“Is that what Ray’s plan is?”

The gods of Kang and the rain, mutually took a glance, have some confusion in their eyes.

They agreed to join the plan?

Just, Lei Dao’s plan, doesn’t look like anything.

“Good, this plan I’ve thought about all aspects of detail, even, I’ve actually done it.”

Lei Dao swore Jordan said.


The Gods of Kang are some kind of gods.

“Nice, practical, and very good, help me kill seven dragons!”

The Gods of Kang and Rain are sucked in a cold breath.

Seven head kills. That’s 70 big moves!

Even if they don’t actually look very hard at the point of contribution, it’s not a small number of 70 great strengths, the whole 70,000 contributing points! Even if they were in the upper palace disciple, they could not easily get so many points of contribution.

“Dont tell me how stupid these dragons are? This loophole plan, they can do it?”

Kang is so naive that he can’t understand.

In his view, Lei Dao’s so-called “perfect plan” is simply a loophole, and it is clear that it is to keep rabbits. Even if it’s possible to attract those dragons, it’s already very limited to attract one or two, and the rest of the dragon dont tell me I’m all stupid. Can’t you see it’s a trap?

Then he went to the follow-on pocket.

“No, God Kang, maybe not the dragons, but the thunder is so powerful!”

The rain looks deep at Lei Dao, and it seems that clearly understands Lei Dao’s true nature of this “perfect plan”.

“Is Ray too strong?”

The goddess of Kang seem to understand something for a while.

“Good, no matter if those dragons find out, even if they work together, but Ray is too powerful to kill them all?”

“All of them have killed it… It’s kind of like a thunderbolt. By the way, how powerful is Ray?”

The God of Kang seems to understand that he’s been staring at Lei Dao, and he seems to want to see Lei Dao’s real strength.

Lei Dao’s so-called “raid”, almost one face-to-face, killed two halons of Jackie with one hundred and eighty tattoos. They haven’t thought about it before, and now think about it, and it’s terrifying.

How powerful is Lei Dao?

“Lord Ray, we are willing to participate in your plan to attract those dragons to come. But you have to reveal a little of your strength, and you can give us the bottom of our heart, otherwise, we don’t have the bottom.”

The gods of Kang are just saying it.

His very clear participation in the plan, which was just dancing on blade, had to be meteorological without caution.

After all, who knows how many dragons they can attract? If it really attracted those top dragons, especially those dedicated to encircle and kill, that would be a big problem.

It’s risky with life, and they have to know Lei Dao’s power, and they have to have a little breath in their heart.


Lei Dao nodded, of course he won’t hide from the Truth God and the Rain God. After all, it’s a spell of life, they can participate, and Lei Dao is already satisfied.

Lei Dao stood up, and it was natural and dispersed, and he indifferently said, “If this Lei is right, now Guardian God’s palace is in the middle of the palace, there should be no real god with that Lei stronger!”

“En? Ray, you…”

Keung can’t stop complexion change, and I was just saying Lei Dao was too proud to call himself the first in the palace. You know, even if it were the most sophisticated upper palace gods, you wouldn’t dare call yourself the first.

But if he hadn’t said anything about it, he suddenly saw Lei Dao’s forehead, a path of the mystery, densely packed manifested.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four, five hundred.


When the fifty-two mystery tattoos all come together, the horror imposing way, like the same Immemorial Divine Mountain, is crushed in the heart of the spiral and the rain.

Let the two genuinely dignified gods in the upper palace feel a tremendous shock.

“Five hundred tattoos…”

They opened their eyes, and their hearts were like unbelievable, and they were in dreams. How can someone condense 500 tattoos?

Even in the history of humankind, a former master, at the true stage, only condense had more than 400 mythological tattoos of thats all. Now Lei Dao’s been condense for five hundred mystery tattoos. What is that?

“A thousand divine art, yes, it must be a thousand divine art! Only the 8-Layer of the thousands divine art is the 52nd mystery, and I remember that once a real god in the lower palace, the legend could become the owner of the small world community, once killed two dragons on the front front front battlefield, the Truth God?”

The God of Kang seems to think about it a little bit.

“Good, that Lei!”

Lei Dao stood up, quiet standing in void.

Five hundred and twelve mystery tattoos, not Lei Dao, don’t know how powerful he is now, not only does he know, but, well, well known, well, the whole Upper House, there’s no real god who’s better than him!

