” Actually… actually went in?”

Seeing the Lei Dao manifest with the Annihilation Sacred Body and the Blue Ice Sacred Body, only two Sacred Body can withstand the might suppression of the corpse, and it took a few steps, which made Huang Shagong very surprised.

Although Lei Dao still has not been able to enter the scope of the god hundred zhang, it has already shown that Lei Dao has enough potential, and maybe it can really enter the scope of the god hundred zhang.

Throughout the ages, Huang Shagong also tried to use various methods to enter the scope of the hundred zhang of the gods. But all of them have been abandoned, and no one is able to succeed.

In particular, the use of the holy treasure seems to have no effect at all.

The might of the god corpse can still pass the defense of the holy treasure, and the direct impact is in the above the Sacred Body. Therefore, the Huangshagong of the past generations is equivalent to losing the strongest method, that is, the holy treasure!

Just relying on the Sacred Body of the Sacred Body 7th layer, the hard suppression of the corpse is hard to go beyond the hundred zhang of the corpse.

And Lei Dao, is already near.

One step, two steps, walking…

Lei Dao’s Annihilation Sacred Body and Blue Ice Sacred Body are under pressure and progress steadily. As the progress continues, Lei Dao is under increasing pressure, but it is nearing the critical point of the hundred zhang.

“Storm Sacred Body!”

However, the two Ultimate Sacred Body are not enough, Lei Dao almost has the slightest hesitation, and the manifest has a storm Sacred Body.

Suddenly, three Sacred Body blessings, Lei Dao immediately “walked”, and moved toward the gods.

Ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps…

Finally, Lei Dao stopped.

He has reached the current limit.

Moreover, this location is also just a short distance from the god hundred zhang. According to Huang Shagong, this position is the limit. The Yellow Sands of the past can not cross this limit.

Lei Dao’s look is also very dignified.

He felt that Huang Shagong did not lie, and even he could feel the range of the hundred zhang, the terrifying of the corpse. He has a faint feeling that once he enters the scope of the hundred zhang, his sacred death suppression will reach a terrifying level.

But the corpse is close at hand, only the distance of the hundred zhang, do not try, how is Lei Dao reconciled?

After all, that is the god body, God’s corpse!

With the disappearance of the God of Three Great Divine Dynasty, it is hard to be difficult, even almost impossible, to see a living God. But the living God can’t see it, the fallen God, or God’s corpse can see it, this is also the great opportunity.

Now, this opportunity is in front of you, can Lei Dao not catch it?

So, Lei Dao took a deep breath, the next moment, he no longer hesitated, stepping on the footsteps, and immediately stepped into the scope of the god hundred zhang.


When Lei Dao stepped into the scope of the corpse of the hundred zhang, he felt that the whole space seemed to be roaring, and a terrifying imposing manner came to the fore.

Let Lei Dao fall into a sky, like the terrifying feeling of the end of the world, and his heart is full of fear.

This is the divine might!

Even if I don’t know how long after death, there is still a divine might, and the divine might not be guilty!

“ka-cha ka-cha”.

Lei Dao’s Annihilation Sacred Body, Blue Ice Sacred Body and Storm Sacred Body seem to be unable to withstand this terrifying divine might, and the Thacand Body of the thousand zhang is falling apart.

This was a direct collapse, and a large number of Sacred Body were completely wiped out with the collapse and disappeared.

This can’t help but make Lei Dao extremely shocked. He just stepped into the god hundred zhang range that’s all, even without taking a step. But even so, his three Ultimate Sacred Body are a bit unbearable.

This is incredible!

However, Lei Dao did not give up, he almost did not think about it, immediately the manifest came out of the Sacred Body and the Sea Sacred Body.


A vast ocean appears, and a Sacred Body manifested with a raging ignition.

Two Ultimate Sacred Body brings the power of Lei Dao extremely strong.

Therefore, Lei Dao felt that the might suppression was a lot less.

So, Lei Dao began to move forward.

One foot, two feet, three zhang…

Lei Dao went very slowly, and after entering the scope of the hundred zhang, Lei Dao was under tremendous pressure. Only the manifest five out of the Ultimate Sacred Body, Lei Dao can endure against the terrifying divine might that’s all.

But it is very slow.

Every step of the way, seems to be under tremendous pressure.

In a twinkling of an eye, Lei Dao has already stepped out of the two ten zhang!

However, to the second ten zhang, it seems to be a limit. Lei Dao He twitched his feet and tried to step out and move on, but he couldn’t fall.

It seems to have terrifying pressure that makes Lei Dao unable to fall.

This is the limit, Lei Dao’s five Ultimate Sacred Body, which are five enhanced Ultimate Sacred Body. But still can only get out of the distance of two ten zhang.

The corpse is still outside the eight ten zhang.

If it is in peacetime, Lei Dao can cross the distance of hundred zhang in one step.

But now, there is a terrifying divine might, and Lei Dao can only walk slowly as little as usual.

Although the second ten zhang is already the limit, this is not the full strength of Lei Dao.

“Sacred Body, Rong!”

The next moment, Lei Dao clenched one’s teeth, shouted in a low voice.


