“Dea… dead?”

The remaining four dragons, seeing corpse all turned into powder, each and everyone’s eyes showed a great look of dismay, and they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Why is the situation reversed instantly?

Thirteen years have come to the battlefield, so it’s almost invincible, all over invincible, and I don’t know how many real gods Divine Body have been torn, and how many real gods have been killed.

Why are you dead now?

And even one bullet is incapable of being blown up in a instant way, into a pollen.


Almost no hesitation, four dragons’ insane moved towards retreat, and at this point they seem to be on the line of intellectuals, moving directly to four different directions, retreat, fast enough.

Even if Lei Dao is faster, he can kill one or two dragons, almost to the limit, and at least two of them will flee, which way Lei Dao chose, and which one of them bad luck.

Looking at the four dragons moving towards all directions, Lei Dao saw a bright glow.

“Run away?”

These four dragons are in Lei Dao’s eyes, and that’s 40 grand.


Lei Dao’s voice fell, suddenly, Divine Body of Lei Dao was growing, while a path’s mythological tattoo was more rapid in the forehead.

Four hundred, four hundred, fifty, five hundred, one hundred and twelve.

When condense tattoos were on Lei Dao’s forehead, Divine Body of Lei Dao seemed to have reached a limit, terrifying imposing tricks, like condense’s atmosphere.

Lei Dao stood in void, stood up and looked at four dragons moving towards all directions, and he just stretched out his hand, moving towards void.


One more mystery, like the essence.

The forces of terror erupted instantly, passing through distant void, directly moving towards four dragons, engulfing.

Four dragons have fled, but they can all feel that the forces behind them are flying faster than they are, and that the sense of danger in their hearts is growing stronger.

It seems that once the power comes after them, they’ll die!

Lei Dao looked cold, and at this time he was doing his best to show the 52nd mystery, which really is invincible!

Yes, invincible!

Lei Dao even has a sense of control over everything, ruining everything.

Just like he was in Small World, with the identity of the owner of the community, he was able to control everything, suppressing everything, ruining everything.

This is the feeling that power has reached some level, naturally.

Five hundred and twelve mystery tattoos have made Lei Dao feel so controlled.

Even if it’s four top dragons, then what?

Lei Dao’s wizard under the button.

“bang bang bang bang bang”.

The four dragons are in a stalemate, as if they were held by an invisible hand and were proud of the bodies of the past day, when the egg shells were generally fragile and suddenly torn apart.

Four dragons, four quarrels, all of them into powder, and by Lei Dao, a remote space, with direct bare hands!

This is the scene, and let the people of the house shake!

Even those who are closely following Lei Dao’s dignity and dignity in the Sun Great World.

“What can I do with the 552 tattoos?”

“Suddenly, extremely divine art 8-Layer! Lei Dao fruit cultivated 8th Layer, 9th layer big Perfection, only one layer!”

“hahaha, what kind of tattoos can be imposed, I’m afraid we don’t even know. After all, we have never seen more than 500 gods, Lei Dao or the first. But look at Lei Dao’s performance, 500 mystery tattoos, on this battlefield, the real stage, he’s invincible! There’s no difference between the priests.”

“Good. Lei Dao is invincible in this battlefield! As long as the priests don’t show up, who’s Lei Dao’s opponent?

“I can’t believe that Lei Dao really is hidden. It’s incredible. Congratulations to Martial Venerable, you excavate a good seed, and perhaps even the masters will be shocked.”

Many respect and dignity are excited and excited.

Five hundred tattoos!

Digital divine art 8-Layer!

Either way, if there is a true god, it will shake the five palaces, even the gods.

But now, together, they all appear on Lei Dao’s own, and that’s very different.

“As soon as this war ends, our Oriental Highness Guardian God will be safe for a while.”

The child’s grandpa relaxed.

However, deep inside, he has some different feelings.


Highness of Guardian God in the East of dignified, so many dignified and dignified, is the result that a real god can change the Bureau of War.

At this point, the Ming void is in the middle.

Lei Dao killed seven more dragons, and he was also pleased, because Lei Dao had killed enough 13 dragons in the first six.

If it turns into a point of contribution, it’s Hundred and Thirty Thousand’s point of contribution!

Last time, Lei Dao Victims untold hardship had only received 170,000 contribution points, thats all, and it had not been thought that Hundred and Thirty Thousand had now been so easy to contribute.

