“Lord Ray, you saved us, and I mentioned the new world before, and I must take you, either now or later.”

“Wait for what? It’s not too late. Go now!”

Lei Dao is reluctant to wait, although he’s not trying to save a peanut woman for what he called a new world, but it’s really good if he gets a new world’s natural resources.

Those new World natural resources, even Lei Dao, could be converted to Apotheosis stones.

Moreover, if the world was completely controlled, it would also be possible to “sell” to some powerful influence, and that would also be an unreasonable income.

Now Lei Dao is poor, and he has to be “fine.”

“This, Lord Ray, the two of my lives and deaths, are now in the new world, and, once we have passed, the Mitch will cause conflict.”

Big pride clenched ones teeth said.

“Conflicts? We don’t compete with them to rob the new world. How could there be a conflict? Anyway, the new World’s natural resources are many, and everyone’s safe.”

“But what if they want to swallow alone?”

“If they really want to swallow it, then we don’t want to rob, even self-defence, what happens then, and the Lei can’t guarantee it.”

Don’t touch Lei Dao.

But since Lei Dao’s going, then she will naturally take Lei Dao.

As for the natural resources of the new World, in fact, she was thinking about dont go, and she knew that the new World had no part of her.

Lei Dao saved her life, and what did she mean to say to Lei Dao?

So, Lovely Nodded, Lei Dao was invited to her spaceship.

“Why don’t we ride spaceship together and go to the new World.”

“Well, go to the new World as soon as possible, and then I’m going to abandon the frontier for mapping.”

“Drawing maps?”

Don’t you know what Lei Dao dignified is doing to map the abandoned frontier?

But Lei Dao said so, and she wouldn’t dare ask, but Lei Dao was happy.

So Lei Dao flew into the lofty spaceship.

This spaceship is clearly also a very valuable treasure, generally speaking, that is going to be much more than ever. However, it is clear that the blood cells are very good at speed so that they can always be followed by a great respect for spaceship.

Had it not been Lei Dao, it would have been inconceivable to see the consequences of the rest.

When you get into spaceship, you start spaceship with great dignity.

On the other side, the great pride said, “Don’t worry, the new world is very secret, and no one will know. And now, at the most, my two dead ones know.”

Referring to the intercourse of life and death, the great dignity appeared to be gnashing teeth, apparently hated both of them.

“By the way, what’s the name of the two living and dead?”

“One called Great Dignity, one Tiger Dignity.”

“En? So simple, rough title?”

Lei Dao is really somewhat speechless.

It’s all right in the clear world, just some big title is really weird.

“It is actually simple, because these two grandpriests have been instructed by a tiger’s greatness for years, and then the tiger’s greatness and the two have become great dignity, which means that they have not forgotten the glory’s grace.”

“Initiais this way, which seems to be very serious.”

“Just a little more affection, a new world, a change of shameless!”

So Lei Dao didn’t ask about Tiger Dignity and Dignity, but then they wouldn’t come to trouble Lei Dao.

As for their grievances with great respect, Lei Dao will not interfere.

As time passes, spaceship has flew to the depths of the abandoned frontier soon.

This abandoned frontier, which is cold everywhere, has not seen a world along the road, has seen only a few pieces, some of which are fragmented World fragments, and zero floats are floating in void.

Sighed: “It was a very prosperous frontier that, unfortunately, seemed to have experienced a great war in Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, which was shattered and eventually turned into this.”

“Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering great war? Even if it’s the battle of the Lord, I’m afraid it won’t break the boundaries.”

Lei Dao has some doubts.

“I don’t know, maybe the Lord, maybe the greater existence.”

Darling shake ones head.

Since the abandoned frontier became this way, few people have come to the abandoned frontier.

It is also very unusual to see a new world in a very unexpected situation.

After all, the birth of the new World is a need for specific environments.

And abandoning an environment like the frontier is, in fact, difficult to produce a new world.

But it is possible for all sorts of miracles to happen, even the obvious spectacles, to have a new world in the abandoned frontier, though very different, not impossible.


Suddenly Lei Dao lifted his head.

He felt that there had been some huge energy fluctuations in the front, so that there were even a lot of powerful aura, with real gods, respect and even great pride aura.

