pu. “

Lei Dao’s World Hand, just stretched into the coffin, and depressed death is like hot hot oil, which is now covered by Lei Dao’s world’s power.

suddenly, Lei Dao’s world hand was eroded, blinked and completely dissolved, and it was impossible to take out the two non-dead pearls in the coffin.

Lei Dao startled in one heart, pulled out in a hurry, and he feared some unexpected changes.


when he withdrew for a while, there was no change in the discovery, and that was how to relax.

It’s just that death in the coffin is too strong, and even Lei Dao’s world power cannot be extended. His power in the world is like a drop of water, and once it reaches the coffin, it’s like a drop of water drops into hot oil, and death will boiling and erode Lei Dao’s power.

Even Lei Dao’s World’s strength is ten times stronger, and there is no way to face such a terrible death.

“Do you have to figure out what’s dead and why not?”

Lei Dao frowns.

He won’t do it.

These are horrible, and if the “Master“, who is lying in the coffin, is the original ancestor, then even after his death, death will be terrifying, and I’m afraid even the Lord can’t carry it, let alone Lei Dao.

Lei Dao can now just be the priest thats all.

These gases can erode any life, almost the natural enemy of “life”.

Lei Dao, what if there’s nothing in life aura?

So Lei Dao tried, and he was in the body world, although he was unable to accommodate life, there were other things, such as some treasure, which could be as small as possible treasure.

This treasure, even Lei Dao, can be easily refined.

So Lei Dao thought about it, and he made a puppet directly, and remembered Lei Dao’s consciousness in the puppet, so Lei Dao could manipulate it.

“Go try.”

Lei Dao moved in the heart, and then directly manipulated the puppet’s slow moving towards the coffin.

Soon, puppets have arrived near the coffin, and a lot of death starts to erode.

“En? Although death can still be eroded, the effects are weak, which means that they are effective!”

Lei Dao was happy, and his methods were right.

So Lei Dao manipulated puppets and came straight to the coffin, looking inside.

In the coffin, silent lies in a great existence.

This is a giant man of tall and sturdy, even if there is no life aura on his body, but there is still an invisible might suppression on, which seems to be unwilling.

Just, is it true that each other is a real ancestor?

Lei Dao is somewhat not sure.

After all, Lei Dao did not see the original ancestral, and although Lei Dao broke through the first layer of the original ancestral tower, he never had seen the original ancestral space, and Lei Dao was only limited to knowing the name thats all.

Now, this little giant, if not Master of the Death Cemetery, according to Lei Dao’s speculation, is likely to be the ancestors. But I really saw this corpse, and Lei Dao hesitated again.

Junior, is it really gonna die?

Lei Dao’s not sure!

How could you die when the Great Coast existed?

And, even if it’s dead, how can it be possible to kill the existence of a great ancestor?

Moreover, this corpse is very complete and seems to have not left a single wound. Looks more like sleeping, not dead.

“thats all, whether corpse Master is the original ancestor, there is nothing in this coffin except corpse and not dead pearls. Or take the master of corpse, who is dead, then sleep.”

Lei Dao doesn’t want to look into Corpse Master anymore.

The original ancestors are good, or the other ones are still fine, but they’re dead, even if you know what status is?


are no other treasure in the coffin, Corpse Master’s identity, which is no longer important, and, moreover, Lei Dao opens the coffin, which is actually a shock to corpse, which is a great deal of respect!

So Lei Dao manipulated puppets, and moved directly towards the dead pearls.


The puppets easily grabbed two dead pearls and seemed to have no difficulty at all.


But at that point, the whole coffin was tremendously shocked.

At the same time, one idea was directly drilled into Lei Dao’s mind.

“The inferior life, did you disturb Trubody’s sleep?”


Lei Dao startled in one heart.

Even if he saw a lot of knowledge, he went through how big it was, but now he’s got a little bit of a hand.

corpse Master didn’t die?

That’s the ancestor!

一尊疑似始祖的伟大存在,在棺椁中沉睡,现在Lei Dao 将其惊扰到了,甚至是唤醒了,后果多么严重?

After all, Lei Dao took two non-dead pearls, all of which belong to the treasure of Master of the coffin.

Once the coffin master is awake, then what?


a while, Lei Dao was there.

Just for a while, although the coffin is still vibrating, there is no sign of awakening in the coffin.

