“It’s useless. The last time this public can block it, this time, the public can still block.”

After seeing Lei Dao’s “simplified version of the Sanctuary”, Liu Guang didn’t know why, and there was a hint of uneasiness. He knows that Lei Dao is a great move. After all, he has already learned it.

But this time, Lei Dao’s move seems to have some new power, so that Liu Ligong feels a trace of jealousy.

However, there is no time for the analysis of the glass.


The simplified version of Lei Dao’s sanctuary is covered in glazed lights.

Suddenly, a loud noise of world-shaking was heard.

At the same time, the rays of light on the glazed lights are constantly shaking, seemingly under tremendous pressure.

“pu chi”.

The next moment, the defensive cover of the glazed lamp was instantly broken, as if it had been powerfully forcibly crushed. The simplified version of the sanctuary, terrifying the power of the direct impact in the glazed seven of the above the Sacred Body.


Suddenly, the glass body vibrated.

Terrifying, big terrifying!

When Lei Dao’s simplified sanctuary was shrouded in seven Sacred Body, the glazed man seemed to feel the death’s coming. He perceives the aura of death and is surrounded by it.

Can not stop, simply can not stop.

Not only is his seven Sacred Body unstoppable, even the glazed lights can’t stop.

Liu Guang did not expect that Lei Dao’s strength was actually advanced by leaps and bounds to this extent. In his simplified version of the sanctuary, in addition to the power of the five Sacred Body, there seems to be a very destructive force that seems to be above all power.

The seven Sacred Body of the glazed glaze are under this power and are directly resisted and destroyed.

Even the speed of extinction is quite fast, it is almost to let the glaze public feel, it seems that he will die next time!

“I will die?”

Liu Guanggong can hardly believe it.

But this seems to be reasonable again.

If Lei Dao and Shang Yang Yunchuan don’t have some control, how come again to the glass duchy? Therefore, Liu Gonggong actually has some preparations and knows that he will face this scene.

But the real face of death, Liu Gonggong is afraid.

Even he wants to retreat.

What is the grand plan.

What ambitious.

What is comparable with six kings.

What is it in front of death?

Liu Gonggong didn’t want to die, but he didn’t want to die so early. He is a dignified Sacred Body 7th layer Sacred Venerable, and there are thousands of lifespans. How could it die like this?

And still die of incomprehensibility!

In the hands of Lei Dao, Liu Ligong can only be the background board that’s all, meaningless.

At this time, Liu Guanggong finally understood why the Huangsha Association chose to compromise.

Because, in the face of death, he formly insisted that things that were valued in the past did not make any sense at all.

“Stop it, kill me, there is no holy treasure, you can hardly integrate the glass lamp. I am defeated, naturally will give you everything, like Huang Shagong…”

Liu Guanggong finally compromised.

The expression in his eyes is dim, and there is no past ambition.

At this time, Liu Guanggong is a loser.

He doesn’t want to die, only concede, only acknowledgment allegiance!

“Oh? Like Huang Shagong, let’s hand over the glazed lamp charm. Right, glazed, how many high-end spirit medicines you have been cherished for so many years? It is best to spend more than 60,000 years of spiral medicine. You know, even if you don’t say it, Shang Yang Yunchuan, who has a glazed lamp, can know.”

Lei Dao didn’t receive it directly. The simplified version of the Sanctuary has been covered in the seven above the Sacred Body. It is like a sword hanging above the head, letting the glass feel the death’s threat all the time.

He knows that if the simplified version of Lei Dao’s sanctuary falls, maybe he will die!

At this point, Liu Gonggong has completely lost his heart. He smiled at shakened one’s head, and said: “Six Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine? Glass duchy”, no one can get six Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. Once, in some dangerous places, there were occasional six Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicines, but now, more than 50,000 years of spiral medicine is becoming less and less common. Perhaps thousands of years later, it is estimated that even Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine will be very rare.”

Liu Ligong also does not have six Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

This makes Lei Dao somewhat disappointing, but this is also expected. After the “great spirit”, high-end spiral medicine is becoming rarer and almost monopolized by Divine Dynasty, Imperial Sect and Sacred Land.

Others want a high-end spiral medicine, which is difficult.

Now Divine Dynasty is not stable, Imperial Sect, Sacred Land and even the six kings are all around. Perhaps, it is related to some high-end spirit medicine.

There is no doubt that Three Great Divine Dynasty rules the entire Ancient God Prefecture.

Then the number of high-end spirit medicine mastered by Three Great Divine Dynasty, as well as the spirit medicine plantation base, must be the most and best.

Imperial Sect, Sacred Land and even six kings, who wouldn’t want to get it?

This is the battle of natural resources!

Of course, Divine Dynasty’s situation question is far more complicated than spiral medicine, involving a variety of questions. But for Lei Dao, what he wants most now is high-grade spirit medicine.

“There can be more than 60,000 years of spiral medicine clues?”

