“The primitive ancestral tower at the level of respect, let alone think about it.”

“Good, the hierarchy of the priests actually includes respect and dignity, and the dignity is the realm of the respecter, just fighting power reaching Peak thats all. Even the highest pride in our five palaces, there is no hope to break into the original ancestral tower. After all, we can break through the original ancestral tower, which must be the greatest dignity of the entire civilization, and we are far from comparable with those Boss Gu.”

“This is also the case at the level of domination, and we humankind have no master, let alone to break into the original ancestral tower, 3rd layer. So we humans, the only chance to break through the original ancestral tower and get the prize of the original ancestral tower is the first layer, the real ancestral tower! For so many years, we have been waiting to be able to reach the very limits of the Truth. Just one year, and even one year, waiting for us to be desperate, no one else can cultivating to thousands of divine art 5th th th layer, let alone 9th layer Perfection, reaching the real limits! Lei Dao, you’re the first and the only hope of our humankind for years!”

Four Lord, Lord aloof and remote, Human Pillar of Raising Heaven. Now gaze at Lei Dao’s eyes are no less hot, breaking through the hope of the original ancestral tower, just in Lei Dao.

Once successful, Lei Dao will have the opportunity to cast the foundation of the Lord, and then to become the dominant.

That’s enough!

Humanity can produce more than one dominant, and the power of the entire human being can change sky and the earth turning upside down.

Moreover, it is possible to break through the true gods of the original ancestral tower, and the future is not even impossible.

“Initiais this way, this ancestral tower, I’m willing to break!”

Lei Dao already knows a lot.

Since the original ancestral tower had such a great benefit and was vital to humankind, he would have no hesitation.

“We just said the benefits of the original ancestral tower, not yet dangerous, so you wouldn’t be afraid of the danger?”

“Of course, but the original ancestral tower should be bigger than cheat, and, in any case, the sword lord should not be as bad as disciple if he was able to return after the failure of the tower.”

That’s not Lei Dao.

When the original sword lord did not reach the limits of the true gods, he must have no Lei Dao strength when he broke into the ancestral tower. The Lord of the sword is alive. Why can’t Lei Dao?

“hahaha, good, a few pride!”


Lord of the sword laughed.

He appreciates Lei Dao.

Even though it is only a true god, he dares to be compared to the Lord.

But only such a true god will make it possible to achieve a higher end in the future!

How can you break into the ancestral tower without even a little pride and self-confidence? How can we compete with the top talents of the Ming Jingqing race?

“Very good, since you’ve figured it out, it’s decided. It’s probably more than a month since the birth of the original ancestral tower, and it would be appropriate to think you’d have to wait for the next 10,000 years before you could break into the original home tower, and I didn’t think you’d have breakthrough in such a short time. You go back to the upper palace, adjust the state, and one month later the Seat personally took you to the original home tower!”

“Thank the four lords, but disciple’s contribution point in the Sword God Palace…”

“haha, you still remember the point of contribution, feel at ease, and everything goes to you as a contribution point in the Guardian God Palace.”

After that, the Guardian, once he waved, sent Lei Dao out.


silhouette of Lei Dao has disappeared and the smile on the face of the four masters has gradually disappeared.

Guardian solemnly asked: “The Lord of the sword, the Scorpion or the meddle, can you still hold the Sword God Palace?”


Lord of the sword, Nodded, and said, “feel at ease, can still be held for a while. Only the Scorpion master can’t do it, the Scorpion other masters don’t worth mentioning!”

This is the Lord of the sword!

And as for other gods to be ignorant, only the Lord can make the Lord of the sword right.

“The dominance of the Scorpion is a great threat. Lord of the sword, are you almost there?”


“Three hundred years ago, you said fast, but now what? You’re still not the master.”

The Guardian’s eyebrows have been torn into a gazetteer.

Humanity has no master, which is deadly.

If you really stand at Peak, the ancestors, they don’t have to think, but the Lord is a sign. Even if there is no dominant race, it may be a flower.

For these years, the Lord of the Five Corps has, in fact, been doing everything possible to facilitate the Lord of the sword and even to do everything in its power to help the Lord of the sword.

After all, the Lord of the sword is the only hope for mankind!

It is only a pity that the Lord of the sword has not been able to achieve the Lord.

The god of the sword has also gradually regained, and he said solemnly, “frankly, these three hundred years, my night and night sword seems to have been concealed a little bit. Maybe I don’t need hard repairs, not even time, but not a rival with a sword. Maybe I need a chance to try a sword, and even let the other lords try the sword be useless, and I need to try the sword master!”