Lei Dao also found a little weird.

“Are you the corpse in the coffin?”

Lei Dao asked directly about the coffin.

“Good, true body is asleep, you’re disturbing true body, put down true body treasure, and pray for true body forgiveness. Otherwise, you’ll stay here forever.”

The sound fell, and the coffin shocked even harder.

“Drop the original pearls?”

Lei Dao has passed many ideas.

Despite the shock of the coffin, his sense has never felt any sign of life in the coffin, which is indeed a corpse, dead corpse, how can he wake up?

Lei Dao had to die, and that treasure was already in hand.

Think of it here, Lei Dao.


Next moment, Lei Dao silhouette is going to drill into the space corridor and walk directly through the shuttle. He can go first, regardless of corpse in the coffin or not.

“Stop, stop, stop! Don’t go. Don’t go. I beg you, don’t go.”

Just when Lei Dao was ready to cross the shuttle space, he had another voice in his head, or was that awe-inspiring sound? Just now this awe-inspiring voice, not only does AWe-inspiring, seem to be frightened.

Looks like Lei Dao just left.

Lei Dao finally didn’t drill into the space corridor, and he stopped, and he went back to gaze at the coffin, and he couldn’t understand where the master of the sound was, basically, the corpse in the coffin.

“Come on, what the hell are you doing? I don’t know. I’m leaving right away!”

Lei Dao said it directly.

He has to figure out the identity of that voice first, otherwise it’s still dangerous to stay here, and he does not want to stay here much.

That sound is silent and seems to be a bit late.

Lei Dao did not wait long, the other side did not respond, and Lei Dao was ready to leave again. At this point, that sound seems to be determined, and the sound is in Lei Dao’s mind, “Okay, well, I said, I said I said everything, actually, I’m the spirit of the coffin!”

“The spirit of the coffin?”

Lei Dao eyes shine, there’s no doubt about expression.

The so-called coffin spirit is actually coffin consciousness. Which means this coffin creates consciousness?

“Well, I’m the spirit of the coffin, the consciousness that emerged from the coffin has generated a long time of consciousness.”

“Do you know who the coffin master is?”

“I don’t know. After my birth, the coffin master is here, he’s dead, no life aura, but I know that he must have been a great existence before he was born!”

“You don’t have to say that I know he was a great existence, and you’re conscious, why don’t you leave here?”

“I can’t get out of the coffin, so I’ve never been able to leave, and only day after day stays here year after year. By the way, I had the opportunity to leave here, but I was deceived by the despicable old Ancestor.”

“Don’t die Old Ancestor?”

“Yes, it’s Old Ancestor! Old Ancestor, who is not dead, is, in fact, Undead, but for no reason, Undead has also given birth to life and turned into a special life. At that time, Old Ancestor was still weak, and it came to the coffin, and I gave him a live pearl, making it stronger. Of course, it’s costly, and it promised to take me out later.”

“Later, Old Ancestor came back. That time, it was inflict heavy injury, and it needed to be treated with no dead source of jewellery, and it asked me. I didn’t believe it, but I really wanted to go out, so I gave it another source of jewellery wound. Later, Old Ancestor was restored, but it deceived me and even forcibly robbed six of the coffins.”

“Later, I launched great array, blocked the whole cemetery, expelled Old Ancestor and prevented it from entering. Later, I learned that the dead had been strong for a while, but it had fallen, and Old Ancestor had died. I’d like to go out, so I’m going to open the tomb and let the people who don’t die enter. It is just that God, above all, remains sealed and unable to enter the grave of death, and after all, it will pose a threat to me. However, just under the authority of the Lord, there can be no way to get here through the dead river. I was dead, I didn’t think you were here, you were the only one who could take me out! As long as you can take me out, whatever you want, I promise you, even to control the whole cemetery.”

Listen, the coffin’s spirits come, and the deep depth of Lei Dao has also provoked a terrible wave.

It’s a secret, a big secret!

That was the birth of the seven great gods who did not die, who deceived the spirit of the coffin, and then stole the pearls from the corpse of the corpse.

That led to nine non-dead pearls, and now only two left.

Just, if the coffin’s spirit is, can you believe it?

Lei Dao had a glimmer of bright glow in his eyes, and he was also measuring and hesitating.

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