The Sacred Body of the Sea was slightly shocked. Then, the power of the four Ultimate Sacred Body was intercepted by the Seared Sacred Body, forming a “simplified sanctuary”.

A layer of ray of light, enveloped in the sea, the the Sacred Body.

Suddenly, Lei Dao’s pressure suddenly reduced, and even he could always feel the terrifying divine might in the suppression of the “simplified version of the sanctuary”, but was solved by the “simplified version of the sanctuary” with no difficulty.

So, Lei Dao began to make great strides.

Two ten zhang, three ten zhang, four ten zhang, five ten zhang…

Seeing that Lei Dao was walking like a step, it was a step away from the distance of ten zhang, and the yellow sand eye pearl was about to come out, which is really incredible.

Just Lei Dao is still a cautious and even struggling look. But in a flash, but it has been as fast as a fly, one step across the distance of ten zhang, in the twinkling of an eye is getting closer and closer to the corpse.

Until then, Huang Shagong seems to fully understand how big the gap between him and Lei Dao is. If there is no duchy in the yellow sand, if there is no help of yellow sand beads.

Perhaps, he will be easily beaten by Lei Dao!

This is not something that is impossible. On the contrary, this is very likely to happen.

Although Huang Shagong was shocked, he was deeply immersed in his heart, or he was looking forward to it.

He is looking forward to Lei Dao being able to get close to the corpse and even to the gods.

At that time, maybe he can also get some benefits.

After all, the corpse of God does not know how many years have passed here, and all the Huangshagongs have no choice. There is also a release, and Lei Dao has access to the corpse, and maybe there will be some changes.

This is why Huang Shagong told Lei Dao.

Lei Dao didn’t know Huang Shagong’s thoughts, and he didn’t care.

Now Lei Dao is concentrating, unwavering staring at the corpse in front.

The corpse is getting closer and closer, and even Lei Dao can clearly see the corpse. The broken god corpse lay quietly, exuding the terrifying divine might.

Although the divine might be terrifying, it is a dead end.

This proves that God is indeed dead, and now it is just a corpse that’s all.

Six ten zhang, seven ten zhang, eight ten zhang ……

Even if Lei Dao himself is amazed, he uses the special method of the Sea of ​​Sacred Body to form a “simplified version of the Sanctuary” on the defense, and there are really some true sanctuary styles.

Actually able to support Lei Dao has been to the distance of eight ten zhang, now only two zhang from the corpse.

However, although there is only trifling two ten zhang, but here, Lei Dao has already felt the limit. He can no longer move on. Otherwise, his “simplified version of the Sanctuary” will collapse immediately.

At that time, the five Ultimate Sacred Body will be wiped out by the divine might of the corpse, and Lei Dao will even receive an integral heavy injury.

Just, there are only two distances from ten zhang. If you give up, how is Lei Dao reconciled?

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and there were countless thoughts in his mind. Then, it seemed that he had made up his mind.

Lei Dao also has a method, which is his last method.

Originally, Lei Dao did not intend to display this method. After all, whether it works or not, Lei Dao is not clear.

Lei Dao’s last method is Divine Blood Clone!

However, there is a corpse here, and Lei Dao can clearly feel that the Divine Blood Clone has been unwavering suppressed by the corpse. Even Divine Blood has been suspended.

God’s body, restraining Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone.

“hong long”.

Lei Dao without the slightest hesitation, Divine Blood’s five-part Divine Blood Clone was displayed.

Suddenly, Thousand zhang’s Divine Blood Clone, just as soon as she came out, she was exposed to painful colors. The huge body even fell to the ground, as if there was a heavy pressure, and his unwavering was given to the suppression.


A crack appeared on the Divine Blood Clone, and then there were more and more cracks.

Obviously, the Divine Blood Clone can’t stand the might suppression of the gods, and the performance is actually worse than the Ultimate Sacred Body.

Lei Dao’s face is ugly.

He now has two options.

One is to leave immediately, and at that time, his Sacred Body and Divine Blood Clone will not have any questions. But in this way, Lei Dao has lost his body with the gods.

This is God’s corpse!

Can not be met.

Can you really witness a corpse, or even touch the god of the print, and even get this corpse, what a big opportunity?

If you give up, Lei Dao is really unwilling.

Then there is only the second way, that is strongly resist!

Just, how long does Lei Dao strongly resist?

His Divine Blood Clone will soon collapse, even if he can go forward a few feet, what is the role?

Still can’t get the gods!

Lei Dao’s eyes are flickering.

He is measuring, he is hesitating.

In fact, he still has a last resort, which may succeed and may fail.

But that is a hope after all.

That is, upgrade Divine Blood Clone again and upgrade Divine Blood Clone to Divine Blood!

At that time, Divine Blood Clone may be able to resist the might suppression of the corpse, directly crossing the distance of the two ten zhang, so that there is a chance to get the gods!

Just, this is very risky.

There is a greater possibility that Lei Dao consumes a lot of lifespan upgrade Divine Blood Clone, but still can’t get the gods.

Therefore, this is a dilemma.

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