“cultivation system…”


seven masters, mutually took a glance, showed a stark color in their face.

a Good while, or guardian of slowly said, “The Truth God of Ray, in fact Azure Lotus Ruler, has said well that the Ming Tun system has always been dominated by meat. In particular, there is a need for ancestral descendants, who in the body have the original ancestral line, even if nothing is to be done, then the power will be strong, and becoming the dominant is only a matter of time.”

“But we are different from humankind, and we are human beings from the poor and the race from Small World. What are the difficulties if the race from Small World is to rise in the open world? If the hammer goes to work, then we human beings have not even one master so far.”

“Once, we human beings were not born even to the Lord, and we had just walked out of the open world, and we were marking meat. But then it turns out, it doesn’t work, it keeps going, we humans will extinct! What is most absent for humankind is time and requires faster and stronger cultivation systems to fill the underlying shortcomings.”

“So then our humankind’s pioneer began to gather a wide range of cultivation cultivation technique in the brilliant world and to understand a wide range of SIS systems. There are a number of swords that run the spearhead of cultivation, but eventually the pioneers find that there is no SIS system suitable for us, especially in such a dangerous situation.”

“Subsequently, the pioneer observed the birth of a small World in the Minh World and was inspired. Why can’t humankind not own Small World, which is also never available and eventually growing up, and has the strength of terror? Not the Lord of the World, but really own it.”

“So our human cultivation system was established, namely, cultivation in the body world! In the body, open in the body, the world just starts, the world is just small, even less weak than the real small world, but it can be completely held by us, and that’s the respect!”

“Until Small World grows slowly, even when comparable with Great World, that’s great dignity! Great respect to God, that was a qualitative leap, when we humankind was observing the clear world, and it was totally a model of understanding, and what was after Great World? It’s a frontier, a huge frontier, with countless small world, Great World. Therefore, to become the dominant, it will be necessary to open a second, third and countless world in the body, thus completing qualitative change and forming a huge world boundary in the body so that it can become the dominant!”

“The superior lord, who has become a bigger frontier, thats all of which, while we humankind do not have the Lord, has no problem, no theory, no problem, can be achieved. However, more up-to-date, the primitive ancestors of the Lord, we in humankind have not yet had a nodded mood. So, our human cultivation system, until the Lord, before the theory is perfect, will not become the ancestors!”

Lei Dao heard the Guardian’s path, and the heart was in the mood.

He seems to have seen the first human pioneer, the blues of the road, slowly from weak to powerful, the constant demands of the vast world, and finally created a unique SIS system that is best suited to humankind.

Perhaps it is not the best cultivation system, but it is the most suited system for humanity to fill the weaknesses that underlie humanity. Thus, humankind can be born in a short period of millions of years, with dozens of goddess, and the boundaries of humankind have been expanded and slowly built in the clear world.

This “World Series” is a success, and now it is all the more fundamental to humankind!

Just, can’t you become a ancestor?

Alternatively, everyone is the dominant, and the philosophy of becoming the original ancestors has not been refined, and perhaps that is the biggest disadvantage of the current human World Series system.

But is it really cheating?

Human beings have come to today, and the positions of dozens of gods are no longer small, and if they are to be re-established, they can almost be comparable to those Boss Gu.

Even those very deep Boss Gu people, who knows what to do with their ancestors?

No, relative to the size of the diameter, the magnitude of the life, the number of pathetic ancestors, no one has the knowledge to become the ancestral ancestors. So, the human World Series system, is there any primitive theory, and what does it matter?

Moreover, the World Series, and not really, has no way of going to the ancestors, just because the theory is not perfect. Since the World Series system is modelled on the entire civilization.

So what’s on the frontier?


must be the clear world!

If in the body’s world, boundaries, it turns into a clear world, will it become a ancestral? Even stronger than our ancestors?

No one knows, but Lei Dao listened to the end of the World Series, and he was confident that the World Series system of humankind was sufficient. However, Lei Dao was hesitant if he really wanted to choose a path.

“By the way, if you become a pride, can you continue cultivating meat?”

Lei Dao delayed a little bit, suddenly asked.

“cultivating flesh? Of course. Our human dignity, Divine Body, is meat, and as the body is opened up in the world, it will naturally be reorganized twice and Divine Body will be very strong. However, this is the watershed, and since then, we will concentrate on the growth and expansion of the body world, and on the cultivating of the flesh, almost down. After all, the world’s growth rate is fast and its strength is fast, but cultivating meat is likely to be less visible in thousands of years, and the repair of itinerant monk will naturally have one.”