Lovely eyes are open, and there seems to be feelings.

She was surprised to say, “How did that happen? I didn’t reveal any news about the new world, but only Tiger and Great Dignity know, but now, how can there be so many people?”

With spaceship approaching, everyone also saw the scene.

In void, densely packed, surrounded by a circle, densely packed, looking around, at a minimum of thousands of ethnic revisitinerant monk, the largest number of which is starlight.

After all, the abandonment of the frontier is close to the starlight, and after receiving information, the starlight will be able to arrive at the fastest possible rate.

Lei Dao opened his mouth, and his face was kind of weird.

Is that the secret that you’re talking about?

This is the new world that nobody knows?

This is a circle and a circle, and the people who keep coming, just waiting for the new world to be completely shaped, which can be called secret?

Darling face somewhat ugly, but she laughed bitterly, and said, “Lord Ray, I don’t know when the information is leaked, so many people are here.”

Lovely pride is, in fact, grievance.

She doesn’t count on the so-called secret, so everyone knows it.

“Sweet pride!”

Suddenly, the sound of anger was passed into the ears.

Lei Dao was in the past, two great dignitaries, and this is the moment of anger coming.

“Tiger pride, great pride, and you have faces in front of me?”

It is equally angry to see Tiger and Great Dignity.

Tiger Master said with a sneer: “Sweet pride, you’re telling us this new world is the only one you know, no one else knows, it’s infinite. But look, is this infinite?”

“It’s life! Both of you have forgotten, and you should be punished for violating your commitments.”

Seeing Tiger’s pride and great pride so angry, the great pride has relieved the anger. The two great priests have turned their backs on the ground, and the result has been nothing, and naturally, they have made them feel comfortable.

“We break our promises. Why don’t you try that?”

Tiger has looked at Lei Dao with great dignity, but nothing more.

Even if the two men had betrayed and violated their commitments, they would not have done so with great dignity. After all, the two sides have had a little affair, and there is no interest here, and the move is just to laugh at thats all.

“Go see the new world.”

Lei Dao said it directly.

So, neither did you say anything about Tiger, Great Dignity, but moved directly to the new world in front of him.

gaze at Grand Pride and Silhouette of the rest, mutually took a glance of Tiger and Power, both expression somewhat ugly.

“The blood cells can’t catch the big pride? I’m afraid there’s some trouble, and the big pride will hate us for what we do.”

“As a matter of fact, she should not be able to escape, but how did she escape? And it’s safe to go back to the new world with people.”

“The one who repaired itinerant monk next to the great pride is also a great pride, can it be, saved by this great pride?”

“It is possible, for the time being, not to act blindly without thinking, that we have a little affection with great dignity and that we have not been able to fight for life or death. That’s it, thats all, and it’s not gonna happen again, but the new world, we have to fight, otherwise, it’s not a waste of money.”

So the tiger and the mighty pride flew over the past, even if there was more to repair itinerant monk here, but eventually they could compete for this new world’s largest natural resources, which they still have!

Lei Dao has approached the new World.

He’s gaze at this new world, and there’s a surprise in his eyes.

The birth of the new World, Lei Dao never saw it.

This is the first time.

However, Lei Dao is a human being, cultivation is the World Series, the system of simulation of the civilization. There is a process of opening the world, and even Lei Dao himself opened a new world.

Just, the new world now seems to have passed the stage of the explosion, but it’s slowly becoming the stage.

Once it’s shape, it’s the real world.

“This world is kind of big, not Small World?”

Lei Dao is a little surprised.

“Lord Ray, this world is very curious, so big, maybe it’s a Great World!”

Darling Mr. said solemnly.

“Great World?” Great World? ”

Lei Dao eyes shine.

He has heard that 99% of the world, basically Small World, is likely to grow into Great World after long years of age, like billions of years.

The birth is Great World, which must be natural resources rich, an unusual Great World that can even attract the attention of the rulers.

Of course, it is not possible for the masters to rob themselves of a newborn Great World.

But the top priests won’t have nothing to worry about.

And now there’s an increasing number of repairs to itinerant monk, and there must be a lot of supremacy.

Lei Dao has some thoughts in mind.

“This world of no Lord, shouldn’t it be a robbery?”

Lei Dao muttered.

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