in the secret room, Lei Dao has adapted state.

He just looked at it, and his point of contribution was only seven thousand points left in the area.


remaining 170,000 contribution points, all used to buy life prolonging treasure, are now accumulated in front of Lei Dao like heavenly material in the mountains, earthly treasure, each of which is treasure capable of allowing true life prolonging.

What is the limits of the true lifespan, Lei Dao is unclear, and many of the true gods are not even clear.

After all, the true God of mankind is a unique kind of architecture.

Unlike other races, such as Flood Dragon Race, their true hierarchy, lifespan is very prolonged, millions of years, countless years, and even billions of years without problems.

Of course, this is a race question, or maybe a kind of question.

generally speaking, for thousands of years, lifespan, or about 100 million years of lifespan, is enough, very useful, and so far there has been no such god as to come.

Besides, the true God can also rely on all heavenly material, earthly treasure life prolonging, lifespan question really is not a question.

But it’s important for Lei Dao!

life span, Lei Dao’s foundation!

The most important foundation, no one, with lifespan, Lei Dao to have everything!

So Lei Dao started to use a lot of heavenly material before him, earthly treasure.

These heavenly material, earthly treasure, are at least human face levels, that is, heavenly material, earthly treasure, which Lei Dao used.

And, like, repeating.


long as repeating is, it’s almost ineffective.

All life prolonging heavenly material, earthly treasure, can only be used once.

It is good enough in the clear world and enough in the world to gather treasure from a wide range of additions to lifespan.

Lei Dao mobilized the isolated energy to look at the remaining lifespan.

Lei Daos remaining lifespan today, together with the previous search for life prolonging treasure on the frontline battlefield, has received 60-year-old lifespan, and Lei Dao now has more than 27,000 lifespan left.

“Let’s go.”

So Lei Dao started to use these heavenly material, earthly treasure before it.

suddenly, another heavenly material, earthly treasure, was used by Lei Dao.

At first, Lei Dao used treasure at the same level as human face flowers, and Lei Dao also felt lifespan’s increase. Just, it seems far from Lei Dao first time to use more lifespan in human face flowers.

When Lei Dao used human face flowers, he went straight to increase longevity fifty thousand years!

Now, the lifespan of Lei Dao’s lifespan is no longer allowed to increase fifty thousand years, not enough, and treasure is enough, and therefore Lei Dao’s lifespan has grown rapidly.

From the beginning, there has been a rapid increase in the number of years.

30,000 years, fifty thousand years, 80,000 years, 100,000 years…

When Lei Dao’s shock increased to 100,000 years, Lei Dao began to use a number of treasure higher than human face flowers, suddenly, lifespan increased significantly.

200,000, 5,100 000, 8,100,000, 1 million years

Crazy, crazy.

Even Lei Dao has seen the scene, but seeing his lifespan grow so crazy, even more than a million years of lifespan, his inner shock.

And that’s far from over.

One hundred, 200,000, one hundred and fifty hundred thousand, one hundred, eighty-hundred thousand, two million years.

Finally, Lei Dao’s lifespan exceeded two million years, followed by a slow increase in Lei Dao lifespan, almost a significant decline.

It would seem ineffective to swallow a few more treasure.

Finally, Lei Dao’s lifespan stopped in two million years.

“It’s amazing that these life prolonging treasure forces are constantly hitting my Divine Body, but my Divine Body can easily resist that shock. As long as they can resist the shock, they can increase lifespan.”

Lei Dao had a deep understanding of what was “natural resources”.

The most important thing in the universe is natural resources.

If humans are just stubborn in the real world, how can they get so much natural resources?

And that’s just the treasure of life prolonging, and there’s a wide range of supporting cultivation’s natural resources, which is treasure that all the real gods need to pursue.

Hence, humankind needs to expand influence, empower it, occupy more small world or Great World.

Only in this way can all kinds of natural resources be acquired continuously and thus stronger.

In the clear world, the stronger the permanent! The weaker!

This is the eternal truth!

So Lei Dao has to grow stronger and continue to grow stronger, just in his capacity as “Lord of the Border”, Lei Dao sweep all the real gods, which is not the ultimate goal of Lei Dao.

Lei Dao impossible is always in Small World.

What if we leave Small World?

What if it’s in the clear world?

Or what if you meet the priests?

Lei Dao will always remember that when he first left the Star, the priest-level Flood Dragon claw exploded, and Lei Dao was deeply desperate. Even if he was the master of the community, even if he was to sweep the gods, Lei Dao had no choice in the face of that pride, Flood Dragon.

Not even resistance.

Lei Dao does not want to encounter that desperate moment again, and he must be self-sustained.

For self-preservation, Lei Dao works harder!