Guardian, let Lei Dao eyes shine.

“So, theoretically, can we humankind be in the body world and in the flesh?”

“Yes, theoretically, but I do not recommend doing so. When you open it in the body World, you’ll find it difficult to endure Divine Body’s slow escalation.”

For humankind, this is not a major event that can be ignored.

in the body world, it’s too fast, it’s faster, it’s faster. Who’s gonna take a long time to cultivating meat? There is no doubt that some have to be paid.

But Lei Dao wants to try.

Even if he does not succeed, he will not delay cultivating in the body World if he tries.

Think of it here, Lei Dao has taken a decision.

Both of them!

“It seems that the God of Ray has made a decision, but cultivation is his own business, and he thinks it’s really good!”

The lords actually looked at Lei Dao’s idea.

Both of them?

They didn’t actually think, or even many people did, but what happened?

No one can stand the meat cultivation that slow pace.

How fast does the world grow? Who else needs cultivating meat?

Of course, cultivating flesh is also beneficial.

Together, the two have increased their strength faster, provided, of course, that they do not affect the rate of cultivating. By then, Divine Body will be strong, World Power and Terror, and powerful.

Moreover, after Divine Body was strong, it would also be possible to counteract the body World so that the body World could be expanded and had greater potential.

Just, basically, all those who choose to work together will eventually abandon cultivation Divine Body and will focus on cultivating in the body World. It is true that the pace of the two increases is too different.

So, in the view of the rulers, perhaps now Lei Dao is ambitious, but then Lei Dao will naturally know who’s better for a while after becoming a priest.

It’s not a major event.

“Lei Dao, don’t you die of God’s function?”

War God dominates suddenly asked.

“This is not mentioned by Senior Sister, nor is Master clearly defined. Without death, it should be taught that, after all, it belongs to the Kun Peng and that the Kun Peng are extinct, and in fact many Boss Gu, they should have all of the Kun Peng Chitechnique, which is not a secret.”

Lei Dao was late to say that.

“Well, that’s not a dead god, and it can bring us one. Our humankind’s World Series system is strong, but also bottleneck, and many of its respecters have attained the highest pride, or the highest pride, and there can be no way to increase it. At this point, cultivating this door is not dead, it’s good to empower Divine Body. Moreover, the two may have some unexpected effects.”

If the Lord of War is the Lord, there are many gods who also have a lot of nodded.

Indeed, giving medicine to a dead horse.

For those who are trapped in bottleneck or in dignity, it is a very good complement.

And maybe there could be some unexpected gains.

Human dominators, while collecting cultivation technique of many other races, are not able to collect at all the most powerful technique, such as the death of God.

“All right, disciple’s coming in.”

Lei Dao didn’t hesitate to begin to come out with a life without death.

“The Lord of Thunderbolt, you have come to the death of a god who has made a contribution to humanity and to the five palaces. Our five great palaces, according to the rules, will reward you a million contribution points each.”

“To reward millions of contributing points?”

Lei Dao was surprised, it was a million contributing points, and the five great palaces each rewarded a million contributing points, plus five million contributing points!

It’s almost an astronomical number!

Lei Dao would love “courtesy” to “refuse”, but in the face of such a huge figure as “5 million”, he could not say “no”.

And when you see Lei Dao, you’re both thirsty and somewhat hesitating, and you’re laughing.

How come they don’t know that Lei Dao converted many life prolonging treasure using the contribution point?

Although it was not known what Lei Dao was doing with life prolonging treasure, it was a private matter for Lei Dao.

The only thing they can do is give Lei Dao a lot of contributions.

Just, the five great palaces have rules, generally fair. No significant contribution has been made, and even the Lord cannot contribute to Lei Dao at all.

This time too, with the help of God, the masters simply gave Lei Dao a great deal of contributions.

After all, Lei Dao’s contribution to the death of God, which is the supreme cultivation technique, is a tremendous contribution, and the five palaces naturally have to be rewarded.

This is the rule!

“Many thanks to the Lord!”

Lei Dao’s deep moved towards the Seven Lord for a week, and he knew that, since his immortality was the top plantation technique, it was almost impossible to get five million points of contribution.

This is, in fact, what the Lord can do to Lei Dao.

“Ray, that’s what you deserve. All right, you go down and open the body World as soon as you can, and only if you’re a pride, you’re on the way to powerhouse!”

Lei Dao nodded, followed by silhouette, was sent out by the Guardian.

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