After all, Lei Dao is not a man of the Sword God Palace, the Eldest Senior Brother of the Guardian God Palace.

Lei Dao was just here to support, and if it was too dangerous, he could refuse support and return directly to the Guardian God Palace.

Lei Dao didn’t have the first time to promise.

In fact, for Scorpion, Lei Dao does not know, nor does he know how powerful the Scorpion is. However, since the Devil Ro went to Scorpion at this time, it must be that among the scorpions there was a capacity to deal with or comparable to Lei Dao’s presence.

If that’s true, then Lei Dao would be in danger if he did.

“God Ray, listen to you as a contributor. This time, as long as Ray really promised to kill any scorpion, I rewarded 20 great efforts in the Sword God Palace. And in this time, my Sword God’s palace will be able to make 100 great efforts, that is, a contribution point of 100,000. By the end, no matter what the Truth God has not won so much, much will be paid to Ray in advance. If it’s less, we’re not coming back, okay?”

Lei Dao Set is bright: “seriously?”

“Naturally be true! And we won’t let Ray fight alone, and we’ll let the God Palace fight alongside the Truth God, and fight against the Scorpion!”

Lei Dao really moved.


Sword God Palace has given him 100 great powers in advance, and that’s 100 thousand points, which is already a lot. Although it was only an advance “advance”, Lei Dao was now an urgent point of contribution, and the Sword God Palace was quite sincere.

Moreover, the Sword God Palace has also brought the first true god of the Sword God Palace and the “Eldest Senior Brother” of the Sword God Palace to act alongside Lei Dao, which demonstrates the determination of the Sword God Palace that Lei Dao will never be deliberately allowed into danger.

“Should we add a hundred hundred and a hundred hundred and a 100,000 contribution point, that is, 200,000 contribution points, it should be sufficient to exchange treasure that adds millions of years to lifespan?”

In thinking of this, Lei Dao has also made a determination.

“Since Grand Pride is so sincere, the Lei naturally should contribute to his power! Scorpion, not just the enemies of the Sword God Palace, but also the enemies of the five great human palaces, Lei Dao will do everything he can to break and even kill those scorpions! Let them know that human awe-inspiring is not easy for impudent!”

“Well, there’s only a few days left, and those scorpions shouldn’t be here by half, and the Truth God can use this time to prepare for it.”

“Is this Lei allowed to convert treasure with a great deal of money?”

“haha, naturally, I’m the natural resources hall of the Sword God Palace, open the door to the True Thunder, whatever treasure you want to convert.”

“Disciple, thank you very much!”

Lei Dao is delighted in one heart, and then withdrew and left hall.

“Dignity, Lei Dao, the first true god in the Guardian God Palace, Eldest Senior Brother at the Guardian God Palace, has a great potential for success, even if it is compromised in our Sword God Palace, perhaps…”

Some of the priests in the Sword God Palace also have some concerns.

All the legendary scorpion this time!

“feel at ease, how about Scorpion? If Lei Dao was in danger, would Dont tell me that my pride would still be ignored? By then, this pride will come straight and save Lei Dao.”

It’s no longer normal for the Lord’s palace to operate.

The priests, the priests, the meddle?

That was in the case of the weak, the Devil’s priests killed a real god, and the Sword God Palace shouted and even pushed the Devil into despair.

But the great lord of the Sword God Palace did it, and the devil remembered it in private, so what? There’s no Sword God Palace.

Even Scorpion, there can be no major event as long as the grandfather has not killed the Scorpion with his hands.

But this is not Lei Dao.

Except Lei Dao, who knows what to do with Scorpion?

No one knows the bottom details of the Scorpion, but in the Great Highness of the Sword God Palace, how thick those Boss Gu people are, don’t say 500 mystery tattoos, even if they go beyond the top five-hundredth mystery.

That’s the bottom of it. Humans don’t have it!

Human time is too short than the great Boss Gu community.

A request for support was formally made to the Scorpion by the Majority of the Devil, who personally arrived in the Great World in the possession of the Scorpion.

At this point, Scorpion is also negotiating a response.

“Gentlemen, what do you think of the magicians’ request?”

Scorpion’s great pride slows down started talking.

“We Scorpion, though extremely expansive, have now been extended to the limit, the only way of expansion is the direction of the Devil. This is a bit troubling, and while humankind has a very short history and a very short time to rise out of Small World, the pace of human cultivation is very fast, and today the whole influence, especially the top fighting power, is not the scorpion of my scorpion. If it starts now, is it too early?”

“Too early? We will have a war with humanity sooner or later, and now there are the magicians who can use the Devil as a buffer zone to reach a human being and truly understand the power of humankind. By the way, it’s not reliable.”

