“Ray is God, no, Venerable Lei. What did you say? You’re the top priest, Dont tell me?”

Even if the sword priests no longer believe, it is now time to ask, and even the sound is shaking.

The top priests!

It’s not cat puppies, it can be achieved by any chance, and many respect people have worked for a lifetime until they die, and it’s just endure to reach the highest level of respect, thats all.

Even one of the sword respecters, one of whom is a senior respect, can only say that there is a great opportunity to reach the top, and not 100 per cent will be able to become the top.

If you want to be the top pride, you have to extend the body World to a standard world, that is to say, comparable with a real small world!

For example, the real world is a small world, where the real world, big and small, is fully integrated into the body, and what kind of horror is that? And have to be completely controlled.

This is the top pride!

A noble man, definitely powerhouse in the wilderness world, is the top, even at the heart, of the five gods!

And dignity, often at the level of vice-presidents and princesses, can oversee the strong presence of countless small World.

Lei Dao became the top pride?

The sword is really unbelievable. Even if there is a strong bottom of the sword itself, the World Framework has, in fact, barely reached the top, that is, one or two standard boundaries.

But even so, he now felt that cultivation was more difficult and would take a long time to reach the highest level of respect.

Lei Dao somewhat what confused, dont tell me how hard it is to be the top pride?


innate talent of the swordsman will not be too difficult to become the top priest, will it?

But Lei Dao is still nodded, and said, “It’s supposed to be the top pride, but I’m in the body World beyond a standard world. Well, bigger than the real gods. The innate talent, like a swordsman, becomes the highest pride, and that’s with no difficulty?”

“really… became the highest pride!”

The sword priests are like Essence, Qi and Spirit of whole body.

He stayed in gaze at Lei Dao, and that “self-confidence” in his heart just didn’t exist.

What’s genius?

That’s it!

Lei Dao can be the first real god for humanity to reach the limits of the truth, and it’s really extremely important. The fact that breakthrough became a priest has broken the record of a generation of true human promoters.

Lei Dao watched the pain of a sword priest and was obsessed with his face: “How hard is it to be the top pride? It’s hard for me to feel, like the first God in the palace, to be the top priest, even the big pride, not that hard?”

Lei Dao is really feeling nothing.

He also understood that Guardian God’s palace was the first real god in history, and who was not the top priest?

Even if you don’t become a great pride, there’s a little “humiliating” of the Guardian God Palace’s first true identity.

So, Lei Dao, the first true god in the palace over Lei Dao, became the highest pride, and what could that be? It’s just unusual thats all.

The swordsman laughed bitterly, and said, “Venerable Lei, the first real gods of the upper uters, took a long time, for example, hundreds of years and even thousands of years to slow up power to the top and even to the level of dignity. But you’re a man of respect, and you’re just a top pride, can you?”

Lei Dao carefully thought, as if there were some differences, but is there such a big difference?

Lei Dao became the most noble man, and the sword was a real god and a noble man?

Just a small realm thats all, no worth mentioning.

“In fact, my presence in the body world, which is able to reach 1 per cent of the standard world, is fortunate enough to think that Venerable Lei can directly reach a standard community and become the top pride, more fortunate than I am. If there’s another chance, even to reach the 10 standard lines, you can be a great pride!”

“Ten standard communities become grand?”

Lei Dao slightly dumbfounded.

He remembered, and he remembered, like, that, once the respected person in the body world reached the level of 10 standard lines, he could turn it into Great World.

Once you become Great World, that’s great!

Just, ten standard lines, a lot?

Is that what you’re talking about?

So Lei Dao’s in the body World Framework has reached the “One hundred and two” standard circle, and is it also a great pride?


a while, even Lei Dao was confused.

“Good. Ten standard lines! Don’t look at ten standard circles, you’re just promoting, and in a brake, you can get a lot of benefits, advanced by leaps and bounds, and in the body World Crazy to a standard world, and you’re the top pride. But breakthrough is over, and it takes a long time to expand a little bit in the body world, and it’s hard to expand one more standard line, let alone ten.”

“Venerable Lei, if you don’t believe it, you can try it now, isn’t it difficult? You’re lucky to be able to reach a standard world, not aiming too high, you need to sink, and you’re working hard on it.”

