“Venerable Lei, you’re laughing.”

a Good while, or Marshal Dignity broke the weird atmosphere in hall.


Lei Dao was confused, and he said, “Dont tell me that the front line situation has reached such a critical point? Two or three months without time, and since that is the case, I can only do everything I can and do everything I can to make it a big pride at an early date.”

Lei Dao’s face is dizzy, serious, making fire a lot of pride.

Even if Lei Dao was a genius, he couldn’t do that again, and three more stimulants, right?

Two or three months to become a pride?

It’s not a dream!


don’t know how fast it is in two or three hundred years.

It’s just that Lei Dao is a great genius, and the first of the five great palaces has reached the true limits, and even the first one has become the powerhouse of the most respected.

Neither did Lord Marro hit Lei Dao’s motivation.

So, Lord Marro opened the subject and said directly: “Venerable Lei, the Seat is talking about the Lord of the Communities, can you become the leader of the Great World?”

“Oh, Lord?”

Lei Dao seems to have reacted, and the Lord of Firauro said that he was the master of the community.

It’s just that Lei Dao is very experienced in becoming the owner of the small world, but Lei Dao really has no experience.

So Lei Dao can only be careful to say, “If it is Small World, there should be no problem in becoming the owner of the community. But Great World is much stronger than Small World’s will, and I really don’t know if I can be the leader of the world. Moreover, even if it is the dominant of the community, the great dignity can attack and destroy Great World.”

“No, if you can be the leader of the community, it’s not only useful, but also very useful! Even if Grandpa could destroy Great World outside, he would be able to mobilize Great World, at least for a while, to resist Grand Dignity, and then you would ask for help, and the Seat would naturally send a great pride to help.”

“Well, then I’ll go to the Great World and try it, maybe.”

Lei Dao’s tone clearly carries “derivatives”, and it seems that he does not care if he can become a leader of the community.

Lord shake ones head, knowing Lei Dao’s idea, doesn’t want to be beaten up, and doesn’t want to hide in Great World as coward. He thinks Lei Dao’s still too young.

Young people, who have become the highest pride and the top genius, have no idea how evil the outside world is, even more than what it is.

Don’t look at Lei Dao now fast, but that’s the real pride, and it was Lei Dao’s old accumulation. How long will it take to upgrade a standard community to 10 standard lines once accumulated and slowly expanded in the body World?

Which big pride, not having had the years, at least centuries or even thousands of years, to become a great pride? And this has to be well-known figure among the respecters.

There are, however, things that can only slow themselves, no meeting, and no wonder how difficult it is.

So, Lord Marro no longer warned, but said directly: “Venerable Lei, take my token to the Great World, and then you will be the priest of the Great World, the Great World, and the Ten Small World near the Great World, all of whom you oversee! Remember, no small world can be lost, Heavenly Wolf Race can destroy any small world, which has never been the world in which our Highness Guardian God in the North has seized them, and our Highness Guardian God in the North will not be lost!”

At this point of time, Lord Maro also showed an endless hegemony, making Lei Dao eyes shine, and it seemed like he had seen in the Sword God Palace.

That’s what happens at the Sword God Palace.

Only the Sword God Palace ever occupies convenient, the wind, and there is no Sword God’s Palace, even when it’s grievance, even in the face of Scorpion, and the Sword God Palace is never before!


Guardian God Palace is relatively conservative.

Lei Dao went to the Oriental Guardian God’s Temple, with Flood Dragon Race Great War, and, in fact, the East Guardian God’s Highness was very conservative, and agreements were concluded with Flood Dragon Race.

As Lei Dao thinks, it’s just war!

Flood Dragon Race was completely scared, and Flood Dragon Race was naturally afraid of thinking.

Lei Dao thought that the Guardian God Palace was this, more conservative, and it was not thought that the Guardian God’s Temple in the North would be such a hegemony, and it was not thought that the Lord of Maronia would be such a hegemony.

That makes Lei Dao more comfortable.

Maybe this North Guardian God is right!

So Lei Dao just said goodbye left the unseen Great World, and moved towards the Great World with the meteorological pride.

Until Lei Dao left, in the Great World Headquarters hall of the Unseen ice Great World, no one has ever said a word except for the pride of the Temple.

“Gentlemen, what do you think of Venerable Lei?”

The Lord of Marro spoke.

many of the dignitaries and dignity in hall look at each other in dismay.

a Good while, one of the dignitaries said, “The Venerable Lei is really different.” Well, really is unusual, ambition is high and lofty… ”

The priest can’t talk about it here.

This is ambition is high and lofty?

How many months have you made a big pride?

Lei Dao just opened up in the body’s world for more than a month, thats all, and now thinking of becoming a great pride in a few months? And look at Lei Dao like that, it seems to be serious, and it seems to be saying a very serious thing.

Just, they feel ridiculous.

