if the Sacred Body 8th layer can fight, where is the fear of trifling Shang Yang Yunchuan?

“hmph, Shang Yang Yunchuan, this time you can pick the wrong place. I thought that in two quarters of principality, this guild will be entangled or imprisoned by you? Insane delusion, open for me!”

“hong long”.

With the shouted, suddenly, seven Sacred Body manifests in the void, each Sacred Body roars in the face upwards, just like the seven giants, it seems to be printed.

Shang Yang Yunchuan looked dignified and controlled a hundred times of printing.


Suddenly, the eyes of the glazed eyes were rounded, and even the eyes showed a hint of difficulty.

His Sacred Body, who seems to be unable to withstand the terrifying power of the one-stop print, the Sacred Body almost cracked and a crack of a path of appeared. Although it was only a minor injury, it was just a matter of contact, and his Sacred Body could not stand it.

The strength of Baihou Printing is beyond the expectations of Liujia. Although he knew that Baihouyin might be enhanced, he did not expect to have so much enhanced. Under the attack, his Sacred Body could not bear.

If you rely on Sacred Body, he can’t stop it!

When I think of it, the glass is slightly sinking.

He felt the threat of death.

If he only has seven Sacred Body, perhaps will really die, even if he can support it for a long time, it will not help. Moreover, time does not stand on the side of the glazed public.

The Baimeng Alliance launched an attack on the glass duchy.

Even if the glass duchy may have the Sacred Venerable of the Sacred Body 5th layer, it seems to have an advantage in the number of absolute experts. But the Baihou League has done so well prepared, and there will be no method?

In particular, Liu Guang did not see the emergence of Lei Dao.

That Lei Dao is almost invincible under the Sacred Body 7th layer!

If Lei Dao shot, it was enough to sweep the entire glass duchy.

At that time, if there is no myriad life Power of Belief with glazed duchy, what if the glaciers escaped? He lost his foundation and couldn’t make another comeback.

Glass duchy is his foundation, not to be lost!

“Glass holy treasure!”

At this moment, Liu Gonggong no longer hesitated, and he displayed the holy treasure.


The glazed holy treasure is actually a lamp called a glazed lamp!

As soon as the glazed lamp appeared, it was long in the wind, and the flame of the wick raging and igniting, and an invisible mask was diffused, and the moving towards is surrounded by majestic.

Especially the Baihou Printing on the top is a fierce rush.

The terrifying forces collide with each other. These are two holy treasures. And one of them is still the holy treasure of duchy, on the bright side, the power is very terrifying.

Even a hundred times of printing.

Unfortunately, this is not a glass of duchy, there is no continuous myriad life Power of Belief for consumption, just a blow, the glass lamp has been “wilted”, it seems that power can no longer.

Obviously, the glazed lamp has no extra myriad life Power of Belief.

After all, how much terrifying energy does it cost to collide with Baihouyin? Under the blow, the glazed lamp has lost its effect.

However, the glass lamp is a holy treasure after all, and it is a holy treasure of the same level as Baihouyin. Under one hit, it really broke a little bit of a hundred seals.

At the same time, Liu Gonggong took advantage of this gap, and the seven Sacred Body suddenly slammed together, and then the silhouette flashed, which was already out of the envelope of Baihouyin.

Shang Yang Yunchuan complexion changed.

He spurred a hundred seals, trying to re-squeeze the glazed glaze, but the glazed glazed lights kept the glaze. Just to protect one person, and not against Baihouyin, the consumption of glazed lamps is not large.

So, in just a few breaths, Shang Yang Yunchuan could only watch the Liuli public escape the two seasons of the city, and the glass culture escaped two seasons of principality is only the time question that’s all.

“How can it be……”

Shang Yang Yunchuan’s face is ugly.

He had planned well before, and felt that he could trap the glass for a while. Even if it can’t be imprisoned, it can limit the glaze for a long time.

With such a period of buffering, Baihou League has the opportunity to sweep the glass duchy, when the overall situation has been set, the limit is not limited to the glass is not important.

But what is this now?

How long does it take him and the glazi to do it?

One breath?

Or three breaths?

Amazing ten breaths that’s all.

What did you think of this time?

There is no effect at all!

However, Liu Guanggong has escaped, and Shang Yang Yunchuan is no longer able to suppress.

“Hahaha, Shangyang Yunchuan, you are walking right into a trap. Wait for the public to kill so many principals of your hundred leagues, and even control some principality, you are on the hundred Can the control be so strong? This is your goal, you are ambitious, and you want to annex your father’s glass duchy, it is extremely daring!”

The glaciers are killing intent, and the unwavering is staring at Shang Yang Yunchuan, and his figure is constantly retreating, not giving Shang Yang Yunchuan the opportunity to suppress.

He is now really killing intent, even at all costs to solve the Baihou League, it is simply a guilty!

Originally, Liu Ligong felt that the Baimeng Alliance would not be threatened. He did not even think that the Baihou League could threaten him in a short period of time, and even planned to imprison and even kill him.

This is really beyond the expectations of the glass.

But this also reminded the Liuli public that the Baimeng League is very dangerous and must be resolved as soon as possible.


Finally, the glaciers escaped two quarters of principality and entered a principality that the glass duchy had just annexed. There is the “home” of Liu Ligong, and the glazed lights have a steady stream of myriad life Power of Belief.

Subsequently, Liu Guanggong disappeared and disappeared. He wanted to rush back to the glass duchy at the fastest speed, killing the Sacred Venerable among the Baimeng League and completely destroying the Baimeng League.

Seeing this scene, Shang Yang Yunchuan clench one’s teeth and said : “retreat, must immediately retreat. Inform Jiugong Hou and other principles of the principality, must return to the Baihou League, this plan … failed!”

Shang Yang Yunchuan is only gnashing one’s teeth.

He is very reluctant.

He is not willing to admit defeat.

But this is a fact.

Failed, this action failed. This time, he insisted that he should take this risk. As a result, he was too small to see a duke, and he also looked down on the Duke of the Duke.

Although Baihouyin combines 27 pieces of holy treasure, very strong and powerful, within the scope of the Baimeng’s influence, it can also have a great advantage for the Sacred Body 7th layer Sacred Venerable.

Even the suppression of the Sacred Body 7th layer Sacred Venerable is not a question.

But the glaze is not the usual Sacred Body 7th layer Sacred Venerable.

He is not only the Sacred Body 7th layer Sacred Venerable, but also a master of duchy, mastering a duchy!

This is the key!

It is this duchy holy treasure that makes the Baihou League’s plan fall short. Shang Yang Yunchuan is in control of Baihou Printing, and Baihou Printing is not strong enough to be able to suppress everything.

Therefore, the plan failed.

Moreover, the consequences of failure are very serious. If you are not careful, the entire Baimeng League or evenally will be in danger of being destroyed.

“The palm printr, what do you do now?”

The two seasons are also awkward.

Not already sure?

How did the result fall to this point?

In a blink of an eye, the situation has completely reversed.

“Catch the glass duchy and drag the glass! Right, then ask Sacred Venerable Lei!”

Shang Yang Yunchuan clenched one’s teeth.

He also knows that he can only do so at present.

In the most dangerous time, he seems to “remember” Lei Dao.

In the face of danger, he still has to ask Sacred Venerable Lei for help.

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