The sword is still very stable, at least in Lei Dao’s view.

Indeed, Lei Dao now feels very difficult to expand in the body world. For example, his five standard communities in the body are very difficult to extend to one hundred and two standard communities.

Lei Dao, if he is to get the second standard world, no, the sixth standard community, may need his heart, directly consuming 10,000 years of lifespan, and a few days before breakthrough can be completed.

The time has indeed been too long, and it has been done in comparison with the moment before, indeed, some time.

Of course, Lei Dao did not say that his world in the body was equivalent to five standard lines, but it was in his view that the five standard communities were the top dignitaries, and that one standard community was also the top dignitaries, probably the same.

“The sword priests are right, and we do need to fix itinerant monk. Well, I’m not disturbing the sword man anymore.”

After all, Lei Dao left for say goodbye and Lei Dao was personally sent out of Cave Mansion.

gaze at Lei Dao left the back, and the swordsman was sighted, “I can’t believe that Venerable Lei was also a priest, and that, although I was a little late than I was, he came to my front. No, I have to work harder, and now Venerable Lei is just a little stronger than I am, just a standard world, and I have to extend the body World to a standard world as soon as possible, to be the top priests, so that Venerable Lei can’t fall behind too much.”

Indeed, the swordsman is already “admitted” in his heart, and he is a little worse than Lei Dao, and Lei Dao is indeed Legendary in the five palaces.

But he thinks he’s just a little bit of a tip on thats all.


not much lagging behind now, and he still has a chance.

The sword lord hopes that Lei Dao will extend the world to two standard lines, and he will also be the top dignitary, having a standard world in the body world!

“The sword man is really trying!”

Lei Dao left Cave Mansion, a swordsman, and he felt some pressure.

The sword lord, who had just become a priest, was already a senior respected man, but still worked so hard, and Lei Dao was even more relentless.

Although Lei Dao is now better than a sword man, Lei Dao thinks that he can’t relax, and he’s strong and limited.

After all, a few standard circles, thats all, might have been achieved. Lei Dao never thought that the whole world would work alone, and others would do it!

“By the way, the man who just mentioned the pride. Small World, 10 standard communities, can you turn into Great World, thereby becoming big? Maybe that’s the weakest big pride, isn’t it? Which one of those tall priests isn’t a baseball strong? As a general rule, is it necessary for 99 standard worlds, big and small? Or Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth standard communities, so that they become Great World, so that the foundation can be stronger.”

Lei Dao didn’t put the word of a sword man in his heart.

Ten standard communities become big priests?

Perhaps that was a great dignity of life and hopelessness, and Lei Dao would not be so “aborted”, and he was making more efforts to expand the body World to one hundred and two, or even more.

So, in the future, it will be stronger!

Lei Dao did not come to the search for a sword pride, nor did he succeed, and at least he knew that choosing the five main Guardian God’s temple was not urgent, and that he needed a good analysis to be treated with caution.

So, when Lei Dao returned to Cave Mansion, the information was gone.

Lei Dao became a priest!

And become the top pride in a while!

This almost instantly detonated the whole Guardian God Palace, even the information passed to the other four.

Lei Dao is now the cloudman of the Pentagon.

The first true god to reach the limits of the Truth!

Many people already had enough bold imagination of Lei Dao, but basically the potential of Lei Dao was great and even bold felt that Lei Dao was not problematic.

But the potential is potential, and it’s another thing to turn into power.

And now, Lei Dao, who has just become a pride, became the top pride, that is, to make the potential “live” a strength.

The top priests!

This is an achievement that many respecters have worked hard and cannot achieve in their lives.

But what about Lei Dao?

Easy and easy.

If someone had previously seen the horror of thousands of divine art 9th layer, or some uncertainty about the true gods, so, if not enough, now everyone saw the horror of the true gods or the thousand divine art 9th layer.

You can just make people the top pride!

This is the great advantage of seeing, no one envies.

Even, Lei Dao’s information passed out, almost got a bunch of real cultivating thousands of divine art.

However, with regard to Lei Dao’s choice of one of the five main Guardian God’s temples, Lei Dao was too late to be determined.

Soon, Lei Dao came up with more difficult choices.

因为,五大Guardian God 殿直接开始“抢人”了。

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