Even, some people were wondering if Lei Dao was the star of hope in the Guardian God Palace, the young priests who had reached the limits of the truth and had unlimited potential.

It is difficult to see Lei Dao’s performance that they really have to connect to the imagined “Lei Dao” in their minds.

In their imagination, Lei Dao should not be brave, humble low-key, but proud of the top genius!

And Lei Dao?

There seems to be no truth!


Now, even people are suspecting the identity of Lei Dao’s top dignitaries.

“Do you think it’s ridiculous? You think it’s amazing? Do you even think Lei Dao is quite different from what you think? But, in fact, he’s Lei Dao, the star of hope in the Guardian God Palace, the Venerable Lei!”

“Tell you one more secret, Venerable Lei, and so far it’s only nine loads of time in the area. Not only did it happen, but even did it! Nine years, isn’t it even more ridiculous? Many people for nine years, even in solid realm thats all, but Venerable Lei, has become a pride from a paradox!”

hong long.

The whole hall is shaking.

Even Lei Dao is well known in the upper palace, but with regard to Lei Dao’s “secret”, in fact only some of the top levels of the Guardian God Palace are known.

Thus, it took only nine years to hear Lei Dao become a pride, and it was so shocking that all of them were staring.

Of course, Lord Marro said these things, and it is not just a shock to the many, the great ones.

He Sighed said, “Although Venerable Lei can’t change the gross disease of blowing the atmosphere, remember, he was invited by our Highness Guardian God in the north, and his Lord was concerned. If anything’s wrong with us, His Majesty will not forgive us. So, if the Great World is in real trouble, you all have to do your best, especially Heavenly Wolf Race’s great dignity, and there’s one that needs to be watched, and the wolf’s dignity must not be brought closer to the Great World. Well, Heavenly Wolf Race’s top dignitaries can’t be near the Great World.”

Lei Dao cannot be threatened at all in the eyes of Lord Maro.

Of course, not all people around Lei Dao, but relative attention to Lei Dao cannot let Lei Dao fall into danger.

“We understand!”

All the priests and priests below understand.

In Ming void, Lei Dao flies with the meteorological pride, moving towards the Great World Flight.

This is the area of control of the Guardian God’s temple in the north, so there is no Heavenly Wolf Race, nor is there a danger, and there is a safe flight here, and both are relaxed.

Soon, two people saw a Great World.

“Venerable Lei, the Great World is here!”

“The Great World?”

Lei Dao eyes shine.

This god Great World, no less than Great World, is typical Great World.

When Lei Dao came to Great World, he saw dozens of silhouette.

There are eight of them, and the rest are true gods.

“Pays Relato Venerable Lei!”

These dignitaries have apparently been ordered, and Lei Dao’s future town of Great World is their top superior, all of whom have to be transferred to Lei Dao.

This is wartime preparation, not a slight discount.

So Lei Dao doesn’t care what these respects think.

What’s not important, what’s important is their actions.

These respects come out to welcome, and they have been well shown their attitude.

“So, under my umbrella, eight dignitaries can be redeployed?”

Lei Dao asked.

“No, nine! Venerable Lei, I am also the priest of the Great World.”

At this time, the meteorological pride also officially moved towards Lei Dao.

“That’s the nine priests!”

Lei Dao’s heart moves, nine dignitaries, and this position is actually good, after all, just oversee a Great World thats all. Nine dignitaries can be redeployed and dozens of small World under better jurisdiction.

“Gentlemen, the situation is terrible. The Lei is responsible since the town guards the Great World! This Lei took office today, issuing the first order.”

suddenly, the nine dignitaries are all the same, and Lei Dao has to issue an order, and they can only listen.

“My first order is to gather life prolonging categories of treasure from dozens of small world, as well as the Great World, the better, the better and the better. I’m gonna grab all the time, cultivating, trying to be a great pride in a few months, or having a big fight power! So you can really stop the Great World!”

“Well, how many months have you achieved great respect, is it too hard to be?”

The meteors hesitate, or started talking.

Lei Dao was exaggerated in Great World, in the Unseen Great World, as was thats all.

Now, in the Great World, they’re all “people”, so exaggerated.

Other dignitaries also expressed their agreement with NOED.

How can it be possible for months to achieve great dignity?

It’s fantasy story!

But Lei Dao is still in love, said solemnly, “That’s the first point I’m going to say to you and the very essence of cultivation! That’s an effort! How many months can’t be the great pride? That’s not enough of you to try, ten times less, ten times less, 100 times more, everything will be real! All you have to do is make an all-out effort to collect life prolonging Ray treasure, and I can try to achieve early dignity, you understand?”

“Uh, I get it!”

What can the nine dignitaries say?

They’re desperate too!

Can you make a great deal of pride?

They can only laugh at each other.

However, this is Lei Dao’s order, and they can only implement it.

But they want it to be just temporary.

If Lei Dao keeps doing so “hard”, they’ll be busy later.

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