Generally, in the body world, ten standard lines can actually be tried to become a great pride, and basically not fail.

However, the theoretical promotion of dignity is also likely to fail.

As for the dozens of standard communities, the success rate is higher.

As for the change of one hundred and two standard lines, like Lei Dao, it was impossible to fail, and Lei Dao never wanted to fail. What’s his real concern about the size of his Great World once it changes and improves dignity? How tough is it?

That’s the point of Lei Dao’s attention!

“hong long long”.

With Lei Dao’s voice down, Lei Dao’s in the body world is like boiling water, start! Strong boiling, his hundred and two standard worlds are like elevation.

Even the power of the World started moving towards Great World.


most important difference between Great World and Small World is, in fact, the power to accommodate it.

Within Small World, it can only accommodate true gods, and the priests cannot be born in Small World, and only if they leave Small World can they be born in Great World or in the clear world.

And Great World is different, and it can be born in dignity or even in great dignity.

As for God, basically all breakthrough in the clear world.

As a result, Great World’s world is stronger and stronger, and it can accommodate stronger forces than Small World, which is almost universal.

However, Lei Dao saw the empty in the body world, suddenly moving in the heart.

“The human being in the body world seems to have all the characteristics of Great World and Small World, but without life, life cannot be born. If life is born, the world is, I’m afraid, the most complete.”

This is an idea that Lei Dao suddenly came out of his mind.

This idea, extremely bold, seems to be the norm of people, and even many people have that idea.

Small World and Great World, life can be born, even from which many powerful races can emerge, standing in the clear world. Why did humankind not have a life in the body world, since the human system of world cultivation was a mirror?

“Life… can only be created by void and created by the ancestors. But the universe, the many of the world, has not taken the initiative of the ancestors to create life, but still lives are born.”

Lei Dao had a lot of ideas in his mind.

He always felt that the human World Series system seemed somewhat incomplete.

Small World, Great World in the Minor World, how did it happen again?

“The birth of life, for the world in the clear world, is naturally born, and no one knows why. Humans in the body world, no life can be born even longer. Maybe that’s the only cheat of the World Series.”

Lei Dao didn’t know what that cheat would affect, and he had a hidden feeling. If humankind were to be able to fill this evil, the World Series system would be a great fan, even greater than the meat cultivation system, which now has a clear demarcation.

Just now Lei Dao has no way of solving this problem.

Lei Dao’s head is dying, and he’s still in the middle of breakthrough. All right, once in the body World Start! I don’t actually need to consume Lei Dao’s mind.

A gradual end to the mutation of the world in rado Body.

He’s in the body world, and he’s finally turned into Great World!

“It’s done, it’s finally done!

Lei Dao feels unlimited.

Ten years of Sunday, 10 years of effort, like one day, seem to be as normal as yesterday, with a history that makes Lei Dao sigh.


‘s not easy, it’s not easy!

Lei Dao thinks his cultivation is too hard!

I can’t even think of Lei Dao myself today.

The change in one hundred and two standard circles has given him the power to feel “exploded”.

Lei Dao’s power is too strong, and he even thinks that fist was capable of breaking up the top pride he met!

Of course, maybe that’s a misunderstanding.

“Difficult, it must be a mistake. I’m just a hundred and two standard circles, and how could fist blow up the top pride? Maybe now, I’m just superior, maybe a little stronger than I am.”

Lei Dao got excited and some regained composure came.

He’s got to be low-key!

Or he doesn’t have the strength right now.


Lord of the sword would then be able to say hundreds of standard lines, which would certainly be the top genius of hundreds of the world’s size and size among humankind.

Lei Dao is still far from the top genius.

However, Lei Dao’s self-confidence should not be too much behind, and hundreds of standard communities became Great World and had the opportunity to succeed.

As a result, Lei Dao would never feel invincible.

Maybe, just after the surge in power, it’s all about thats.

Lei Dao still had to flee quickly, but he was able to cross the shuttle, and he would certainly have some advantage under the authority of God.

“By the way, life span should add a little more after the achievement?”

Lei Dao knows that every time in the body world changes, that would add some lifespan, of course, and that the increased lifespan would not be exaggerated, but as long as lifespan could be added, it would be a great deal for Lei Dao.

Lei Dao remembered that his lifespan should have left more than 9 million years.

Now Lei Dao mobilized the isomer immediately, checking body data.

Lei Dao (29 years old)

Life patterns: Grand Pride

Lifespan: 6,900 twenty, 36,000, 200, 70, five months.

in the body world: a Great World (Can upgrade)

No death: great accomplishment (can upgrade)

Lei Dao startled in the heart, and he saw his lifespan at this moment, which had reached more than 69 million years ago, more than 9 million years ago, and five countless years later!