Just, Lei Dao was always low-key and cautious. He doesn’t know how many mysterious forces Flood Dragon Race is hiding? After all, Flood Dragon Race’s bottom is far deeper than humankind.

Before there’s no absolute certainty, there’s still a need for low-key.

“haha, it was really Ray. Indeed, the Lord of the Worlds in the Message is different. I’m afraid even the Lord will be concerned and truly fly!”

Kang Zheng face upwards laughed.

“Now you two have a bad breath?”

Lei Dao asked again.

“That’s, of course, not only the bottom air, but the bottom breath! feel at ease, the plan of the Real Thunderbolt, is really a perfect plan, absolutely naked!”

The Gods of Kang follow Lei Dao, said with a smile.

At the Lei Dao level, what’s not planned? What’s the difference?

Even if it’s a loophole plan, if Lei Dao starts, it’s not a question, it’s a perfect plan!

That’s the nature of Lei Dao’s plan!

Moreover, Lei Dao’s plan to “keep rabbits” is indeed the best plan. With Lei Dao’s strength, there is no fear of Flood Dragon Race’s “sweeping” plan, even Lei Dao Pa, which cannot be found by the top dragons, and then Lei Dao can get rid of it.

There is no need to look everywhere for those Flood Dragon tracks.

It is now up to them to worry whether enough dragons can be attracted, which is the most important.

“I think the plan should be further strengthened. Well, with both of us as bait, attracting the source of continuous dragons to come, and even the Thunderbolt God can join it. The three of us spread the aura of about a hundred mystery tattoos, and then one or two dragons won’t come, or just look away. It must have brought together a lot of dragons, and then the Truth God will have a chance to get rid of it!”

The Gods of Kang are also thrilled to give Lei Dao the advice.

Lei Dao, also Nodded, said with satisfaction, “Well, it seems that the Gods of Kang understand what I mean, and I just want to get rid of these dragons, to win this war completely, to keep Flood Dragon Race quiet for a while and to get time for us humankind. Well, by the way, make some more contributions.”

Lei Dao’s consciousness is still high.

Resolving the war is the first, and making a contribution is the second.

And make a little contribution, thats all.

“Lord Ray, we all understand that the point of contribution is not important, and it is important to attract enough dragons to kill more dragons.”

“Good, both of you understand.”

The two sides mean a long look at each other, and Lei Dao really appreciates the truth. Both of them are almost, too silent. It’s more than Lei Dao and Lubby.

“It’s not a matter of late, then we start to act immediately!”

“Well, let’s go!”

The gods of Kang and Lei Dao are talking about it in five or two, and the rainy gods have other gods, without regained composure, this is the start!

What about the perfect plan?

But the rains are too bad, Lei Dao and the Kobe Gods start! “Action”, she can only follow.

Moreover, the plan is quite simple, even simple and crude.

Three people are sending a mysterious aura, and everyone sends about one hundred and eighty tattoos of aura. The Gods of Kang and Rain are all they can do, except Lei Dao, who controls aura and keeps on the right of a hundred and eighty gods.

Maybe three people are gathered together, and it’s kind of weird to make some dragons look forward.

However, this time Lei Dao’s plan was not to kill one or two dragons, and he wanted to attract a lot of dragons, especially those who planned to “sweep”.

In the past, Lei Dao was so quiet in void, with a distance, but not far.

Suddenly, Lei Dao opened his eyes.

“Here it comes!”

In Lei Dao’s sensation, a dragon has clearly found three people’s tattoo fluctuations and has begun to arrive. However, after seeing the strange combination of Lei Dao, the dragon dared not to go ahead, but stopped.

Lei Dao doesn’t care, and he knows that the dragon is waiting for other dragons, and Lei Dao is actually waiting.

Therefore, there is no movement between the two sides.

Soon, there was a dragon coming and, after all, the fluctuations of the three people were too obvious, just like a light on the battlefield, and it was easy to feel.

One, two, three, four, five…

With the presence of a dragon, the gods of Kobe and the rain felt pressure.

They suddenly think of a question.

Lei Dao is not afraid of a lot of dragons, but what about them?

If Lei Dao was held hostage, their security would not be guaranteed.

For a while, the Gods of Kang and Rain, mutually took a glance, realized this serious question.

They seem to be having some fun this time!

Even with the possibility of bringing them in.

But it’s over, and they can’t retreat, and this time they really want to cry.

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