Lei Dao asked again.


The glazed public looked at Lei Dao and felt the simplified version of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred I found a special place that seemed to grow spicy medicine. There were several 50,000 years or even six Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. It also caused an uproar, and many Sacred Venerable went to Yuanchuan duchy.”

“However, Yuanchuan Gong is not the owner of the ordinary duchy. He is the master of the top duchy. Even in the entire Xi He Divine Dynasty, it is the top of the world of duchy. Only one step away from the six kings. He is the powerful Sacred Venerable of the Sacred Body 8th layer. With his strong strength, Yuan Chuan directly suppressed the audience, expelled a lot of Sacred Venerable, and even several Sacred Body 7th layer Sacred Venerable inflict heavy injury. This has quelled the dispute.”

“But then someone went to that special place and found that it had been razed to the ground, not even a spirit medicine. No one knows what is going on. Some people say that it is just a rumor, it is impossible to find it. How many high-order spirit medicines, otherwise how could the original Chuanchuan public not be discovered? Some people doubt that it is not the same thing that Yuanchuan publicly ruined the place to cover up the facts of high-order spirit medicine.”

“However, no one has any evidence, and then it will be gone.”

Lei Dao eyes shine.

Yuanchuan duchy, he has not heard of it.

However, Sacred Body 8th layer !

This is not easy, especially the other party is the top of the Xi He Divine Dynasty duchy, only six lines away from the six kings. It is hard to say whether Lei Dao is an opponent.

Moreover, it has been three hundred years.

Even if there is a high-order spiral medicine, it may be used.

In short, this information of Liu Ligong is not even an information, just to hear that’s all, simply do not count.

However, Lei Dao remembers “Yuanchuan duchy” and he can inquire about it.

As long as there is a clue, Lei Dao will not let go.

“The glazed glaze, the secret spell of the glazed lamp. As long as the secret curse is handed over, and the glazed lamp is integrated into the hundred-hour seal, the glazed glaze is a member of my hundred houmeng!”

Shang Yang Yunchuan expression said in a tranquil voice, it seems that there is not much excitement.

In fact, this matter is significant.

Hundreds of Houmen and glazed duchy entangled for so long, and even the glass duchy almost killed the Baihou League. Now that the situation has reversed, Baihou League can completely suppress the residence of the glass duchy, and even incorporate the glass into the influence of the Baimeng League.

This undoubtedly released a signal to the outside world.

The Baimeng Alliance, really rises, and it is still a strong rise!

The Baihou League has become a reality, and no one can stop it!

Liu Ligong sighed, even if he is reluctant, he has to hand over the secret of the glass lamp.

This time, Shang Yang Yunchuan attaches great importance to it.

He decided to go to the Baihou League headquarters with a glazed light, and the glazed lights at the Baihou League headquarters were the safest. After all, the glazed lamp is not a general holy treasure, far more powerful than the yellow sand beads.

The reason is simple, the glazed lights also incorporate a lot of principality.

Therefore, the power of the glazed lamp has been very terrifying. In this case, only in the scope of the influence of Baihou League, Shang Yang Yunchuan is more confident.

Otherwise, after the integration, the “primary and secondary” question perhaps is hard to say.

Shang Yang Yunchuan’s heart is very clear, not to annex two duchy, the better the fusion of two duchy holy treasures? In fact, if you can choose, Shang Yang Yunchuan would rather choose to integrate dozens of principality treasures, and would not like to merge two duchy treasures.

After all, duchy is too strong.

Especially the duchy holy treasure like the glazed lamp, if it is merged into the hundred-month printing, the glazed can still control the glazed lamp, and it will have a huge impact on the one-time printing.

If Liu Gonggong and Huang Shagong are united, it would be even worse.

Maybe the Shang Yang Yunchuan will lose control of Baihou Printing.

Of course, this is a more extreme situation.

Moreover, Shang Yang Yunchuan also has a remedy, that is, it can continue to integrate other principles of the holy treasure, each fusion of one will weaken the influence of the two duchy owners on Baihouyin.

In the end, naturally, Liu Guanggong and Huang Shagong did not have much influence on Baihou Printing.

In general, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Under the gaze of Lei Dao and Shang Yang Yunchuan, Liu Gonggong had to hand over the secret curse.

And follow Lei Dao, Shang Yang Yunchuan and the rest, and return to the Baihou League headquarters.

During the integration of the glazed lights, Lei Dao will also always protect the law from the Shang Yang Yunchuan.

There is Lei Dao oversee protection, and Shang Yang Yunchuan is also very feel at ease. At that time, even if the glaze wants to do something, it is simply impossible.

In the entire Baimeng League, only Lei Dao can “stay in” the glass!

In this action, Lei Dao and Shang Yang Yunchuan “sweeped” the glass duchy and removed the last nail in front of Baihou League.

From then on, the Baihou League will no longer be able to make it, and it will fly to the sky!

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