
Lei Dao’s Divine Body seems to have broken up, and, um, an inch of Divine Body started to collapse.

Is this Divine Body crash?

“No, my Divine Body is not a collapse, but a reorganization!”

Lei Dao moved in the heart.

Divine Body was reconstituted and Divine Body really third time was reconstituted. Lei Dao just opened up a success in the body world, not absorbing energy, so Divine Body has not remained quiet.

It even makes Lei Dao suspect that Divine Body won’t be reorganized.

But now Lei Dao determines that his Divine Body will also be reconstituted, and that the third time will be reconstituted as scheduled. Although far-reaching cant compare with the second reorganization, the third time reorganization took place because Lei Dao chose to be in the body World, most energy systems entered the body World, and Lei Dao’s focus was not in Divine Body.

Thus, the effect of the third time Divine Body reorganization seems far less than the second reorganization.

“By the way, Divine Body is being reorganized, and it is difficult for Divine Body to change once stereotyped, when a Divine Body is in the direction of a Divine Body.”

Lei Dao heart took a deep breath.

In fact, humans repair itinerant monk without the concept, even if yes, there are few respecters who care about Divine Body’s stereotyping. After all, human dignity repaired body refining in the world, Divine Body actually gave up cultivating, and who cared about Divine Body’s stereotyping?

Always disregarded, let Divine Body naturally stereotype.

Divine Body’s potential for development will naturally not be large.

But Lei Dao, unlike him, was determined to work with the body in the world and Divine Body, so was Divine Body’s stereotyping very important.

“By the way, if you don’t die, you can cultivating this palace, so you can shape Divine Body. Once stereotyped, cultivating will never die, and the results for the half of the effort will be doubled, but there are many problems in the province.”

Lei Dao has made a determination that Divine Body must be stereotyped and that he needs to match his subsequent cultivating cultivation technique, so that it can only be cultivating without death.

Well, in Lei Dao, it’s been a long time since the death of God was ripe for heart.

So, when Divine Body 3 time was reorganized, it started running slowly without death.

At this point, Lei Dao doesn’t even need to use an isolated energy. However, the use of exotic energy is useless, neither the death of the gods has Entry nor must it be first.

Lei Dao runs with no death, incremental, and he can clearly feel that his Divine Body started moving towards some very special way of slowly changing.

It seems that life is stronger, Divine Body is more resilient and faster.

Isn’t that the character of not dying?

Or, like that Boss Gu Kun Peng, in fact, does not die, which was created on the basis of the Kun Peng’s own characteristics.

Therefore, as long as cultivating does not die, the moving towards the Kun Peng community will gradually change, and, of course, will not be transformed into a true Kun Peng, just that trend.

As Lei Dao’s Divine Body was reorganized once, and the Divine Body of Lei Dao was gradually starting to form, and Lei Dao’s death god seemed to be starting Entry.

This is an accident, not taking a long time to get Entry, which is a good news for Lei Dao.

At the same time, Lei Dao’s in the body world is also advanced by leaps and bounds.

A lot of energy, crazy filling in Lei Dao’s body World, gradual, Lei Dao’s in the body World, has been filled with 1 per cent, equivalent to senior respect.

This is real power!

Those with deep respect are not that easy to reach, even if they are not defeated, they are at this level of thats all, just those with deep respect.

But now Lei Dao ascending to the skies with a single leap, the level of senior respect has been reached directly after the promotion. Moreover, this is not the limit of Lei Dao, and Lei Dao’s in the body World is still “growing”.

Lei Dao’s heart is divided by half, in the body world, in Divine Body reorganization.

Lei Dao is almost “personal”, and he’s in the body’s world, from a small “spot”, swallowing a lot of energy and starting to expand.

And then it even expanded to 1% of the standard world, which is already a big world!

But it’s not over, and Lei Dao’s in the body world is still expanding as a large amount of energy enters Divine Body.

1 per cent standard, 10 per cent standard, a standard world!


Lei Dao finally had a feeling of reluctance and seemed to have reached the limit for the time being when the world in rado Body grew up enough to be comparable with a standard line.

Finally, Lei Dao’s presence in the body world has expanded to almost one standard area, with the body World overwhelming violently surge, which is not the way Lei Dao became the owner of the border, but only a little bit of power.

As a pride, Lei Dao can mobilize all the power in the body’s standard world!

That’s the power of the body world!

Even if Lei Dao had a feeling that if he wished, there would be no difficulty with a small world with no difficulty.

That’s the pride!

The priests belong to the powerhouse in the universe!

