The moon came back to the palace and was seeing Lei Dao say something in front of three daughters, while the three waitresses were full of excitement, as if they couldn’t believe.

“The moon is coming back, just as you arrange, we’re moving to the upper palace as soon as possible.”

Lei Dao, when he sees the moon coming back, handed over a few words, and he still trusts the moon. In his palace, the moon is actually a real “steward”, all the pieces of things, and Lei Dao will give it to the moon.

“Congratulations, Master.”

The moon took a deep breath, and the sound was almost trembling.


Lei Dao deeply look at the moon: “In the upper palace, you can also have better cultivation. As my waitress, you should not be too poor, and last time you gave me 500 points of contribution, this time you were in the upper palace, and you would be rewarded by 10,000 points of contribution. I’ll give you 5,000 contributions, and you can use 5,000 contributions to cultivating.”


The moon is amazed.

Five thousand, not five hundred, ten times more!

After all, they had been completely “tied” with Lei Dao and could not allow Lei Dao to sneak away from the lower palace.

But who can think that there’s such a return?

It’s ten times back!

Lei Dao laughed, didn’t say anything.

He had seven thousand contributions left before, and now he went to the palace to rewards another 10,000 contributions, even if he had contributed five thousand points to the moon.

Of course, for Lei Dao, whatever the point of contribution is, it doesn’t really work too much, so what’s the big deal again?

And then he’ll have to use the moon and the rest.

Lei Dao then entered the secret room and waited quietly for the moon.

“Sister Moon, is this really? Master really promoted to the upper palace?”

All the waitresses are staring at the moon, as if I can’t believe it.

Maybe they’ve believed it in their hearts, just, it’s really shocking, it’s shocking, and they haven’t even been regained composure.

“It’s true! Remember, in the future, we will be the waitress of Disciple in the Upper Palace, all of which represents the face of the True disciple in the Upper House, and absolutely cannot be like today. Come on, Master, let’s pack things up as soon as possible and move to the upper palace.”

With the moon, these waitresses have the main bones, and they start moving immediately.

Even if they don’t believe, it’s not stupid, naturally, it’s all really.

Lei Dao, their master, outstanding fame’s radar god, really became disciple in the upper palace! And their identity is about to rise to the skies with a single leap!

After all, only in the upper palace, disciple, is the real core disciple at Guardian God’s Palace, True Disciple!

The status is far from disciple in the lower palace.

Just as the moon begins to pack and prepare to move to the upper palace, the entire lower chamber has actually been opened.

everyone didn’t think that Lei Dao would be the first to go to the palace and become disciple in the upper palace.

“The God of Ray is so surprised.”

“And then Senior Brother Lei.”

“indeed, became Senior Brother of the Upper House, the true core disciple of the Guardian God Palace. Even the seeds of the priests, the priests of the future!”

“I have no idea that for the last thousand years, only one after another has been promoted to the upper palace, and that’s when I recommended quota to the lower palace…”

Many disciple in the lower palace area are silent.


lower uterine area is different from the perimeter and the upper palace area, as there is an additional disciple with the recommendation of quota to enter the lower palace area, commonly referred to as the back door.

Therefore, the lower court area is naturally divided into two factions.

Nor does it look like disciple who walks the back door, or even the two parties are fighting in the dark and mocking.

The inclusion of Lei Dao was mocked by many disciple routes, but who could think that Lei Dao could amaze the world with a single brilliant feat and not only make a significant contribution on the frontline battlefield.

Even now I’m in the upper palace.

Many disciple started thinking.

They, are they wrong?

What about the back door?

Once they become disciple in the lower palace, that’s all the same, official disciple. There is no fundamental difference between walking the back door and going to the palace.

As much as you can, it’s just that disciple in the back door starts a little higher than thats all.

But are these guys moving from disciple in the perimeter to disciple in the lower palace area, not even higher than the real gods who didn’t even get into the perimeter?

So, in essence, the same.

Lei Dao did not know that he had become disciple in the upper palace, causing great shocks to a large number of disciple in the lower palace, and even began to fall into reflection.

He’s waiting for the moon to pack up and then move to the upper palace.

“Brother Lei, Brother Lei, congratulations, hahaha, I’ve seen that you’re not in the pool!”

A familiar voice ringed, Lei Dao walked out of the secret room and saw that swell silhouette.


Lei Dao lightly smiled, who is the only friend of Lei Dao in the lower palace.

Lui Dao’s last time on the battlefield, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, and brilliant, even Lu’s fatty, whispered all over the world.