So Lei Dao’s promotion became a great pride, and lifespan increased the whole five countless years!

“Five countless years… The entire human race walked out of ancestral land, and there were no five countless years in the history that came to the dawn. It is no wonder that humankind has not come to a great deal of dignity so far. How can this long lifespan come?”

Lei Dao was able to see lifespan, so he looked more thoroughly than others.

But if it’s just “alive”, that’s a long lifespan, it’s almost “lifespan”.

There are no five countless years in human history, even countless years.

Compared to the lifespan of five countless years, human dignity is now quite young.

This, however, also gives Lei Dao the tide of hope for the dominance.

Dignity can have five countless years lifespan, so what about the Lord?

I’m afraid it’s hard to imagine.

“By the way, in the body Small World, became Great World, and it seemed that it would be possible to upgrade it directly with isolated energy?”

Lei Dao’s heartbeat.

He wants to see how much lifespan it takes to upgrade once.

“Had you been consumed for 100 million years, lifespan, opened a Great World?”

Lei Dao opened his eyes, as if it was unbelievable.

“100 million years?”

What is this?

Lei Dao used to expand a standard community in the dignity of the priests, only a million years of lifespan.

And now?

The depleted lifespan jumped 100 times the whole time!

A hundred times lifespan, 100 million years, and think about that figure, which is almost an astronomical figure. And now Lei Dao doesn’t have a billion years of lifespan to reach seven countless years of lifespan thats all.

In addition, there’s really a billion years of lifespan, and Lei Dao will try to keep him alive and cultivating to Perfection.

“100 million years of lifespan, how much does this cost to life prolonging the treasure category? How big do you have to do it?”

Lei Dao shake ones head.

He felt so hard, cultivation really was getting harder. Especially after Grand Highness, it’s even harder.

in the body world, it will not be possible to upgrade temporarily, nor will Lei Dao be upgraded, nor will it be able to succeed in the Lord at least half of the time, until sufficient lifespan has been saved.


Suddenly Lei Dao seems to have heard the “bell sound” of the Guardian God Palace.

It’s a treasure, Guardian God’s Palace treasure.

Once “bell sound” rings, all of the people in the Guardian God’s palace can “hear” bell sound, from ordinary to true, dignified, or even dominant.

“What’s going on?”

Lei Dao startled in one heart.

He’s first time to hear this kind of bell sound. Indeed, Lei Dao was able to know “bell sound”, which was also common knowledge of the Guardian God Palace. Once the Guardian God’s palace rings this “bell sound”, it means that the Guardian God Palace is facing a major crisis of life and death.

It’s possible to destroy at any time.

This is the moment of life and death!

Just, how could the Guardian God Palace be at a time of death?

Guardian God’s Palace is the master oversee!

Moreover, the Guardian God Palace is not the Guardian God’s temple in the North, which is one of the five gods of humankind, is the very essence of humankind, and how can life and death crisis be encountered?


Lei Dao almost didn’t think about it, and the first time came out of the secret room.

At this point, the Guardian God Palace has been completely chaotic.


over the world are true gods and priests, but Silhouette, the great pride, is hard to find.

Lei Dao grabbed a pride, directly solemnly asked: “What the hell happened? Why would the Guardian God Palace ring bell sound?”


is also a slight dissatisfaction in this nobility, but it feels that Lei Dao is doing great in the Great World, knowing that it is now a great pride, and then respectfully said: “With great respect, the Scorpion is attacking my Guardian God Palais in the north, the Guardian God Temple in the East, the Guardian God, the Guardian God in the Western Guardian God, and all three shrines are being attacked by the Scorpion. The current frontline is at risk of being breakthrough at any time, so that bell sound, all true, dignified and dignified, must immediately go to the front line to support it.”

After all, the pride said goodbye, and left in a hurry.

“What, Scorpion attack?”

Lei Dao startled in one heart.

He’s a little more than anyone else knows.

He knows that the Lord of the sword is currently trying to make breakthrough the dominant.

But this time Scorpion attacked a lot, so I’m afraid there’s only one purpose.

Absolutely exterminate humans!

Maybe the Scorpion’s master has left seclusion, so the Scorpion is afraid to attack.

Just, Lei Dao doesn’t know if the Lord of the sword is successful.

But without promotion, Lei Dao must now get to the front line of the Guardian God’s temple in the north.

He has to oversee the Great World!


Lei Dao immediately drilled into the space corridor, started crossing the shuttle space, moved towards the Great World.

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