Of course, it’s only easy for Lei Dao.

But actually, it’s very difficult.

On this battlefield, it’s very difficult to kill a dragon, especially the 13th? There’s even a top dragon with 300 gods, and there’s no real god in the upper palace who can kill a dragon like that.

But Lei Dao killed him.

What does that mean?

Power is the most important!

Only with strong strength will the rate of making contributions be faster and easier to earn.

However, after the killing of these seven dragons, and in particular after the killing of 13, Lei Dao felt that there seemed to be a lot of Spirit Sense in his meditation.

Many of them, Spirit Sense, are full of killing intent!

Lei Dao understands that it should be Flood Dragon Race’s pride or pride, whether Flood Dragon Race or Guardian God’s temple in the East, and that it is actually following the fight closely.

Lei Dao killed 13, so quiet, how could Flood Dragon Race not notice?

So, from now on, Lei Dao has no “secret”, and his strength in the 52nd mystery will certainly spread over Flood Dragon Race.

If Lei Dao stayed so tight and waited so hard, he wouldn’t have met a dragon.

“Since it has been discovered, it will not be possible to keep the rabbit alive.”

Lei Dao took a deep breath and then looked at the stars.

well, he has some premises to leave here.

This is so close to the stars, and Lei Dao is able to escape from the stars if he encounters an enemy that cannot be hostile.

Unfortunately, Lei Dao has to make a contribution and can no longer keep the rabbit. Otherwise, no dragons will come back here.

“Not into the tiger cave, though my strength cant compare with those top dragons, but be careful, it should be nice. Yeah, from now on, I have to learn to sneak!”

Lei Dao knows that Flood Dragon Race is deep, far from the Guardian God Palace.

Who knows if Flood Dragon Race has hidden more than 500 mystery tattoos?

This is the secret of Flood Dragon Race, and perhaps even the priests are not well known.

Lei Dao would therefore have to be careful.

He was far from sweeping the entire battlefield and sweeping all Flood Dragon’s positions. He still has to be low-key, preferably by harvesting all aura, specializing in burglary attacks.


can’t beat it. I’m leaving now!

This is Lei Dao’s strategy, which he thinks is the best way to steal in this vast and clear world.

So Lei Dao had all the mystery tattoos, 552 mystery tattoos, all taken away by him, even though it was a little difficult to explode in an instant, but it almost didn’t matter.

Anyway, he was sneaking.


can’t hit you, void!


Lei Dao immediately moved towards the Minor void in the middle of the day.

“康Senior Brother ,这两头龙子与我们不相上下,要想彻底斩杀它们,perhaps 很困难。”

“Now that we want to get out of here, we just hope that there are other true gods in the palace area near here that can help us.”

“But there may be other dragons around.”


On the battlefield, there are two gods in the palace, disciple, who are killing with two dragons. Both upper palace disciple is not bad, and there are about one hundred and eighty mystery tattoos, and they’re upstream in the upper palace area of disciple.

But why not these two dragons?

Moreover, these two dragons are still very fierce, often able to occupy the wind, and suppression has two real gods, making it impossible for both real gods to leave.

At this point, they can only send a message of help, and expect other true gods around to receive their signal and then help them with their arms.

Although that hope is minimal.

After all, the battlefield is too big, and both real gods want to encounter it. Even if the signal is received, it may be too far away to arrive.

Or else, other gods have rivals.

In general, Flood Dragon Race still has a great advantage.

After all, Flood Dragon Race has more numbers!

A true god, who often needs to deal with two to three dragons, has the advantage of Flood Dragon Race in its overall number, so that it will naturally be suppression.

Maybe the two dragons are also looking for help.


Just after the two true gods had just sent a signal, their summons had been answered.

“Someone’s here, really someone’s here! Huh? This real god has made us have to drag two dragons, and he’ll only use the way he sneaks, one hit kill!”


Two real gods are kind of weird.

Stolen a dragon?

What’s the use of sneaking in such a big open place?

can it be, is this the real power too weak?

If there were only eight-nine ten mystery tattoos, that would only take the form of a theft, otherwise one dragon would not have killed.

For a while, the two true gods shake ones head, and there is no hope for this true god who came to rescue.

eighty-nine mystery tattoos need to be stolen, and even if they come, they won’t even be able to attract attention.

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