And, of course, Lu’s fatty whispers, and he knows that everything is because of Lei Dao, otherwise he wants to do something on the battlefield, and it’s impossible.

This time, Lui Dao was also told that Lei went to the upper palace.

And Lu Fat used some of his arteries, and even some little known secrets.

“Brother Lei, do you really practice the thousanddivine art to 6th Layer?”

Obviously, Lu’s fatty has been explored, and after all, his grandfather is a great pride, a different position, a discovery of this information, or a problem.

Lei Dao didn’t hide, nodded, and said, “Brother Lu, do you want cultivating thousands of divine art?”

Lei Dao saw Lu’s fat look, and he knew what Lu’s going to do. After all, Lu’s little fat switching cultivation technique is famous.

“hehe, you know me. Brother Lei, what do you know about cultivating thousands of divine art? Otherwise, no one else can practice, but you cultivated. Brother Lei feel at ease, you pass it to me, and I will never say it!”

Lu’s fat one face is dizzy.


Lei Dao, think about it. He’s really serious, very carefully memorized.

What does he have to do with cultivating thousands of divine art?

Seems to be practicing.

Well, there’s a little more important, that’s insistence!

If Lei Dao was originally cultivated d 4 layer, and if lifespan wasn’t enough, he’d give up the thousands of divine art, what would happen today?

So, insistence is important, and insistence is inextricably linked to efforts!

Think of it here, Lei Dao Set, said solemnly: “Brother Lu, I’m not hiding from you. It’s really a trick, and even this trick runs through my year of cultivation. I cultivating thousands of divine art, even my cultivating, always wore a little bit, that’s trying! We have to work ten times more than anyone else!”

“By working hard?”

Lou’s fat face is strange, and if it’s just hard, is it genius that day?

genius can succeed without trying.

“If you can’t do it, you have to have another insistence! Efforts must be made to insist that no stronghold one cannot overcome, no battle can be won and no dilemmas can pass, let alone cultivating.”

Lei Dao’s face is dizzy.

It’s his real secret!

He’s been able to make up the top real god in nine years, and even to be the disciple in the upper palace, which is more than the countless top genius. What the hell is that?

Isn’t that just trying and insisting?

If you don’t have enough effort, then you can do it again!

This is the belief of others’ lives!

It’s his secret of success!

Lei Dao is also convinced that nothing can be done and sustained.

That is, as one after another friend in the lower palace area, Lei Dao only told Lu Fat, and the others, Lei Dao, were disinclined to pay attention.


Lu Fat looks at Lei Dao’s face, and it seems that some don’t know what to say anymore.

Try to stick to it?

dont tell me Lei Dao really can be the supreme goddess and the disciple in the upper palace?

He had some mistrust, but saw Lei Dao’s serious face again, and he wondered not only if he really wasn’t trying enough. Not enough?

If you’re trying, Lu’s fatty is sure and hard.

Even if it’s insisting, Lu’s fatty has little incentive to insist on.

“It seems that, from today on, I’m going to make good efforts, and in addition to trying, I have to insist! Yeah, I’m going to change cultivation technique tomorrow, to thousands of divine art.”

Lu Xiaofu seems determined.

Lei Dao, shaked heads, and said: “Lugo, in fact Myriad Laws Returning to Origin, does not have a high level, except for appropriate and inappropriate. As long as you have enough effort, even if you can change something rotten into something magical al in your hands. Since the many people were not trained, there must be some reason, perhaps it was not suitable for the majority. Now you’ve been cultivating cultivation technique, even so deep, that should be a continuation of efforts in cultivating. Once cultivating arrives at great accomplishment, it can also play a terrorist power, at least to become disciple in the upper palace, and it should not be problematic.”

Lei Dao, let Lu be fat.

Indeed, if enough effort is made, it can change something rotten into something magical al.

cultivation technique does not have a low score, but is appropriate and inappropriate.

As long as he has enough efforts to bring the plantation technique cultivating to Perfection, it will certainly be different. After all, how could Rubby cultivating cultivation technique be bad again?

“Brother Lei is here today to remind me of it. And then I’m just cultivating this cultivation technique, and I’m thinking of cultivating, trying to stick up and try to get to the palace at an early date.”

“Brother Lu, with your innate talent, becomes the disciple in the upper palace, so I’ll go to the palace and wait for Lu Brother.”

After all, Lei Dao and Lu Fat Sagoodbye, with the moon and the rest, left the lower palace and went straight to the palace.

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