“The devil clearly wants to be around the source, to live in the stitches, which is taking advantage of us.”

“Take advantage of it. When we make our determination to swallow the Devil with no difficulty?”

“Who are we going to send this time? The Devil said that they had been crushed by one of the highest real gods in humankind, the tall God, with almost 500 mythological tattoos. More than 500 tattoos, divided according to the strength of our scorpion, are the most sophisticated gods.”

“More than 500 tattoos? Humanity is a really good race to create miracles, and that’s how long it took, and there are more than 500 mysteries of magic. If it goes on again, maybe even our scorpion will be cant compare with us. At the bottom, we scorpion will prevail over humanity, but our scorpion is far less likely than humankind, even in the brilliant world, with few races than humankind.”

“Wake up the descendants of the Scorpion Neal 9th layer, who have my Scorpion masters of the bloodline, can comparable with the gods of 500 gods, send them forward, kill the human being the supreme goddess of the Tenrable 500 marbles and thwart the human wind. And by the way, I show the strength of my scorpion, so that the magicians can count on us with truth.”

“Ninth th th layer? Understood.”


Scorpion has grown up and disappeared on the throne.

Camero Great World, Lei Dao came to the Sword God Palace temporary natural resources hall.

This time, the Sword God Palace moved all natural resources hall, of course only temporary, but the various natural resources should basically be exhaustive.

Lei Dao will have a contribution point of 200,000, which will be converted to life prolonging category treasure.

Then Lei Dao entered his temporary residence, and began to seclusion.

The Scorpion, Lei Dao, is not very well aware, but he is well aware that the Devil would also ask for support from the Scorpion if he knew he was 500 tattoos, and it is clear that the Scorpion would have the right to deal with or comparable to Lei Dao.

Lei Dao cannot therefore relax.

He never fought a war of ignorance, and since 500 gods, perhaps the Scorpion would be blocked, what about that thousand?

Lei Dao is different from other gods, and you’re the one who worked hard.

Even for a few days, he won’t let go of cultivation.

At this juncture, Lei Dao looked at a bunch of life prolonging categories of treasure in front of his eyes, and there was something in his heart, but there was nothing to hesitate about.

If you can get lifespan to five million years, look at this one time!

Think of it here, Lei Dao grabbed a life prolonging treasure, directly swallowed into the body.


suddenly, Lei Dao felt a great deal of life, which seemed to be spreading every inch of Lei Dao Divine Body, while Lei Dao moved quickly to move the isolated energy and began to look at his lifespan in real time.

10,000 years, 30,000 years, fifty thousand years, 80,000 years, 100,000 years.

At first, when Lei Dao used these life prolonging categories of treasure, Lei Dao had a “ge-deng” in his heart.

life span has grown too slowly!

Before Lei Dao upgraded, his lifespan was slowly slowed down in the last hundred thousand years, when Paramount had grown millions of years, faster and fast-blown, just four million years later.

Lei Dao didn’t think it was so slow at first.

100,000 years, 10 fifty thousand years, 200,000 years, 20 fifty thousand years, 300,000 years

However, while lifespan increased at a slow pace, Lei Dao used 200,000 contribution points and the exchange of life prolonging categories treasure was sufficient, thus slowing down and lifespan increased by several hundred thousand years.

Just, five million years away from Lei Dao’s lifespan seems to be much worse.

It seems that Lei Dao would like to increase lifespan later, and it’s actually getting harder. Or if the same lifespan is to be added, Lei Dao will have to pay more, and more life prolonging treasure will have to be consumed.

400,000 years, 5,100,000 years, 6,100,000 years, 700,000 years, 8,100 000 years

In the past, at a little bit of time, Lei Dao has gradually consumed the life prolonging category treasure of 200,000 contribution points, while Lei Dao’s increased lifespan has reached over 800,000 years, and a little moved towards 900,000 years.

“Last one!”

Lei Dao swallowed the last one, the most effective life prolonging treasure, directly into the entrance.


Next moment, a horrible heat flows quickly to Lei Dao whole body.

Sources of life, dispersed from Lei Dao Divine Body, and his immediate lifespan, suddenly jumped out of 80 fifty thousand years, and jumped all the way.

At last nine Hundred and Thirty Thousand!

The 200,000 contribution point converted life prolonging treasure, which eventually increased the lifespan of Lei Dao by nine Hundred and Thirty Thousand years, is not too large or even very small.

Before Lei Dao 380,000 contribution points, lifespan had increased for more than 4 million years.

However, in nine Hundred and Thirty Thousand, Lei Dao was satisfied.

Because, together with his life span, Lei Dao’s total lifespan, has reached 5 million years!

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