Lei Dao cultivation nine, the ultimate pride! And it’s the top pride!

“This is the top pride?”

Lei Dao muttered.

He thinks it’s like a dream. It’s a little unrealistic. Just opened up in the body World, became the highest pride? Lei Dao doesn’t know, it’s not ancient.

There are reporters, the most powerful human being has accumulated and opened up in the body world, and it seems to be just a little later becoming a senior pride, thats all of it.

The top priests?

It’s all wasted, untold hardship, so it’s not easy to become the highest pride.

Even among the five main Guardian God’s temples, the number of the top dignitaries is not too high, and Peak Fightpower is among the respected.

And Lei Dao?

It seems that opening up in the body world will be the top pride in a while, and some are too relaxed.

“This is the World Series system, which I have created by humankind, which is really different!”

Lei Dao finally felt the charm of a unique World Series system like humankind, and it was too soon. And those who have just become priests will be raised to the supreme ones in the instant, and what about the system of clear mainstreaming?

Actually, cultivating flesh!

Lei Dao, too, is the same, but what’s the result?


Finally, the Divine Body of Lei Dao’s slight dilemma has been completed. The third time Divine Body has been restructured, and the Divine Body has been reconstituted on the basis of no death.

Lei Dao found another advantage of the World Series.

That’s Divine Body restructuring!

Once the priests are promoted, the true Divine Body can be reorganized, which is also a great advantage for humankind. At that time, whatever cultivating cultivation technique is, it will be possible to restructure as required by cultivation technique, thus characterizing the Divine Body of the best suited cultivation technique.

cultivating up, twice the results for the half of the effort.

This is the advantage that other ethnic groups have been cultivating bloodline and that cultivating meat cannot have.

But even so, Lei Dao reorganized Divine Body, in line with the death of God, but what happens? The promotion is not too large. It is probably just the strength of the general elementary entrance.

You know, Lei Dao is three Divine Body reorganization.

Even cultivating has done a great deal of life, and the result is that it is just a pride who has reached the highest level of pride directly compared to Lei Dao’s in the body of the world, a gap that can be too large, even difference between Heaven and Earth.


the same effort, the result is different harvests, and how many people can remain normal?

No wonder no one will go to Divine Body cultivating way.

This is not human compulsion, and there is no one who has to go to the World Series. It’s the choice of humankind to fix itinerant monk’s own, the difference between them is too big to choose?

Even Lei Dao, it’s not possible to see a little superiority of Divine Body cultivation, the World Series system, which actually has the advantage.

Maybe Divine Body cultivation has only one advantage, that’s steady!

Yes, it is!

Even if it is so stable, there are few people who become their ancestral fathers, instead of directly planting the world system, it is faster to upgrade it.

Of course, more than 99 per cent of humans are expected to choose the World Series system and will not be repaired together, as that would take too much time and Essence Strength and would not be reimbursed.

But there are always different people.

Lei Dao is one of them, and he wants both to work together. Because time, Essence Strength, for Lei Dao, is nothing, most of all, he’s working harder, while cultivating Divine Body, has no problems.

Moreover, good work on death is also one of the most sophisticated cultivation technique in the ambitious world, having “no death” characteristics and having little benefit for Lei Dao once cultivating succeeds.

Although the Divine Body of Lei Dao has a huge gap with the body in the world, that is because Lei Dao has not yet formally cultivating his life, he has a world fruit that can be used to upgrade Divine Body, and cultivating does not die.

“World fruit!”

Lei Dao’s hand doubled, and in his palm there was a perfument fruit, which was the result of the World!

Lei Dao swallowed the consequences of the World without hesitation.


Within Lei Dao’s Divine Body, a huge force suddenly erupted, but not in the body world, but in Divine Body.

suddenly, Divine Body of Lei Dao began to function automatically, with a large amount of energy coming directly into Divine Body and being part of Divine Body.

Thereafter, Divine Body of Lei Dao started flying faster, faster, fantastic.

In a gradual way, Lei Dao’s immortal power, which swallowed a lot of the world’s fruits into Divine Body, led to the rapid rise of Divine Body.

A little time passed, and this time Lei Dao cultivating did have a long time. With the results of the World, Divine Body of Lei Dao can grow rapidly even without cultivating.

That’s the effect of the world, otherwise, how can you be called the Philadelphia?

This is different from Lei Dao’s direct promotion, even if it’s the result of the world, and it takes a long time to digest it.

A month, two months, three months.

This time, Lei Dao cultivation took a long time until the effects of the World Bank were exhausted.


I don’t know how long it was, Lei Dao reopened his eyes.

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