“Maybe, that’s my chance to achieve the Lord! After all, I’m a sword repair, a real sword repair, how can I get less than a sword?”

Guardian, shaked ones head, and said, “But you’re Sword God Palace Lord, the first strong man in the five great palaces of humanity. If you have any damage, then we human beings may immediately be in extreme danger, even extinction!”

Perhaps the Lord of the sword can be arbitrary, but humankind does not have any qualifications.

The Lord of the sword has, in fact, not been able to do so for many years, and even the Lord who encounters an enemy of power.

He’s finally a sword repair.

How do you raise your sword?

The Lord of the sword met bottleneck and never breakthrough to the Lord. The Lord of the sword has the heart to go to office once and find the Lord to try the sword.

Perhaps the Lord of the sword does not care about life or death, but humanity cannot care, and the Lord of the sword is too important for humankind, and there is no damage.

“Try the sword, put it down for a while, you’ll be fine. As for the Scorpion, it is not yet there. It is there. We have dozens of the Lord of the Five Holy Mosques, nor have we ever tried to fight with the Lord of the Scorpion! So, less than a million times, Lord of the sword, you can’t move.”

Guardian of the Lord is patient in admonishing.

“The most troubling of you, when will the Seat be able to become an unfettered real sword?”

The Lord of the sword said that silhouette, once crossed, had disappeared in the secret room.


Lei Dao silhouette, looking at all around, found himself in the upper palace.


Lei Dao laughed at shake ones head.


power of the Lord is really not for him to fight against balance, so that he can cross the space and come directly to the upper palace.

Things just made Lei Dao feel some fantasy.

I saw four masters once!

Even with respect, it is difficult to meet a lord on a regular basis, let alone the four masters once. Moreover, what the masters have just mentioned as the “original ancestral tower” is even more mysterious.

Lo! the universe is huge, and the original ancestral tower is not a secret among many ethnic groups, but it is only about the top, that is, the dominant.

This is hidden for the priests, the true gods.

Lei Dao is not sure about the original ancestral tower, but he has now reached the real limit, and it’s possible to try it again.

However, Lei Dao very curious.

A thousand and eighty tattoos. Is that the real limit?

So Lei Dao mobilized the isomer to check the body’s data.

Lei Dao (2 18 years old)

Life style: God.

Lifespan: $57,000, $330, two months in the 1980s.

Mystery tattoo: 1000 and 280 (cant upgrade)

Antarctic divine art: 9th layer (cant upgrade)

Lei Dao watched his body data, and indeed, the mystery has reached a thousand and eighty, no more divine art or mystery, which is the real limit!

And then, breaking into the ancestral tower seems to have nothing to do with the treasure, but with its own power!

However, although it is not possible to upgrade the tattoos, Lei Dao went to the mission hall to see how great he was in the Sword God Palace?

It doesn’t know, it’s a scary jump.

Lei Dao, even if it’s a hundred, it’s almost 400, that’s 400,000 contribution points!

It’s a terrible number!

Of course, this is not because of the more than 20 scorpions that Lei Dao killed. While over 20 scorpions have brought more than 200,000 contributions to Lei Dao, less than 100,000 contributing points, almost hundreds of thousands of contributing points.

More is Lei Dao’s direct “sweeping” of the magic communities within the range of several hundred and eight hundred li with a thousand and eighty mystery tattoos, although there are only two sweeping times, but the Demon Rovers are really too many, contributing a great deal to Lei Dao.

Lei Dao converted this time some heavenly material, earthly treasure, that could quickly recover Divine Body, after all, to the ancestral tower, who knows what’s in it? If injured, it would be better to be able to recover quickly.

The remaining points of contribution, Lei Dao, have been converted into life prolonging treasure, regardless of the way to the original ancestral tower, but the increase in lifespan is still useful.

The next few days, Lei Dao has been using life prolonging treasure, and a large number of life prolonging treasure has been swallowed by Lei Dao, but it has been far less effective.

Lei Dao converted nearly 300,000 contribution points to life prolonging treasure this time.

As a result, he only increased longevity for a million years.

Lei Dao’s total lifespan reached a hundred hundred fifty thousand years!

This time Lei Dao can finally stop wasting lifespan, and, after all, it’s no longer working span, and lifespan can’t be upgraded.

So, millions of years of lifespan are here, and Lei Dao has a feeling of “expansion”, millions of years of lifespan is here, and Lei Dao feels special security!

From today on, Lei Dao has a million years of lifespan.

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