So Lei Dao has hardly hesitated, and he immediately mobilized the energy.

“Raise the thousands of divine art to 5th th th layer!”


With Lei Dao’s voice down, suddenly, he was in the body’s large lifespan instantaneously consumed, and the lifespan for 160,000 years had been consumed.

This is the lifespan that’s consumed by the thousands of divine art 5th th th layer.

Lei Dao never consumed so much lifespan on a one-time basis, but Lei Dao very clear, that’s just the beginning of thats all, having more than 2 million years of lifespan, and Lei Dao is going to do a big job this time.


Lei Dao’s brains are blown up a while.

In his mind, there was a picture of his efforts to cultivating thousands of divine art.

The thousands of divine art 5th th th layer have never been trained, but this does not mean that this divine art is not functional, but, on the contrary, this divine art is valuable.

Otherwise, the Supreme Ruler of the Five Holy Mosques will not be brought into the archedral, and it will be the first divine art of the five goddess, no one!

Even if no one has ever been able to practice 5th layer, but the masters have not withdrawn it, apparently a great deal of hope for this divine art!

Now Lei Dao broke such shackles and created miracles.


tattoos on his forehead began to grow rapidly.

Thirty-two, thirty-fifth, 40, 45.

You know, at the real level, every promotion of a mythological tattoo, the strength of which is almost the change in sky and the earth turning upside down, and now Lei Dao is not one of the two tracks, not even five dozens of routes.

From 32 mystery tattoos to 64 mythology!

That’s the thousand divine art 5th th layer!

“5th layer, it’s done!”

Lei Dao opened his eyes.

The appearance of sixty-four mysterious tattoos on his forehead is alarming.

Sixty-four mystery tattoos, in the lower palace of Guardian God’s palace, are absolutely the highest and even the opportunity to hit 81 martial stripes of disciple in the palace area.

“Eighty-one tattoos?”

Lei Dao shake ones head.

He’s not trying to condense eighty-one mystery tattoos, and he’s going to upgrade thousands of divine art to 6-Layer, which is not as simple as eighty-one.


‘s a hundred and two Eighteen.

More than 100 mystery tattoos, even in the upper palace area, belong to well-known figure.

After all, there are only over 90 mystery tattoos, thats all.

This is the thousands of divine art!

If it were other plantations technique, there were far too many features of divine art that could not be upgraded in a while.

That was the case with the radical divine art, which seemed to be the rule at the outset, not the divine art that was particularly powerful. But the more it comes back, the more horror the thousands of divine art upgrades.

The more divine art, the more it goes back, the more it actually rises.

That’s 5th layer, there’s sixty-four mystery tattoos.

If it were 6th Layer, then directly condense one hundred Eighteen.

Think of it here, Lei Dao doesn’t hesitate.

“Raise the radical divine art to 6-Layer!”


Next moment, Ray Dao Body, his sixty-four mystery tattoos are trembling.

After all, this is from sixty-four mystery tattoos, directly upgrade to one hundred Eighteen. Why is it shocking?

Stop talking about 6-Layer, and so far, apart from Lei Dao, even 5th layer people have been able to practice.

Then, together with another tattoo, it came together.

Every condense tattoo, Lei Dao’s Divine Body is strong.

70, 80, 90.

When Lei Dao’s tattoos exceeded eighty-one mystery tattoos, Lei Dao clearly felt that his in the body seemed to have undergone some special changes.

His Divine Body was strong, and the hidden seems to have risen another level.

At this point, Lei Dao, if he chooses to open the body world, then his success rate will be over 10%!

That’s pretty good already.

At least someone actually chose to open the body world when 80 mysteries were tattooed, and success became a pride.

Of course, only 80 mystery tattoos, even in the body world, have little potential. In the body, the world is weak, and in the dignity of the human being, more powerful than in the world.


weaker Divine Body, the smaller the open world, the smaller the potential that the world will rise thereafter will naturally be.

If you want to be a pride, well known figure, at least a hundred tattoos will be necessary.

If you want to be one of the top dignitaries, it’ll cost more than one hundred and fifty gods.

If the goal is great dignity, it will have to be at least two hundred, or even more, 300 mythological tattoos, which is too difficult.

Of course, that’s not absolute.

For example, someone can do more than 80 tattoos, and the result becomes a step towards dignity!

There are such Legendary among humans.

But that’s a miracle.

It’s too hard, and it’s not replicable.

That is the miracle, and that is the opportunity of countless opportunities that can be achieved.

So, in general, if you want to achieve great dignity, there’s a little hope, at least 200 mythological tattoos, or even 300 marbles!

Even in the upper palace, you can reach more than two hundred gods, and that’s just a very few, let alone 300.

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